
Arizona Revised Statutes

Chapter 1
Sec: 20-101-20-191
Article 1Scope of Title
  • 20-101
  • Department of insurance and financial institutions; definition
  • 20-103
  • Definition of insurance; exceptions
  • 20-106
  • Acts constituting the transaction of business; definition
  • 20-107
  • Limitation on transaction of insurance; exception
  • 20-108
  • Types of insurers excepted
  • 20-108.01
  • Extended warranty insurers; deposit with state treasurer; powers and duties; definition
  • 20-111
  • Health insurers; savings incentive programs; definitions
  • 20-112
  • Existing actions or violations
  • 20-113
  • Construction of particular and general provisions
  • 20-114
  • Violations; classification
  • 20-115
  • Department jurisdiction over certain health care providers; exception; examination; disclosure
  • 20-116
  • Surety bonds; cash deposit as alternative
  • 20-118
  • Prohibition; definitions
  • 20-119
  • Charitable gift annuities; audited financial statements; disclosure statement; commissions prohibited; definitions
  • 20-120
  • Payment bonds for third party intermediary entities; contract provisions; definitions
  • 20-121
  • Health care exchange; abortion coverage; prohibition; exceptions
  • 20-122
  • Health care sharing ministries; exemption from regulation; definition
  • 20-125
  • Sending notices and correspondence
  • 20-126
  • Annual dental loss ratio report; posting; definitions
Article 2Administrative Officers and Procedures
  • 20-141
  • Director of the department of insurance and financial institutions; appointment; qualifications; compensation
  • 20-142
  • Powers and duties of director; payment of examination and investigation costs; home health services
  • 20-145
  • Evidentiary effect of certificate of authority
  • 20-147
  • Assistant director; chief examiner; appointment; qualifications
  • 20-148
  • Deputies and other employees; special services
  • 20-149
  • Prohibition on certain activities by employees; conflict of interest
  • 20-150
  • Delegation of director's authority
  • 20-151
  • Issuance of orders and notices by director
  • 20-154
  • Annual report; list of authorized insurers
  • 20-155
  • Expenses of administration
  • 20-156
  • Examination of insurers; financial surveillance fund; definition
  • 20-157
  • Access and powers relating to insurers' records
  • 20-157.01
  • Confidentiality of insurer's claim files and records; access by director; definition
  • 20-158
  • Report of examinations by director; information sharing
  • 20-159
  • Insurance examiners' revolving fund; definition
  • 20-160
  • Powers of examination; witnesses; subpoenas; perjury
  • 20-162
  • Demand for hearing; stay of order
  • 20-168
  • Preparation and sale of publications
  • 20-169
  • Supervision by director
  • 20-170
  • Prohibited acts during sixty day period of supervision
  • 20-171
  • Conservatorship; liquidation
  • 20-172
  • Possession by director of person transacting insurance prior to appointment of receiver; powers of director in possession; stay of possession order; application to title insurance
  • 20-173
  • Residence requirement; exemption for officer representing insurer
Article 3Mandated Health Coverage
  • 20-181
  • Mandated health coverage; report
  • 20-182
  • Factors for assessing impact; certification of report
  • 20-183
  • Report procedures and deadlines
Article 4Payment of Premiums
  • 20-191
  • Payment of premiums by mail; date of payment
Chapter 2
Sec: 20-201-20-492.06
Article 1Authorization of Insurers and General Requirements
  • 20-201
  • "Alien" insurer defined
  • 20-202.01
  • Stock insurer's initial free surplus defined
  • 20-202.02
  • Mutual insurer's minimum required basic surplus defined
  • 20-202.03
  • Mutual insurer's initial free surplus defined
  • 20-202.04
  • Reciprocal insurer's required basic surplus defined
  • 20-202.05
  • Reciprocal insurer's initial free surplus defined
  • 20-203
  • "Domestic" insurer defined
  • 20-204
  • "Foreign" insurer defined
  • 20-205
  • "State," "United States" defined
  • 20-206
  • Authority to transact insurance
  • 20-207
  • General qualifications to transact insurance
  • 20-208
  • Definition of guaranteed investment contract
  • 20-209
  • Kinds of insurance an insurer may transact
  • 20-210
  • Minimum required capital stock or basic surplus
  • 20-212
  • Funds required to transact additional kinds of insurance
  • 20-214
  • Financial requirements; escalator provisions
  • 20-215
  • Application for certificate of authority
  • 20-216
  • Issuance or refusal of certificate
  • 20-217
  • Certificate of authority; term; termination; delivery upon termination or revocation
  • 20-218.02
  • Change of known place of business or statutory agent
  • 20-219
  • Mandatory revocation or suspension
  • 20-220
  • Certificate of authority; refusal to renew; revocation or suspension; civil penalty
  • 20-220.01
  • Hazardous financial condition; determination; order
  • 20-221
  • Director as agent for service of process
  • 20-222
  • Service of process; time to answer
  • 20-223
  • Annual statement; payment of fees; penalty for failure to file or pay
  • 20-223.01
  • Annual report of product liability insurer
  • 20-224.01
  • Additional premium tax; civil penalty
  • 20-224.03
  • Premium tax credit for new employment
  • 20-224.04
  • Affordable housing premium tax credit
  • 20-224.05
  • Premium tax credit for health insurance certificates submitted by qualified persons; definitions
  • 20-224.06
  • Premium tax credit for contributions to school tuition organization; low-income scholarships
  • 20-224.07
  • Premium tax credit for contributions to school tuition organization; displaced students and students with disabilities
  • 20-225
  • Failure to pay tax; penalty; exception
  • 20-226
  • Exclusive character of premium tax; exception
  • 20-227
  • Disposition of tax proceeds
  • 20-228
  • Exemption of insurers from general corporation reports and fees
  • 20-229
  • Insurance producer; identification; exceptions
  • 20-232
  • Junior achievement program; exemption from licensure
  • 20-233
  • Additional information required of insurer; disclosure to director; violation; classification
  • 20-234
  • Filing requirement; participation in the insurance regulatory information system
  • 20-235
  • Insurers; financial disclosure; requirements
  • 20-236
  • Civil penalty for failure to respond to a request for verification of financial responsibility
  • 20-237
  • Failure to provide information; penalty
  • 20-238
  • Health insurance; state regulation; rating areas; definitions
  • 20-239
  • Electronic communications and records; applicability; definitions
  • 20-240
  • Electronic posting of policies; definitions
  • 20-241
  • Contracts to provide health care services; form of payment; notice; explanation of benefits; definitions
  • 20-242
  • Health insurers; provider networks; notice; options; definitions
Article 2Kinds of Insurance; Reinsurance; Limits of Risk
  • 20-251
  • Definitions not mutually exclusive
  • 20-252
  • "Casualty insurance" defined
  • 20-253
  • "Disability insurance" defined
  • 20-254
  • "Life insurance" defined
  • 20-255
  • "Marine and transportation insurance" defined
  • 20-256
  • "Property insurance" defined
  • 20-257
  • "Surety insurance" defined
  • 20-259
  • "Vehicle insurance" defined
  • 20-259.01
  • Motor vehicle liability policy; uninsured optional; underinsured optional; subrogation; medical payments liens; definitions
  • 20-259.02
  • Coverage to include car pool operators and car pool vehicles; definitions
  • 20-259.03
  • Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages; insured; wrongful death recovery
  • 20-262
  • Motor vehicle insurance policy; reduction of rate for older person completing accident prevention course; course requirements
  • 20-263
  • Vehicle insurance; prohibited act by insurer; hearing; penalty
  • 20-264
  • Automobile insurance; damaged safety equipment deductible optional; definition
  • 20-265
  • Motor vehicle insurance; premium and fee comparisons and complaint ratios
  • 20-266
  • Minimum liability policy; availability
  • 20-267
  • Motor vehicle liability policies; monthly basis; fee
  • 20-268
  • Motor vehicle subrogation
  • 20-270
  • Residential property insurance; prohibited acts
  • 20-271
  • Lienholders; proof; accidents; notice; applicability
Article 3Insurance Producer Licensing
  • 20-283
  • Exceptions to insurance producer licensing
  • 20-284
  • Application for examination
  • 20-285
  • Application for license
  • 20-286
  • Licensure; lines of authority
  • 20-288
  • Exemption from examination
  • 20-289
  • Expiration; surrender; renewal
  • 20-289.01
  • Inactive license or application status during military service
  • 20-290
  • Insurance producer records; individual licensees
  • 20-291
  • Service of process on nonresident licensees
  • 20-292
  • Violation; injunctive relief
  • 20-293
  • Insurance vending machines
  • 20-295
  • License denial, suspension or revocation; civil penalty
