Fifty-second Legislature                                                        

Second Regular Session                                                          



(Reference to Senate engrossed House bill)



Page 1, line 12, strike "polling places" insert "voting locations"

Line 13, after "election" insert ", including those ESTABLISHED pursuant to section 16-411, subsection B,"; strike "polling place" insert "voting location"

Line 17, after the period insert "The board of supervisors may authorize an alternate minimum number of voting locations if the locations are determined pursuant to section 16-411, subsection B."   

Page 3, line 5, strike the period insert "as follows:


Between lines 9 and 10, insert:

"(b)  For any election held after June 1, 2017 and before the county approves the use of voting centers, the county RECORDER or other officer in charge of elections shall publish a list and map of proposed voting center locations on the county's WEBSITE, and the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall hold at least three public hearings to provide for public comment on the proposed voting center locations.  The county RECORDER or other officer in charge of elections shall create a record of the information received at each hearing and may revise or amend any list of proposed voting center locations as a result of information received at the public hearings.  The RECORDS from the public hearings shall be provided to the board of supervisors before the adoption of any resolution that authorizes the locations to be used for voting centers.  For an election held solely by or for a jurisdiction other than a county, that jurisdiction shall publish the list of proposed voting center locations and conduct the hearings.

(c)  Subdivision (b) of this paragraph does not apply if the jurisdiction holding the election used voting centers to conduct its immediately preceding election and at least ninety percent of its voting center locations are unchanged.

(d)  For the purposes of this paragraph, "voting center" means a location at which a ballot may be lawfully cast or received without regard to where the voter resides within the jurisdiction that is holding the election."

Page 5, line 20, strike "; definition"

Line 22, strike ", or" insert "or"; strike "or obscure"; strike "of any for a"; insert "of any"

Line 24, strike "candidate political"

Line 25, strike "committee" insert "candidate"

Line 28, after the period strike remainder of line

Strike lines 29 and 30

Page 6, line 20, strike "and sign poles"

Line 21, strike "ten twenty" insert "ten"

Strike lines 37 and 38

Reletter to conform

Page 7, strike lines 5 and 6

Amend title to conform







10:40 AM

C: myr