41-4008. Costs of complying with standards; reimbursement from relocation fund; definition
A. The costs of bringing a mobile home into compliance with the requirements of this article may be reimbursed to the owner from the mobile home relocation fund established by section 33-1476.02 if all of the following are true:
1. The mobile home is moved from one mobile home park in this state to another mobile home park in this state.
2. The household income of the owner of the mobile home is at or below one hundred per cent of the current federal poverty level guidelines as published annually by the United States department of health and human services.
3. The mobile home is not being relocated as the result of a judgment in a forcible detainer or special detainer action requiring the owner to vacate the mobile home park in which the mobile home is located.
B. The amount of the reimbursement pursuant to this section shall not exceed one thousand five hundred dollars for the costs related to any mobile home.
C. The fund shall have a claim for reimbursement of sums received under this section by an individual who fails to reside in the mobile home for six months following its relocation, unless the failure was due to the death or disability of a resident.
D. For the purposes of this section, "owner" means an individual whose primary residence has been the mobile home continuously for the six-month period preceding an application for reimbursement, or an individual who has purchased the mobile home and who intends to reside in the mobile home as the individual's primary residence after the relocation.