House Engrossed




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Forty-ninth Legislature

Second Regular Session










amending sections 38‑711, 38‑740, 38‑742, 38‑758, 38‑769, 38-783 and 38‑797.03, Arizona Revised Statutes; making an Appropriation; relating to the Arizona State Retirement System.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 38-711, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-711.  Definitions

In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:

1.  "Active member" means a member as defined in paragraph 23, subdivision (b) of this section who satisfies the eligibility criteria prescribed in section 38‑727 and who is currently making member contributions as prescribed in section 38‑736.

2.  "Actuarial equivalent" means equality in value of the aggregate amounts expected to be received under two different forms of payment, based on mortality and interest rate assumptions approved from time to time by the board.

3.  "ASRS" means the Arizona state retirement system established by this article.

4.  "Assets" means the resources of ASRS including all cash, investments or securities.

5.  "Average monthly compensation" means:

(a)  For a member whose membership in ASRS commenced before January 1, 1984 and who left the member's contributions on deposit or reinstated forfeited credited service pursuant to section 38‑742 for a period of employment that commenced before January 1, 1984, the higher of either:

(i)  The monthly average of compensation that is calculated pursuant to subdivision (b) of this paragraph.

(ii)  The monthly average of compensation on which contributions were remitted during a period of sixty consecutive months during which the member receives the highest compensation within the last one hundred twenty months of credited service.  Any month for which no contributions are reported to ASRS or that falls within a period of nonpaid or partially paid leave of absence or sabbatical leave shall be excluded from the computation.  The sixty consecutive months may entirely precede, may be both before and after or may be completely after any excluded months.  If the member was employed for less than sixty consecutive months, the average monthly compensation is based on the total consecutive months worked.  Payments for accumulated vacation or annual leave, sick leave, compensatory time or other forms of termination pay which, before August 12, 2005, constitute compensation for members whose membership in ASRS commenced before January 1, 1984, do not cease to be included as compensation if paid in the form of nonelective employer contributions under a 26 United States Code section 403(b) plan if all payments of employer and employee contributions are made at the time of termination.  Contributions shall be made to ASRS on these amounts pursuant to sections 38‑735, 38‑736 and 38‑737.

(b)  Effective July 1, 1985 for a member whose membership in ASRS commenced on or after January 1, 1984 but before July 1, 2011, the monthly average of compensation on which contributions were remitted during a period of thirty‑six consecutive months during which a member receives the highest compensation within the last one hundred twenty months of credited service.  Any month for which no contributions are reported to ASRS or that falls within a period of nonpaid or partially paid leave of absence or sabbatical leave shall be excluded from the computation.  The thirty‑six consecutive months may entirely precede, may be both before and after or may be completely after any excluded months.  If the member was employed for less than thirty‑six consecutive months, the average monthly compensation shall be based on the total consecutive months worked.  This subdivision applies only to members whose membership in ASRS was effective after December 31, 1983 or who agree in writing as a binding condition of eligibility for being granted the benefit advantages available under this subdivision to have their benefit computed on the basis of the definition of compensation.

(c)  For a member whose membership in ASRS commenced on or after July 1, 2011, the monthly average of compensation on which contributions were remitted during a period of sixty consecutive months during which a member receives the highest compensation within the last one hundred twenty months of credited service.  Any month for which no contributions are reported to ASRS or that falls within a period of nonpaid or partially paid leave of absence or sabbatical leave shall be excluded from the computation.  The sixty consecutive months may entirely precede, may be both before and after or may be completely after any excluded months.  If the member was employed for less than sixty consecutive months, the average monthly compensation shall be based on the total consecutive months worked.

6.  "Board" means the ASRS board established in section 38‑713.

7.  "Compensation" means the gross amount paid to a member by an employer as salary or wages, including amounts that are subject to deferred compensation or tax shelter agreements, for services rendered to or for an employer, or that would have been paid to the member except for the member's election or a legal requirement that all or part of the gross amount be used for other purposes, but does not include amounts paid in excess of compensation limits established in section 38‑746.  Compensation includes amounts paid as salary or wages to a member by a second employer if the member meets the requirements prescribed in paragraph 23, subdivision (b) of this section with that second employer.  Compensation, as provided in paragraph 5, subdivision (b) or (c) of this section, does not include:

(a)  Lump sum payments, on termination of employment, for accumulated vacation or annual leave, sick leave, compensatory time or any other form of termination pay whether the payments are made in one payment or by installments over a period of time.

(b)  Damages, costs, attorney fees, interest or other penalties paid pursuant to a court order or a compromise settlement or agreement to satisfy a grievance or claim even though the amount of the payment is based in whole or in part on previous salary or wage levels, except that, if the court order or compromise settlement or agreement directs salary or wages to be paid for a specific period of time, the payment is compensation for that specific period of time.  If the amount directed to be paid is less than the actual salary or wages that would have been paid for the period if service had been performed, the contributions for the period shall be based on the amount of compensation that would have been paid if the service had been performed.

