PREFILED    JAN 11 2010

REFERENCE TITLE: technical correction; return of aliens




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Forty-ninth Legislature

Second Regular Session




HB 2099


Introduced by

Representative Seel





amending section 41‑906, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to state institutions.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 41-906, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-906.  Return of alien and nonresident public charges

A.  The governor shall cooperate with the United States commissioner general of immigration assistant secretary of the United States immigration and customs enforcement and the director of the United States citizenship and immigration services and with boards or officials of foreign countries for the purpose of arranging and providing for the return to the foreign countries of alien public charges confined in the state hospital or in the industrial school and of aliens discharged from the state prison.

B.  To facilitate the return of nonresident public charges confined in the state hospital, or in the state industrial school, the governor may enter into reciprocal agreements or arrangements with officers of other states for the mutual exchange of such public charges, and in pursuance thereof the governor may give written consent and approval of the return to the state of any resident of this state confined in a public institution of another state, corresponding to hospitals or asylums for the insane, or of a state institution for the reformation of delinquent minors.

C.  A person shall not be deemed a resident of this state for the purposes of this section unless he the person has resided continuously in the state for one year next preceding commitment to any of the institutions named in this section.

D.  The expenses incurred in returning aliens and nonresident public charges shall be paid by the state, but the expense of returning residents of this state to this state shall not be paid by this state. END_STATUTE