Line item vetoed material shown BOLDED, ITALICIZED and underlined.
Senate Engrossed House Bill |
State of Arizona House of Representatives Forty-sixth Legislature First Regular Session 2003
MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS OF THE STATE, FOR STATE INSTITUTIONS AND FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS; making a supplemental appropriation to the department of education; amending Laws 2002, chapter 327, section 120; providing for certain reporting requirements.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Subject to applicable laws, the sums or sources of revenue set forth in this act are appropriated for the fiscal years indicated for the purposes and objects specified and the performance measures are indicated as legislative intent.
2003-04 2004-05
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 100 100
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 1.0 1.0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 3.0 3.0
2003-04 2004-05
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 5 5
Administration as a per cent of total cost 10 10
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 7.0 7.0
State general fund
FTE positions 303.5
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 17,386,900
ENSCO 5,421,100
Arizona financial information
system 927,500
Lump sum reduction (531,600)
The department may collect an amount of not to exceed $1,762,600 from other funding sources, excluding federal funds, to recover pro rata costs of operating AFIS II. Any amounts left unspent from the Arizona financial information system special line item shall revert to the state general fund.
Air quality fund
Lump sum appropriation $ 475,400
The amounts appropriated for the state employee transportation service subsidy shall be used for up to a one hundred per cent subsidy of charges payable for transportation service expenses as provided in section 41-786, Arizona Revised Statutes, of nonuniversity state employees in a vehicle emissions control area as defined in section 49‑541, Arizona Revised Statutes, of a county with a population of more than four hundred thousand persons.
Capital outlay stabilization fund
Total ‑ capital outlay stabilization
fund $ 11,040,500
Monies in the relocation special line item are exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations until December 31, 2005.
Certificates of participation fund
Lump sum appropriation $ 282,600
Corrections fund
FTE positions 9.3
Lump sum appropriation $ 612,300
It is the intent of the legislature that the amount appropriated from the corrections fund be expended solely for the oversight of construction projects benefiting the state department of corrections or the department of juvenile corrections.
Motor vehicle pool revolving fund
It is the intent of the legislature that the department not replace vehicles until an average of six years and 120,000 miles, or later.
Technology and telecommunications fund
FTE positions 214.0
Lump sum appropriation $ 35,443,700
The appropriation for the technology and telecommunications fund is an estimate representing all monies, including balance forward, revenue and transfers during fiscal year 2003-2004. These monies are appropriated to the department of administration for the purposes established in section 41-713, Arizona Revised Statutes. The appropriation shall be adjusted as necessary to reflect receipts credited to the technology and telecommunications fund for Arizona telecommunications system and data center projects. Of the appropriation, $12,233,600 in fiscal year 2003-2004 is for the Arizona telecommunications system and $23,210,100 in fiscal year 2003-2004 is for all other information technology services expenditures. Expenditures for all additional Arizona telecommunications system and data center projects shall be subject to review by the joint legislative budget committee, following approval of the government information technology agency, and shall not exceed the revenues for these projects.
Risk management fund
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 6,733,600
Attorney general defense 7,322,700
Risk management losses, premiums
and related expenditures 55,873,200
Workers' compensation losses,
premiums and related expenditures 25,183,800
Total ‑ risk management fund $ 95,113,300
Personnel division fund
FTE positions 139.0
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 13,136,800
Human resources information solution
certificate of participation 1,504,700
Total - personnel division fund $ 14,641,500
Special employee health insurance
||trust fund
State surplus materials revolving
FTE positions 16.0
Lump sum appropriation $ 4,030,900
Federal surplus materials revolving
FTE positions 7.0
Lump sum appropriation $ 339,300
Total appropriation ‑ department of
administration $203,768,200
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 23,203,900
Other appropriated funds 180,564,300
Performance measures:
Customer satisfaction with ADOA's facilitation
of the flow of information from the agency,
the public, community organizations and
other governmental agencies (Scale 1-8) 6.3
Per cent of agency staff turnover 8.5
Administration as a per cent of total cost 1.1
Average cycle time for requests for
proposal (RFP) (in days) 80
Customer satisfaction rating for the
quality of contracts (Scale 1-8) 7.45
Customer satisfaction rating for
purchasing services (Scale 1-8) 7.5
Customer satisfaction rating for the
administration of the payroll process
(Scale 1-8) 6.6
Customer satisfaction rating for the
operation of AFIS (Scale 1-8) 6.2
Customer satisfaction with agency relocation
process (Scale 1-8) 6.5
Customer satisfaction with tenant
improvement process (Scale 1-8) 6.5
Customer satisfaction rating for building
maintenance (Scale 1-8) 6.5
Ratio of preventative maintenance work orders
to total maintenance requests 1:27.8
Customer satisfaction with the open
enrollment process (Scale 1-8) 7.0
Average number of days to issue list of
job applicants from Resumix to inquiring
agency 2.0
technology security services (Scale 1-8) 6.5
Customer satisfaction rating for finance
and planning services (Scale 1-8) 7.3
Customer satisfaction rating for Arizona
telecommunications system (ATS) (Scale 1-8) 6.5
Per cent of enterprise application work
requests completed by estimated target date 95
Average capitol police response time to
emergency calls (in minutes and seconds) 1:40
Customer satisfaction with GRRC
rule making assistance (Scale 1-8) 7.6
Agency sites that achieved their travel
reduction goals 22
Number of settlements and judgments greater
than $150,000 15
Workers' compensation incidence rates/100
FTE positions 5.4
Per cent of workers' compensation claims
reported within 48 hours 75
FTE positions 15.0
Lump sum appropriation $ 1,089,800
Fund sources:
AHCCCS donations fund 13,900
Performance measures:
Number of hearings held 3,980
Average days from request for hearing to
first date of hearing 46
Average days from the first scheduled
hearing to its conclusion 9
Average days from the conclusion of the
hearing to transmission of the decision
to the agency 9
Evaluations rating the administrative law
judge "excellent" or "good" in impartiality 97
The office of administrative hearings shall enter into interagency service agreements to provide services pursuant to title 41, chapter 6, article 10, Arizona Revised Statutes.
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 12,436,700
Agricultural employment relations
board 23,300
Animal damage control 65,000
Red imported fire ant 23,200
Lump sum reduction (566,700)
agriculture $ 11,981,500
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 9,405,400
Aquaculture fund 9,200
Arizona protected native plant fund 235,500
Citrus, fruit and vegetable
||revolving fund 967,700
Commercial feed fund 198,700
Consulting and training fund 61,600
Dangerous plants, pests and
||diseases fund 21,400
Egg inspection fund 473,500
Fertilizer materials fund 249,400
Livestock custody fund 79,400
Pesticide fund 230,200
Seed law fund 49,500
Performance measures:
the department's quality of communication
excellent or good 95
Meat and poultry product tests in compliance
with bacteria, drug and chemical residue
requirements 100
Per cent of industry satisfied that the level
of inspection ensures that only quality
produce reaches the market 98
Number of retailers actively participating in
the "Arizona grown" program 3,300
Overall customer satisfaction rating for
laboratory services (per cent) 98
Per cent of agency staff turnover 10.5
Within thirty days after the effective date of this act, the department of agriculture advisory council shall make a recommendation to the director concerning the proposed allocations of any reductions among the administrative units of the department. If the department does not implement the recommendations of the advisory council, the department shall report to the joint legislative budget committee by August 15, 2003 the differences between the implemented plan and the council's recommendation and the justifications for those differences.
FTE positions 2,970.8
Indian advisory council 200,100
DES eligibility 44,249,600
DES title XIX pass-through 310,900
Healthcare group administration 5,709,300
CHIP - services 66,438,300
CHIP – parents 40,139,600
Trauma centers 5,000,000
Total expenditure authority ‑
administration $236,653,100
Performance measures:
prevention program $ 7,000,000
Per cent of enrollees filing a grievance 0.2
Per cent of eligibility accuracy as
measured by quality control sample 97
Per cent of AHCCCS employee turnover 12.0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 1.7
Customer satisfaction rating for eligibility
determination clients (Scale 1-8) 6.0
Of the $236,653,100 expenditure authority for administration in fiscal year 2003-2004, $78,686,000 is appropriated from the state general fund, $1,709,300 is appropriated from the donations fund, $86,850,500 is appropriated from the children's health insurance program fund and $5,000,000 is appropriated from the tobacco products tax fund emergency health services account.
Of the $5,000,000 appropriation for trauma centers, $2,000,000 shall be directed to a university level I trauma center in southern Arizona and $3,000,000 shall be deposited in the trauma and emergency services fund established in section 36-2903.07.
It is the intent of the legislature that the appropriation for the department of administration data center charges be used only for the payment of charges incurred by the department for the use of computing services provided by the department of administration data center.
The amounts appropriated for the department of economic security eligibility special line item shall be used for intergovernmental agreements with the department of economic security for the purpose of eligibility determination and other functions. The general fund share may be used for eligibility determination for other programs administered by the division of benefits and medical eligibility based on the results of the Arizona random moment sampling survey.
The amounts appropriated for the department of health services title XIX pass-through special line item shall be used for intergovernmental agreements with the department of health services for the purpose of medicaid-related licensure, certification and registration, and other functions.
The Arizona health care cost containment system administration shall report to the joint legislative budget committee by January 1 of each year on the agency's use of the cost savings that results from entering into an agreement with another state as outlined in Laws 1999, chapter 313, section 27. The report shall also include detail on the source of all revenues and expenditure of monies from the intergovernmental service fund.
The Arizona health care cost containment system shall report by September 30 of each year to the joint legislative budget committee on the services that receive reimbursement from the federal government under the medicaid in public school initiative. The report shall include information on the type of services, how those services meet the definition of medical necessity and the total amount of federal dollars that the schools have received under the medicaid in public school initiative.
If federal matching monies are received for the finger imaging enrollment program, the Arizona health care cost containment system shall revert the portion of the state general fund appropriation received equal to the federal dollars received for this program in the year that federal monies are received.
The Arizona health care cost containment system administration is exempt from the rule making requirements of title 41, chapter 6, Arizona Revised Statutes, for the purposes of implementing the finger imaging enrollment program established pursuant to Laws 2000, chapter 378. It is the intent of the legislature that the administration shall hold hearings to give the public an opportunity to comment on the proposed rules. The administration shall hold at least one of these hearings in a county with a population of less than five hundred thousand persons.
Acute care
Fee-for-service 358,836,300
Graduate medical education 20,476,900
Total expenditure authority ‑
acute care $1,985,076,100
Performance measures:
in AHCCCS who have received age
appropriate immunizations 83
Per cent of well child visits in the first
15 months of life (EPSDT) 75
care provider 83
Per cent of women receiving annual cervical
screening 46
Member satisfaction as measured by
percentage of enrollees that choose
to change health plans 4.0
Of the $1,985,076,100 expenditure authority for acute care in fiscal year 2003-2004, $471,736,000 is appropriated from the state general fund and $59,445,900 is appropriated from the tobacco tax and health care fund medically needy account.
Before making fee-for-service program or rate changes that pertain to hospital, nursing facility or home and community based services rates or for any of the other fee-for-service rate categories that have increases that, in the aggregate, are two per cent above and $1,500,000 from the state general fund greater than budgeted medical inflation in fiscal year 2003‑2004, the Arizona health care cost containment system administration shall report its expenditure plan to the joint legislative budget committee for review.
Before implementation of any changes in capitation rates, the Arizona health care cost containment system administration shall report its expenditure plan to the joint legislative budget committee for review.
The fiscal year 2003-2004 disproportionate share payment of $136,866,800 is based on the federal fiscal year 2003-2004 authorized expenditure level of $92,056,600. If the final federal expenditure authorization is an amount different from the estimate, the governor shall direct the Arizona health care cost containment system administration, subject to the availability of monies and subject to review of the joint legislative budget committee, to proportionately adjust authorization amounts among the identified recipients of the disproportionate share hospital payment. Before the final payment, the governor shall provide notification to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the chairmen of the house and senate appropriations committees and the staff director of the joint legislative budget committee of the adjusted federal authorized expenditure level and the proposed distribution plan for these monies.
The appropriation for disproportionate share payments for fiscal year 2003-2004 made pursuant to section 36-2903.01, subsection P, Arizona Revised Statutes, includes $82,244,200 for qualifying county operated hospitals, $26,147,700 for private qualifying disproportionate share hospitals and $28,474,900 for deposit in the Arizona state hospital fund.
Long‑term care
Board of nursing 209,700
Total expenditure authority ‑
long‑term care $825,404,400
Performance measures:
that receive influenza immunization 86
Per cent of members utilizing home and
community based services (HCBS) 54
Per cent of ALTCS applications processed on
time (within 45 days) 94
Per cent of financial redeterminations
processed on time (within 12 months) 96
Any federal funds that the Arizona health care cost containment system administration passes through to the department of economic security for use in long‑term administration care for the developmentally disabled shall not count against the long‑term care expenditure authority above.
Pursuant to section 11‑292, subsection B, Arizona Revised Statutes, the fiscal year 2003-2004 nonfederal portion of the costs of providing long‑term care system services is $239,745,300. Of this amount, $52,847,800 is appropriated from the state general fund, $7,446,500 is appropriated from the county contribution fund and the county contribution is $179,451,000. The general fund appropriation of $52,847,800 includes $6,000,000 of savings due to the federal match rate change.
Before making fee-for-service program or rate changes that pertain to hospital, nursing facility or home and community based services rates or for any of the other fee-for-service rate categories that have increases that, in the aggregate, are two per cent above and $1,500,000 from the state general fund greater than budgeted medical inflation in fiscal year 2003‑2004, the Arizona health care cost containment system administration shall report its expenditure plan to the joint legislative budget committee for review.
Before implementation of any changes in capitation rates, the Arizona health care cost containment system administration shall report its expenditure plan to the joint legislative budget committee for review.
Proposition 204
Services $ 918,870,500
County hold harmless 4,825,600
Total expenditure authority –
Of the $965,241,800 expenditure authority for proposition 204 in fiscal year 2003-2004, $149,159,800 is appropriated from the state general fund, $21,222,800 is appropriated from tobacco products tax fund emergency health services account, $5,324,600 is appropriated from the budget neutrality compliance fund and $20,541,100 is appropriated from the tobacco tax and health care fund medically needy account.
Of the $4,825,600 appropriated for the proposition 204 county hold harmless line, $234,200 is allocated to Graham county, $234,400 to Greenlee county, $159,700 to La Paz county, $3,817,800 to Pima county, $214,800 to Santa Cruz county and $164,700 to Yavapai county to offset a net loss in revenue due to the implementation of proposition 204, and shall be used for indigent health care costs.
Before implementation of any changes in capitation rates, the Arizona health care cost containment system shall report its expenditure plan to the joint legislative budget committee for review.
Less proposition 204 protection
account collections (55,067,800)
Less tobacco litigation
||settlement collections (45,047,000)
Less collections, other
||receipts and balances forward (2,952,290,300)
Federal match rate change (73,094,500)
Total appropriation ‑ Arizona health care
cost containment system $ 886,875,800
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 679,335,100
Other appropriated funds 207,540,700
Performance measures:
are uninsured 24
Per cent of children (under 18 years)
that are uninsured 22
The reduction associated with the federal match rate change represents a reduction in the state general fund appropriation associated with temporary changes to the federal matching assistance percentage designed to give fiscal relief to states. There shall be a corresponding $73,094,500 increase in federal expenditure authority to the agency.