(c)  Payment, at the member's option, in lieu of fringe benefits that are normally paid for or provided by the employer.

(d)  Merit awards pursuant to section 38‑613 and performance bonuses paid to assistant attorneys general pursuant to section 41‑192.

(e)  Amounts that are paid as salary or wages to a member for which employer contributions have not been paid.

8.  "Contingent annuitant" means the person named by a member to receive retirement income payable following a member's death after retirement as provided in section 38‑760.

9.  "Credited service" means, subject to section 38‑739, the number of years standing to the member's credit on the books of ASRS during which the member made the required contributions.

10.  "Current annual compensation" means the greater of:

(a)  Annualized compensation of the typical pay period amount immediately before the date of a request to ASRS to purchase credited service pursuant to section 38‑743, 38-744 or 38‑745. The typical pay period amount shall be determined by taking the five pay periods immediately before the date of a request, disregarding the highest and lowest compensation amount pay periods and averaging the three remaining pay periods.

(b)  Annualized compensation of the partial year, disregarding the first compensation amount pay period, if the member has less than twelve months total credited service on the date of a request to purchase credited service pursuant to section 38‑743, 38-744 or 38‑745.

(c)  The sum of the twelve months of compensation immediately before the date of a request to ASRS to purchase credited service pursuant to section 38‑743, 38-744 or 38‑745.

(d)  The sum of the thirty‑six months of compensation immediately before the date of a request to ASRS to purchase credited service pursuant to section 38‑743, 38-744 or 38‑745 divided by three. 

(e)  If the member has retired one or more times from ASRS, the average monthly compensation that was used for calculating the member's last pension benefit times twelve.

11.  "Early retirement" means retirement before a member's normal retirement date after five years of total credited service and attainment of age fifty.

12.  "Effective date" means July 1, 1970, except with respect to employers and members whose contributions to ASRS commence thereafter, the effective date of their membership in ASRS is as specified in the applicable joinder agreement.

13.  "Employer" means:

(a)  This state.

(b)  Participating political subdivisions.

(c)  Participating political subdivision entities.

14.  "Employer contributions" means all amounts paid into ASRS by an employer on behalf of a member.

15.  "Fiscal year" means the period from July 1 of any year to June 30 of the following year.

16.  "Inactive member" means a member who previously made contributions to ASRS and who satisfies each of the following:

(a)  Has not retired.

(b)  Is not eligible for active membership in ASRS.

(c)  Is not currently making contributions to ASRS.

(d)  Has not withdrawn contributions from ASRS.

17.  "Interest" means the assumed actuarial investment earnings rate approved by the board.

18.  "Internal revenue code" means the United States internal revenue code of 1986, as amended.

19.  "Investment management" means the persons, companies, banks, insurance company investment funds, mutual fund companies, management or any combinations of those entities that are appointed by ASRS and that have responsibility and authority for investment of the monies of ASRS.

20.  "Late retirement" means retirement after normal retirement.

21.  "Leave of absence" means any unpaid leave authorized by the employer, including leaves authorized for sickness or disability or to pursue education or training.

22.  "Life annuity" means equal monthly installments payable during the member's lifetime after retirement.

23.  "Member":

(a)  Means any employee of an employer on the effective date.

(b)  Means all employees of an employer who are eligible for membership pursuant to section 38‑727 and who are engaged to work at least twenty weeks in each fiscal year and at least twenty hours each week.

(c)  Means any person receiving a benefit under ASRS.

(d)  Means any person who is a former active member of ASRS and who has not withdrawn contributions from ASRS pursuant to section 38‑740.

(e)  Does not include any employee of an employer who is otherwise eligible pursuant to this article and who begins service in a limited appointment for not more than eighteen months on or after July 1, 1979.  If the employment exceeds eighteen months, the employee shall be covered by ASRS as of the beginning of the nineteenth month of employment.  In order to be excluded under this subdivision, classifications of employees designated by employers as limited appointments must be approved by the director.

(f)  Does not include any leased employee.  For the purposes of section 414(n) of the internal revenue code, "leased employee" means an individual who:

(i)  Is not otherwise an employee of an employer.

(ii)  Pursuant to a leasing agreement between the employer and another person, performs services for the employer on a substantially full‑time basis for at least one year.

(iii)  Performs services under the primary direction or control of the employer.

24.  "Member contributions" means all amounts paid to ASRS by a member.

25.  "Normal costs" means the sum of the individual normal costs for all active members for each fiscal year.  The normal cost for an individual active member is the cost that is assigned to the fiscal year using the projected unit credit method.

26.  "Normal retirement age" means the age at which a member reaches the member's normal retirement date.

27.  "Normal retirement date" means the earliest of the following:

(a)  A member's sixty‑fifth birthday.