  • 20-296
  • Effect of suspension or revocation of license
  • 20-297
  • Assumed business name; trade name
Article 3.1Managing General Agents
  • 20-311
  • Definition of managing general agent; exceptions; adjustment or payment of claims
  • 20-311.01
  • Managing general agents; requirements
  • 20-311.02
  • Requirements for managing general agent agreements
Article 3.2Adjusters
  • 20-321.01
  • Licensing of adjusters; qualifications; exemption
Article 3.3Other Insurance Professionals
  • 20-331
  • Rental car agents; definitions
  • 20-331.01
  • Political subdivision employees; risk management consultant licenses; application of other laws
  • 20-332
  • Self-service storage agents; license; definitions
Article 3.4Navigators and Certified Application Counselors
  • 20-336.04
  • Certified application counselors; licensing
Article 3.5Bail Bond Agents and Bail Recovery Agents
  • 20-340.01
  • Bail bond agents; licensure; business entities; place of business; receipt; maintenance of records
  • 20-340.04
  • Bail recovery agent prohibitions; criminal records checks
Article 4Rates and Rating Organizations
  • 20-341
  • Purpose of insurance rate regulation
  • 20-342
  • Scope and application of article
  • 20-357
  • Filing of rating system; definition
  • 20-359
  • Deviations from filed workers' compensation rates
  • 20-361
  • Licensing of rating organizations
  • 20-362
  • Notice to director of changes in rating organization
  • 20-363
  • Availability of services of rating organization to members
  • 20-365
  • Cooperation in rate making
  • 20-366
  • Appeal by member or subscriber from action relating to filings
  • 20-367
  • Workers' compensation appeals board; composition
  • 20-369
  • Joint underwriting or joint reinsurance
  • 20-370
  • Examinations of rating organizations
  • 20-372
  • Disclosure of information relating to rates
  • 20-374
  • Revocation and suspension of licenses
  • 20-375
  • Making of title insurance rates
  • 20-376
  • Filing of title insurance rates; approval or disapproval
  • 20-377
  • Justification for title insurance rates
  • 20-378
  • Disapproval of title insurance filings
  • 20-379
  • Deviations in title insurance rates
Article 4.1Open Competition Rates and Rating Organizations
  • 20-386
  • Filings open to inspection
  • 20-387
  • Delegation of rate making and rate filing obligations
  • 20-389
  • Rate service organizations; license; application
  • 20-390
  • Advisory organizations; filing with director
  • 20-391
  • Joint underwriting and joint reinsurance organizations; filing with director
  • 20-392
  • Rate agreements among insurers prohibited
  • 20-393
  • Recording and reporting of experience
  • 20-394
  • Examination of rate service organizations and joint underwriting and joint reinsurance organizations
  • 20-395
  • Apportionment agreements among insurers
  • 20-396
  • Hearing and judicial review
  • 20-398
  • Policy forms; approval or disapproval; exemption
Article 4.2Compliance With Filed Rates
  • 20-400.02
  • Submittal of data comparing premiums charged to filed rates
  • 20-400.05
  • Examiners and examination related expenses
Article 5Unauthorized Insurers
  • 20-401.01
  • Unlawful transaction of insurance business; exemptions
  • 20-401.02
  • Violation; cease and desist orders; injunctive relief
  • 20-401.03
  • Service of process in an action by the director
  • 20-401.04
  • Action by attorney general to enforce order or decision of court or director; foreign decrees
  • 20-401.05
  • Certificate of exemption; definitions
  • 20-401.06
  • Unauthorized transactions; classification
  • 20-401.07
  • Premium receipts tax on industrial insureds contracting with unauthorized insurer; definitions
  • 20-403
  • Service of process in an action by someone other than the director
  • 20-405
  • Prerequisites for participating in court action
  • 20-406
  • Attorneys' fees in action against insurer
  • 20-407.01
  • Designation as a domestic surplus lines insurer; requirements; scope of business activity permitted
  • 20-408
  • Report of broker; civil penalty
  • 20-409
  • Recognized surplus lines
  • 20-410
  • Validity of surplus lines insurance; disclosure; policy fees
  • 20-411
  • Licensing of surplus lines broker; examination
  • 20-411.01
  • Licensing of Mexican insurance surplus lines broker
  • 20-411.02
  • Nonresident surplus lines broker; remittance of tax on insurance procured out of state
  • 20-412
  • Acceptance of surplus lines business by broker
  • 20-413
  • Placing of surplus lines coverage; endorsement by broker; list of unauthorized insurers; removal from list; definition
  • 20-414
  • Records of surplus lines brokers
  • 20-415
  • Statement of surplus lines insurance business transacted by broker; reporting periods; exception
  • 20-416.01
  • Collection and payment of tax on surplus lines; multistate agreement
  • 20-417
  • Failure to remit tax; civil penalty; exception
  • 20-418
  • Denial, revocation or suspension of license; civil penalty
  • 20-419
  • Legal process against surplus lines insurer
  • 20-420
  • Exemptions from surplus lines provisions
  • 20-421
  • Access of director to records of person insured by unauthorized insurer
  • 20-422
  • Alien insurance for coverage in Mexico
  • 20-423
  • Voluntary domestic organization of surplus lines brokers; membership; stamping fee collection; meetings; definition
Article 6Unfair Practices and Frauds
  • 20-441
  • Purpose of article; definition
  • 20-442
  • Unfair trade practices prohibited
  • 20-443
  • Misrepresentations and false advertising of policies; false disclosure of compensation
  • 20-443.01
  • Misrepresentation in sale of insurance; violation; classification
  • 20-444
  • False or deceptive advertising of insurance or status as insurer
  • 20-446
  • Acts tending to result in unreasonable restraint or monopoly of insurance business
  • 20-447
  • False financial statements or records
  • 20-448
  • Unfair discrimination; definitions
  • 20-448.01
  • Required insurance procedures relating to HIV information; confidentiality; violations; penalties; definitions
  • 20-448.02
  • Genetic testing; informed consent; definitions
  • 20-449
  • Rebates on life or disability insurance
  • 20-450
  • Practices not prohibited as discrimination or rebates in life and disability insurance; wellness programs; definition
  • 20-451
  • Rebates on other than life or disability insurance; definitions
  • 20-452.01
  • Designation of particular insurer or person transacting insurance prohibited
  • 20-452.04
  • Investigation by director of alleged violations
  • 20-453
  • Programs for purchase by policyholders of securities of insurance companies
  • 20-454
  • Programs for purchase by policyholders of securities of companies not engaged in insurance
  • 20-455
  • Interlocking ownership or management; multiple directorship
  • 20-456
  • Cease and desist order for defined or prohibited practices; civil penalty
  • 20-457
  • Premature disposal of premium notes prohibited
  • 20-458
  • Fraudulent statement in application; classification
  • 20-459
  • Deferred dividends; life
  • 20-460
  • Free choice of insurance producer
  • 20-461
  • Unfair claim settlement practices
  • 20-462
  • Timely payment of claims
  • 20-463
  • Fraud; injunction; penalties; restitution; definitions
  • 20-463.01
  • Unlawful practices; auto glass repair; policyholders; insurers
  • 20-463.02
  • Advanced driver assistance system; auto glass repair; notice; violations; civil penalties; definitions
  • 20-464
  • Prohibiting payment for services to persons other than the assignee
  • 20-465
  • Fees; insurance producers; definition
  • 20-466
  • Fraud unit; investigators; peace officer status; powers; information sharing; assessment
  • 20-466; Version 2
  • Fraud unit; investigators; peace officer status; powers; information sharing; assessment
  • 20-466.02
  • Injunction; restitution; civil penalties; costs
  • 20-466.03
  • Notice of penalty for false or fraudulent claims; definition
  • 20-466.04
  • Referrals to other licensing agencies; definition
  • 20-467
  • Return premiums; penalties
  • 20-468
  • Motor vehicle loss; policyholder choice of repair facility
  • 20-469
  • Motor vehicle loss; choice of glass repair facility
  • 20-469.01
  • Third party administrator; glass; violation; classification; definition
Article 7Insurance on Collateral Security
  • 20-471
  • Definition of insurance service charge; limit; prohibited use
  • 20-472
  • Service charges in connection with insurance on collateral security prohibited when change of ownership
  • 20-473
  • Obligation of mortgagee to furnish mortgagor copies of insurance policy
  • 20-474
  • Service charges in connection with insurance on collateral security prohibited when mortgagee procures insurance
  • 20-475
  • Reasonable requirements of security holder are valid
  • 20-475.01
  • Insurance on mortgaged property; disclosure of expiration date prohibited; exception
  • 20-476
  • Violation; classification
Article 8Insurance Holding Company Systems