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 4.0 4.0
Lump sum appropriation $ 474,900** $ 474,900
Payment of fiscal year 2001-2002
expenses 1,100 - 0 -
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 110 110
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 1.0 1.0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 10.0 10.0
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.1 6.1
FTE positions 11.5
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 536,900
Community service projects 1,263,100
Total appropriation ‑ Arizona commission
on the arts $ 1,800,000
Fund sources:
Heritage fund $ 1,800,000
Performance measures:
by agency 8,500,000
Number of grants awarded 560
Cumulative private funds raised to match
state arts endowment fund $ 25,000,000
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 7.5
Administration as a per cent of total cost 2.2
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 45,609,800
State grand jury 160,100
Victims' rights 3,173,600
Total appropriation ‑ attorney general ‑
department of law $ 48,943,500
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 22,878,600
Antitrust enforcement revolving fund 167,000
Collection enforcement revolving fund 3,595,800
Consumer fraud revolving fund 1,805,600
Interagency service agreements fund 17,322,900
Victims' rights fund 3,173,600
Performance measures:
to a request for a legal opinion 40
Civil rights – per cent of cases resolved
using voluntary settlement agreements 30
Per cent of death penalty and/or sentences
affirmed by the Arizona supreme court 80
Per cent of agency staff turnover 14
Administrative cost as per cent of total cost 7.0
Customer satisfaction rating for client
agencies (Scale 1-8) 7.1
The $160,100 appropriated for state grand jury expenses is for costs incurred pursuant to section 21‑428, subsection C, Arizona Revised Statutes. It is the intent of the legislature that state grand jury expenses be limited to the amount appropriated and that a supplemental appropriation will not be provided.
The attorney general shall notify the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives and the joint legislative budget committee before entering into a settlement of $100,000 or more that will result in the receipt of monies by the attorney general or any other person. The attorney general shall not allocate or expend these monies until the joint legislative budget committee reviews the allocations or expenditures. Settlements that pursuant to statute must be deposited in the state general fund need not be reviewed by the joint legislative budget committee. This paragraph does not apply to actions under title 13, Arizona Revised Statutes, or other criminal matters.
In addition to $17,322,900 appropriated from the interagency service agreements fund, an additional $370,000 and 5 FTE positions are appropriated from the interagency service agreements fund for new or expanded interagency service agreements. The attorney general shall report to the joint legislative budget committee whenever an interagency service agreement is established that will require expenditures from the additional amount. The report shall include the name of the agency or entity with which the agreement is made, the dollar amount of the contract by fiscal year and the number of associated FTE positions.
All revenues received by the antitrust enforcement revolving fund in excess of $167,000 are appropriated. Expenditures from the fund may not exceed $750,000 in fiscal year 2003-2004. Before the expenditure of any antitrust enforcement revolving fund receipts in excess of $167,000 in fiscal year 2003-2004, the attorney general shall submit the intended uses of the monies for review by the joint legislative budget committee.
2003-04 2004-05
Lump sum appropriation $ 519,500 $ 519,500
Auto theft authority grants 3,499,500 3,602,000
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Per cent reduction in auto thefts 2.5 2.5
Felony auto theft arrests by auto theft
task force 275 275
Chop shops closed 36 36
Administration as a per cent of total cost 7.6 7.6
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-3,
Performance measures:
The banking department shall assess and set fees to ensure that monies deposited in the state general fund will equal or exceed its expenditure from the state general fund.
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 4.0 4.0
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 21 21
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) <7 <7
Administration as a per cent of total cost 10 10
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.1 6.1
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 13.0 13.0
Fund sources:
Board of behavioral health
||examiners fund $ 771,600 $ 771,600
Performance measures:
Average days to resolve a complaint 180 180
Average days to renew a license (from receipt
of application to issuance) 19 19
Administration as a per cent of total cost 10 10
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.1 6.1
Performance measures:
Area fire training sessions held 100
Administration as a per cent of total cost 8.8
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-5) 4.7
2003-04 2004-05
Performance measures:
Number of on-site monitoring visits 155 175
Number of complaints regarding schools sponsored 110 110
Customer satisfaction survey (Scale 1-8) 7.75 8
The state board for charter schools shall provide a report to the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting by December 1, 2003 on options for self-funding the agency as well as potential other sources to serve as chartering entities.
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 5.0 5.0
Fund sources:
Board of chiropractic examiners
||fund $ 439,600 $ 439,600
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 15 15
Administration as a per cent of total cost 16 16
Per cent of complaints resolved within 180
days with no hearing required 92 92
Per cent of survey responses which indicate
that staff was knowledgeable and courteous
in public communications 97 97
FTE positions 82.9
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 3,816,200
International trade offices 968,200
Minority and women owned business 104,500
Small business advocate 103,700
Economic Development matching funds 104,000
Main street 130,000
REDI matching grants 45,000
Advertising and promotion 659,200
Motion picture development 291,100
CEDC commission 240,700
National law center/free trade 200,000
Apprenticeship services 156,000
Oil overcharge administration 148,500
Total appropriation – department of
commerce $ 6,967,100
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 3,568,600
Bond fund 115,800
CEDC fund 2,893,500
Oil overcharge fund 148,500
State lottery fund 240,700
Performance measures:
Number of jobs created 15,500
Number of workers trained 7,500
Number of new company locations or
expansions 60
Export sales $13,000,000,000
Average wage rate of new jobs created $19.00
Administration as a per cent of total cost 9.2
Customer satisfaction rating for economic
development program 6.0
Of the $2,893,500 appropriated from the CEDC fund, $250,000 shall be utilized for implementation of cross-industry business/infrastructure development projects and related project coordination in support of regional technology councils and high technology clusters operating in Arizona.
Equalization aid
Navajo 1,441,300
Yuma/La Paz 202,400
Operating state aid
Graham 5,252,400
Maricopa 46,613,700
Mohave 3,630,300
Navajo 4,210,300
Pima 18,125,700
Yavapai 4,589,200
Yuma/La Paz 5,222,600
Total ‑ operating state aid $101,749,300
Capital outlay state aid
Coconino 319,300
Mohave 440,400
Pima 2,654,800
Pinal 658,800
Yavapai 567,400
Yuma/La Paz 718,600
Total appropriation – Arizona community
colleges $128,308,700
Performance measures:
universities who transfer from an Arizona
community college with 12 or more credits 48
Per cent of students who transfer to Arizona
public universities without loss of credits 96
Number of applied baccalaureate programs
collaboratively developed with universities 8
Per cent of community college campuses that
offer 2-way interactive TV courses 100
All community college districts shall provide articulation information to students for classes that transfer for credit to an Arizona public university, including references to advisement, counseling and appropriate web sites, in all catalogues, course schedules and internet course guides.
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 138.8 138.8
Office of administrative hearings
||costs 869,500 869,500
Incentive pay 113,500 113,500
Total appropriation ‑ registrar of
contractors $ 9,793,400** $ 9,075,700
Fund sources:
Registrar of contractors' fund $ 9,793,400 $ 9,075,700
Performance measures:
Average calendar days from receipt of
complaint to jobsite inspection 15 15
Number of inspections 11,288 11,288
Administration as a per cent of total cost 6.2 6.2
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.0 6.0
Utilities, audits, studies,
Total appropriation ‑ corporation commission $ 21,757,600
Fund sources:
Arizona arts trust fund 37,900
Investment management regulatory
||and enforcement fund 747,100
Public access fund 1,779,900
Securities regulatory and
enforcement fund 3,333,300
Utility regulation revolving fund 11,064,100
Performance measures:
Average turnaround time in weeks for processing
of regular corporate filings 6.5
Average turnaround time in days for processing
of expedited corporate filings 2.0
rate case 200
Number of months required to review complaints
received by securities division 1.5
Per cent of agency staff turnover 13
Administration as a per cent of total cost 11
Customer satisfaction rating for corporations
program (Scale 1-8) 6.0
FTE positions 10,039.4
Lump sum appropriation $637,734,000
Fund sources:
Penitentiary land fund 875,000
State charitable, penal and
reformatory institutions
land fund 570,000
State education fund for
correctional education 2,122,200
Performance measures:
Escapes from secure facilities 0
Number of inmates receiving GED 1,123
Number of inmate random positive
urinalysis results 1,010
Per cent of agency staff turnover 17.6
Administration as a per cent of total cost 7.5
Customer satisfaction rating for employee
satisfaction (Scale 1-8) 6.1
Twenty‑five per cent of land earnings and interest from the state charitable, penal and reformatory institutions land fund shall be distributed to the state department of corrections in compliance with section 25 of the enabling act and the constitution to be used for the support of state penal institutions.
One hundred per cent of land earnings and interest from the penitentiary land fund shall be distributed to the department of corrections in compliance with section 25 of the enabling act and the constitution to be used for the support of state penal institutions.
Before the expenditure of any state education fund for correctional education receipts in excess of $2,122,200, the department of corrections shall report the intended use of the monies to the director of the joint legislative budget committee.
Before altering its bed capacity by closing state-operated prison beds, canceling or not renewing contracts for privately-operated prison beds, the department of corrections shall submit a bed plan detailing the proposed bed closures for approval by the joint legislative budget committee.
The Arizona department of corrections shall submit a report to the joint legislative budget committee by December 31, 2003 on the possibility of expanding the use of inmate labor for state government clerical work. The report should include information, delineated by agency, on the amount of clerical work currently performed by inmates, the type of work performed and recommendations on how to expand the work program to additional agencies.
The Arizona department of corrections shall continue to proceed with privatization of a prison for the female inmate population. The female inmates would be relocated to a privately-operated facility during fiscal year 2004-2005.
2003-04 2004-05
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 10 10
Administration as a per cent of total cost 13.6 13.6
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 7.2 7.2
FTE positions 7.0
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 4,435,600
Rural state aid to county attorneys 157,700
Rural state aid to indigent defense 150,100
State aid to county attorneys 706,500
State aid to indigent defense 670,800
justice commission $ 6,120,700
Fund sources:
Criminal justice enhancement fund 541,400
Victim compensation and assistance
||fund 2,900,000
State aid to county attorneys fund 706,500
State aid to indigent defense fund 670,800
Performance measures:
Per cent of crime victim program audits
reflecting no deficiencies 100
Drug and violent crime arrests made by
grant-funded task forces 2,758
Number of juvenile jails assisted for
improvement 0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 6.9
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-10) 9.0
All victim compensation and victim assistance receipts received by the Arizona criminal justice commission in excess of $2,900,000 in fiscal year 2003-2004 are appropriated to the crime victims program. Before the expenditure of any victim compensation and victim assistance receipts in excess of $2,900,000 in fiscal year 2003-2004, the Arizona criminal justice commission shall submit the intended use of the monies for review by the joint legislative budget committee.
Notwithstanding any other law, the amount appropriated for rural state aid to county attorneys and rural state aid to indigent defense shall be allocated to counties with populations of less than five hundred thousand persons.
Phoenix day school for the deaf
Fund sources:
Arizona schools for the deaf
and the blind fund 4,808,400
Tucson campus
Fund sources:
Arizona schools for the deaf
and the blind fund 5,575,500
Administration/statewide programs
Fund sources:
Arizona schools for the deaf
Telecommunications excise tax
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 13,835,800
Arizona schools for the deaf
and the blind fund 11,960,600
Telecommunications excise tax fund 1,817,000
Performance measures:
services as "good" or "excellent" based
on annual survey 94
Per cent of agency staff turnover 15
Per cent of students demonstrating gains
on the AIMS–A test 80
Before the expenditure of any Arizona schools for the deaf and the blind fund nonendowment monies in excess of $11,655,300 in fiscal year 2003‑2004, the Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind shall report the intended use of the funds to the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, the chairmen of the house and senate appropriations committees and the directors of the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting.
All endowment earnings above $305,300 in fiscal year 2003-2004 that are received by the Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind and deposited into the Arizona schools for the deaf and the blind fund are appropriated for operating expenditures.
2003-04 2004-05
Lump sum appropriation $ 5,142,100 $ 5,130,100
Fund sources:
Telecommunication fund for
||the deaf $ 5,142,100 $ 5,130,100
Performance measures:
Cost per minute of the telecommunications
relay services program $1.24 $1.24
Administration as a per cent of total cost 1.5 1.5
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.1 6.1
Before the execution of any contract for telecommunication relay services, the commission for the deaf and the hard of hearing shall present the proposed contract to the joint legislative budget committee for review.
FTE positions 10.0
Lump sum appropriation $ 857,400
Fund sources:
Board of dental examiners fund $ 857,400
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 150
Number of investigations of licensees 450
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 10
Administration as a per cent of total cost 5.2
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-5) 4.1
2003-04 2004-05
Lump sum appropriation $ 1,452,300 $ 1,452,300
Fund sources:
Drug and gang prevention
||resource center fund $ 254,800 $ 254,800
Intergovernmental agreements and
||grants 1,197,500 1,197,500
Performance measures:
Prevention materials disseminated (per item) 262,000 262,000
Agency and public service requests completed 4,000 4,000
Customer satisfaction rating of agencies
served by the center (Scale 1-8) 7.5 7.5
Administration as a per cent of total cost 9.9 9.9
Grant and intergovernmental agreement revenues in excess of $1,197,500 in fiscal year 2003-2004 and $1,197,500 in fiscal year 2004-2005 are appropriated for expenditure. Before the expenditure of these monies, the center shall provide an expenditure plan to the joint legislative budget committee for review.
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 27,656,100
Federal child care and development
||fund block grant 1,055,200
Federal temporary assistance for
||needy families block grant 5,251,100
Special administration fund 536,200
Spinal and head injuries trust fund 86,900
Performance measures:
annual survey (Scale 1-5)
Office of personnel management 3.7
Office of management development 4.6
Office of appellate services administration 4.3
Office of technology services 4.4
Per cent of information technology service
help calls requests resolved in 1 day 78.5
Per cent of agency staff turnover 15.2
Administration as a per cent of total cost 8.0
In accordance with section 35-142.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, the department of economic security shall remit to the department of administration any monies received as reimbursement from the federal government or any other source for the operation of the department of economic security west building and any other building lease-purchased by the State of Arizona in which the department of economic security occupies space. The department of administration shall deposit these monies in the state general fund.
In accordance with section 38-654, Arizona Revised Statutes, the department of economic security shall transfer to the department of administration for deposit in the special employee health insurance trust fund any unexpended state general fund monies at the end of each fiscal year appropriated for employer health insurance contributions.
Developmental disabilities
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 3,925,000
Case management 3,193,100
Home and community based services 28,696,400
Institutional services 294,900
Arizona training program at Coolidge 5,195,900
State-funded long-term care services 19,982,100
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
case management services 95
Cost per member year – Arizona training
program – Coolidge $ 108,500
Average number of Arizona training program –
Coolidge clients 152
It is the intent of the legislature that any available surplus monies for developmental disability programs be applied toward the waiting list, unless there are insufficient monies to annualize these costs in the subsequent year. The children's waiting list shall receive first priority. The amount appropriated for developmental disabilities shall be used to provide for services for non-title XIX eligible clients. The amount shall not be used for other purposes, unless a transfer of monies is reviewed by the joint legislative budget committee.
The department of economic security shall report all new placements into a state-owned ICF-MR or the Arizona training program at Coolidge campus in fiscal year 2003-2004 to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the chairmen of the senate and house of representatives appropriations committees and the director of the joint legislative budget committee and the reason why this placement, rather than a placement into a privately run facility for the developmentally disabled, was deemed as the most appropriate placement. The department should also report if no new placements were made. This report shall be made available by July 15, 2004.
