8-901. Missing, kidnapped or runaway children; mandatory reporting

A. A law enforcement agency that receives a report of a missing, kidnapped or runaway child shall do all of the following:

1. Within two hours after receiving the report and all necessary and available information, submit the following information to the Arizona crime information center, the national crime information center computer networks and the national missing and unidentified persons system:

(a) The name, date of birth, sex, race, height, weight and eye and hair color of the child.

(b) A recent photograph of the child, if available.

(c) The date and location of the last known contact with the child.

(d) The category under which the child is reported missing.

2. Not later than thirty days after the original entry of the record, verify and update the record with any additional information, including, where available, medical and dental records and a photograph taken during the previous one hundred eighty days.

3. Institute or assist with appropriate search and investigative procedures.

4. Maintain a close liaison with state and local child welfare systems and the national center for missing and exploited children for the exchange of information and technical assistance in the missing child case.

5. Grant permission to the national crime information center terminal contractor for this state to update the missing child record in the national crime information center computer networks with additional information that is learned during the investigation and that relates to the missing child.

B. A law enforcement agency that receives a report of a missing, kidnapped or runaway child who is in the foster care system shall notify the national center for missing and exploited children in addition to the entities listed in subsection A of this section.

C. An entry may not be removed from any database or system until the child is found or the case is closed.