  • 20-481.02
  • Tender offers; required statements; disclosures; approval or disapproval by director; definition
  • 20-481.04
  • Statement filed by partnership, corporation or other group
  • 20-481.05
  • Material change of fact; filing amended statement; time
  • 20-481.07
  • Approval and issues; notice; hearings
  • 20-481.08
  • Appointment of director as agent for service of process; forwarding of process; consent to jurisdiction
  • 20-481.10
  • Form and content of registration statement; disclosure of information; enterprise risk filing
  • 20-481.13
  • Material changes; amended statement; time; reporting of dividends
  • 20-481.15
  • Consolidated registration by affiliates
  • 20-481.16
  • Alternative registration for an affiliate
  • 20-481.18
  • Disclaimer of affiliation or control; contents; effect on duty to register
  • 20-481.19
  • Extraordinary dividend or distribution; time; notice; approval by director; definition
  • 20-481.20
  • Examination of registered insurers; powers; limits; expense
  • 20-481.21
  • Confidential records; consent to release; release without consent; information sharing
  • 20-481.25
  • Acquisitions involving insurers not otherwise covered; anticompetitive considerations; civil penalty; definitions
  • 20-481.26
  • Penalties; cease and desist order; violation; classification
  • 20-481.28
  • Insurer's license; revocation; suspension; nonrenewal
  • 20-481.29
  • Injunctions; prohibitions against voting securities; sequestration of voting securities
  • 20-481.32
  • Management of domestic insurers subject to registration
  • 20-481.33
  • Director's authorization; group-wide supervision; internationally active insurance groups
Article 8.1Mutual Holding Company Reorganization
  • 20-482.02
  • Required filings; approval by director and members
  • 20-482.04
  • Plan review and approval; general provisions; hearing
  • 20-482.05
  • Status of mutual holding company as corporation; status of insurer; rights and obligations of members; voting; articles of incorporation
  • 20-482.06
  • Concurrent reorganization with a domestic or foreign mutual insurer
  • 20-482.07
  • Foreign mutual insurer reorganization; definition
Article 9Insurance Administrators
  • 20-485.01
  • Written agreement; provisions; maintenance of records
  • 20-485.02
  • Administrator as intermediary between insurer and insured; right of action preserved
  • 20-485.03
  • Maintenance of records; access; confidentiality; information sharing; examination
  • 20-485.05
  • Inclusion of underwriting standards
  • 20-485.06
  • Charges or premiums collected held in fiduciary capacity; establishment of account; disbursements
  • 20-485.07
  • Payment of claims on behalf of insurer
  • 20-485.09
  • Adjustment or settlement of claims or charges; compensation
  • 20-485.10
  • Deposit or surety bond of administrators; amount; purpose
  • 20-485.11
  • Notice to insureds; statement of charge or premium for coverage; conflict of interest prohibited
  • 20-485.12
  • Certificate of registration; fees; expiration; revocation; civil penalties; violations; classification; injunctive relief
Article 10Reinsurance Intermediaries
  • 20-486
  • Definitions; director's list
  • 20-486.01
  • Licensure of reinsurance intermediaries
  • 20-486.02
  • Required contract provisions; reinsurance intermediary brokers
  • 20-486.03
  • Books and records; reinsurance intermediary brokers
  • 20-486.04
  • Duties of insurers utilizing the services of a reinsurance intermediary broker
  • 20-486.05
  • Required contract provisions; reinsurance intermediary managers
  • 20-486.06
  • Books and records; reinsurance intermediary managers
  • 20-486.07
  • Prohibited acts; reinsurance intermediary managers
  • 20-486.08
  • Duties of reinsurers utilizing the services of a reinsurance intermediary manager
Article 11Producer Controlled Property and Casualty Insurance
Article 12Risk-Based Capital for Insurers
  • 20-488.07
  • Confidentiality; information sharing
  • 20-488.08
  • Supplemental provisions; rules; exemption
Article 13Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
  • 20-489
  • Violent crime control and law enforcement act; insurance business; rules
Article 14Enforcement of Insurance Policies Affecting Certain Holocaust Victims
Article 15Risk Management and Solvency Assessment
  • 20-491.03
  • Submission of ORSA summary report; requirements
  • 20-491.04
  • Exemptions from article requirements; reports
  • 20-491.06
  • Confidentiality of ORSA documents; allowable uses
Article 16Corporate Governance
  • 20-492.03
  • Contents of corporate governance annual disclosure
  • 20-492.05
  • Third-party consultants; confidentiality standards
Chapter 3
Sec: 20-501-20-698.01
Article 1Assets and Liabilities
  • 20-502
  • Assets as deductions from liabilities
  • 20-503
  • Assets not allowed as deductions from liabilities
  • 20-504
  • Reporting assets not allowed
  • 20-506
  • Unearned premium reserve
  • 20-507
  • Unearned premium reserve for marine insurance
  • 20-508
  • Reserves for disability insurance
  • 20-509
  • Increase of inadequate reserves
  • 20-510
  • Standard valuation law; operative date; definitions
  • 20-511
  • Valuation of bonds; limitation
  • 20-512
  • Valuation of other securities
  • 20-512.01
  • Valuation of joint ventures, partnerships and limited liability companies
  • 20-513
  • Valuation of real and personal property
  • 20-514
  • Valuation of purchase money mortgages
  • 20-515
  • Valuation of assets held in separate accounts
  • 20-517
  • Report of acquisitions and dispositions
  • 20-518
  • Acquisitions and dispositions of assets
  • 20-519
  • Nonrenewals, cancellations or revisions of ceded reinsurance agreements
Article 2Investments
  • 20-533
  • Qualification of securities or property as eligible investments
  • 20-535
  • Limitation on percentage of assets invested with single person; exception
  • 20-536
  • Investments; type; limitations
  • 20-537
  • Investment of funds in United States obligations; accounting
  • 20-538
  • Securities of states, territories, counties, municipalities, school districts, political subdivisions, public districts or civil divisions thereof
  • 20-539
  • Federally guaranteed loans
  • 20-540
  • Governmental revenue bonds and obligations; limitation; definitions
  • 20-541
  • Improvement district obligations
  • 20-543
  • Acceptances and bills of exchange
  • 20-545
  • Preferred, guaranteed or preference stock
  • 20-547
  • Equipment trust certificates
  • 20-548
  • Obligations of receivers or trustees
  • 20-549
  • Investments not otherwise authorized; limitations; appraisal; cost
  • 20-551
  • Investments or deposits in financial institutions
  • 20-553
  • Mortgages on real estate; definitions
  • 20-554
  • Purchase money mortgages
  • 20-555
  • Security agreements; definition
  • 20-558
  • Investment company or trust; mutual funds
  • 20-559
  • Investments of foreign and alien insurers
  • 20-560
  • Derivative transactions; definitions
  • 20-562
  • Insurer investments; partnerships; limited liability companies; limitations
Article 3Administration of Deposits
  • 20-583
  • Assets eligible for deposit
  • 20-584
  • Trust companies as depositaries
  • 20-585
  • Responsibility of state for safekeeping of deposits
  • 20-586
  • Rights of insurer during solvency
  • 20-589
  • Levy upon deposits prohibited; exception
Article 4Rehabilitation and Liquidation
  • 20-612
  • Delinquency proceedings; jurisdiction; venue; nature of remedy; appeal
  • 20-613
  • Commencement of delinquency proceedings
  • 20-615
  • Grounds for rehabilitation of domestic insurers
  • 20-616
  • Grounds for liquidation
  • 20-617
  • Grounds for conservation of foreign insurers
  • 20-618
  • Grounds for conservation of alien insurers
  • 20-619
  • Grounds for ancillary liquidation of foreign insurers
  • 20-620
  • Order of rehabilitation; termination
  • 20-621
  • Order of liquidation of domestic insurers
  • 20-622
  • Order of liquidation of alien insurers
  • 20-623
  • Order of conservation or ancillary liquidation of foreign or alien insurers
  • 20-623.01
  • Conduct of all delinquency proceedings
  • 20-624
  • Conduct of delinquency proceedings against domestic and alien insurers
  • 20-625
  • Conduct of delinquency proceedings against foreign insurers
  • 20-626
  • Claims of nonresidents against domestic insurers
  • 20-627
  • Claims against foreign insurers
  • 20-628
  • Proof of claims; notice; hearing
  • 20-629
  • Priority of distribution; definition
  • 20-630
  • Attachment and garnishment of assets
  • 20-631
  • Uniform insurers liquidation act
  • 20-632
  • Deposit of monies collected
  • 20-634
  • Borrowing on pledge of assets
  • 20-635
  • Rights and liabilities fixed as of date liquidation order filed
  • 20-637
  • Qualified financial contracts; definition
  • 20-639
  • Allowance of certain claims
  • 20-643
  • Order to pay assessment
  • 20-644
  • Publication and service of assessment order
  • 20-645
  • Judgment upon assessment
  • 20-646