Long-term care system fund
FTE positions 1,393.4
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 24,047,000
Case management 25,600,800
Home and community based services 355,019,300
Institutional services 12,117,900
Medical services 66,453,400
Arizona training program at
||Coolidge 11,252,900
Less title XIX and other funds (333,702,700)
Total – long-term care system fund $ 160,788,600
Performance measures:
Per cent of consumer satisfaction with
case management services 95
Cost per member year at Arizona training
program – Coolidge $ 108,500
Average number of Arizona training program –
Coolidge clients 152
All monies in the long-term care system fund unexpended and unencumbered at the end of fiscal year 2003-2004 revert to the state general fund, subject to approval by the Arizona health care cost containment system.
Before implementation of any changes in capitation rates for the long‑term care program, the department of economic security shall report its expenditure plan to the joint legislative budget committee for its review.
Benefits and medical eligibility
Temporary assistance for needy
Total ‑ benefits and medical
eligibility $204,875,200
Fund sources:
Federal temporary assistance for
Performance measures:
Per cent of total cash benefits payments
issued accurately 95.0
Per cent of total food stamps payments
issued accurately 95.0
assistance administration 93.0
The operating lump sum appropriation may be expended on Arizona health care cost containment system eligibility determinations based on the results of the Arizona random moment sampling survey.
Notwithstanding section 35-173, subsection C, Arizona Revised Statutes, any transfer to or from the $164,540,100 appropriated for temporary assistance for needy families cash benefits requires approval of the joint legislative budget committee.
Of the amount appropriated for temporary assistance for needy families cash benefits, $1,500,000 reflects appropriation authority only to ensure sufficient cashflow to administer cash benefits for tribes operating their own welfare programs. The department shall notify the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting staff before the use of any of the $1,500,000 appropriation authority.
Child support enforcement
Less federal funds (34,999,200)
Fund sources:
Child support enforcement
||administration fund 11,939,500
Performance measures:
Total IV-D collections $274,000,000
Per cent of IV-D caseload with a IV-D
collection 43.2
Ratio of current IV-D support collected
and distributed to current IV-D support
due 46.4
Per cent of IV-D court ordered cases with a
collection during the year 62.7
Per cent of IV-D children in the paternity
function for whom paternity was established
during the year 23.2
Per cent of cases in the establishment
function for which orders were established
during the year 32.1
All state share of retained earnings and federal incentives above $11,329,600 received by the division of child support enforcement are appropriated for operating expenditures. New full‑time equivalent positions may be authorized with the increased funding. The division of child support enforcement shall report the intended use of the monies to the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, the chairmen of the senate and house appropriations committees and the directors of the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting.
Aging and community services
Fund sources:
Federal temporary assistance for
||needy families block grant 12,903,400
Utility assistance fund 500,000
Performance measures:
Adult protective services investigation
per cent rate 80
Per cent of participants in older workers
program transitioned from subsidized to
unsubsidized positions 40
Per cent of eligibility determination made
within 48 hours for refugee medical
assistance program 98
Per cent of clients surveyed who were
accurately referred by the information
and referral program 97.3
All domestic violence shelter fund monies above $1,700,000 received by the department of economic security are appropriated for the domestic violence prevention special line item. The department of economic security shall report the intended use of the monies above $1,700,000 to the joint legislative budget committee.
It is the intent of the legislature that the department use at least $1,038,900 of federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant monies in the appropriation for community and emergency services to ensure that councils of governments and tribal governments receive at least the same amount of federal social services block grant monies that those entities received in fiscal year 2000-2001.
Children, youth and families
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 47,444,700
Children services 33,295,200
Adoption services 20,257,200
Permanent guardianship subsidy 983,300
Child abuse prevention 814,400
Comprehensive medical and dental
||program 2,057,000
Child protective services appeals 623,400
Temporary assistance for needy
||families deposit to social
||services block grant 25,259,700
Intensive family services 1,985,600
Healthy families 5,034,200
Temporary assistance for needy
families deposit to the joint
substance abuse treatment fund 2,000,000
Homeless youth intervention 400,000
Child protective services
||expedited substance abuse
||treatment fund deposit 224,500
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 68,737,000
Child abuse prevention fund 1,564,400
Children and family services
||training program fund 209,600
Federal temporary assistance for
||needy families block grant 79,237,200
Performance measures:
Per cent of newly hired CPS specialists
completing training within 7 months
of hire 100
Per cent of children in out-of-home care
who exit the child welfare system who
achieve permanent placement through
reunification, adoption or legal
guardianship 37
Per cent of children in out-of-home care
who have not returned to their families
or been placed in another type of
permanent placement for more than 24
consecutive months since they were
removed from their homes 33
Number of children with finalized adoption 909
Per cent of CPS reports responded to by CPS
staff 80
Per cent of CPS reports responded to by
family builders 20
Substantiated reports of child maltreatment 4,882
Average per cent rate at which CPS
reports are substantiated 16.5
Per cent of CPS original dependencies
cases where court denied or dismissed 3
Per cent of office of administrative
hearings where CPS case findings
are affirmed 90
Per cent of CPS complaints reviewed by
the office of the ombudsman-citizens
aide where allegations are reported
as valid by the ombudsman 14
Per cent of calls to the family advocate
that relate to CPS complaints 88
Per cent of CPS cases where the family
advocate is involved and is successful
in facilitating a solution 90
Per cent of CPS cases where most or all of the
foster care review board recommendations
are agreed on before court action as
reported by the board 85
Average per cent of time spent on
administrative paperwork as reported by
CPS workers in an annual survey
District 1 5
District 2 4
District 3 4
District 4 1
District 5 1
District 6 1
It is the intent of the legislature that the $25,259,700 appropriated from the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant to the social services block grant for deposit into the temporary assistance for needy families deposit to social services block grant special line item be allocated to the children services program.
The department of economic security shall provide training to any new child protective services full-time equivalent positions before assigning to any of these employees any client caseload duties.
It is the intent of the legislature that the department of economic security shall use the funding in the division of children, youth and families, including the operating lump sum appropriation and the family builders program appropriation, to achieve a one hundred per cent response rate.
Employment and rehabilitation services
FTE positions 413.3
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 19,909,700
JOBS 22,610,100
Work-related transportation 302,200
Job search stipends 30,000
Day care subsidy 118,256,500
Transitional child care 30,500,000
Vocational rehabilitation services 3,489,800
Independent living rehabilitation
services 2,491,900
Summer youth employment and training 1,000,000
Workforce investment act programs 44,070,600
Total ‑ employment and rehabilitation
services $242,660,800
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 38,830,200
Federal child care and development
||fund block grant 125,143,000
Federal temporary assistance for
||needy families block grant 23,016,500
Spinal and head injuries trust fund 2,379,000
Workforce investment act grant 47,960,700
Performance measures:
Average cost per JOBS participant in all
work activities $ 895
Per cent of customer satisfaction with
child care 93.0
Vocational rehabilitation individuals
successfully rehabilitated 2,045
It is the intent of the legislature that the $22,610,100 appropriated for JOBS may be used to support nonpermanent and seasonal positions to fulfill federal program requirements when contracts for services cannot be established with outside parties. The use of such positions shall be reported to the director of the joint legislative budget committee.
All federal workforce investment act funds that are received by the state in excess of $47,960,700 are appropriated to the workforce investment act programs special line item. Excess monies may not be spent until a proposed expenditure plan for the excess monies has been reviewed by the joint legislative budget committee.
Of the $118,256,500 appropriated for day care subsidy, $87,056,500 is for a program in which the upper income limit is no more than one hundred sixty-five per cent of the federal poverty level. This provision shall not be construed to impose a duty on an officer, agent or employee of the state to discharge a responsibility or to create any right in a person or group if the discharge or right would require an expenditure of state monies in excess of the $87,056,500 appropriation.
The amounts appropriated for day care subsidy and transitional child care shall be used exclusively for child care costs unless a transfer of monies is approved by the joint legislative budget committee. Monies shall not be used from these appropriated amounts for any other expenses of the department of economic security unless a transfer of monies is approved by the joint legislative budget committee.
The governor's council on workforce policy shall submit a report to the joint legislative budget committee by November 15, 2003 on efforts the executive branch is making in streamlining statewide workforce training services and any legislative changes required to further streamline these services.
All spinal and head injuries trust fund receipts received by the department of economic security in excess of $2,379,000 are appropriated to the independent living rehabilitation services special line item. Before the expenditure of any spinal and head injuries trust fund receipts in excess of $2,379,000, the department of economic security shall submit the intended use of the monies for review by the joint legislative budget committee.
It is the intent of the legislature that the department shall use $4,500,000 of the monies appropriated for the JOBS special line item for contracts with education and training entities. These contracts shall focus on assisting JOBS clients in obtaining jobs paying, on average, ten dollars per hour or more. The department shall report to the joint legislative budget committee by October 15, 2004 on these efforts. The report shall include expenditure details and placement data.
Total appropriation ‑ department of
economic security $ 891,277,800
Fund sources:
Federal temporary assistance for
Federal child care and development
Child support enforcement
Children and family services
Performance measures:
Agencywide customer satisfaction rating
(Scale 1-5) 4.2
Employee satisfaction rating (Scale 1-5) 3.7
The reduction associated with the federal match rate change represents a reduction in the state general fund appropriation associated with temporary changes to the federal matching assistance percentage designed to give fiscal relief to states. There shall be a corresponding $14,906,000 increase in federal expenditure authority to the department.
The above appropriation is in addition to funds granted to the state by the federal government for the same purposes but shall be deemed to include the sums deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the department of economic security, pursuant to section 42‑5029, Arizona Revised Statutes.
A monthly report comparing total expenditures for the month and year‑to‑date as compared to prior year totals shall be forwarded to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the chairmen of the senate and house appropriations committees and the director of the joint legislative budget committee by the thirtieth of the following month. The report shall include an estimate of (1)||potential shortfalls in entitlement programs, (2)||potential federal and other funds, such as the statewide assessment for indirect costs, and any projected surplus in state supported programs that may be available to offset these shortfalls and a plan, if necessary, for eliminating any shortfall without a supplemental appropriation, (3)||shortfalls resulting from new leases or renegotiations of current leases and associated costs, and (4) total expenditure authority of the child support enforcement program for the month and year‑to‑date as compared to prior year totals.
The department of economic security shall report the receipt and intended use of all current and prior year reversions from nonappropriated sources to the joint legislative budget committee.
State board of education
The appropriated amount includes $100,000 for administering a survey to a random sample of parents of children in public schools statewide. The survey shall consist of the following question: "Students are given the grades A+, A, B, C, D and Fail to denote the quality of their work. Using the same A+, A, B, C, D and Fail scale, what grade would you give the school that your oldest child attends?"
The state board of education program may establish its own strategic plan separate from that of the department of education and based on its own separate mission, goals and performance measures.
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Per cent of parents who rate "A+" the public
school that their oldest school-age child
attends 8.0
General services administration
Fund sources:
The appropriated amount includes $2,255,500 for norm-referenced testing of pupils in grades one through nine.
Before making any changes to the achievement testing program that will increase program costs, the state board of education shall report the estimated fiscal impact of those changes to the joint legislative budget committee.
FTE positions – Arizona teacher
Fund source:
FTE positions – special education
FTE positions – teacher
Fund source:
Monies collected by the department of education for teacher certification fees, as authorized by section 15-531, paragraphs 1 and 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, shall be deposited in a teacher certification fund for use in funding costs of the teacher certification program.
Total – general services
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Average number of days to process
applications for certification services 35
Per cent of customers satisfied with the
agency’s service Baseline +1
Per cent of customers satisfied with
certification services 87
Assistance to schools
Fund sources:
The above appropriation provides basic state support to school districts for maintenance and operations funding as provided by section 15‑973, Arizona Revised Statutes, and includes an estimated $59,761,100 in expendable income derived from the permanent state school fund and from state trust lands pursuant to section 37-521, subsection B, Arizona Revised Statutes, for fiscal year 2003-2004.
Receipts derived from the permanent state school fund and any other nonstate general fund revenue source that is dedicated to fund basic state aid will be expended, whenever possible, before expenditure of state general fund monies.
Except as required by section 37-521, Arizona Revised Statutes, all monies received during the fiscal year from national forests, interest collected on deferred payments on the purchase of state lands, the income from the investment of permanent funds as prescribed by the enabling act and the constitution and all monies received by the superintendent of public instruction from whatever source, except monies received pursuant to sections 15‑237 and 15-531, Arizona Revised Statutes, when paid into the state treasury are appropriated for apportionment to the various counties in accordance with law. An expenditure shall not be made except as specifically authorized above.
Assistance to school districts for
children of state employees 99,500
Certificates of educational
convenience 269,900
FTE positions – special education
Special education fund 29,617,600
FTE positions - adult education
||assistance 4.0
The appropriated amount is for classes in adult basic education, general education development and citizenship on a statewide basis.
It is the intent of the legislature that no more than ten per cent of the appropriation for adult education assistance be used by the department of education for operating the division of adult education. It is also the intent of the legislature that the greatest possible proportion of monies appropriated for adult education programs be devoted to instructional, rather than administrative, aspects of the programs.
FTE positions – chemical abuse 3.0
Chemical abuse 796,300
AIMS intervention; dropout prevention 550,000
Extended school year 500,000
FTE positions – family literacy 1.0
Family literacy 1,002,100
FTE positions - gifted support 2.0
Gifted support 1,301,400
Optional performance incentive
programs 120,000
Parental choice for reading
success 1,000,000
FTE positions – school
School accountability 4,605,200
Fund sources:
Proposition 301 fund 4,586,800
FTE positions - school report cards 3.0
School report cards 439,100
FTE positions – school safety
program 3.0
School safety program 6,700,700
Small pass-through programs 581,600
The appropriated amount includes $50,000 for the academic contest fund, $82,400 for academic decathlon, $50,000 for Arizona geographic alliance, $40,000 for the Arizona humanities council, $25,200 for Arizona principal's academy, $234,000 for Arizona school service through education technology, $50,000 for project citizen and $50,000 for the economic academic council.
FTE positions – state block grant
for early childhood education 4.7
State block grant for early childhood
education 19,408,600
FTE positions - state block grant 32.0
State block grant for vocational
education 11,154,100
The appropriated amount is for block grants to charter schools and school districts that have vocational education programs. It is the intent of the legislature that monies appropriated in the general appropriation act for the state block grant for vocational education be used to promote improved student achievement by providing vocational education programs with flexible supplemental funding that is linked both to numbers of students in such programs and to numbers of program completers who enter jobs in fields directly related to the vocational education program that they completed. It is the intent of the legislature that the amount of the state block grant for vocational education funding that is used for state level administration of the program be limited to no more than the amount used for such costs during the prior fiscal year plus the applicable amount of any pay raise that may be provided for state employees through legislative appropriation.