(b)  A member's sixty‑second birthday and completion of at least ten years of credited service.

(c)  for a member whose membership commenced before July 1, 2011, the first day that the sum of a member's age and years of total credited service equals eighty.  For a member whose membership commenced on or after July 1, 2011, the first day that the sum of a member's age and years of total credited service equals eighty‑five.

28.  "Political subdivision" means any political subdivision of this state and includes a political subdivision entity.

29.  "Political subdivision entity" means an entity:

(a)  That is located in this state.

(b)  That is created in whole or in part by political subdivisions, including instrumentalities of political subdivisions.

(c)  Where a majority of the membership of the entity is composed of political subdivisions.

(d)  Whose primary purpose is the performance of a government related service.

30.  "Retired member" means a member who is receiving retirement benefits pursuant to this article.

31.  "Service year" means fiscal year, except that:

(a)  If the normal work year required of a member is less than the full fiscal year but is for a period of at least nine months, the service year is the normal work year.

(b)  For a salaried member employed on a contract basis under one contract, or two or more consecutive contracts, for a total period of at least nine months, the service year is the total period of the contract or consecutive contracts.

(c)  In determining average monthly compensation pursuant to paragraph 5 of this section, the service year is considered to be twelve months of compensation.

32.  "State" means this state, including any department, office, board, commission, agency, institution or other instrumentality of this state.

33.  "Vested" means that a member is eligible to receive a future retirement benefit. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 38-740, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-740.  Return of contributions

A.  Any A member whose membership commenced before July 1, 2011 and who leaves employment other than by retirement or death may elect to receive a return of the contributions as follows:

1.  If the member has less than five years of credited service, the member shall receive all of the member's contributions.

2.  If a member has five or more years of credited service, the member shall receive the member's contributions and an amount equal to a percentage of the employer contributions paid on behalf of the member.  The percentage of employer contributions paid on behalf of the member shall be as follows:

(a)  5.0 to 5.9 years of credited service, twenty‑five per cent.

(b)  6.0 to 6.9 years of credited service, forty per cent.

(c)  7.0 to 7.9 years of credited service, fifty‑five per cent.

(d)  8.0 to 8.9 years of credited service, seventy per cent.

(e)  9.0 to 9.9 years of credited service, eighty‑five per cent.

(f)  10.0 or more years of credited service, one hundred per cent.

3.  Interest on the returned contributions as determined by the board.

B.  A member whose membership commenced on or after July 1, 2011 and who leaves employment other than by retirement or death may elect to receive a return of all of the member's contributions with interest as determined by the board.

C.  Notwithstanding subsection B, if a member has five or more years of credited service and the member is terminated solely because of an employer reduction in force by reason of a lack of monies or elimination of the member's position, the member is entitled to receive the amounts prescribed in subsection A.

B.  D.  Withdrawal of contributions with interest constitutes a withdrawal from membership in ASRS and results in a forfeiture of all other benefits under ASRS.

C.  E.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, a member who has not received a return of contributions pursuant to this section may combine any two or more periods of service for purposes of determining the member's benefits.

D.  F.  If a member receives more than the amount due to a member pursuant to this section, the member shall repay the amount of the overpayment together with interest at the interest rate earned on ASRS investments as reported on a quarterly basis, but not less than the valuation rate established by the board, from the time of overpayment to the settlement of the debt. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 38-742, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-742.  Reinstatement

A.  If an active member who received a return of contributions on termination of employment and by receipt of those contributions forfeited credited service earned on that employment, as provided in section 38‑740, subsection A or B, is subsequently reemployed by an employer, the member's service shall be credited only from the date the member's most recent reemployment period commenced.

B.  Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, the member may redeposit the amount of the contributions the member received at the time of the member's separation from service, with interest on that amount to the date of redeposit at the interest rate assumption approved by the board for actuarial equivalency.  On satisfaction of this obligation, the member's service credits acquired by the previous employment shall be reinstated.  The member is subject to the benefits and duties in effect at the time of the member's most recent reemployment except as provided in section 38‑711, paragraph 5, subdivision (a).  If a member redeposits less than the amount required under this subsection, ASRS shall proportionately reduce the member's reinstated service credits.

C.  A member who is receiving benefits pursuant to section 38‑797.07 and who received a return of contributions on termination of employment and by receipt of those contributions forfeited credited service earned on that employment, as provided in section 38‑740, subsection A or B, may redeposit the amount of the contributions the member received at the time of the member's previous separation from service, with interest on that amount to the date of redeposit at the interest rate assumption approved by the board for actuarial equivalency.  On redeposit of the contributions and interest, the member's service credits acquired by the previous employment shall be reinstated.  The member is subject to the benefits and duties in effect at the time of the member's most recent reemployment except as provided in section 38‑711, paragraph 5, subdivision (a).  If a member redeposits less than the amount required under this subsection, ASRS shall proportionately reduce the member's reinstated service credits. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4.  Section 38-758, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-758.  Early retirement

A.  A member who has attained age fifty and who has five years of total credited service is eligible to elect, in a form and manner prescribed by the board, to receive a reduced retirement income.