  • Cooperation with Arizona property and casualty insurance guaranty fund and life and disability insurance guaranty fund
  • 20-647
  • Giving guaranty fund or association immediate access to assets
  • 20-648
  • Receivership liquidation fund; purpose; deposit; expenses of receivership; deputy receiver; powers and duties
  • 20-650
  • Recovery of shareholder liability
Article 5Separate Accounts
  • 20-651
  • Establishment of separate accounts; income, gains and losses; variable benefits; requirements; reserves
Article 6Administration of Insolvency
  • 20-662
  • Arizona property and casualty insurance guaranty fund
  • 20-663
  • Guaranty fund board; composition; compensation
  • 20-664
  • Powers and duties of the board
  • 20-666
  • Assessments; notification; exemptions; setoffs; refunds
  • 20-667
  • Obligations of the fund
  • 20-668
  • Powers and duties of the director
  • 20-669
  • Examination of member insurer; costs; release of report
  • 20-670
  • Meetings; information; subpoena power; confidentiality
  • 20-671
  • Special meetings closed
  • 20-673
  • Nonduplication of recovery; exhausting all other applicable coverages; rights of fund and member insurer; definition
  • 20-675
  • Immunity and indemnification
  • 20-678
  • Examination of the fund; annual report
  • 20-679
  • Limitations on filing of creditor's claims
  • 20-680
  • Exempt types of insurance
Article 7Administration of Life and Disability Insurance Insolvencies
  • 20-683
  • Life and disability insurance guaranty fund
  • 20-684
  • Life and disability insurance guaranty fund board; composition; compensation
  • 20-685
  • Powers and duties of the fund
  • 20-688
  • Duties and powers of the director
  • 20-689
  • Prevention of impairments
  • 20-691
  • Examination of the fund; annual report
  • 20-694
  • Stay of proceedings; reopening default judgments
Article 8Life and Health Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements
  • 20-696.02
  • General requirements; statement of actuarial opinion; qualified actuary; appointed actuary; analysis
  • 20-696.03
  • Statement of actuarial opinion based on an asset adequacy analysis
  • 20-696.04
  • Description of actuarial memorandum including an asset adequacy analysis and regulatory asset adequacy issues summary
Article 9Property and Casualty Actuarial Opinion Requirements
  • 20-697
  • Property and casualty actuarial opinions; limitation of liability
  • 20-697.01
  • Confidentiality; sharing of information
Article 10Audited Financial Reports
  • 20-698
  • Annual audited financial reports
  • 20-698.01
  • Rule making; exemption from rule making procedures
Chapter 4
Sec: 20-701-20-1099.02
Article 1Domestic Stock and Mutual Insurers
  • 20-702
  • "Mutual" insurer defined
  • 20-703
  • "Stock" insurer defined
  • 20-704
  • Applicability of general corporation laws
  • 20-705
  • Articles of incorporation
  • 20-706
  • Filing and publication of articles; appointment of agent to receive process; issuance of certificate
  • 20-709
  • Formation of mutual insurer; applications for insurance
  • 20-710
  • Formation of mutuals; trust deposit of premiums; issuance of policies
  • 20-711
  • Initial qualification of domestic mutual insurers
  • 20-712
  • Additional kinds of insurance authorized to be issued by mutual insurer
  • 20-713
  • Bylaws of mutual insurer
  • 20-714
  • Quorum of members of mutual insurer
  • 20-715
  • Membership in mutual insurer
  • 20-716
  • Rights of mutual insurer member
  • 20-717
  • Contingent liability of mutual insurer members
  • 20-718
  • Enforcement of contingent liability
  • 20-719
  • Issuance of nonassessable policies by mutual insurers
  • 20-720
  • Revocation of authority to issue nonassessable policies
  • 20-723
  • Dividends to mutual policyholders
  • 20-724
  • Illegal dividends; violation; classification
  • 20-726
  • Prohibited interests of officers and directors in certain transactions
  • 20-726.01
  • Insider trading by officers, directors and principal stockholders
  • 20-727
  • Management and exclusive agency contracts
  • 20-728
  • Impairment of capital or assets
  • 20-729
  • Conversion of stock insurer to mutual insurer
  • 20-730
  • Conversion of mutual insurer to stock insurer
  • 20-731
  • Merger or consolidation of stock insurers; hearings; notice
  • 20-732
  • Acceptance of reinsurance by stock insurers; definition
  • 20-733
  • Merger or consolidation of mutual insurers
  • 20-734
  • Acceptance of reinsurance by mutual insurers
  • 20-735
  • Distribution of assets of mutual insurer on liquidation
  • 20-736
  • Transfer of direct obligations; assignment; notice; findings; approval; applicability
Article 2Reciprocal Insurers
  • 20-761
  • "Reciprocal" insurance defined
  • 20-762
  • "Reciprocal insurer" defined
  • 20-764
  • Compliance by existing insurers
  • 20-765
  • Powers of reciprocal insurers
  • 20-766
  • Name of insurer; designation by name as party in action
  • 20-767
  • Attorney-in-fact of reciprocal insurers
  • 20-769
  • Organization of reciprocal insurer
  • 20-770
  • Certificate of authority
  • 20-772
  • Modifications of agreement
  • 20-774
  • Deposit in lieu of bond of attorney
  • 20-776
  • Service of legal process; liabilities under judgment on such service
  • 20-778
  • Contributions to insurer
  • 20-779
  • Financial condition; determination
  • 20-781
  • Subscribers' advisory committee
  • 20-783
  • Liability of subscriber on judgment against insurer
  • 20-785
  • Time limit for assessment
  • 20-786
  • Limitation on liability
  • 20-788
  • Distribution of savings
  • 20-789
  • Subscriber's share in assets
  • 20-791
  • Impaired reciprocal insurers
  • 20-792
  • Ownership of real property
Article 3Hospital, Medical, Dental and Optometric Service Corporations
  • 20-821
  • Scope of article; rules; authority of director
  • 20-823
  • Incorporation of hospital, medical, dental and optometric service corporations
  • 20-824
  • Application for certificate; fee
  • 20-825
  • Certificate of authority; requirements
  • 20-825.01
  • Minimum capital or surplus required; application
  • 20-826
  • Subscription contracts; definitions
  • 20-826.01
  • Hospital or medical service corporations; clinical trials; cancer; definitions
  • 20-826.02
  • Subscription contracts; varying copayments and deductibles allowed
  • 20-826.03
  • Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder; formula
  • 20-826.04
  • Subscription contracts; autism spectrum disorder; coverage; exceptions; definitions
  • 20-828
  • Deposit for protection of members
  • 20-830
  • Expenses and investments
  • 20-831
  • Annual statement; examination
  • 20-833
  • Relationship of health care professional and patient; financial incentives; definition
  • 20-834
  • Dissolution; unfair practices
  • 20-835
  • Judicial review of decisions of director
  • 20-836
  • Limitation on liability
  • 20-837
  • Tax exemption; exceptions
  • 20-838
  • Subscribers and employees exempt from corporate indebtedness
  • 20-839
  • Exemption of certain hospital plans
  • 20-840
  • Continuation of existing certificates, licenses and rights
  • 20-841
  • Prohibiting denial of certain contract benefits
  • 20-841.01
  • Prohibiting denial of chiropractic contract benefits; direct reimbursement
  • 20-841.02
  • Prohibiting denial of psychologist contract benefits
  • 20-841.03
  • Prohibiting denial of contract benefits; nurses; reimbursement
  • 20-841.04
  • Standing referrals to network health care professionals; definition
  • 20-841.05
  • Prescription drug formulary; definitions
  • 20-841.08
  • Prohibiting denial of occupational or physical therapist contract benefits
  • 20-841.09
  • Telehealth; coverage of health care services; definition
  • 20-841.10
  • Cancer treatment medications; cost sharing; definition
  • 20-841.13
  • Biomarker testing; coverage; definitions
  • 20-842
  • Prohibition against excluding coverage because of previous tests for a condition
  • 20-843
  • Eligibility; prohibiting cancellation because of eligibility for certain benefits
  • 20-844
  • Right to open enrollment period; subscribers; definition
  • 20-845
  • Suspension or revocation of certificate of authority; civil penalties
  • 20-846
  • Individual health insurance policies; mandatory coverage exemption; definitions
  • 20-847
  • Contracts; dentists; covered services; definition
  • 20-848
  • Prescriptions; cost sharing; refills; dispensing fees; definition
  • 20-849
  • Contracts; optometrists; covered services; definition
Article 4Fraternal Benefit Societies
  • 20-863
  • Representative form of government
  • 20-865
  • Qualifications for membership
  • 20-866
  • Location of office; publications; grievance procedure
  • 20-867
  • Exemption from liability
  • 20-870
  • Amendment to society laws
  • 20-871
  • Authority to maintain institutions
  • 20-873
  • Consolidation or merger
  • 20-874
  • Conversion of fraternal benefit society to mutual life insurance company
  • 20-877
  • Benefits not attachable
  • 20-879
  • Nonforfeiture benefits, cash surrender value, certificate loans and other options