Vocational education extended
Fund sources:
Permanent state school fund 59,761,100
Performance measures:
Per cent of schools with at least 75% of
students meeting or exceeding standards in:
-- reading 93
-- writing 78
-- math 79
Per cent of Arizona high school students
who enter 9th grade and graduate within
4 years 75
Per cent of students in grade 3 meeting
or exceeding state academic standards in:
-- reading 78
-- writing 82
-- math 67
Per cent of students in grade 5 meeting
or exceeding state academic standards in:
-- reading 62
-- writing 62
-- math 50
Per cent of students in grade 8 meeting
or exceeding state academic standards in:
-- reading 60
-- writing 50
-- math 40
Per cent of students in grade 12 meeting
or exceeding state academic standards in:
-- reading 90
-- writing 80
-- math 70
Per cent of students tested:
-- Stanford 9 100
-- AIMS 95
Total appropriation ‑ state board of
education and superintendent
of public instruction $3,014,598,600
Fund sources:
Proposition 301 fund 6,842,300
Permanent state school fund 59,761,100
Teacher certification fund 1,486,200
Performance measures:
Per cent of agency staff turnover 18
Administration as a per cent of total cost 0.2
Total cost of administration ($ in millions) 6.5
Emergency management
FTE positions 14.5
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 966,100
Civil air patrol 56,700
Fund sources:
Military affairs
The department of emergency and military affairs appropriation includes $1,550,700 in fiscal year 2003-2004 for project challenge. These monies shall only be used to fund operating expenditures for project challenge.
Total appropriation – department of
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Per cent of project challenge graduates
either employed or in school 95
Administration as a per cent of total cost 2.5
Customer satisfaction rating for communities
served during disasters (Scale 1-8) 6.0
The department of emergency and military affairs appropriation includes $852,300 for service contracts. This amount is exempt from section 35‑190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations, except that all fiscal year 2003-2004 monies remaining unexpended and unencumbered on October 31, 2004 revert to the state general fund.
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 21,310,800
Aquifer protection permit program 740,800
Hazardous waste program 668,300
Solid waste program 3,267,400
Waste tire program 202,000
Water quality program 3,606,900
Emissions control program –
Emissions control contractor
payment 31,739,600
Water infrastructure finance
authority 2,445,100
Air quality program 4,450,900
Underground storage tank program 22,000
Total appropriation ‑ department of
environmental quality $ 77,759,900
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 12,844,700
Water quality fee fund 3,606,900
Hazardous waste fund 668,300
Air permits administration fund 5,262,400
Emissions inspection fund 35,618,300
Air quality fee fund 4,615,900
Indirect cost recovery fund 11,652,000
Used oil fund 129,300
Underground storage tank fund 22,000
Performance measures:
Per cent of contaminated sites closed
requiring no further action (cumulative)
versus known sites 78.0
Vehicles that have failed inspection and
later brought into compliance 166,000
Per cent of statutorily set permit timelines
met through licensing time frames rule 99
Number of days per year exceeding national
ambient air quality standards for ozone,
carbon monoxide or particulates 0
Per cent of agency staff turnover 11.7
Administration as a per cent of total cost 12.6
Customer satisfaction rating for citizens
(Scale 1-8) 7.4
Up to $1,250,000 of the state general fund appropriation may be used temporarily to maintain existing environmental programs for which an application for federal funds has been submitted.
When expenditures from the hazardous waste or environmental health reserves are authorized, the director of the department of environmental quality shall report the nature of the emergency and the authorized expenditure amount to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the chairmen of the senate and house appropriations committees and the director of the joint legislative budget committee.
The department of environmental quality shall report annually to the legislature in writing on the progress of WQARF activities, including emergency response, priority site remediation, cost recovery activity, revenue and expenditure activity and other WQARF-funded program activity. The department shall submit the report to the members of the joint legislative budget committee and to the director of the joint legislative budget committee staff by September 1, 2003.
The amounts appropriated for the water infrastructure finance authority in fiscal year 2003-2004 shall be used to provide a twenty per cent match of the fiscal year 2003-2004 federal safe drinking water and clean water revolving fund allocations to this state. Of the amount appropriated, any amount in excess of the required twenty per cent match reverts to the state general fund.
The monies appropriated in the Pima county air quality programs special line item are for use by Pima county to avoid being declared in non‑attainment of particulate matter standards by establishing public notification and outreach programs, minimizing exposure to particulate matter concentrations and to abatement and minimization of controllable sources of particulate matter through best available control measures. Of the monies in the Pima county air quality programs special line item in fiscal year 2003-2004, $50,000 shall be used for carbon monoxide monitoring as required by the Pima county limited maintenance plan with the federal environmental protection agency.
The appropriation from the permit administration fund is an estimate representing all monies distributed to this fund, including balance forward, revenue and transfers during fiscal year 2003-2004. These monies are appropriated to the Arizona department of environmental quality for the purposes established in section 49-455, Arizona Revised Statutes. The appropriation shall be adjusted as necessary to reflect actual final receipts credited to the permit administration fund.
Pursuant to section 49-282, Arizona Revised Statutes, the department of environmental quality shall submit a fiscal year 2004-2005 budget for the water quality assurance revolving fund before September 1, 2003, for review by the house of representatives and senate appropriations committees.
Within sixty days of the enactment of this act, the WQARF advisory board, established pursuant to section 49-289.04, Arizona Revised Statutes, shall make a recommendation to the department of environmental quality on how to reduce WQARF program administrative expenses and the resulting level of administrative expenses as a percentage of all WQARF monies for fiscal year 2003-2004. If the department does not implement the recommendation of the advisory board, the department shall report to the joint legislative budget committee by September 1, 2003 the differences between the implemented plan and the advisory board's recommendation, the justification for those differences and the resulting level of administrative expenses as a percentage of all WQARF monies for fiscal year 2003-2004.
"Administrative expenses" are expenses that are not directly related to, and necessary for, activities to conduct on-site remedial actions at sites, and for investigations of and settlement activities with potential responsible parties at such sites. "Administrative expenses" include, but are not limited to, the cost of legal representation not related to the investigation of potentially responsible parties, community outreach and involvement activities, and department personnel or consultants not immediately supervising or conducting on-site remedial actions at sites listed on the WQARF registry. "Administrative expenses" does not include: (1) WQARF monies used to reimburse political subdivisions pursuant to section 49-282, subsection B, paragraph 11, Arizona Revised Statutes; (2) WQARF monies transferred to the Department of Health Services for risk assessment purposes pursuant to section 49-282, subsection B, paragraph 15, Arizona Revised Statutes; (3) WQARF monies used for the cost of the voluntary remediation program pursuant to section 49-282, subsection B, paragraph 10, Arizona Revised Statutes; (4) WQARF monies transferred to the Department of Water Resources pursuant to section 49-282, subsection C, Arizona Revised Statutes; and (5) WQARF monies used for emergency response pursuant to section 49-282.02, Arizona Revised Statutes.
The department of environmental quality shall not delay the issuance of water quality permits as a result of budget reductions in fiscal year 2003-2004. On or before July 30, 2004, the department of environmental quality shall report to the joint legislative budget committee on the actual permit processing times. The report shall include a comparison of fiscal year 2002-2003 and fiscal year 2003-2004 permit processing times.
FTE positions 4.0
Lump sum appropriation $ 214,400
Performance measures:
of equal opportunity to state employees 1,200
to facilitate the dissemination of
information 250
related complaints 200
Administration as a per cent of total cost 97
Customer satisfaction rating for client
agencies (Scale 1-8) 6.0
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 7.0 7.0
Performance measures:
Cost per petition/hearing $ 23
Average calendar days to process a
property tax appeal from receipt to
issuance 28
Per cent of rulings upheld in tax courts 100
Administration as a per cent of total cost 25.0
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.1
FTE positions 16.0
Lump sum appropriation $ 856,500
Performance measures:
Number of revocations of parole 3,177
Total victim and official notifications 17,127
Per cent of parole granted 25
Administration as a per cent of total cost 11.1
Customer satisfaction rating for victims
(Scale 1-8) 6.0
2003-04 2004-05
Lump sum appropriation $ 14,768,400 $ 14,768,400
Fund source:
Arizona exposition and state fair
fund $ 14,768,400 $ 14,768,400
Performance measures:
Per cent of guests rating state fair "good"
or "excellent" based on annual survey 98 98
Non-fair events held on grounds 176 176
Facility rental days during the non-fair period 74 74
Per cent of agency staff turnover 7.0 7.0
2003-04 2004-05
Fund sources:
Board of funeral directors and
||embalmers fund $ 273,500 $ 273,500
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 30 30
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 274.5 274.5
Pittman ‑ Robertson/Dingell –
Johnson act 2,808,000 2,808,000
Performance incentive pay program 346,800* 346,800*
Total appropriation ‑ game and fish
department $ 24,766,400 $ 24,808,600
Fund sources:
Waterfowl conservation fund 43,500 43,500
Wildlife endowment fund 16,000 16,000
Watercraft licensing fund 2,086,800 2,086,800
Game, nongame, fish and endangered
species fund 289,600 289,600
Performance measures:
Per cent of public satisfaction with
off-highway vehicle and watercraft
information products and services 65 65
Per cent of anglers rating their experience
as "excellent", or greater than or equal
to 9, on a scale of 1 to 10 69 69
Per cent of agency staff turnover 12.5 12.5
In addition to the $2,808,000 for the Pittman ‑ Robertson/Dingell ‑ Johnson act special line item, the lump sum appropriation includes $40,000 for cooperative fish and wildlife research which may be used for the purpose of matching federal and apportionment funds.
The $300,000 from the game and fish fund and $46,800 from the watercraft licensing fund in fiscal year 2003-2004 and fiscal year 2004-2005 for the performance incentive pay program special line item shall be used for personal services and employee related expenditures associated with the department's performance incentive pay program in accordance with Laws 1999, chapter 138. This appropriation is a continuing appropriation and is exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations.
The shooting range appropriation of $100,000 in fiscal year 2003-2004 and fiscal year 2004-2005, included in the lump sum appropriation, is a continuing appropriation and is exempt from the provisions of section 35‑190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations, until December 31, 2005.
Lump sum appropriation $ 10,453,300
Fund sources:
Tribal state compact fund $ 1,502,200
Arizona benefits fund 8,951,100
Performance measures:
for compact compliance 80
with process 96
Administration as a per cent of cost 9.0
The $1,291,500 in fiscal year 2003-2004 for the joint monitoring system is exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations, until June 30, 2005.
Prior to the expenditure of $1,291,500 for the joint monitoring system in fiscal year 2003-2004, the department of gaming shall receive approval for the project from the information technology authorization committee.
2003-04 2004-05
Lump sum appropriation $ 778,700 $ 778,700
Performance measures:
Maps and reports sold 10,000 10,000
Compliance and safety inspections made 35 35
Applied geology investigations completed
and distributed 3 3
Satisfaction with service provided
1-5 (highest) scale 4.9 4.9
Administration as a per cent of total cost 8.5 8.5
Per cent of mail orders filled the same
day received 95 95
2003-04 2004-05
Lump sum appropriation $ 2,458,100 $ 2,460,200
Fund sources:
Information technology fund $ 2,458,100 $ 2,460,200
Performance measures:
technology (IT) projects 6 6
Per cent of IT projects completed on
schedule and within budget 70 70
Per cent of agencies maximizing bandwidth
resulting in the leasing of fewer
telecommunications lines 60 60
Number of transactions accessible on the
internet 40 40
Savings resulting from enterprise licensing
agreements $ 3,600,000 $ 3,600,000
Per cent of IT employees rating the
performance of GITA as excellent 60 60
Administration as a per cent of total cost 16.4 16.4
Included in the lump sum appropriation of $5,573,600 for fiscal year 2003-2004 is $10,000 for the purchase of mementos and items for visiting officials.
Performance measures:
Non-technical supplemental appropriations
dollars as a per cent of original
appropriations dollars (excludes any
separate appropriations) 0.5
Per cent of agencies submitting budgets
electronically 95
Per cent of agencies submitting master
list information electronically 100
Administration as a per cent of total cost 8.8
Per cent of participants rating budget and
planning training "good" or "excellent" 98
FTE positions 375.6
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 14,054,400
Assurance and licensure 6,888,000
Attorney general legal services 332,800
Newborn screening fund – indirect
costs 478,600
Indirect cost fund 6,740,000
Fund sources:
Newborn screening program fund 478,600
Indirect cost fund 6,740,000
Nursing care institution resident
||protection fund 38,000
Emergency medical services operating
fund 59,800
Federal child care and development
Performance measures:
Administration as a per cent of total cost 3.4
Public Health
FTE positions 238.5
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 5,937,900
County tuberculosis provider care
and control 1,010,500
Vaccines 2,904,700
Arizona statewide immunization
information system 451,400
STD control subventions 26,300
AIDS reporting and surveillance 1,125,000
Laboratory services 3,757,000
Kidney program 50,500
Hepatitis C surveillance 350,000
Renal and nonrenal disease management 468,000
Community health centers 10,400,000
Telemedicine 260,000
Direct grants 460,300
Reimbursement to counties 67,900
County public health 200,000
Loan repayment 100,000
Alzheimer disease research 1,000,000
University of Arizona poison center
funding 1,050,000
Poison control center funding 800,000
EMS operations 2,985,600
Trauma advisory board 250,000
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 25,268,600
Arizona medical board fund 100,000
Emergency medical services
||operating fund 3,235,600
Environmental laboratory licensure
revolving fund 800,900
Health research fund 1,000,000
Poison control fund 1,850,000
Vital records electronic systems fund 1,400,000
Performance measures:
primary care services through the
tobacco tax grants 32,500
Number of clients receiving HIV medications
through the Arizona drug assistance
program (average per month) 400
Immunization rate among 2-year-old children 85
Per cent of high school youth who smoked
in the last month 24.0
Exposure calls received at Arizona poison
control centers 82,000
Of the $10,400,000 appropriated for community health centers, $744,000 shall be distributed as follows for county primary care programs: Pinal county, $180,000; Yavapai county, $564,000.
The department of health services may use up to four per cent of the amounts appropriated for renal and nonrenal disease management, community health centers and telemedicine for the administrative costs to implement each program.
No monies appropriated for AIDS reporting and surveillance and renal and nonrenal disease management may be spent for services for persons who are not residents of this state.
The department of health services shall require the screening of potential recipients of vaccines for private insurance coverage, eligibility for the federal vaccines for children program and eligibility for the state children’s health insurance program. This requirement applies to vaccines purchased with state monies appropriated for the vaccines special line item for both the federal 317 program and the state-only immunization program.
The department of health services shall report to the joint legislative budget committee by February 1, 2004 on the amount of federal monies received for fiscal year 2003-2004 for the 317 vaccines program. If the department receives more than $1,188,000 in federal 317 monies for vaccines purchase for state fiscal year 2003-2004, the state general fund amount of the state fiscal year 2003-2004 appropriation for the vaccines special line item equal to the amount by which the federal monies exceed $1,188,000 up to $576,600 shall revert to the state general fund.
The appropriation for direct grants is to provide for local health work and a portion of the cost of employing 1 public health nurse and 1 sanitarian in counties with populations of less than 500,000 persons. The monies are to be divided equally among eligible counties on a nonmatching basis. All monies that are received by a county under this appropriation and that are not used for the prescribed purposes revert to the state general fund.
The $67,900 appropriated for reimbursement to counties is to provide matching monies to counties with populations of less than 500,000 persons for local health work on an equal matching basis and shall be distributed based on the proportion of funding each county received in fiscal year 2002-2003.
The $1,050,000 appropriated in fiscal year 2003-2004 for the university of Arizona poison control center shall not be used to support any poison control center other than the one at the university of Arizona. The department of health services shall transmit all of the appropriated amount to the university of Arizona for this purpose.
The $800,000 appropriated in fiscal year 2003-2004 for poison control center funding shall only be expended for poison control services in counties with a population of more than one million five hundred thousand persons.
