20-398. Policy forms; approval or disapproval; exemption

A. Except for fidelity, surety or guaranty bonds or industrial insurance as provided in section 20-400.10, except for any portion of a property insurance policy that contains wildfire protection services, and except as to inland marine risks that by general custom of the business are not written according to manual rates or rating plans, a policy form applying to insurance on risks or operations covered by this article may not be delivered or issued for delivery unless the form has been filed with the director and either the director has issued, within thirty days, an order affirmatively approving or disapproving the form or the thirty-day period has elapsed and the director has not disapproved the form as ambiguous, misleading or deceptive. On written notice given within the thirty-day period to the person making the filing, the director may extend the period for up to fifteen additional days to enable the director to complete the review of the filing.

B. The director, by order, may exempt from the requirements of this section, for as long as the director deems proper, any insurance document or form as specified in the order, to which, in the director's opinion, this section may not practicably be applied, or the filing and approval of which are, in the director's opinion, not desirable or necessary for the protection of the public.

C. Any property insurance policy containing wildfire protection services, including wildfire mitigation and wildfire suppression services conducted by a private entity, that is issued for delivery to an insured in this state shall contain a conspicuously stamped or written notice in bold-faced type that states that the wildfire protection services are not subject to review by the department.