B.  The benefit payable to a member electing early retirement shall be determined by reducing the normal retirement benefit computed in accordance with section 38‑757 either:

1.  At the rate of three per cent per year from age sixty to age sixty‑five and five per cent per year from age fifty to age sixty.  The reduction in normal retirement benefits pursuant to this paragraph for an eligible member electing early retirement shall be based on the period from the date of commencement of early retirement benefits to the member's sixtieth birthday if the member has at least twenty years of total credited service, sixty‑second birthday if the member has at least ten but less than twenty years of total credited service or sixty‑fifth birthday if the member has at least five but less than ten years of total credited service.

2.  If the sum of a member's age and years of total credited service equals:

(a)  for a member whose membership commenced before july 1, 2011,  seventy‑seven or more, but is less than eighty, at the rate of three per cent for each unit of one or fraction of one by which the sum is less than eighty.

(b)  for a member whose membership commenced on or after july 1, 2011, eighty‑two or more, but is less than eighty‑five, at the rate of three per cent for each unit of one or fraction of one by which the sum is less than eighty‑five. END_STATUTE

Sec. 5.  Section 38-769, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-769.  Maximum retirement benefits; termination; definitions

A.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, except as provided in subsection C of this section, the employer provided portion of a member's annual benefit payable in the form of a straight life annuity, at any time within a limitation year, shall not exceed one hundred sixty thousand dollars or a larger amount that is effective as of January 1 of each calendar year, is prescribed by the board and is due to any cost of living adjustment announced by the United States secretary of the treasury pursuant to section 415(d) of the internal revenue code.  The board shall increase the amount pursuant to this subsection as of the effective date of the increase as prescribed by the United States secretary of the treasury.  Benefit increases provided in this section resulting from the increase in the limitations of section 415(b) of the internal revenue code as amended by the economic growth and tax relief reconciliation act of 2001 shall be provided to all current and former members who have benefits that are limited by section 415(b) of the internal revenue code and who have an accrued benefit under ASRS immediately before July 1, 2001, other than an accrued benefit resulting from a benefit increase solely as a result of the increases provided by this section resulting from the increase in the limitations of section 415(b) of the internal revenue code as amended by the economic growth and tax relief reconciliation act of 2001.

B.  Notwithstanding the limitations of subsection A of this section, the benefits payable to a member are deemed not to exceed the limitations determined under subsection A of this section if the retirement benefits payable to the member under this article do not exceed ten thousand dollars for the limitation year and if an employer has not at any time maintained a defined contribution plan in which the member has participated.

C.  The limitations determined under subsection A of this section are subject to the following adjustments:

1.  If a member has less than ten years of membership in ASRS, the maximum dollar limitation determined under subsection A of this section shall be multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of years, or partial years, of membership in ASRS and the denominator of which is ten. The reduction provided in this paragraph also applies to the ten thousand dollar floor limitation provided in subsection B of this section, except that the reduction applies to years of service with an employer rather than to years of membership in ASRS.  The reduction in this paragraph does not reduce the limitations determined under subsection A of this section to an amount less than one‑tenth of the limitations as determined without regard to this paragraph.

2.  If a member's annual benefit commences before the member attains sixty‑two years of age,  the defined benefit dollar limitation applicable to the member at the earlier age is an annual benefit payable in the form of a straight life annuity beginning at the earlier age that is the actuarial equivalent of the defined benefit dollar limitation applicable to the member at age sixty‑two and that is adjusted under paragraph 1 of this subsection, if required.  The defined benefit dollar limitation applicable at an age before age sixty‑two is determined as the lesser of:

(a)  The actuarial equivalent at that age of the defined benefit dollar limitation computed using the interest rate specified by the board in section 38‑711, paragraph 2 and the mortality table or other tabular factors prescribed in paragraph 5 of this subsection.

(b)  The actuarial equivalent at that age of the defined benefit dollar limitation computed using a five per cent interest rate and the applicable mortality table prescribed in paragraph 5 of this subsection.  Any decrease in the defined benefit dollar limitation determined in accordance with this paragraph shall not reflect a mortality decrement if benefits are not forfeited on the death of the member.  If any benefits are forfeited on death, the full mortality decrement is taken into account.

3.  If a member's annual benefit commences after sixty‑five years of age, the limitation determined under subsection A of this section applicable to the member at the later age is the annual benefit payable in the form of a straight life annuity beginning at the later age that is actuarially equivalent to the defined benefit dollar limitation applicable to the participant at age sixty‑five and that is adjusted under paragraph 1 of this subsection, if required.  The actuarial equivalent of the defined benefit dollar limitation applicable at an age after age sixty‑five is determined as the lesser of:

(a)  The actuarial equivalent at that age of the defined benefit dollar limitation computed using the interest rate specified by the board as provided in section 38‑711, paragraph 2 and the mortality table or other tabular factors prescribed in paragraph 5 of this subsection.