The $200,000 appropriated for county public health shall be distributed as follows to the following counties to reimburse local health departments pursuant to section 36-189, Arizona Revised Statutes: Coconino, $36,220; Gila, $5,440; Mohave, $30,780; Yavapai, $25,820; Yuma, $101,740.
Family health
AHCCCS-children's rehabilitative
Fund sources:
Child fatality review fund 100,000
Emergency medical services
Performance measures:
Number of newborns screened under newborn
screening program 88,000
Births by girls age 19 and under (rate per 1,000) 28.1
The amounts appropriated for children's rehabilitative services and for AHCCCS-children's rehabilitative services are intended to cover all costs in full for contracts for the provision of services to clients, unless a transfer of monies is approved by the joint legislative budget committee.
Before implementation of any changes in capitation rates for the AHCCCS-children’s rehabilitative services special line item, the department of health services shall report its expenditure plan to the joint legislative budget committee for its review.
The department of health services may transfer up to $350,000 in revenues from the indirect cost fund to the Arizona health care cost containment system for the purpose of meeting indirect cost state match requirements related to AHCCCS - children's rehabilitative services program.
Of the $3,630,600 appropriated for high risk perinatal services $583,000 shall be distributed to counties.
The department of health services shall distribute all monies appropriated for the county prenatal services grant on a pass-through basis with consideration to population, need and amount received in prior years.
Behavioral health
FTE positions 120.9
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 8,438,700
Children's behavioral health
services 9,351,800
Children's behavioral health state
match for title XIX 145,553,200
Seriously emotionally handicapped
Seriously mentally ill state match
Seriously mentally ill nontitle
Mental health and substance
abuse state match for title
XIX 47,827,200
Medicaid special exemption
Less tobacco litigation
Fund sources:
Tobacco tax and health care fund
||medically needy account 29,424,800
Performance measures:
Per cent of RBHA title XIX clients
satisfied with services 75
Per cent of eligible title XIX population
enrolled 8
All federal title XIX funds appropriated for administration are appropriated as a lump sum, except for medicaid special exemption payments.
The amount appropriated for children's behavioral health services shall be used to provide services for nontitle XIX eligible children. The amount shall not be used to pay for either federally or nonfederally reimbursed services for title XIX eligible children, unless a transfer of monies is approved by the joint legislative budget committee.
Before implementation of any changes in capitation rates in any title XIX behavioral health special line item the department of health services shall report its expenditure plan to the joint legislative budget committee for its review.
On a monthly basis, the department shall provide information to the joint legislative budget committee by program for all populations on the number of new and nontitle XIX clients reviewed for title XIX eligibility under the provisions of proposition 204 as well as the number that convert from nontitle XIX status or that are newly enrolled.
It is the intent of the legislature that the total amount available in the Arnold v. Sarn special line item be used for the population covered by the Arnold v. Sarn lawsuit in counties with a population of over two million or more persons and for seriously mentally ill persons that meet the same criteria as those covered by the Arnold v. Sarn lawsuit in counties with populations of less than two million persons.
Arizona state hospital
Sexually violent persons 9,685,700
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Per cent of adult clients successfully
placed in community who return for
another stay within 1 year of discharge 9.5
Civil adult patients year-end census 138
SVP program year-end census 145
Per cent of staff turnover during first
12 months of employment 30
Federal match rate change (18,318,300)
Agency wide lump sum reduction (2,524,500)
Total appropriation - department of
health services $364,779,700
Fund sources:
Emergency medical services
Environmental laboratory licensure
Federal child care and development
Nursing care institution resident
Tobacco tax and health care fund
Vital records electronic systems
Performance measures:
In addition to the appropriation for the department of health services, earnings on state lands and interest on the investment of the permanent land funds are appropriated to the state hospital in compliance with the enabling act and the Constitution of Arizona.
The reduction associated with the federal match rate change represents a reduction in the state general fund appropriation associated with temporary changes to the federal matching assistance percentage designed to give fiscal relief to states. There shall be a corresponding $18,313,300 increase in federal expenditure authority to the department.
A monthly report comparing total expenditures for the month and year‑to-date as compared to prior year totals shall be forwarded to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the chairmen of the senate and house appropriations committees and the director of the joint legislative budget committee by the thirtieth of the following month. The report shall include an estimate of (1) potential shortfalls in programs, (2) potential federal and other funds, such as the statewide assessment for indirect costs, that may be available to offset these shortfalls, and a plan, if necessary, for eliminating any shortfall without a supplemental appropriation, and (3) total expenditure authority of the month and year‑to‑date for seriously mentally ill state match for title XIX, seriously mentally ill nontitle XIX, children's behavioral health services, children's behavioral health state match for title XIX, mental health nontitle XIX, substance abuse nontitle XIX, seriously emotionally handicapped children and children's rehabilitative services.
Notwithstanding section 35-173, subsection C, Arizona Revised Statutes, any transfer to or from the amounts appropriated for seriously mentally ill state match for title XIX, seriously mentally ill nontitle XIX, Arnold v. Sarn, children's behavioral health services, children's behavioral health state match for title XIX, mental health nontitle XIX, substance abuse nontitle XIX, mental health and substance abuse state match for title XIX, seriously emotionally handicapped children, children's rehabilitative services, AHCCCS - children's rehabilitative services, adult cystic fibrosis, adult sickle cell anemia, community placement treatment, sexually violent persons, community health centers, vaccines, renal and nonrenal disease management, AIDS reporting and surveillance, telemedicine, university of Arizona poison center funding and the poison control center funding shall require approval of the joint legislative budget committee. The amounts appropriated for these items shall be used exclusively for contracts for the provision of services to clients unless a transfer of monies is approved by the joint legislative budget committee or unless otherwise permitted to be expended for administrative costs as specified in this act. Monies shall not be used from these appropriated amounts for any other expenses of the department of health services, unless a transfer of monies is approved by the joint legislative budget committee.
FTE positions 59.9
Admission offset (290,000)
Total appropriation - Arizona historical
society $ 3,367,000
Performance measures:
Number of volunteer hours 25,000
Private funds raised from
grants and donations $ 1,200,000
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 7.0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 15.0
Of the $80,000 appropriation for field services and grants, $50,000 reverts if the city of Phoenix does not make its agreed upon cash contribution pursuant to the memorandum of understanding executed between the city of Phoenix and the Arizona historical society.
2003-04 2004-05
Performance measures:
Number of volunteer hours 25,000 25,000
Private funds raised from grants and
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 7.9 7.9
Administration as a per cent of total cost 5.1 5.1
2003-04 2004-05
Fund sources:
Board of homeopathic medical
||examiners fund $ 72,700 $ 72,900
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 157 157
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 4 4
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.0 6.0
2003-04 2004-05
Fund sources:
Housing trust fund $ 400,000 $ 400,000
Performance measures:
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Number of Native Americans serving on
Per cent of tribes, legislators and state
agencies rating commission information and
Per cent of Indian economic development
workshop participants rating workshop
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 282.0 282.0
Fund sources:
Industrial commission
Performance measures:
Average number of days to resolve a case
by the administrative law judge division 125 125
Per cent of workers' compensation claims
processed within 5 days 99 99
Safety violations found 1,878 1,878
Per cent of agency staff turnover 9.0 9.0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 9.1 9.1
Customer satisfaction rating for workers'
compensation program (Scale 1-8) 7.0 7.0
FTE positions 114.9
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 5,688,800
Managed care and dental plan
oversight 517,000
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to complete a
consumer complaint investigation 64
Average days required to complete fraud
investigations 100
Per cent of survey licensees respondents
indicating "satisfied" or "better" 88
Per cent of consumer services survey
respondents indicating "satisfied"
or "better" 80
Average days to issue license after receiving
all required information from applicant 16
Administration as a per cent of total cost 4.9
Supreme court
County reimbursements 246,000
Automation 14,490,000
Foster care review board 2,099,800
Court appointed special advocate 2,615,000
Model court 514,300
Judicial nominations and
performance review 281,300
Fund sources:
Confidential intermediary and
private fiduciary fund 415,800
Court appointed special advocate
fund 3,365,000
Criminal justice enhancement fund 3,025,300
Defensive driving school fund 5,216,800
Judicial collection enhancement
fund 14,688,300
State aid to the courts fund 1,839,400
Performance measures:
Per cent of courts with automated accounting
and case management systems 82
Supreme court cases pending at end of year 400
Average calendar days to issue an opinion NA
Per cent of agency staff turnover 15.0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 3.9
Customer satisfaction rating for defensive
driving schools (Scale 1-8) 7.5
The supreme court shall report annually, by September 1, to the joint legislative budget committee on current and future automation projects coordinated by the administrative office of the courts. The report shall include a list of court automation projects that receive state monies and shall include projects occurring in the current fiscal year, as well as projects planned for the next two fiscal years. The report shall provide a description of each project as well as the funding source, estimated cost for each fiscal year, number of FTE positions, the entities involved, and the goals and anticipated results for each automation project. The report shall be submitted in one summary document.
Included in the appropriation for the supreme court program is $1,000 for the purchase of mementos and items for visiting officials.
The administrative office of the courts shall report annually, by November 1, to the joint legislative budget committee on the total receipts and expenditures in each account of the adult probation services fund established by section 12-267, Arizona Revised Statutes, and the juvenile probation fund established by section 12‑268, Arizona Revised Statutes. The report shall present the information by county and include the amount of personal services expended from each revenue source of each account.
All case processing assistance fund receipts received by the administrative office of the courts in excess of $3,025,300 in fiscal year 2003-2004 are appropriated to the supreme court. Before the expenditure of any case processing assistance fund receipts in excess of $3,025,300 in fiscal year 2003-2004, the administrative office of the courts shall submit the intended use of the monies for review by the joint legislative budget committee.
All defensive driving school fund receipts received by the administrative office of the courts in excess of $5,216,800 in fiscal year 2003-2004 are appropriated to the supreme court. Before the expenditure of any defensive driving school fund receipts in excess of $5,216,800, the administrative office of the courts shall submit the intended use of the monies for review by the joint legislative budget committee.
Notwithstanding any other law, the amount appropriated for rural state aid to courts shall be allocated to counties with populations of less than 500,000 persons.
All judicial collection enhancement fund receipts received by the administrative office of the courts in excess of $14,688,300 in fiscal year 2003-2004 are appropriated to the supreme court. Before the expenditure of judicial collection enhancement fund receipts in excess of $14,688,300 in fiscal year 2003-2004, the administrative office of the courts shall submit the intended use of the monies for review by the joint legislative budget committee.
The operating lump sum appropriation of $13,476,100 shall include no reductions from the fiscal year 2002-2003 level of funding for the elder law hotline program.
Court of appeals
Division I:
FTE positions 98.8
Operating lump sum appropriation –
division I $ 7,096,000
Performance measures:
Customer satisfaction rating for
Division II:
FTE positions 34.5
Operating lump sum appropriation –
division II $ 3,097,400
Performance measures:
Customer satisfaction rating for
Superior court
FTE positions 199.3
Judges compensation $ 13,374,500
Adult standard probation 11,110,200
Adult intensive probation 10,170,800
Community punishment 2,721,900
Juvenile standard probation 8,341,600
Juvenile intensive probation 13,236,400
Juvenile treatment services 23,315,600
Juvenile family counseling 660,400
Progressively increasing
consequences 9,268,100
Juvenile crime reduction 5,126,200
Special water master 20,000
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Customer satisfaction rating by states
participating in the interstate compact
(Scale 1-8) 6.0
Juvenile standard probation:
Per cent of probationers successfully
completing probation without a referral
(a notice of misbehavior) 75
Average annual state cost per probation slot $1,000
Juvenile intensive probation (JIPS):
Per cent of probationers successfully
completing probation without a referral
(a notice of misbehavior) 74
Average annual state cost per probation slot $7,000
Adult standard probation:
Per cent of probationers successfully
completing probation without a new
conviction 92
Average annual state cost per probation slot $750
Adult intensive probation (AIPS):
Per cent of probationers successfully
completing probation without a new
conviction 75
Average annual state cost per probation slot $5,750
Of the 199.3 FTE positions, 158 FTE positions represent superior court judges. One‑half of their salaries are provided by state general fund appropriations pursuant to section 12‑128, Arizona Revised Statutes. This is not meant to limit the counties' ability to add additional judges pursuant to section 12‑121, Arizona Revised Statutes.
Up to 4.6 per cent of the amounts appropriated for juvenile probation services - treatment services and progressively increasing consequences may be retained and expended by the supreme court to administer the programs established by section 8‑322, Arizona Revised Statutes, and to conduct evaluations as needed. The remaining portion of the treatment services and progressively increasing consequences programs shall be deposited in the juvenile probation services fund established by section 8‑322, Arizona Revised Statutes.
Receipt of state probation monies by the counties is contingent on the county maintenance of fiscal year 2003-2004 expenditure levels for each probation program. State probation monies are not intended to supplant county dollars for probation programs.
All community punishment program receipts received by the administrative office of the courts in excess of $2,721.900 in fiscal year 2003-2004 are appropriated to the community punishment subprogram. Before the expenditure of any community punishment receipts in excess of $2,721,900 in fiscal year 2003-2004, the administrative office of the courts shall submit the intended use of the monies for review by the joint legislative budget committee.
All juvenile crime reduction fund receipts received by the administrative office of the courts in excess of $5,126,200 in fiscal year 2003-2004 are appropriated to the juvenile crime reduction subprogram. Before the expenditure of any juvenile crime reduction fund receipts in excess of $5,126,200 in fiscal year 2003-2004, the administrative office of the courts shall submit the intended use of the monies for review by the joint legislative budget committee.
The administrative office of the courts shall not allocate any monies appropriated for adult probation services to Maricopa county. It is the intent of the legislature that Maricopa county will pay for adult probation programs in that county.
Total appropriation ‑ Arizona judiciary $148,240,300
Fund sources:
State general fund $112,733,100
Confidential intermediary and
private fiduciary fund 415,800
Court appointed special advocate
fund 3,365,000
Criminal justice enhancement fund 9,981,900
Judicial collection enhancement
fund 14,688,300
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 64,260,000
State charitable, penal and
reformatory institutions
land fund 360,000
State education fund for committed
youth 2,687,000
Performance measures:
Escapes from DJC secure care facilities 0
Juveniles passing the GED language test 85
Per cent of juveniles who show progress in
their primary treatment problem area 78.9
Per cent of juveniles returned to custody
within 12 months of release 26
Customer satisfaction rating for employee
satisfaction (Scale 1-8) 6.5
Per cent of agency staff turnover 25
Administration as a per cent of total cost 7.8
The department shall provide a travel stipend to all southwest regional juvenile correction complex staff whose residence is at least twenty miles from work.
Twenty‑five per cent of land earnings and interest from the state charitable, penal and reformatory institutions land fund shall be distributed to the department of juvenile corrections, in compliance with section 25 of the enabling act and with the Constitution of Arizona, to be used for the support of state juvenile institutions and reformatories.
Before the expenditure of any state education fund for committed youth receipts in excess of $2,687,000, the department of juvenile corrections shall report the intended use of the monies to the director of the joint legislative budget committee.
