48-3705. Notice; hearing on petitions; transcript

A. Upon receipt of petitions from three or more counties, the director shall set a date for hearing on the petitions not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days after the date of filing of such petitions.  The director shall cause a signed notice giving the time and place of the hearing on the petitions to be:

1. Mailed by certified mail to the board of supervisors of each county in the state.

2. Published at least once each week for two consecutive weeks in newspapers of general circulation published in each of the counties of the state, or, if no newspaper is published in a particular county, in a newspaper published in an adjoining county.

3. Posted in three or more conspicuous places in each county in the state at least two weeks before the date set for hearing.

B. Any county not included in the petitions for which notice of the hearing has been given may file with the director a petition to be included in such district. Such petition may be filed at any time up to ten days prior to the date of the hearing on the original petitions and, if filed, shall be considered as though filed with such petitions. The petitioners so filing shall serve notice of such filing on the clerks of the boards of supervisors of the original petitioning counties, and shall publish a copy of such notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county which they represent not less than five days prior to the date of the hearing. No further notice of the inclusion of additional counties shall be required.

C. At the hearing, any affected person may appear and be heard on any matter relating to the establishment of the proposed district.

D. The director shall cause a transcript to be made of all proceedings.