6. Death, resignation, removal or disability of governor or lieutenant governor; succession to office; impeachment, absence from state or temporary disability

Section 6. A. In the event of the death of the governor, or the governor's resignation, removal from office or permanent disability to discharge the duties of the office, the lieutenant governor shall succeed to the office of governor until a successor shall be elected and shall qualify.

B. In the event of the death of the lieutenant governor, or the lieutenant governor's resignation, removal from office or permanent disability to discharge the duties of the office, the governor shall appoint a person to serve as lieutenant governor, subject to approval by a majority vote of the members of each house of the legislature.

C. If a vacancy in the office of governor occurs with or during a vacancy in the office of lieutenant governor, the secretary of state, the attorney general, the state treasurer or the superintendent of public instruction shall, in the order named, succeed to the office of governor.

D. The taking of the oath of office as governor by any person specified in this section shall constitute resignation from the office by virtue of the holding of which the person qualifies as governor. Any successor to the office shall become governor in fact and entitled to all of the emoluments, powers and duties of governor on taking the oath of office.

E. In the event of the impeachment of the governor, the governor's absence from the state or other temporary disability to discharge the duties of the office, the powers and duties of the office of governor shall devolve on the same person as in case of vacancy, but only until the disability ceases.