FTE positions 174.4
Natural resource conservation
Environmental county grants 125,000
Lump sum reduction (125,000)
Total appropriation ‑ state land department $ 13,896,600
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 13,406,600
Environmental special plate fund 490,000
Performance measures:
(application to auction, in months) 24.9
Per cent of fires controlled at 100 acres
or less 98
Per cent of agency staff turnover 11.7
Administration as a per cent of total cost 5.8
The appropriation includes $1,221,300 for central Arizona project user fees in fiscal year 2003-2004. For every dollar received as reimbursement to the state in fiscal year 2003-2004, from cities that assume their allocation of central Arizona project water for past central Arizona water conservation district payments, one dollar reverts to the state general fund in the year that the reimbursement is collected.
Of the amount appropriated for natural resource conservation districts in fiscal year 2003-2004, $30,000 shall be used to provide grants to NRCD environmental education centers.
The lump sum reduction shall not be applied to the environmental county grants special line item.
2003-04 2004-05
Lump sum appropriation $ 56,700 $ 56,700
Lump sum appropriation $ 6,169,800*
Included in the lump sum appropriation of $6,169,800 for fiscal year 2003-2004 is $1,000 for the purchase of mementos and items for visiting officials.
House of representatives
Lump sum appropriation $ 11,147,700*
Included in the lump sum appropriation of $11,147,700 for fiscal year 2003-2004 is $1,000 for the purchase of mementos and items for visiting officials.
Legislative council
FTE positions 47.8
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 3,684,800*
Ombudsman-citizens aide office 363,400*
council $ 4,048,200*
Performance measures:
Dues for the council of state governments shall only be expended on an affirmative vote of the legislative council. Monies not expended for these dues shall be used by the council for ongoing operating expenses or automation requirements.
Joint legislative budget committee
FTE positions 31.0
Lump sum appropriation $ 2,096,100*
Performance measures:
Survey of legislator satisfaction:
Auditor general
FTE positions 176.4
Lump sum appropriation $ 11,147,000*
Performance measures:
Per cent of administrative recommendations
implemented or adopted within 2 years for
Library, archives and public records
FTE positions 112.8
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 6,220,300
Grants-in-aid 651,400
Statewide radio reading service
for the blind 97,000
Total appropriation – library,
archives and public records $ 6,968,700*
Fund sources:
Records services fund 416,300
Performance measures:
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to complete an
investigation 35
New licenses, transferred licenses and
renewals issued 10,800
Per cent of customers who responded to the
survey reporting "very good" or "excellent"
service 87
Administration as a per cent of total cost 17.3
The department shall report to the joint legislative budget committee by September 1, 2003 regarding current levels of penalties for violations and its plan to increase those penalties to more appropriate levels.
2003-04 2004-05
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 7,149,300 $ 7,084,800
Sales incentive program 50,000 50,000
Compulsive gambling treatment
and information 300,000 300,000
Total appropriation ‑ Arizona state
lottery commission $ 10,313,700 $ 10,249,200
Fund source:
Performance measures:
Amount of estimated on-line sales $132,600,000 $132,000,000
Amount of estimated instant ticket sales $152,500,000 $160,500,000
Per cent of active retailer accounts in
good standing 99.8 99.8
Per cent of agency staff turnover 11.4 11.4
Administration as a per cent of total cost 8.3 8.3
Customer satisfaction rating for retailers
(Scale 1-8) 6.1 6.1
Per cent of lottery ticket sales
distributed to state beneficiaries 27.95 27.95
An amount equal to 3.1 per cent of actual instant ticket sales is appropriated for the printing of instant tickets or for contractual obligations concerning instant ticket distribution. This amount is currently estimated to be $4,727,500 in fiscal year 2003-2004 and $4,975,500 in fiscal year 2004-2005.
An amount equal to a percentage of actual on-line game sales as determined by contract is appropriated for payment of on-line vendor fees. This amount is currently estimated to be $6,616,800 in fiscal year 2003-2004 and $6,586,900 in fiscal year 2004-2005 or 4.99 per cent of actual on-line ticket sales.
An amount equal to 2.7 per cent of gross lottery game sales, but no more than $11,000,000, is appropriated for advertising in accordance with section 5‑505, Arizona Revised Statutes, that states that not more than four per cent of the annual gross revenues shall be expended for advertising. This amount is currently estimated to be $7,697,700 in fiscal year 2003-2004 and $7,897,500 in fiscal year 2004-2005.
An amount equal to 6.5 per cent of gross lottery game sales is appropriated for payment of sales commissions to ticket retailers. In accordance with Laws 1997, chapter 214, an additional amount of not to exceed 0.5 per cent of gross lottery game sales is appropriated for payment of sales commissions to ticket retailers. The combined amount is currently estimated to be 6.7 per cent of total ticket sales, or $19,101,700 in fiscal year 2003‑2004 and $19,597,500 in fiscal year 2004-2005.
Of the amount appropriated for compulsive gambling treatment and information, fifty per cent shall be used to contract for a statewide toll free crisis hotline to promote public education and awareness about compulsive gambling problems and to provide public information on gambling addiction. The remaining fifty per cent of the appropriated amount shall be used to contract for the treatment of individuals who are compulsive gamblers.
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 58.5 58.5
Lump sum appropriation $ 4,631,800** $ 4,591,200
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
P.A. 140 140
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 1 1
Per cent of open investigations greater than
6 months old
M.D. 20 20
P.A. 1 1
Administration as a per cent of total cost 12.9 12.9
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 7.5 7.5
The board of medical examiners may use up to seven per cent of the board of medical examiners fund balance remaining at the end of each fiscal year for a performance based incentive program the following fiscal year based on the program established by section 38-618, Arizona Revised Statutes.
2003-04 2004-05
Fund sources:
Medical student loan fund 47,200 13,200
Performance measures:
and are currently fulfilling service obligation 16 16
Cumulative per cent of physicians providing
service with contracts under new law 100 100
Number of physicians continuing service
after service requirement is met 24 24
Administration as a per cent of total cost 0.0 0.0
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.1 6.1
FTE positions 17.0
Lump sum appropriation $ 1,085,400
Performance measures:
Number of inspections 530
Administration as a per cent of total cost 7.7
Customer satisfaction rating for mines
(Scale 1-8) 6.1
2003-04 2004-05
Performance measures:
Total number of volunteer hours 11,800 11,800
Administration as a per cent of total cost 8.2 8.2
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-5) 4.7 4.7
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 3.0 3.0
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 192,600 $ 193,800
Inspection and evaluation 19,600 19,600
Total appropriation - naturopathic
physicians board of medical examiners $ 212,200** $ 213,400
Fund sources:
Naturopathic physicians board of
||medical examiners fund $ 212,200 $ 213,400
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 45 45
Administration as a per cent of total cost 15 15
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 7.3 7.3
The naturopathic physicians board of medical examiners shall report all expenditures in the prior fiscal year from the inspection and evaluation special line item to the joint legislative budget committee by August 1, 2004 and August 1, 2005.
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 2.0 2.0
Lump sum appropriation $ 157,000 $ 157,000
Performance measures:
Administration as a per cent of total cost 12.2 12.2
Customer satisfaction rating for hearing
attendees (Scale 1-8) 7.0 7.0
2003-04 2004-05
Fund sources:
Board of nursing fund 3,040,200 2,578,700
Performance measures:
Number of investigations of licensees 1,650 1,650
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 5 5
2003-04 2004-05
Fund sources:
Nursing care institution
||administrators' licensing and
||assisted living facility
||managers' certification fund $ 353,300 $ 353,400
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 72 72
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 60 60
Administration as a per cent of total cost 5.0 5.0
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.0 6.0
2003-04 2004-05
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 3.0 3.0
Fund sources:
Occupational therapy fund $ 208,400 $ 208,900
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 60 60
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 30 30
Administration as a per cent of total cost 10.0 10.0
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.1 6.1
2003-04 2004-05
Fund sources:
Board of dispensing opticians fund $ 108,100 $ 99,100
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 90 90
Per cent of renewals within 3 days 90 90
Administration as a per cent of total cost 6.0 6.0
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.0 6.0
2003-04 2004-05
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 10 10
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.9 6.9
2003-04 2004-05
Lump sum appropriation $ 459,000** $ 434,000
Fund sources:
Board of osteopathic examiners fund $ 459,000 $ 434,000
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 180 180
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 15 15
Administration as a per cent of total cost 25 25
Average calendar days to process license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 65 65
Total appropriation – Arizona state parks
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 2,310,500
Law enforcement and boating
||safety fund 1,092,700
Reservation surcharge fund 293,700
Land conservation fund –
administration account 700,000
Performance measures:
Per cent of park visitors rating their
experience "good" or "excellent" 96
New acres of open space and parkland
dedicated in Arizona 7,000
Per cent of agency staff turnover 10.0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 4.8
The appropriation for law enforcement and boating safety fund projects is an estimate representing all monies distributed to this fund, including balance forward, revenue and transfers during fiscal year 2003-2004. These monies are appropriated to the Arizona state parks board for the purposes established in section 5‑383, Arizona Revised Statutes. The appropriation shall be adjusted as necessary to reflect actual final receipts credited to the law enforcement and boating safety fund.
All other operating expenditures include $26,000 from the state parks enhancement fund for Fool Hollow state park revenue sharing. If receipts to Fool Hollow exceed $260,000 in fiscal year 2003-2004, an additional ten per cent of this increase of Fool Hollow receipts is appropriated from the state parks enhancement fund to meet the revenue sharing agreement with the city of Show Low and the United States forest service.
All reservation surcharge revolving fund receipts received by the Arizona state parks board in excess of $293,700 in fiscal year 2003-2004 are appropriated to the reservation surcharge revolving fund special line item. Before the expenditure of any reservation surcharge revolving fund monies in excess of $293,700 in fiscal year 2003-2004, the Arizona state parks board shall submit the intended use of the monies for review by the joint legislative budget committee.
During fiscal year 2003-2004, no appropriated or nonappropriated monies may be used for the purposes of out-of-state travel expenses by state parks board staff.
The state parks board shall submit to the joint legislative budget committee, on a quarterly basis, the operating expenditures of each state park.
2003-04 2004-05
Performance measures:
Average number of calendar days from
receipt of appeal/complaint to final 105 105
Average cost of an appeal/complaint $ 1,650 $ 1,650
Per cent of customers rating service as
"good" or "excellent" 98 98
Administration as a per cent of total cost 19.1 19.1
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 17.0 17.0
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 95 95
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 5.0 5.0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 13.5 13.5
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 7.8 7.8
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 3.0 3.0
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 3 3
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 7.0 7.0
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 5,016,300
Prescription drugs 436,400
Total appropriation - pioneers' home $ 5,452,700
Fund sources:
State charitable fund 714,900
Performance measures:
Per cent of residents rating services as
"good" or "excellent" 98
Monthly cost per resident $3,615
Per cent of agency staff turnover 16
Administration as a per cent of total cost 4.3
In addition to the amounts appropriated, earnings on state lands and interest on the investment of the permanent land funds are appropriated for the pioneers' home and the hospital for disabled miners in compliance with the enabling act and the Constitution of Arizona.
The pioneers' home shall not exceed its expenditure authority for monies appropriated from the miners' hospital for disabled miners' land fund.
The pioneers' home shall report to the joint legislative budget committee staff by October 1, 2003 all income and assets held by each resident in order to determine an appropriate needs-based subsidy for each resident.
2003-04 2004-05
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 90 90
Average days to process an application
for licensure (from receipt of application
to issuance) 101 101
Administration as a per cent of total cost 6.0 6.0
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.0 6.0
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 322,200
Leveraging educational assistance
||partnership 3,364,500
Private postsecondary education
||student financial assistance
||program 170,500
Family college savings program 26,900
Arizona college and career guide 21,200
Arizona minority educational policy
||analysis center 150,000
Total appropriation - commission for
postsecondary education $ 4,174,900
Fund sources:
Postsecondary education fund 2,783,600
Performance measures:
Family college savings program account
holders 28,000
Per cent of customers rating commission
services as "good" or "excellent" 95
Administration as a per cent of total cost 3.9
The appropriation for leveraging educational assistance partnership is to be used to make grants under the Arizona state student incentive grant program administered by the Arizona commission for postsecondary education. Grants may be made according to the provisions of applicable federal and state laws and regulations relating to this program to Arizona residents who demonstrate financial need and who are attending, on at least a half-time basis, an approved program at a properly accredited Arizona postsecondary educational institution.
Each participating institution, public or private, in order to be eligible to receive state matching funds under the state student incentive grant program for grants to students, shall provide an amount of institutional matching funds that equals the amount of funds provided by the state to the institution for the state student incentive grant program. Administrative expenses incurred by the commission for postsecondary education shall be paid from institutional matching funds and shall not exceed twelve per cent of the funds in fiscal year 2003-2004.
For fiscal year 2003-2004, any unencumbered balance remaining in the postsecondary education fund on June 30, 2003 and all grant monies and other revenues received by the commission for postsecondary education during this fiscal year, when paid into the state treasury, are appropriated for the explicit purposes designated by special line items and for additional responsibilities prescribed in sections 15-1851 and 15-1852, Arizona Revised Statutes.
Of the total amount appropriated for the private postsecondary education student financial assistance program, no more than ten per cent may be used for program administrative costs.
The appropriations for Arizona college and career guide, Arizona minority educational policy analysis center and twelve plus partnership are estimates representing all monies distributed to this fund, including balance forward, revenue and transfers, during fiscal year 2003-2004. The appropriations shall be adjusted as necessary to reflect actual final receipts credited to the postsecondary education fund.
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 4.0 4.0
Fund sources:
Board for private postsecondary
Performance measures:
Institutional licenses approved 500 500
Average number of days to pay fund claims 78 78
Number of institutional inspections 40 40
Average days to process student record requests 13.1 13.1
Administration as a per cent of total cost 15.2 15.2
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 7.0 7.0
2003-04 2004-05
Fund sources:
Board of psychologist examiners
||fund $ 314,500 $ 314,500
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 106 106
Average days to process an application
for licensure (from receipt of
application to issuance) 38 38
Administration as a per cent of total cost 6.0 6.0
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 7.0 7.0
FTE positions 1,858.0
Operating lump sum appropriation $135,264,900
GITEM 4,271,700
Fingerprint board 317,600
Total appropriation ‑ department of public
safety $139,854,200
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 29,535,600
State highway fund 28,565,600
Arizona highway patrol fund 15,911,700
Criminal justice enhancement fund 2,207,100
Safety enforcement and transportation
infrastructure fund 1,135,300
Crime laboratory assessment fund 4,311,800
Arizona deoxyribonucleic acid
||identification fund 488,100
Automated fingerprint identification
fund 2,184,500
Fingerprint clearance card fund 245,000
Motorcycle safety fund 80,000
Sex offender monitoring fund 323,100
County transportation contribution
fund 8,206,800
Performance measures:
Per cent of scientific analysis cases over
30 calendar days old 2.5
Per cent of system reliability of the Arizona
automated fingerprint identification network 98
Clandestine labs dismantled 479
Per cent of agency staff turnover 5.0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 20.5
Customer satisfaction rating for citizens
(Scale 1-8) 7.5
Any monies remaining in the department of public safety joint account on June 30, 2004 shall revert to the funds from which they were appropriated. The reverted monies shall be returned in direct proportion to the amounts appropriated.
It is the intent of the legislature that monies appropriated to the GITEM special line item shall not be allocated by the department of public safety to any county with a population greater than seven hundred fifty thousand or to any city or town located within a county with a population greater than seven hundred fifty thousand.