(b)  The actuarial equivalent at that age of the defined benefit dollar limitation computed using a five per cent interest rate assumption and the applicable mortality table prescribed in paragraph 5 of this subsection.  For the purposes of this subdivision, mortality between age sixty‑five and the age at which benefits commence shall be ignored.

4.  If the member's benefit is paid in a form other than a straight life annuity, the benefit paid may not exceed the actuarial equivalent of the maximum annual benefit payable as a straight life annuity disregarding the portion of any joint and survivor annuity that constitutes a qualified joint and survivor annuity as defined in section 417 of the internal revenue code. Effective for plan years beginning from and after June 30, 2004, actuarial equivalency under this paragraph shall be determined by the use of an interest rate assumption equal to one of the following rates:

(a)  For benefits paid under ASRS in a form to which section 417(e)(3) of the internal revenue code would apply if that section of the internal revenue code were applicable to ASRS, the greater of:

(i)  Five and one-half per cent a year.

(ii)  The rate that provides a benefit of not more than one hundred five per cent of the benefit that would be provided if the applicable interest rate, as defined in section 417(e)(3) of the internal revenue code, were the interest rate assumption.

(iii)  The rate specified by the board as provided in section 38-711, paragraph 2.

(b)  For benefits paid under ASRS in a form to which section 417(e)(3) of the internal revenue code does not apply if that section of the internal revenue code were applicable to ASRS, five per cent per year.

In the case of any member or beneficiary receiving a distribution from and after December 31, 2003 but before January 1, 2005, the amount payable under any form of benefit subject to adjustment under this paragraph shall not, solely by reason of the interest rate assumptions contained in this paragraph, be less than the amount that would have been payable had the amount payable been determined using the applicable interest rate in effect as of the last day of the plan year beginning July 1, 2003.

5.  For the purposes of adjusting any benefit or limitation under paragraph 2, 3 or 4 of this subsection, the board shall use the mortality table prescribed by the United States secretary of the treasury as required by section 415(b)(2)(E)(v) of the internal revenue code, which, effective for distributions with annuity starting dates from and after December 30, 2002, shall be the mortality table published by the internal revenue service in revenue ruling 2001-62, as modified by the internal revenue service in revenue ruling 2007-67, until later changed or modified by the internal revenue service.

D.  Subsection C, paragraphs 1 and 2 of this section do not apply to income received from ASRS as a pension, annuity or similar allowance as a result of the recipient becoming disabled by personal injury or sickness or to amounts received from ASRS by beneficiaries, survivors or the estate of a member as a result of the death of the member.

E.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the annual benefit payable under this article may be reduced to the extent necessary, as determined by the board, to prevent disqualification of ASRS under section 415 of the internal revenue code that imposes additional limitations on the annual benefits payable to members who also may be participating in another tax qualified pension or savings plan of this state.  An employer shall not provide employee retirement or deferred benefits if the benefits authorized by this section and as required by federal law result in the failure of ASRS to meet federal qualification standards as applied to public pension plans.  The board shall advise affected members of any additional information concerning their annual benefits required by this subsection.  All benefits payable pursuant to this subsection shall comply with the limitations of benefits contained in section 415 of the internal revenue code and the final treasury regulations issued under that section.  Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, if the annual benefits within the meaning of section 415 of the internal revenue code are exceeded for any member, ASRS may only correct the excess pursuant to the employee plans compliance resolution system prescribed in internal revenue service revenue procedure 2008-50 or any future guidance by the internal revenue service, including the preamble of the final treasury regulations issued under section 415 of the internal revenue code.

F.  If the maximum amount of benefit allowed under section 415 of the internal revenue code is increased after the commencement date of a member's benefit due to any cost of living adjustment announced by the United States secretary of the treasury pursuant to the provisions of section 415(d) of the internal revenue code, the amount of the monthly benefit payable under ASRS to a member whose benefit is restricted due to the provisions of section 415(d) of the internal revenue code shall be increased by the board as of the date prescribed by the United States secretary of the treasury on which the increase shall become effective.  The increase shall reflect the increase in the amount of retirement income that may be payable under this article as a result of the cost of living adjustment.

G.  In determining the adjustments to the defined benefit dollar limitation authorized by subsection A of this section, the board shall prescribe a larger defined benefit dollar limitation if prescribed by the United States secretary of the treasury pursuant to section 415(d) of the internal revenue code.  An adjustment to the defined benefit dollar limitation prescribed in subsection A of this section is not effective before the first calendar year for which the United States secretary of the treasury publishes the adjustment.  After it is prescribed by the board, the new defined benefit dollar limitation applies to the limitation year ending with or within the calendar year for which the secretary of the treasury makes the adjustment.