  • 20-882
  • Applicable insurance provisions
  • 20-883
  • Tax exemption; exception
  • 20-886
  • Certificate of authority; termination
  • 20-887
  • Examination of societies; limitation on disclosure
  • 20-888
  • Admission of foreign or alien societies
  • 20-889
  • Injunction; delinquency or dissolution proceedings
  • 20-890
  • Licensing of insurance producers
  • 20-891
  • Unfair acts and practices
  • 20-892
  • Violation; classification
  • 20-893
  • Exemption of societies and associations and orders from insurance laws
Article 7Prepaid Dental Plan Organizations
  • 20-1002
  • Establishment of prepaid dental plan organizations
  • 20-1003
  • Application for certificate of authority
  • 20-1004
  • Issuance of certificate of authority
  • 20-1005
  • Deposit requirement; exception
  • 20-1006
  • Reserve requirement; exception
  • 20-1006.01
  • Risk-based capital requirements; minimum capital and surplus
  • 20-1007
  • Membership coverage by prepaid dental plan organizations
  • 20-1008
  • Examination of prepaid dental plan organization
  • 20-1015
  • Suspension or revocation of certificate of authority; civil penalties
  • 20-1016
  • Rehabilitation, liquidation or conservation of prepaid dental plan organization
  • 20-1018
  • Advertising matter or sales materials
  • 20-1019
  • Order of benefit determination for dental care
Article 8Lloyd's Associations
  • 20-1021
  • Lloyd's association defined
  • 20-1022
  • Forms of insurance authorized
  • 20-1024
  • Application for license; contents
  • 20-1026
  • Reserves for liabilities and losses
  • 20-1027
  • Liability of underwriters; limitation
  • 20-1028
  • Liability of additional or substituted underwriters; authority of deputy, substitute or successor attorney
  • 20-1030
  • Actions on policies or insurance contracts; process; judgments; costs
  • 20-1031
  • Deposit required of Lloyd's association
  • 20-1033
  • Laws applicable to Lloyd's association
Article 9Health Care Services Organizations
  • 20-1052
  • Establishment of health care services organizations
  • 20-1052.01
  • Establishment of provider sponsored health care services organizations; rules; limitations
  • 20-1053
  • Application for certificate of authority
  • 20-1054
  • Issuance of certificate of authority
  • 20-1057
  • Evidence of coverage by health care services organizations; renewability; definitions
  • 20-1057.01
  • Standing referrals to network health care professionals; definition
  • 20-1057.02
  • Prescription drug formulary; definitions
  • 20-1057.07
  • Health care services organizations; clinical trials; cancer; definitions
  • 20-1057.08
  • Prescription contraceptive drugs and devices; definition
  • 20-1057.09
  • Health care services organizations; varying copayments and deductibles allowed
  • 20-1057.10
  • Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder; formula
  • 20-1057.11
  • Health care services organizations; autism spectrum disorder; coverage; exceptions; definitions
  • 20-1057.12
  • Contracts; dentists; covered services; definition
  • 20-1057.13
  • Telehealth; coverage of health care services; definition
  • 20-1057.14
  • Cancer treatment medications; cost sharing; definition
  • 20-1057.15
  • Prescriptions; cost sharing; refills; dispensing fees; definition
  • 20-1057.18
  • Contracts; optometrists; covered services; definition
  • 20-1057.19
  • Biomarker testing; coverage; definitions
  • 20-1058
  • Examination of health care services organizations
  • 20-1059.01
  • Admitted assets; health care delivery assets
  • 20-1061
  • Prohibited practices; definition
  • 20-1063
  • Powers of insurers and hospital and medical service corporations
  • 20-1065
  • Suspension or revocation of certificate of authority; civil penalties
  • 20-1066
  • Rehabilitation, liquidation or conservation of health maintenance organization
  • 20-1068
  • Statutory construction and relationship to other laws
  • 20-1069.01
  • Right to open enrollment period; enrollees; definitions
  • 20-1071
  • Prohibition against excluding coverage because of previous tests for a condition
  • 20-1072
  • Nonliability of enrollees for provider or hospital charges; penalty
  • 20-1073
  • Eligibility; prohibiting cancellation because of eligibility for certain benefits
  • 20-1074
  • Contract termination; duty to report; provision for continued services during insolvency; definitions
  • 20-1075
  • Transactions with affiliates
  • 20-1077
  • Use of freestanding urgent care centers; policies
  • 20-1079
  • Individual health insurance policies; mandatory coverage exemption; definitions
Article 10Domestic Life and Disability Reinsurer
  • 20-1081
  • Domestic life and disability reinsurer
  • 20-1083
  • Law applicable to domestic life and disability reinsurers
  • 20-1092
  • Control of assets; definition
  • 20-1094
  • Approval of reinsurance agreements
Article 11Service Companies
  • 20-1095.01
  • Service companies; permits; rules; application of laws
  • 20-1095.04
  • Filing of surety bond, securities or bonds
  • 20-1095.07
  • Sale of unapproved service contract; violation; classification
  • 20-1095.08
  • Nonrenewal, revocation or suspension of permit
  • 20-1095.09
  • Unfair trade practices; violation of article; cease and desist order
Article 12Mechanical Reimbursement Reinsurers
  • 20-1096.01
  • Formation of mechanical reimbursement reinsurer; articles of incorporation
  • 20-1096.05
  • Annual reports; renewal of certificate of authority
  • 20-1096.08
  • Nonrenewal, revocation or suspension of certificate of authority
  • 20-1096.09
  • Cease and desist order; violation of article
Article 13Prepaid Legal Insurance
  • 20-1097.02
  • Certificate of authority; requirements; issuance
  • 20-1097.04
  • Prepaid legal insurance contract provisions
  • 20-1097.05
  • Prepaid legal insurance contracts; rates
  • 20-1097.08
  • Advertising and solicitation of legal services
  • 20-1097.09
  • Liability of corporation; civil penalty
  • 20-1097.10
  • Capital, surplus and reserve requirements
  • 20-1097.12
  • Annual statement and information; penalty
  • 20-1097.13
  • Suspension or revocation of authorization or registration; appeal; civil penalty; rules
Article 14Captive Insurers
  • 20-1098.03
  • Minimum capital and surplus; letter of credit; borrowed surplus
  • 20-1098.04
  • Formation of captive insurers; redomestication
  • 20-1098.06
  • Protected cell captive insurers; sponsors; participants
  • 20-1098.09
  • Grounds and procedures for license suspension or revocation
  • 20-1098.18
  • Captive insurance regulatory and supervision fund; purpose
  • 20-1098.19
  • Establishment of branch captive insurer
  • 20-1098.20
  • Security for branch business and branch operations
  • 20-1098.23
  • Confidentiality of information; exceptions
Article 15Vehicle Protection Products
  • 20-1099.01
  • Vehicle protection products; exemption from insurance code
  • 20-1099.02
  • Exemption from insurance code; requirements
Chapter 5
Sec: 20-1101-20-1138
Article 1In General
  • 20-1104
  • Insurable interest with respect to personal insurance; definition
  • 20-1105
  • Insurable interest with respect to property insurance
  • 20-1106
  • Capacity to contract for insurance; minors
  • 20-1108
  • Admissibility of application as evidence
  • 20-1109
  • Statements as representation; effect of misrepresentation upon policy
  • 20-1110
  • Approval of forms; definition
  • 20-1110.01
  • Rules and regulations; form and readability of policies
  • 20-1111
  • Grounds for disapproval of forms
  • 20-1114
  • Incorporation of charter or bylaw into policy
  • 20-1117
  • Underwriters' and combination policies
  • 20-1118
  • Validity of noncomplying forms
  • 20-1119
  • Construction of policies; translation; disclaimer
  • 20-1121
  • Renewal of policy by certificate or endorsement
  • 20-1123
  • Annulment of liability policies
  • 20-1123.01
  • Motor vehicle liability insurance; primary and excess coverage
  • 20-1124
  • Discharge of insurer by payment under policy
  • 20-1125
  • Discharge of payor by payment of benefits under employee benefit plan or life insurance policy
  • 20-1126
  • Health care insurers; pharmacy benefits managers; cost sharing; calculation; definitions
  • 20-1128
  • Rights of spouse in life or disability policy
  • 20-1129
  • Furnishing of proof of loss forms by insurer
  • 20-1130
  • Administration of claim against insurer not deemed waiver of defense
  • 20-1131
  • Exemption of life insurance proceeds and cash values from creditors
  • 20-1132
  • Exemption of group life insurance proceeds from creditors; exception
  • 20-1133
  • Medicare supplement insurance; early enrollment discounts; applicability
  • 20-1135
  • Prohibition against excluding coverage because of previous tests for a condition
  • 20-1136
  • Accelerated payments of certain benefits in life insurance policies
  • 20-1137
  • Limited benefit coverage; prohibited practice; definition
  • 20-1138
  • Health insurance policies; member identification cards; applicability