The department of public safety shall monitor the performance of the federal bureau of investigation's national instant criminal background check system (NICS) in fiscal years 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 and submit a report to the joint legislative budget committee by February 1, 2004 and 2005 regarding the results of performance monitoring. Performance monitoring shall include, but is not limited to, the average response time, rejection rates, the number of default proceeds, the number of guns sold to disqualified individuals and NICS availability.
FTE positions 46.5
Lump sum appropriation $ 2,872,500
Fund sources:
County fair racing fund 356,000
Racing administration fund 74,000
Performance measures:
"very good" or "excellent" service 90
Per cent of greyhound racing customers
reporting "very good" or "excellent" service 95
Per cent of positive horse drug tests 1.5
Per cent of positive greyhound drug tests 0.1
Administration as a per cent of total cost 20
The department of racing shall report to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the chairpersons of the senate and house of representatives appropriations committees and the director of the joint legislative budget committee on a semiannual basis on boxing related activities. The report shall contain the number of boxing events, gross receipts, state revenues and license fee collections.
FTE positions 25.0
Lump sum appropriation $ 1,300,600
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 1,067,400
State radiologic technologist
||certification fund 233,200
Performance measures:
Per cent of x-ray tubes overdue for inspection 20
Radiological incidents (non-Palo Verde related) 12
Radiological incidents (Palo Verde) 1
Administration as a per cent of total cost 17
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.1
The radiation regulatory agency shall submit a plan by September 1, 2003 to the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting to implement a 90/10 fee structure to cover the operating costs of the agency.
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 65.4
Lump sum appropriation $ 3,104,900
Performance measures:
continuing education course 10.0
Average days from receipt to issuance of
license reports 4.0
Per cent of surveys from licensees indicating
"good" to "excellent" service 98.9
Average days from receipt of complaint to
resolution 109.4
Per cent of licensees with disciplinary action 0.3
Administration as a per cent of total cost 17.9
2003-04 2004-05
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 961,200 $ 963,200
Professional witnesses 145,000* 145,000*
Total appropriation - residential utility
consumer office $ 1,106,200 $ 1,108,200
Fund sources:
Residential utility consumer office
||revolving fund $ 1,106,200 $ 1,108,200
Performance measures:
Number of interventions in rate making 12 14
Administration as a per cent of total cost 4.4 4.4
Customer satisfaction rating for residential
utility customers (Scale 1-8) 6.0 6.0
It is the intent of the legislature that the salary range for attorney positions in the residential utility consumer office be increased to a level equivalent to other agencies with similar positions. The new salary range shall not be implemented without approval by the Arizona department of administration.
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 4.0 4.0
Fund sources:
Board of respiratory care
||examiners' fund $ 190,600 $ 190,600
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 60 60
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 1.0 1.0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 0.9 0.9
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.1 6.1
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 197.0 197.0
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 13,916,100 $ 14,197,100
Information technology plan 8,994,200 8,994,300
Total appropriation - state retirement system $ 22,910,300 $ 23,191,400
Fund sources:
State retirement system
||administration account $ 20,293,500 $ 20,293,700
Long-term disability
administration account 2,616,800 2,897,700
Performance measures:
telephone services 87 87
Per cent of members satisfied with the
service purchase process 82 82
Per cent of benefit payment calculations
that are accurate as measured by quality
control sample 96 96
Before the expenditure of the appropriation of $8,994,200 in fiscal year 2003-2004 and $8,994,300 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and the hiring of FTE positions appropriated for the agency's information technology plan, the retirement system shall present an expenditure plan in each year to the joint legislative budget committee staff for review. The retirement system shall include the approval of the project investment justification document by the information technology authorization committee as part of its submission to the joint legislative budget committee staff. The agency shall provide semiannual reports to the joint legislative budget committee staff regarding the expenditures and project tasks completed to date. Funding appropriated for this purpose is exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations through June 30, 2005. Actual divestiture of monies from the retirement fund for expenditure shall occur following the joint legislative budget committee staff review of the agency's information technology plan.
FTE positions 1,134.0
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 56,016,600
Revenue generating program 6,552,000
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 60,362,400
Estate and unclaimed property fund 1,412,800
Liability setoff fund 376,100
Tobacco tax and health care fund 417,300
Performance measures:
Per cent of non-audit revenue to total
revenue 95.8
Per cent of written taxpayer inquiries
answered within 30 calendar days
of receipt 70
Per cent that collector contacts taxpayer
within 30 calendar days of being
assigned a delinquent account 51
Administration as a per cent of total cost 6.4
Customer satisfaction rating for taxpayer
information section (Scale 1-5) 4.6
The department of revenue may contract with a third party vendor to accept credit card payment for taxes only if there is no cost to the state general fund for accepting credit card payments. Before contracting, the department shall report to the joint legislative budget committee on this program.
Included in the total appropriation of $62,568,600 for fiscal year 2003-2004 is $6,552,000 from the state general fund and 153 FTE positions for the revenue generating program. This program is expected to generate $53,249,000 for the state general fund in fiscal year 2003‑2004. The department shall provide quarterly progress reports to the joint legislative budget committee as to the effectiveness of the revenue generating program and the department's overall enforcement and collections program. The reports shall include a comparison of projected and actual revenue enforcement collections for fiscal year 2003-2004. The reports are due within thirty days after the end of each calendar quarter.
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 1,577,500
New school facilities debt service 21,260,000
Performance measures:
correction projects completed 100
deficiency correction projects completed 100
board's services as "good" or "excellent"
in an annual survey 92
Administration as a per cent of total
cost (excluding deficiencies correction) 0.4
Total appropriation ‑ secretary of state $ 5,183,000
Performance measures:
filer in 48 hours (business services
division) 97
Per cent of election law complaints reviewed
and acted on within 7 days 100
Administration as a per cent of total cost 3.1
Customer satisfaction rating for county election
officials (Scale 1-8) 6.5
The $800,000 in the help America vote act special line item shall be appropriated to any fund created for the purpose of implementing the provisions of the help America vote act (P.L. 107-252).
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 4.0 4.0
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
(Scale 1-8) 7.2 7.2
Customer satisfaction rating for
responsiveness (Scale 1-8) 7.2 7.2
Customer satisfaction rating for
customer-orientation (Scale 1-8) 7.2 7.2
quality (Scale 1-8) 7.1 7.1
Customer satisfaction rating for
accessibility (Scale 1-8) 7.2 7.2
Overall customer satisfaction rating
(Scale 1-8) 7.1 7.1
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 33.0 33.0
Fund sources:
Structural pest control commission
||fund $ 1,841,200 $ 1,841,900
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 90 90
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 28 28
Administration as a per cent of total cost 14.0 14.0
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 6.8 6.8
2003-04 2004-05
Performance measures:
Tax appeals unresolved at fiscal year end 99 99
Months to process appeal 6.5 6.5
Per cent of rulings upheld in tax courts 90 90
Administration as a per cent of total cost 14.0 14.0
2003-04 2004-05
FTE positions 19.0 19.0
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 180 180
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 1.0 1.0
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 8.0 8.0
FTE positions 25.0
Lump sum appropriation $ 9,000,000
Performance measures:
materials $8.00
Visitors at the welcome center 118,000
Customer satisfaction rating for travel
kits program (Scale 1-8) 6.0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 10
Notwithstanding sections 41-2306 and 42-5029, Arizona Revised Statutes, or any other law, the appropriation from the state general fund to the tourism fund shall not exceed $9,000,000 in fiscal year 2003-2004.
All monies deposited into the tourism fund by legislative appropriation, or by transfer from the tourism and sports authority under the provisions of section 5-835, Arizona Revised Statutes, are appropriated for use by the office of tourism in fiscal year 2003‑2004.
FTE positions 405.0
Lump sum appropriation $ 54,910,900
Fund sources:
State highway fund $ 54,910,900
Performance measures:
based on annual survey (Scale 1-10) 8.7
Per cent of agency staff turnover 14.0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 16.0
FTE positions 2,518.0
Lump sum appropriation $221,442,700
Fund sources:
Safety enforcement and
infrastructure fund 525,400
Transportation department
equipment fund 31,880,000
Performance measures:
Per cent of Maricopa regional freeway miles
completed 73
Per cent of overall highway construction
projects completed on schedule 100
Per cent of highway maintenance level of
service – roads meeting minimum standards 86
Of the total amount appropriated for the highways program, $94,190,700 in fiscal year 2003-2004 for highway maintenance is exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations, except that all unexpended and unencumbered monies of the appropriation revert to their fund of origin, either the state highway fund or the safety enforcement and transportation infrastructure fund, on August 31, 2004.
Motor vehicle
Fund sources:
Air quality fund $ 52,000
Highway user revenue fund 383,300
Motor vehicle liability insurance
||enforcement fund 1,059,600
Safety enforcement and
||transportation infrastructure
||fund 1,810,900
State highway fund 78,220,100
Vehicle inspection and title
||enforcement fund 1,102,200
Performance measures:
Average office wait time (minutes) 15 to 20
Average telephone wait time (minutes) 3.5
Per cent of business processed by third
parties 31
It is the intent of the legislature that all monies appropriated for the motor vehicle division field offices and electronic services are combined resources designed to improve customer services and that the department should pursue increased efforts to further the utilization of electronic services (e-business transactions) to enhance customer services and create efficiencies, enhanced customer service and security issues.
The department shall report to the joint legislative budget committee by August 1, 2004 the total revenue generated in fiscal year 2003-2004 by abandoned vehicle inspections.
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
completed on schedule 95
Working days to complete aircraft
registration 2.0
Total appropriation - department of
transportation $360,818,400
Fund sources:
Highway user revenue fund 383,300
Motor vehicle liability insurance
enforcement fund 1,059,600
Safety enforcement and
transportation infrastructure
fund 2,336,300
State aviation fund 1,836,700
State highway fund 322,100,600
Transportation department
equipment fund 31,880,000
Vehicle inspection and title
enforcement fund 1,102,200
FTE positions 31.4
Performance measures:
Ratio of yield of LGIP to Standard
and Poor's LGIP index 1.1
Ratio of yield of endowment pools to
Salomon Big Bond Index 1.08
Administration as a per cent of total cost 3.1
Customer satisfaction rating for local
government investment pool participants
(Scale 1-8) 7.6
It is the intent of the legislature that the investment management fee on monies managed by the state treasurer be set at eight basis points.
Performance measures:
Uniform acts approved and adopted by
national conference 5.0
Uniform laws introduced in Arizona 3.0
Uniform laws enacted in Arizona 3.0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 0
FTE positions 27.9
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 2,085,900
Student financial assistance 2,251,200
Western interstate commission
office 103,000
Arizona transfer articulation
support system 213,700
Total appropriation ‑ Arizona board of
regents $ 7,561,900
Performance measures:
their overall university experience
as "good"/"excellent" 94
Per cent of full-time undergraduate students
enrolled per semester in three or more primary
courses with ranked faculty 74
Average number of years taken to
graduate for student who began
as freshman 4.7
Per cent of agency staff turnover 15.8
Main campus
FTE positions 6,016.0
Lump sum appropriation $393,117,900
Fund sources:
University collections fund 129,824,200
Performance measures:
their overall university experience
as "good"/"excellent" 95
Per cent of full-time undergraduate
students enrolled per semester in 3 or
more primary courses with ranked faculty 70
Average number of years taken to graduate
for student who began as freshman 4.8
External dollars for research and creative
activity $165,000,000
Per cent of agency staff turnover 16.5
Administration as a per cent of total cost 1.4
East campus
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 19,538,600
Lease-purchase payment 2,000,000
Total - East campus $ 21,538,600
Fund sources:
University collections fund 7,113,000
Technology and research initiative
fund 2,000,000
Performance measures:
their overall university experience
as "good"/"excellent" 95
Per cent of full-time undergraduate students
enrolled per semester in 3 or more primary
courses with ranked faculty 71
Average number of years taken to graduate
for student who began as freshman 5.4
Per cent of agency staff turnover 3.8
West campus
Lease-purchase payment 1,600,000
Total – West campus $ 44,356,100
Fund sources:
University collections fund 6,639,600
Technology and research initiative
Performance measures:
their overall university experience
as "good"/"excellent" 98
enrolled per semester in 3 or more primary
courses with ranked faculty 80
Fall semester enrollment (FTE) 5,053
Per cent of agency staff turnover 15.7
Total appropriation ‑ Arizona state
university $459,012,600
Fund sources:
Technology and research initiative
fund 3,600,000
The appropriated monies are not to be used for scholarships.
The appropriated monies shall not be used by the Arizona state university college of law legal clinic for any lawsuits involving inmates of the state department of corrections in which the state is the adverse party.
Any unencumbered balances remaining in the collections account on June 30, 2003 and all collections received by the university during the fiscal year, when paid into the state treasury, are appropriated for operating expenditures, capital outlay and fixed charges. Earnings on state lands and interest on the investment of the permanent land funds are appropriated in compliance with the enabling act and the Constitution of Arizona. No part of this appropriation may be expended for supplemental life insurance or supplemental retirement. Receipts from summer session, when deposited in the state treasury, together with any unencumbered balance in the summer session account, are hereby appropriated for the purpose of conducting summer sessions but are excluded from the amounts enumerated above. Within ten days of the acceptance of the universities' semiannual all funds budget reports, the Arizona board of regents shall inform the joint legislative budget committee of any tuition revenue amounts that are different from the amounts appropriated by the legislature and shall submit an expenditure plan for any tuition revenue amounts that are greater than the appropriated amounts to the joint legislative budget committee for its review.
FTE positions 2,060.7
Total appropriation – Northern Arizona
Fund sources:
University collections fund 26,189,700
Performance measures:
their overall university experience
as "good"/"excellent" 95
Per cent of full-time undergraduate students
enrolled per semester in 3 or more primary
courses with ranked faculty 90
Average number of years taken to graduate
for student who began as freshman 4.7
Degrees granted to statewide students 1,529
Per cent of agency staff turnover 16.0
Administration as a per cent of total cost 1.9
The appropriated monies are not to be used for scholarships.
Any unencumbered balances remaining in the collections account on June 30, 2003 and all collections received by the university during the fiscal year, when paid into the state treasury, are appropriated for operating expenditures, capital outlay and fixed charges. Earnings on state lands and interest on the investment of the permanent land funds are appropriated in compliance with the enabling act and the Constitution of Arizona. No part of this appropriation may be expended for supplemental life insurance or supplemental retirement. Receipts from summer session, when deposited in the state treasury, together with any unencumbered balance in the summer session account, are hereby appropriated for the purpose of conducting summer sessions but are excluded from the amounts enumerated above. Within ten days of the acceptance of the universities' semiannual all funds budget reports, the Arizona board of regents shall inform the joint legislative budget committee of any tuition revenue amounts that are different from the amounts appropriated by the legislature and shall submit an expenditure plan for any tuition revenue amounts that are greater than the appropriated amounts to the joint legislative budget committee for its review.
Main campus
FTE positions 5,461.5
Operating lump sum appropriation $310,823,600
Agriculture 45,015,200
Fund sources:
Performance measures:
their overall university experience
as "good"/"excellent" 97.1
Per cent of full-time undergraduate students
enrolled per semester in 3 or more primary
courses with ranked faculty 65
Average number of years taken to graduate
for students who began as freshman 4.8
Gifts, grants and contracts $255,000,000
Administration as a per cent of total cost 1.4
Health sciences center
Operating lump sum appropriation $ 49,657,100
Clinical rural rotation 446,000
Clinical teaching support 9,004,600
Liver research institute 483,700
Telemedicine network 1,156,900
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 52,858,400
Performance measures:
their overall university experience
as "good"/"excellent" 99
Fund sources:
State general fund $316,546,300
The appropriated monies are not to be used for scholarships.
