35-391. Credit card payments by governmental entities; disclosure; definitions

A. A governmental entity may require that a vendor accept a specific method of payment exclusively for any goods or services provided by the vendor to the governmental entity. If a governmental entity requires a specific method of payment be used exclusively, the governmental entity must disclose the required method of payment during the bid process or amend the contract under mutual agreement with the vendor.

B. If a governmental entity pays a vendor by credit card for goods or services provided by the vendor to the governmental entity, the governmental entity shall disclose in its annual financial report the amount of any reward, discount, incentive or other financial consideration received by the governmental entity resulting from the credit card payment.

C. For the purposes of this section:

1. "Credit card" has the same meaning prescribed in section 35-101.

2. "Governmental entity" means an agency, board, commission, department or other entity operating under the authority of this state or a city, town, county, school district, community college district or special taxing district.