Chapter 6
Sec: 20-1201-20-1694.02
Article 1Life Insurance and Annuities
  • 20-1202
  • Standard provisions required in life insurance policies
  • 20-1205
  • Application and policy as entire contract; statements in application as representations; information
  • 20-1208
  • Policy loan on old policies
  • 20-1209
  • Policy loan on new policies
  • 20-1209.01
  • Maximum rate of interest on policy loans; definitions
  • 20-1210
  • Nonforfeiture options in old policies
  • 20-1217
  • Excluded or restricted coverage
  • 20-1218
  • Standard provisions required in annuity and pure endowment contracts
  • 20-1220
  • Incontestability in annuities
  • 20-1221
  • Application and contract as entire contract in annuities
  • 20-1222
  • Misstatement of age in annuities
  • 20-1225
  • Standard provisions required in reversionary annuities
  • 20-1227
  • Incontestability after reinstatement
  • 20-1229
  • Authorized deductions from insurance proceeds
  • 20-1230
  • Prohibition of dual or multiple pay policies
  • 20-1231
  • Standard nonforfeiture law for life insurance
  • 20-1231.01
  • Standard nonforfeiture law for life insurance; table for calculating adjusted premiums; definitions
  • 20-1232
  • Standard nonforfeiture law for individual deferred annuities
  • 20-1233
  • Free look; annuity contracts
Article 1.1Replacement of Life Insurance Policies and Annuity Contracts
  • 20-1241.04
  • Duties of insurers that use insurance producers
  • 20-1241.05
  • Duties of replacing insurers that use insurance producers
  • 20-1241.07
  • Duties of insurers with respect to direct response solicitations
  • 20-1241.09
  • Rules; exemption from rule making procedures
Article 1.2Annuity Disclosure
  • 20-1242.02
  • Standards for the disclosure document and buyer's guide
  • 20-1242.05
  • Rules; exemption from rule making procedures
Article 1.3Protection in Annuity Transactions
  • 20-1243.03
  • Duties of insurers and producers; definitions
  • 20-1243.07
  • Producer training; annuities; continuing education
Article 2Group Life Insurance and Group Annuity Contracts
  • 20-1251
  • Requirements for group contracts
  • 20-1257
  • Coverage of dependents; definition
  • 20-1258
  • Standard provisions required in group life insurance policies
  • 20-1261
  • Attachment of application to policy; statements of persons insured as representations
  • 20-1262
  • Right to require evidence of individual insurability
  • 20-1266
  • Conversion on termination of eligibility
  • 20-1267
  • Conversion on termination of policy
  • 20-1270
  • Standard provisions required in group annuity contracts
  • 20-1271
  • Grace period in group annuity contracts
  • 20-1272
  • Documents constituting entire group annuity contract
  • 20-1273
  • Misstatements in group annuity contracts
  • 20-1274
  • Nonforfeiture benefits in group annuity contract
  • 20-1275
  • Group annuity contract certificates
  • 20-1276
  • "Employee life insurance" defined
  • 20-1277
  • Assignability of group life insurance
Article 3Industrial Life Insurance
  • 20-1304
  • Application and policy as entire contract; statements of applicant as representations
  • 20-1311
  • Authority to alter contract
  • 20-1312
  • Beneficiary; change of beneficiary; payment
  • 20-1314
  • Conversion of weekly premium policies
  • 20-1315
  • Conversion of monthly premium policies
  • 20-1317
  • Provisions inapplicable to single premium or term policies
Article 4Disability Insurance
  • 20-1342
  • Scope and format of policy; definitions
  • 20-1342.03
  • Disability insurance; clinical trials; cancer; definitions
  • 20-1342.04
  • Disability insurance policies; varying copayments and deductibles allowed
  • 20-1342.05
  • Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder; formula
  • 20-1342.06
  • Contracts; dentists; covered services; definition
  • 20-1342.07
  • Contracts; optometrists; covered services; definition
  • 20-1343
  • Policies issued for delivery in another state
  • 20-1344
  • Policy provisions required; omissions; substitutions
  • 20-1345
  • Policy and attachments as entire contract; changes in policy
  • 20-1354
  • Physical examination; autopsy
  • 20-1360
  • Other insurance in this insurer
  • 20-1361
  • Insurance with other insurers; provision of service or expense incurred basis
  • 20-1362
  • Insurance with other insurers
  • 20-1363
  • Relation of earnings to insurance
  • 20-1369
  • Arrangement of provisions in policy
  • 20-1371
  • Policy provision requirements of other jurisdictions
  • 20-1372
  • Effect of policy containing nonconforming provisions
  • 20-1374
  • Effective date of provisions; moratorium
  • 20-1375
  • Franchise disability insurance law
  • 20-1376
  • Prohibiting denial of certain contract benefits
  • 20-1376.01
  • Prohibiting denial of chiropractic contract benefits; direct reimbursement
  • 20-1376.02
  • Prohibiting denial of psychologist contract benefits
  • 20-1376.03
  • Prohibiting denial of contract benefits; nurses; reimbursement
  • 20-1376.04
  • Prohibiting denial of occupational or physical therapist contract benefits
  • 20-1376.05
  • Telehealth; coverage of health care services; definition
  • 20-1376.06
  • Cancer treatment medications; cost sharing; definition
  • 20-1376.07
  • Prescriptions; cost sharing; refills; dispensing fees; definition
  • 20-1376.10
  • Biomarker testing; coverage; definitions
  • 20-1377
  • Continuation of coverage under individual policies; requirements; exceptions; renewability
  • 20-1378
  • Eligibility; prohibiting cancellation because of eligibility for certain benefits
  • 20-1379
  • Guaranteed availability of individual health insurance coverage; prior group coverage; definitions
  • 20-1380
  • Guaranteed renewability of individual health coverage
  • 20-1381
  • Suspension of health care insurer obligation to issue coverage on a guaranteed issuance basis to eligible individuals
  • 20-1382
  • Health care insurers; reporting requirements
  • 20-1383
  • Individual health insurance policies; mandatory coverage exemption; definitions
  • 20-1384
  • Short-term limited duration insurance; notice; definitions
Article 5Group and Blanket Disability Insurance
  • 20-1401.01
  • Group disability insurers; notice; copies
  • 20-1402
  • Provisions of group disability policies; definitions
  • 20-1402.01
  • Group disability insurance; clinical trials; cancer; definitions
  • 20-1402.02
  • Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder; formula
  • 20-1402.03
  • Group disability insurers; autism spectrum disorder; coverage; exceptions; definitions
  • 20-1402.04
  • Contracts; dentists; covered services; definition
  • 20-1402.05
  • Contracts; optometrists; covered services; definition
  • 20-1403
  • Direct payment of hospital and medical services
  • 20-1404
  • Blanket disability insurance; definitions
  • 20-1404.01
  • Blanket disability insurance; clinical trials; cancer; definitions
  • 20-1404.02
  • Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder; formula
  • 20-1404.03
  • Blanket disability insurers; autism spectrum disorder; coverage; exceptions; definitions
  • 20-1404.04
  • Contracts; dentists; covered services; definition
  • 20-1404.05
  • Contracts; optometrists; covered services; definition
  • 20-1405
  • Provisions of group and blanket disability policy
  • 20-1406
  • Prohibiting denial of certain contract benefits
  • 20-1406.01
  • Prohibiting denial of chiropractic contract benefits; direct reimbursement
  • 20-1406.02
  • Prohibiting denial of psychologist contract benefits
  • 20-1406.03
  • Prohibiting denial of contract benefits; nursing; reimbursement
  • 20-1406.04
  • Prohibiting denial of occupational or physical therapist contract benefits
  • 20-1406.05
  • Telehealth; coverage of health care services; definition
  • 20-1406.06
  • Cancer treatment medications; cost sharing; definition
  • 20-1406.07
  • Prescriptions; cost sharing; refills; dispensing fees; definition
  • 20-1406.10
  • Biomarker testing; coverage; definitions
  • 20-1408
  • Right to obtain individual policy; requirements; exceptions; definition
  • 20-1409
  • Right to open enrollment period; insureds; definition
  • 20-1410
  • Mail order prescription drugs; prohibition
  • 20-1411
  • Eligibility; prohibiting cancellation because of eligibility for certain benefits
  • 20-1412
  • Group and blanket disability insurance policies or contracts; varying copayments and deductibles allowed
Article 6Group Excess Liability Insurance Policies
  • 20-1492
  • Group excess liability insurance; eligible groups
  • 20-1493
  • Group excess liability insurance policy; premiums; cancellation; requirements
Article 7Property Insurance
  • 20-1503
  • Arizona standard fire policy
  • 20-1504
  • Variations from standard policy format and page numbers
  • 20-1505
  • Policy description of insurer
  • 20-1506
  • Provisions required by charter or laws of other states
  • 20-1507
  • Riders; endorsements; additional perils
  • 20-1508
  • Designation as standard policy; producer's name
  • 20-1509