Any unencumbered balances remaining in the collections account on June 30, 2003 and all collections received by the university during the fiscal year, when paid into the state treasury, are appropriated for operating expenditures, capital outlay and fixed charges. Earnings on state lands and interest on the investment of the permanent land funds are appropriated in compliance with the enabling act and the Constitution of Arizona. No part of this appropriation may be expended for supplemental life insurance or supplemental retirement. Receipts from summer session, when deposited in the state treasury, together with any unencumbered balance in the summer session account, are hereby appropriated for the purpose of conducting summer sessions but are excluded from the amounts enumerated above. Within ten days of the acceptance of the universities' semiannual all funds budget reports, the Arizona board of regents shall inform the joint legislative budget committee of any tuition revenue amounts that are different from the amounts appropriated by the legislature and shall submit an expenditure plan for any tuition revenue amounts that are greater than the appropriated amounts to the joint legislative budget committee for its review.
FTE positions 302.3
Veterans' organizations contracts 29,200
Total appropriation – department of
veterans' services $ 13,589,100
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 2,165,100
State home for veterans' trust
fund 10,704,500
State veterans' cemetery fund 179,000
State veterans' conservatorship
fund 540,500
Performance measures:
DHS quality rating of the veterans' home
("excellent", "standard" or "substandard") Excellent
Per cent of customers rating department's
services as "good" or "excellent" 95
Social worker to client ratio 1:50
Per cent of agency staff turnover NA
Administration as a per cent of total cost 17
The appropriation for the department of veterans' services provides full year funding to operate the southern Arizona cemetery in fiscal year 2003-2004.
2003-04 2004-05
Fund sources:
Veterinary medical examining
board fund $ 384,200 $ 384,200
Performance measures:
Average calendar days to resolve a complaint 90 90
Average calendar days to renew a license
(from receipt of application to issuance) 60 60
Administration as a per cent of total cost 3.0 3.0
Customer satisfaction rating (Scale 1-8) 8.0 8.0
FTE positions 189.7
Arizona water protection fund
Rural water studies 500,000
Water banking authority 500,000
Total appropriation ‑ department of water
resources $ 13,875,300
Performance measures:
areas (acre feet) 2.74
Per cent of Arizona's unused Colorado
River entitlement that is recharged
via the water banking authority 95
Number of dams in a nonemergency
unsafe condition 13
Per cent of rural watershed studies
contract deliverables completed
and accepted 100
Per cent of agency staff turnover 6
Administration as a per cent of total cost 5.5
Customer satisfaction rating for hydrology
program (Scale 1-8) 7.7
FTE positions 36.9
Lump sum appropriation $ 2,482,300
Fund sources:
State general fund $ 1,313,700
Air quality fund 1,168,600
Performance measures:
(Scale 1-5) 5
Per cent of retail stores' price
scanning devices in compliance
(i.e., cash register shows correct price) 50
Per cent of cleaner burning gas
(required in the Phoenix area)
samples in compliance with oxygenated
fuel standards 100
Per cent of gasoline dispensing facilities
inspected annually that are in compliance
with vapor recovery standards 85
Administration as a per cent of total cost 14
Sec. 108. Transfers of fund monies to the state general fund; fiscal year 2003-2004
Notwithstanding any other law, on or before June 30, 2004, the following amounts from the following funds or sources are transferred to the state general fund for the purposes of providing adequate support and maintenance for agencies of this state:
1. Technology and telecommunications fund (ADA 4201) $4,000,000.
2. Motor vehicle pool revolving fund (ADA 4204) $1,000,000.
3. Emergency telecommunications services revolving fund (ADA 2176) $3,000,000.
4. Arizona arts endowment expendable trust fund (HUA 3106) $7,000,000.
5. Arizona job training fund (EPA 1237) $2,500,000.
6. Arizona correctional industries revolving fund (DCA 4002) $1,000,000.
7. Telecommunication fund for the deaf (DFA 2047) $1,000,000.
8. Water quality assurance revolving fund (EVA 2221) $5,000,000.
9. Arizona exposition and state fair fund (CLA 4001) $1,000,000.
10. Game and fish commission heritage fund (GFA 2295) $4,000,000.
11. Watercraft licensing fund (GFA 2079) $1,000,000.
12. Industrial commission administrative fund (ICA 2177) $2,000,000.
13. Defensive driving fund (SPA 2247) $1,000,000.
14. State lottery fund (LOA 2122) $2,500,000.
15. Off-highway vehicle recreation fund (PRA 2253) $2,000,000.
16. State parks board heritage fund (PRA 2296) $4,000,000.
17. State lake improvement fund (PRA 2105) $6,800,000.
18. Arizona water banking fund (WCA 2110) $9,000,000.
Sec. 109. Transfer of fund monies to the Arizona highway patrol fund; fiscal year 2003-2004
Notwithstanding any other law, on or before June 30, 2004, the sum of $1,000,000 is transferred from the transportation department equipment fund established by section 28-7006, Arizona Revised Statutes, to the Arizona highway patrol fund established by section 41-1752, Arizona Revised Statutes.
Sec. 110. Transfer of fund monies to the water quality assurance revolving fund; fiscal year 2003-2004
Notwithstanding any other law, on or before June 30, 2004, the sum of $2,500,000 is transferred from the air quality fund established by section 49-551, Arizona Revised Statutes, to the water quality assurance revolving fund established by section 49-282, Arizona Revised Statutes.
Sec. 111. Appropriation; operating adjustments
State employee health insurance adjustments $ 9,700,000
Fund sources:
Other appropriated funds $ 9,700,000
State employee retirement adjustments $ 15,200,000
Fund sources:
Other appropriated funds $ 15,200,000
Arizona financial information system
operating adjustments $ 1,000,000
Fund sources:
Other appropriated funds $ 1,000,000
Attorney general legal services cost
allocation adjustments $ 1,600,000
Fund source:
Other appropriated funds $ 1,600,000
The other appropriated funds may be allocated from the following funds: board of accountancy fund, acupuncture board of examiners fund, air permits administration fund, air quality fund, antitrust enforcement revolving fund, board of appraisal fund, Arizona arts trust fund, Arizona benefits fund, Arizona health care cost containment system donations fund, Arizona medical board fund, Arizona protected native plant fund, automated fingerprint identification fund, auto theft authority fund, state aviation fund, board of barbers fund, board of behavioral health examiners fund, bond fund, budget neutrality compliance fund, capital outlay stabilization fund, child abuse prevention fund, child fatality review fund, child support enforcement administration fund, children's health insurance program fund, board of chiropractic examiners fund, citrus, fruit and vegetable revolving fund, collection enforcement revolving fund, commerce and economic development commission fund, commercial feed fund, confidential intermediary and private fiduciary fund, consulting and training fund, consumer fraud revolving fund, corrections fund, board of cosmetology fund, crime laboratory assessment fund, criminal justice enhancement fund, county fair racing fund, court appointed special advocate fund, defensive driving school fund, dental board fund, Arizona deoxyribonucleic acid identification fund, board of dispensing opticians fund, drug and gang prevention resource center fund, state education fund for committed youth, state education fund for correctional education, egg inspection fund, emergency medical services operating fund, emissions inspection fund, environmental laboratory licensure fund, environmental special plate fund, estate and unclaimed property fund, Arizona exposition and state fair fund, federal child care and development fund block grant, federal surplus materials revolving fund, federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant, fertilizer materials fund, board of fingerprinting fund, board of funeral directors and embalmers fund, fingerprint clearance fund, game and fish fund, game, nongame, fish and endangered species fund, hazardous waste fund, state highway fund, Arizona highway patrol fund, highway user revenue fund, board of homeopathic medical examiners fund, housing trust fund, DHS indirect cost fund, ADEQ indirect cost recovery fund, industrial commission administrative fund, information technology fund, interagency service agreements fund, intergovernmental agreements and grants, investment management regulatory and enforcement fund, judicial collection enhancement fund, land conservation fund interest, lease‑purchase building operating and maintenance fund, liability set‑off fund, long term care system fund, long‑term disability administration account, state lottery fund, board of medical examiners fund, the miners' hospital for disabled miners land fund, motor vehicle liability insurance enforcement fund, motor vehicle pool revolving fund, naturopathic physicians board of medical examiners fund, newborn screening program fund, board of nursing fund, nursing care institution administrators' licensing and assisted living facility managers' certification fund, occupational therapy fund, oil overcharge fund, board of optometry fund, board of osteopathic examiners fund, state parks enhancement fund, penitentiary land fund, personnel division fund, pesticide fund, board of pharmacy fund, board of physical therapy fund, podiatry fund, postsecondary education fund, board for private postsecondary education fund, proposition 301 fund, Arizona protected native plant fund, board of psychologist examiners fund, public access fund, public assistance collections fund, racing administration fund, state radiologic technologist certification fund, records services fund, recycling fund, registrar of contractors fund, reservation surcharge revolving fund, residential utility consumer office revolving fund, board of respiratory care examiners fund, state retirement system administration account, risk management revolving fund, safety enforcement and transportation infrastructure fund, Arizona schools for the deaf and the blind fund, securities regulatory and enforcement fund, seed law fund, solid waste fee fund, special administration fund, special employee health insurance trust fund, special services revolving fund, spinal and head injuries trust fund, state aid to the courts fund, Arizona state hospital fund, state board of equalization fund, state surplus materials revolving fund, structural pest control commission fund, substance abuse services fund, teacher certification fund, technical registration fund, technology and telecommunication fund, telecommunication fund for the deaf, telecommunications excise tax fund, tobacco tax and health care fund, transportation department equipment fund, tribal state compact fund, tourism fund, used oil fund, utility regulation revolving fund, vehicle inspection and title enforcement fund, state veterans' conservatorship fund, state home for veterans' trust fund, veterinary medical examining board fund, victims' rights fund, vital records electronic systems fund, watercraft licensing fund, waterfowl conservation fund, water quality fee fund, and workforce investment act grant.
Arizona financial information system operating adjustments
The amount appropriated for Arizona financial information system operating adjustments shall be for increases and new allocations for the costs of operation of the Arizona financial information system. The joint legislative budget committee staff shall determine and the department of administration shall allocate to each agency or department an amount sufficient for the Arizona financial information system operating cost increase.
The joint legislative budget committee staff shall determine and the department of administration shall allocate adjustments, as necessary, in total expenditure authority to allow implementation of Arizona financial information system adjustments.
State employee health insurance adjustments
The amount appropriated for state employee health insurance adjustments shall be for increases in the employer share of state employee health insurance premiums. The joint legislative budget committee staff shall determine and the department of administration shall allocate to each agency's or department's employee related expenditures an amount sufficient for the employer share of the employee health insurance increase.
The joint legislative budget committee staff shall also determine and the department of administration shall allocate adjustments, as necessary, in total expenditure authority to allow implementation of state employee health insurance adjustments.
State employee retirement adjustments
The amount appropriated for state employee retirement contribution adjustments shall be for increases in the employer share of state employee retirement contributions. The joint legislative budget committee staff shall determine and the department of administration shall allocate to each agency's or department's employee related expenditures an amount sufficient for the employer share of the employee retirement contribution increase.
The joint legislative budget committee staff shall also determine and the department of administration shall allocate adjustments, as necessary, in total expenditure authority to allow implementation of state employee retirement contribution adjustments.
Attorney general pro rata adjustments
The amount appropriated for attorney general legal services cost allocation adjustments shall be for agency and department pro rata share contributions for the attorney general legal services cost allocation charge. The joint legislative budget committee staff shall determine and the department of administration shall allocate to each agency or department an amount sufficient to charge the pro rata share contribution of 0.53 per cent to each fund's personal services base.
The joint legislative budget committee staff shall also determine and the department of administration shall allocate adjustments, as necessary, in total expenditure authority to allow implementation of pro rata share contribution adjustments. The attorney general pro rata contribution shall not be charged to the department of administration risk management fund and any fund administered by the department of water resources, the department of transportation, the residential utility consumer office, the industrial commission, the universities, the auditor general, the senate, the house of representatives, the legislative council, the joint legislative budget committee, the library, archives and public records, the corporation commission, the advocate for private property rights, the office of the governor, the department of law, or any self‑supporting regulatory agency as determined by section 35-143.01, Arizona Revised Statutes.
The joint legislative budget committee staff shall also determine and the department of administration shall allocate adjustments, as necessary, in total expenditure authority to allow implementation of the attorney general legal services cost allocation adjustments.
Sec. 112. Legislative intent; expenditure reporting
It is the intent of the legislature that all departments, agencies or budget units receiving lump sum appropriations under the terms of this act shall continue to report actual, estimated and requested expenditures by budget programs and budget classes in a format that is similar to the budget programs and budget classes used for budgetary purposes in prior years. A different format may be used if deemed necessary to implement the provisions of section 35-113, Arizona Revised Statutes, agreed to by the director of the joint legislative budget committee, and incorporated into the budget preparation instructions adopted by the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting pursuant to section 35‑112, Arizona Revised Statutes.
Sec. 113. FTE positions; reporting
Full-time equivalent (FTE) positions contained in this act are subject to appropriation. The director of the department of administration shall account for the use of all appropriated FTE positions excluding those in the department of economic security, the universities and the department of environmental quality. The director shall submit fiscal year 2003-2004 reports by February 1, 2004 and August 1, 2004 to the director of the joint legislative budget committee. The reports shall compare the level of FTE usage in each fiscal year to the appropriated level. The director of the department of administration shall notify the director of each budget unit if the budget unit has exceeded its number of appropriated FTE positions. The above excluded agencies shall each report to the director of the joint legislative budget committee in a manner comparable to the department of administration reporting.
Sec. 114. Filled FTE positions; reporting
By September 1, 2003, each agency, including the judiciary and universities, shall submit a report to the director of the joint legislative budget committee on the number of filled, appropriated full-time equivalent positions by fund source. The number of filled, appropriated full-time equivalent positions reported shall be as of August 1, 2003.
Sec. 115. Transfer of spending authority
The department of administration shall report monthly to the director of the joint legislative budget committee on any transfers of spending authority made pursuant to section 35-173, subsection C, Arizona Revised Statutes, during the prior month.
Sec. 116. Definition
For the purposes of this act, "*" means this appropriation is a continuing appropriation and is exempt from the provisions of section 35‑190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations.
Sec. 117. Definition
For the purposes of this act, "**" means this appropriation is available for use pursuant to the provisions of section 35-143.01, subsection C, Arizona Revised Statutes, and is exempt from the provisions of section 35‑190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations until June 30, 2005.
Sec. 118. Definition
For purposes of this act, "review by the joint legislative budget committee" means a review by a vote of a majority of a quorum of the members.
Sec. 119. Laws 2002, chapter 327, section 120 is amended to read:
Sec. 120. Transfer of monies from the budget stabilization fund to the state general fund; fiscal year 2002-2003
Notwithstanding section 35-144, Arizona Revised Statutes, the sum of $50,000,000 $30,000,000 is transferred from the budget stabilization fund to the state general fund in fiscal year 2002‑2003.
Sec. 120. Basic state aid supplemental for fiscal year 2002-2003
The sum of $5,000,000 is appropriated from the state general fund to the Arizona department of education for supplemental funding for fiscal year 2002-2003.