H.  For the purposes of the limitations prescribed by this section, all member and employer contributions made to ASRS to provide a member benefits pursuant to section 38‑771 or 38‑771.01 and all member contributions that are not treated as picked up by the employer under section 414(h)(2) of the internal revenue code shall be treated as made to a separate defined contribution plan.

I.  On termination of ASRS the accrued benefit of each member is, as of the date of termination, fully vested and nonforfeitable.

J.  If ASRS terminates, the benefit of any highly compensated employee as defined in section 414(q) of the internal revenue code and any highly compensated former employee is limited to a benefit that is nondiscriminatory under section 401(a)(4) of the internal revenue code and as follows:

1.  Benefits distributed to any of the twenty‑five active and former highly compensated employees with the greatest compensation in the current or any prior fiscal year are restricted so that the annual payments are no greater than an amount equal to the payment that would be made on behalf of the member under a straight life annuity that is the actuarial equivalent of the sum of the member's accrued benefit, the member's other benefits under ASRS, excluding a social security supplement as defined in 26 Code of Federal Regulations section 1.411(a)‑7(C)(4)(ii), and the amount the member is entitled to receive under a social security supplement.

2.  Paragraph 1 of this subsection does not apply if either:

(a)  After payment of the benefit to a member described in paragraph 1 of this subsection, the value of ASRS assets equals or exceeds one hundred ten per cent of the value of the current liabilities, as defined in section 412(l)(7) of the internal revenue code, of ASRS.

(b)  The value of the benefits for a member described in paragraph 1 of this subsection is less than one per cent of the value of the current liabilities, as defined in section 412(l)(7) of the internal revenue code, of ASRS before distribution.

(c)  The value of the benefits payable by ASRS to a member described in paragraph 1 of this subsection does not exceed three thousand five hundred dollars.

K.  For the purposes of subsection J of this section, "benefit" includes loans in excess of the amount prescribed in section 72(p)(2)(A) of the internal revenue code, any periodic income, any withdrawal values payable to a living member and any death benefits not provided for by insurance on the member's life.

L.  On retirement of a member who was a retired member, who resumed active membership and who subsequently retires, the limitations of this section in effect on the member's subsequent retirement apply to the member's retirement benefit payable as recomputed pursuant to section 38‑766.  In addition, the sum of the present value of the member's recomputed retirement benefits plus the present value of the benefits the member received during the member's prior retirement shall not exceed the present value of the limitations in effect on the member's subsequent retirement.  The limitations prescribed in this subsection shall not reduce a member's retirement benefit below the retirement benefit the member was receiving before the member resumed active membership.  For the purposes of determining present value under this subsection, the board shall use the actuarial equivalent assumptions provided in section 38‑711, paragraph 2.

M.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  The following adjustments shall be made to the definition of compensation prescribed in subsection O of this section:

(a)  Compensation shall be adjusted for the types of compensation that are prescribed in this paragraph and that are paid after a member's severance from employment with an employer.  Amounts described in subdivisions (b), (c) and (d) may be included only as compensation to the extent the amounts are paid by the later of two and one-half months after severance from employment or by the end of the limitation year that includes the date of the severance from employment.  Any other payment of compensation paid after severance of employment that is not described in the types of compensation prescribed in this paragraph is not considered compensation for purposes of this section, even if payment is made within the time period prescribed in this subdivision.

(b)  Compensation shall include regular pay after severance of employment if the payment is regular compensation for services performed during the member's regular working hours or compensation for services performed outside the member's regular working hours, such as overtime or shift differential, commission, bonus or other similar payments, and the payment would have been paid to the member before a severance from employment if the member had continued in employment with the employer.

(c)  Leave cash outs shall be included in compensation if those amounts would have been included in compensation if they were paid before the member's severance from employment and the amounts are payment for unused accrued bona fide sick, vacation or other leave, but only if the member would have been able to use the leave if employment had continued. 

(d)  Deferred compensation shall be included in compensation if the compensation would have been included in compensation if it had been paid before the member's severance from employment and the compensation is received pursuant to a nonqualified unfunded deferred compensation plan, but only if the payment would have been paid at the same time if the member had continued in employment with the employer and only to the extent that the payment is includable in the member's gross income.

(e)  Compensation does include payments to an individual who does not currently perform services for an employer by reason of qualified military service as defined in section 414(u)(5) of the internal revenue code to the extent those payments do not exceed the amounts the individual would have received if the individual had continued to perform services for the employer rather than entering qualified military service.

(f)  Compensation does not include compensation paid to a member who is permanently and totally disabled as defined in section 22(e)(3) of the internal revenue code.

(g)  Compensation shall include amounts that are includable in the gross income of a member as required by section 409A or section 457(f)(1)(A) of the internal revenue code or because the amounts are constructively received by the member.