  • Loss or damage caused by nuclear reaction, or nuclear radiation or radio-active contamination not covered by Arizona standard fire policy
  • 20-1510
  • Homeowner's or renter's insurance; dog breeds; prohibitions; definitions
Article 8Surety Insurance
  • 20-1531
  • Sole surety on official bonds
  • 20-1532
  • Venue of actions against surety insurers
  • 20-1533
  • Surety companies; arrest bond certificates issued by motor clubs; definition
  • 20-1534
  • Guaranteed arrest bond certificate; cash bail or other bond; forfeiture
Article 8.1Mortgage Guaranty Insurance
  • 20-1543
  • Limitation on geographic concentration
  • 20-1547
  • Mortgage guaranty insurance as monoline
  • 20-1548
  • Underwriting discrimination
  • 20-1549
  • Policy forms and premium rates filed
  • 20-1550
  • Minimum policyholder position; definitions
  • 20-1551
  • Rebates, commissions and charges
  • 20-1552
  • Compensating balances prohibited
  • 20-1559
  • Mortgage guaranty insurers; dividend payment
Article 9Title Insurers
  • 20-1561
  • Law governing title insurers
  • 20-1567
  • Determination of insurability required
  • 20-1569
  • Amount of unearned premium reserve; release
  • 20-1570
  • Maintenance of the unearned premium reserve
  • 20-1571
  • Use of the unearned premium reserve on liquidation, dissolution or insolvency
  • 20-1572
  • Reserve for unpaid losses and loss expense
  • 20-1575
  • Foreign title insurers; resident agent required
  • 20-1576
  • Mergers and consolidations of title insurers
  • 20-1577
  • Corporate acquisitions other than by merger or consolidation
  • 20-1578
  • Purchase or acquisition of controlling stock
  • 20-1580
  • Title insurance agents to be licensed
  • 20-1581
  • Title insurance agents; books; records; revocation of license
  • 20-1582
  • Title insurance agents; replies to inquiries by director
  • 20-1583
  • Title insurance agencies; use of corporate names
  • 20-1585
  • Commissions; other considerations prohibited
  • 20-1587
  • Personal or controlled insurance
  • 20-1588
  • Examination of records; order; notice
  • 20-1591
  • Forms of policies and other contracts of title insurance; approval or disapproval
Article 10Consumer Credit Insurance
  • 20-1604
  • Types of consumer credit insurance
  • 20-1605
  • Maximum amount of credit life insurance
  • 20-1606
  • Maximum amount of credit disability insurance and credit unemployment insurance
  • 20-1606.01
  • Credit unemployment insurance; provisions
  • 20-1608
  • Policy provisions and disclosures
  • 20-1609
  • Filing, approval and disapproval of forms
  • 20-1610
  • Premiums for consumer credit insurance; approval or disapproval of rates
  • 20-1612
  • Authorization for issuance of policies
  • 20-1613
  • Reporting and settlement of claims
  • 20-1614
  • Debtor's option in satisfying security
  • 20-1616
  • Cease and desist order; hearing
Article 10.1Credit Property Insurance
  • 20-1621.02
  • Amount; term; coverage; prohibited practices
  • 20-1621.03
  • Disclosure to debtors; provisions of policies; certificates of insurance
  • 20-1621.04
  • Rates and forms; filing; approval; withdrawal of approval
  • 20-1621.05
  • Reasonableness of benefits in relation to premium charged
  • 20-1621.07
  • Cancellation and refund of unearned premium
Article 11Cancellation or Nonrenewal of Motor Vehicle Insurance
  • 20-1631
  • Definition of motor vehicle; cancellation of or failure to renew coverage; limitations; limitation of liability; exceptions; insurance producers; definitions
  • 20-1632
  • Cancellation, nonrenewal and reduction of limits for reasons other than nonpayment of premium; notices to insured; refund of unearned premium
  • 20-1632.01
  • Cancellation or nonrenewal for nonpayment of premium; grace period; notice of cancellation; discrimination; definition
  • 20-1633
  • Objections; investigation; determination
Article 12Cancellation or Nonrenewal of Insurance
  • 20-1651
  • Application; types of risks
  • 20-1652
  • Grounds for valid notice of cancellation; inquiries; definitions
  • 20-1653
  • Sending notice of cancellation or nonrenewal to insured; statement of grounds and facts on which cancellation or nonrenewal is based
  • 20-1654
  • Sending notice of intention not to renew to insured; time; term of policy
  • 20-1655
  • Liability of insurer and representatives for statements in notice of cancellation, other communication or evidence given in court relating to cancellation
  • 20-1656
  • Proof of sending as proof of notice
Article 13Mass Marketed Life or Health Insurance
  • 20-1662
  • Requirements to transact mass marketed insurance
  • 20-1663
  • Unreasonable mass marketed insurance prohibited; hearing; findings; rules
Article 14Cancellation or Nonrenewal of Commercial Insurance
  • 20-1673
  • Grounds for valid cancellation
  • 20-1674
  • Notice of cancellation; refund of unearned premium
  • 20-1675
  • Liability of insurer and representatives for statements in notice of cancellation, other communication or evidence given in court relating to cancellation
  • 20-1677
  • Notice of premium or coverage changes
  • 20-1679
  • Application and effective date
Article 15Long-Term Care Insurance
  • 20-1691.03
  • Limitations of long-term care insurance policies
  • 20-1691.04
  • Requirements for certain group coverage
  • 20-1691.12
  • Insurance producer training course requirements
Article 16Adopted Child Coverage
  • 20-1692.02
  • Eligibility under title XIX of the social security act
Article 17Portable Electronics Insurance
  • 20-1693.02
  • Portable electronics insurance; requirements; disclosures
  • 20-1693.03
  • Portable electronics vendors; authority; charges for portable electronics insurance; accounting
  • 20-1693.05
  • Termination of portable electronics insurance; notice; cancellation
Article 18Identity Theft Group Insurance Policies
  • 20-1694.01
  • Identity theft group insurance; eligible groups
  • 20-1694.02
  • Identity theft group insurance policy; premiums; cancellation; requirements
Chapter 7
Sec: 20-1721-20-1742
Article 2Health Care Insurers
  • 20-1721
  • Health care insurers; policy limits; eligibility; rates; applicability to other insurers; restrictions
  • 20-1722
  • Deposit; surplus requirements
  • 20-1723
  • Exemption from mandatory participation in certain plans and associations
  • 20-1724
  • Sale of professional liability insurance coverage for licensed health care providers by insurers other than by health care insurance companies; requirements; exemptions
Article 3Insurance Review Committees
  • 20-1731
  • Immunity for serving on or furnishing information to insurance review committees
Article 4Reporting Requirements
  • 20-1741
  • Annual statement to include certain claims and premium information
  • 20-1742
  • Insurers to report malpractice claims and actions; definition
Chapter 8
Sec: 20-1801-20-1812
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-1802
  • Permit required; application; definition
  • 20-1805
  • Recording of lien by director
  • 20-1807
  • Annual report; civil penalty
  • 20-1808
  • Ratio of assets to liabilities; report; rehabilitation of provider
  • 20-1812
  • Disclosure statement; contents; refunds
Chapter 9
Sec: 20-1901-20-1907
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-1903
  • Immunity from liability for disclosure of information
  • 20-1904
  • Confidentiality of information
  • 20-1905
  • Authorized agency as witness
Chapter 11
Sec: 20-2101-20-2122
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-2103
  • Pretext interviews; exception
  • 20-2104
  • Notice of insurance information practices
  • 20-2105
  • Marketing and research surveys; disclosure of questions
  • 20-2106
  • Content of disclosure authorization forms
  • 20-2107
  • Investigative consumer reports
  • 20-2108
  • Access to recorded personal information
  • 20-2109
  • Correction, amendment or deletion of recorded personal information
  • 20-2110
  • Reasons for adverse underwriting decisions
  • 20-2111
  • Information concerning previous adverse underwriting decisions
  • 20-2112
  • Previous adverse underwriting decisions
  • 20-2113
  • Disclosure limitations and conditions
  • 20-2113.01
  • Consumer reporting agency; sale of information obtained by insurance inquiry prohibited; exceptions
  • 20-2115
  • Service of process; insurance support organizations
  • 20-2116
  • Cease and desist order and reports
  • 20-2120
  • No limitation of common law right
  • 20-2121
  • Enforcement of privacy provisions of Gramm Leach Bliley act
  • 20-2122
  • Partial exemption for health insurers subject to HIPAA
Chapter 12
Sec: 20-2201-20-2221
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-2201
  • Voluntary plans; assessments; fund
  • 20-2202
  • Joint underwriting association; establishment
  • 20-2203
  • Powers of the joint underwriting association
  • 20-2204
  • Directors; election; appointment
  • 20-2205
  • Plan of operation; contents
  • 20-2206
  • Approval of plan of operation
  • 20-2207
  • Amendments to the plan of operation
  • 20-2208
  • Policies issued by the association; claims-made basis
  • 20-2209
  • Claims-made policy; cancellation
  • 20-2210
  • Occurrence riders; premiums; assessments
  • 20-2212
  • Deficits; equitable assessments; premium tax credits
  • 20-2213
  • Initial assessment; temporary contribution by members
  • 20-2214
  • Member participation in writings, expenses, servicing allowance, management fees and losses
  • 20-2215
  • Appeal by applicants to the association; order
  • 20-2217
  • Annual examination by the director
  • 20-2218
  • Costs; charge to the association
  • 20-2219
  • Liability of the association
  • 20-2220
  • Prohibition from membership in Arizona guaranty fund
Chapter 13
Sec: 20-2301-20-2341
Article 1Accountable Health Plans
  • 20-2301
  • Definitions; late enrollee coverage
  • 20-2303
  • Approval as accountable health plan; definition
  • 20-2304
  • Availability of insurance; premium tax exemption
  • 20-2306
  • Use of uniform employee health status questionnaire
  • 20-2307
  • Eligibility; annual open enrollment period
  • 20-2310
  • Discrimination prohibited; preexisting conditions; wellness programs
  • 20-2311
  • Premium rates and rating practices
  • 20-2321
  • Maternity benefits; adoption; coverage
  • 20-2322
  • Mental health services and benefits; definitions
  • 20-2324
  • Bona fide associations; definitions
  • 20-2325
  • Diabetes; equipment; supplies
  • 20-2326
  • Drugs; cancer treatment; definitions
  • 20-2327
  • Metabolic disorders; medical foods; definitions
  • 20-2328
  • Accountable health plans; clinical trials; cancer; definitions
  • 20-2329
  • Prescription contraceptive drugs and devices; definition
  • 20-2330
  • Continuation of small group coverage; notice; duration; definitions
  • 20-2331
  • Accountable health plans; varying copayments and deductibles allowed
  • 20-2332
  • Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder; formula
Article 2Uninsured Small Business Health Insurance Plans
  • 20-2341
  • Uninsured small business health insurance plans; mandatory coverage exemption; definitions
Chapter 14
Sec: 20-2401-20-2414
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-2402
  • Risk retention groups chartered and licensed in this state; definitions
  • 20-2403
  • Risk retention groups not chartered and licensed in this state
  • 20-2406
  • Purchasing groups; exemption from certain laws relating to the group purchase of insurance
  • 20-2407
  • Notice and registration requirements of purchasing groups
  • 20-2408
  • Restrictions on insurance purchased by purchasing groups
  • 20-2409
  • Administrative and procedural authority regarding risk retention groups and purchasing groups
  • 20-2411
  • Duty of insurance producer to obtain license
  • 20-2412
  • Binding effect of orders issued in United States district court
Chapter 15
Sec: 20-2501-20-2542
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-2502
  • Utilization review activities; exemptions
  • 20-2503
  • Utilization review standards; applicability; definition
  • 20-2504
  • Utilization review agents; certification; rules
  • 20-2505
  • Application for certification
  • 20-2506
  • Certification; responsibilities of department; cost recovery
  • 20-2508
  • Denial, suspension or revocation of certificates; hearing; civil penalties
  • 20-2510
  • Health care insurers requirements; medical directors
  • 20-2511
  • Violation; injunctive relief
Article 2Health Care Appeals
  • 20-2531
  • Applicability; requirements; exception
  • 20-2532
  • Utilization review standards and criteria; requirements
  • 20-2533
  • Denial; levels of review; disclosure; additional time after service by mail; review process
  • 20-2534
  • Expedited medical review; expedited appeal
  • 20-2537
  • External independent review; expedited external independent review
  • 20-2538
  • Independent review organizations
Chapter 16
Sec: 20-2601-20-2662
Article 1Variable Life Insurance
  • 20-2602
  • Requirements applicable to insurers issuing variable life insurance
  • 20-2604
  • Variable life insurance policy and filing requirements
  • 20-2605
  • Reserve liabilities for variable life insurance
  • 20-2608
  • Variable life insurance policy application requirements
  • 20-2610
  • Foreign companies; compliance with laws of domiciliary state
Article 2Variable Annuities
  • 20-2632
  • Qualifications to issue variable annuities
  • 20-2633
  • Separate account; annuities
  • 20-2634
  • Filing of contracts; approval
  • 20-2636
  • Nonforfeiture benefits; exceptions; definition
Article 3Agent Qualifications
  • 20-2661
  • Scope of article; definitions
  • 20-2662
  • Insurance producer qualifications; reports
Chapter 17
Sec: 20-2801-20-2804
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-2803
  • Emergency services access; prior authorization; requirements
  • 20-2804
  • Utilization review; medically necessary emergency services
Chapter 18
Sec: 20-2901-20-2904
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-2902
  • Continuing education requirements; nonresident license in another state; nonresident license in this state
  • 20-2904
  • Continuing education; contractor requirements; automatic approval
Chapter 20
Sec: 20-3101-20-3119
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-3102
  • Timely payment of health care providers' claims; grievances
Article 2Out-of-Network Claim Dispute Resolution
  • 20-3113
  • Surprise out-of-network bill; requirements; notice
  • 20-3114
  • Dispute resolution; settlement teleconference; arbitration; surprise out-of-network bills
  • 20-3115
  • Conduct of arbitration proceedings
  • 20-3117
  • Dispute resolution; notice of rights
  • 20-3118
  • Surprise out-of-network bills; annual report
Chapter 21
Sec: 20-3151-20-3155
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-3153
  • Health care insurer liability
  • 20-3154
  • Health care appeals; admissibility
  • 20-3155
  • Notice of intent to file suit
Chapter 22
Sec: 20-3201-20-3215
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-3204
  • Provider and broker disclosures to owners; violation; classification
  • 20-3207
  • Conduct of examinations; examination reports; confidentiality
  • 20-3208
  • Conflict of interest; examiners
  • 20-3210
  • Annual statements; record retention
  • 20-3211
  • Contract requirements; execution; rescission; definition
  • 20-3214
  • Injunctions; civil remedies; cease and desist
Chapter 23
Sec: 20-3251
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-3251
  • Interstate insurance product regulation compact
Chapter 24
Sec: 20-3301-20-3302
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-3302
  • Insurance compliance audit privilege; requirements
Chapter 25
Sec: 20-3321-20-3343
Article 1Auditing
  • 20-3322
  • Audit procedures; interest prohibition; claim payment reduction
Article 2Pharmacy Benefit Managers
  • 20-3331
  • Pharmacy benefit managers; requirements; applicability
  • 20-3332
  • Prohibition against claim adjudication process fees; civil remedies
  • 20-3333
  • Certificates of authority; issuance; revocation; renewal; civil penalties; rules
  • 20-3334
  • Records retention; schedule
Article 3340B Pharmacies
  • 20-3343
  • 340B drug program; 340B covered entities; pharmacies; drug coverage
Chapter 26
Sec: 20-3401-20-3406
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-3402
  • Prior authorization; exceptions
  • 20-3403
  • Prior authorization requirements; disclosures; access
  • 20-3404
  • Prior authorization requirement timelines
  • 20-3405
  • Prior authorization of prescription drugs for chronic pain conditions
  • 20-3406
  • Uniform prior authorization request forms; definition
Chapter 27
Sec: 20-3451-20-3459
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-3452
  • Requirements for electronic application submission
  • 20-3453
  • Credentialing; loading; timelines; exception
  • 20-3454
  • Acknowledgement of receipt of an application; notification of incomplete applications
  • 20-3455
  • Reported discrepancies; corrective action
  • 20-3457
  • Availability of credentialing information; policies
  • 20-3459
  • Civil immunity; enforcement; civil penalty
Chapter 28
Sec: 20-3501-20-3505
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-3502
  • Compliance with federal law; report
  • 20-3504
  • Access to behavioral health services for minors
  • 20-3505
  • Mental health parity advisory committee; members
Chapter 29
Sec: 20-3551-20-3558
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-3553
  • Limited lines travel insurance producer licensing
  • 20-3556
  • Sales practices; definition
  • 20-3558
  • Travel insurance classification and filing
Chapter 30
Sec: 20-3601-20-3605
Article 1General Provisions
  • 20-3601
  • Definitions of qualified United States financial institution
  • 20-3602
  • Credit allowed a domestic ceding insurer; definition
  • 20-3603
  • Asset or reduction from liability for reinsurance ceded by a domestic insurer to an assuming insurer
  • 20-3605
  • Reinsurance agreements affected
Chapter 31
Sec: 20-3651-20-3654
Article 1General Provisions