2.  Compensation for a limitation year shall not include amounts earned but not paid during the limitation year solely because of the timing of pay periods and pay dates.

3.  Payments awarded by an administrative agency or court or pursuant to a bona fide agreement by an employer to compensate a member for lost wages are compensation for the limitation year to which the back pay relates, but only to the extent the payments represent wages and compensation that would otherwise be included in compensation under this section.

N.  The definition of limitation year prescribed in subsection O of this section may only be changed by an amendment to subsection O, except that if ASRS is terminated effective as of a date other than the last day of the limitation year, the termination shall be treated as if this section has been amended to change the definition of limitation year.

M.  o.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  Annual additions shall be determined as provided in section 38‑747, subsection O.

2.  "Annual benefit" means a benefit, including any portion of a member's retirement benefit payable to an alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order that satisfies the requirements prescribed in section 414(p)(1)(A)(i) of the internal revenue code and section 38‑773, payable annually in the form of a straight life annuity, disregarding the portion of a joint and survivor annuity that constitutes a qualified joint and survivor annuity as defined in section 417 of the internal revenue code, with no ancillary or incidental benefits or rollover contributions and excluding any portion of the benefit derived from member contributions or other contributions that are treated as a separate defined contribution plan under section 415 of the internal revenue code but including any of those contributions that are picked up by the employer under section 414(h) of the internal revenue code, or that otherwise are not treated as a separate defined contribution plan.  If the benefit is payable in another form, the determination as to whether the limitation described in subsection A of this section has been satisfied shall be made by the board by adjusting the benefit so that it is actuarially equivalent to the annual benefit described in this paragraph in accordance with the regulations promulgated by the United States secretary of the treasury.  In addition, for determining the annual benefit attributable to member contributions, the factors described in section 411(c)(2)(B) of the internal revenue code and the regulations promulgated under the internal revenue code shall be used by the board regardless of whether section 411 of the internal revenue code applies to ASRS.  The factors described in section 411(c)(2)(B) of the internal revenue code shall be those factors described under section 417(e)(3) of the internal revenue code and determined on the basis of the 417(e) mortality table and an interest rate as prescribed in subsection C, paragraphs 4 and 5 of this section.

3.  "Compensation" means the member's earned income, wages, salaries, fees for professional service and other amounts received for personal services actually rendered in the course of employment with the employer and includes amounts described in sections 104(a)(3) and 105(a) of the internal revenue code, but only to the extent that these amounts are includable in the gross income of the member.  Compensation also includes any elective deferral as defined in section 402(g)(3) of the internal revenue code and any amount that is contributed or deferred by an employer at the election of a member and that is not includable in the gross income of the member by reason of section 125, 132(f)(4) or 457 of the internal revenue code.  Compensation does not mean:

(a)  Employer contributions to a plan of deferred compensation to the extent the contributions are not included in the gross income of the employee for the taxable year in which contributed and any distributions from a plan of deferred compensation, regardless of whether the amounts are includable in gross income of the employee when distributed, except that any amount received by a member pursuant to an unfunded nonqualified plan may be considered as compensation for the purposes of this section in the year the amounts are includable in the gross income of the member under the internal revenue code.

(b)  Other amounts that receive special tax benefits, such as premiums for group term life insurance, but only to the extent that the premiums are not includable in the gross income of the employee, qualified transportation fringe benefits as defined in section 132(a)(5) 132 of the internal revenue code and, effective for plan years beginning from and after December 31, 1987, any amounts under section 125 of the internal revenue code that are not available to a participant in cash in lieu of group health coverage because the member is unable to certify that the member has other health coverage.

4.  "Defined benefit dollar limitation" means the dollar limitation determined under subsection A of this section.

5.  "Defined benefit plan" has the same meaning prescribed in section 414(j) of the internal revenue code.

6.  "Defined contribution plan" has the same meaning prescribed in section 414(i) of the internal revenue code.

7.  "Limitation year" and "years of service" means the fiscal year. END_STATUTE

Sec. 6.  Section 38-783, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-783.  Retired members; dependents; health insurance; premium payment; separate account; definitions

A.  Subject to subsections G, H and I F, G and H of this section, the board shall pay from ASRS assets part of the single coverage premium of any health and accident insurance for each retired, contingent annuitant or disabled member of ASRS if the member elects to participate in the coverage provided by ASRS or section 38‑651.01 or elects to participate in a health and accident insurance program provided or administered by an employer or paid for, in whole or in part, by an employer to an insurer.  A contingent annuitant must be receiving a monthly retirement benefit from ASRS in order to obtain any premium payment provided by this section.  The board shall pay:

1.  Up to one hundred fifty dollars per month for a member of ASRS who is not eligible for medicare if the retired or disabled member has ten or more years of credited service.

2.  Up to one hundred dollars per month for each member of ASRS who is eligible for medicare if the retired or disabled member has ten or more years of credited service.

B.  Subject to subsections G, H and I F, G and H of this section, the board shall pay from ASRS assets part of the family coverage premium of any health and accident insurance for a retired, contingent annuitant or disabled member of ASRS who elects family coverage and who otherwise qualifies for payment pursuant to subsection A of this section.  If a member of ASRS and the member's spouse are both either retired or disabled under ASRS and apply for family coverage, the member who elects family coverage is entitled to receive the payments under this section as if they were both applying under a single coverage premium unless the payment under this section for family coverage is greater.  Payment under this subsection is in the following amounts:

1.  Up to two hundred sixty dollars per month if the member of ASRS and one or more dependents are not eligible for medicare.

2.  Up to one hundred seventy dollars per month if the member of ASRS and one or more dependents are eligible for medicare.

3.  Up to two hundred fifteen dollars per month if either:

(a)  The member of ASRS is not eligible for medicare and one or more dependents are eligible for medicare.

(b)  The member of ASRS is eligible for medicare and one or more dependents are not eligible for medicare.

C.  In addition each retired, contingent annuitant or disabled member of ASRS with less than ten years of credited service and a dependent of such a retired, contingent annuitant or disabled member who elects to participate in the coverage provided by ASRS or section 38‑651.01 or who elects to participate in a health and accident insurance program provided or administered by an employer or paid for, in whole or in part, by an employer to an insurer is entitled to receive a proportion of the full benefit prescribed by subsection A or B of this section according to the following schedule:

1.  9.0 to 9.9 years of credited service, ninety per cent.

2.  8.0 to 8.9 years of credited service, eighty per cent.

3.  7.0 to 7.9 years of credited service, seventy per cent.

4.  6.0 to 6.9 years of credited service, sixty per cent.

5.  5.0 to 5.9 years of credited service, fifty per cent.

6.  Those with less than five years of credited service do not qualify for the benefit.

D.  The board shall not pay more than the amount prescribed in this section for a member of ASRS.

E.  A retired, contingent annuitant or disabled member of ASRS may elect to purchase individual health care coverage and receive a payment pursuant to this section through the retired or disabled member's employer if that employer assumes the administrative functions associated with the payment, including verification that the payment is used to pay for health insurance coverage if the payment is made to the retired or disabled member.

F.  E.  The board shall establish a separate account that consists of the benefits provided by this section.  The board shall not use or divert any part of the corpus or income of the account for any purpose other than the provision of benefits under this section unless the liabilities of ASRS to provide the benefits are satisfied.  If the liabilities of ASRS to provide the benefits described in this section are satisfied, the board shall return any amount remaining in the account to the employer.

G.  F.  Payment of the benefits provided by this section is subject to the following conditions:

1.  The payment of the benefits is subordinate to the payment of retirement benefits payable by ASRS.

2.  The total of contributions for the benefits and actual contributions for life insurance protection, if any, shall not exceed twenty‑five per cent of the total actual employer and employee contributions to ASRS, less contributions to fund past service credits, after the day the account is established.

3.  The board shall deposit the benefits provided by this section in the account.

4.  The contributions by the employer to the account shall be reasonable and ascertainable.

H.  G.  A member who elects to receive a retirement benefit pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 1 may elect at the time of retirement an optional form of health and accident insurance premium benefit payment pursuant to this subsection as follows:

 1.  The optional premium benefit payment shall be an amount prescribed by subsection A, B or C of this section that is actuarially reduced to the retiring member for life.  The amount of the optional premium benefit payment shall be the actuarial equivalent of the premium benefit payment to which the retired member would otherwise be entitled.  The election in a manner prescribed by the board shall name the contingent annuitant and may be revoked at any time before the retiring member's effective date of retirement.  At any time after benefits have commenced, the member may name a different contingent annuitant or rescind the election by written notice to the board as follows:

(a)  If the retired member names a different contingent annuitant, the optional premium benefit payment shall be adjusted to the actuarial equivalent of the original premium benefit payment based on the age of the new contingent annuitant.  The adjustment shall include all postretirement increases or decreases in amounts prescribed by subsection A, B or C of this section that are authorized by law after the retired member's date of retirement.  Payment of this adjusted premium benefit payment shall continue under the provisions of the optional premium benefit payment previously elected by the retired member.  A retired member cannot name a different contingent annuitant if the retired member has at any time rescinded the optional form of health and accident insurance premium benefit payment.

(b)  If the retired member rescinds the election, the retired member shall thereafter receive the premium benefit payment that the retired member would otherwise be entitled to receive if the retired member had not elected the optional premium benefit payment, including all postretirement increases or decreases in amounts prescribed by subsection A, B or C of this section that are authorized by law after the member's date of retirement.  The increased benefit payment shall continue during the remainder of the retired member's lifetime.  The decision to rescind shall be irrevocable.

2.  If, at the time of the retired member's death:

(a)  The retired member was receiving a reduced premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection B or C of this section and the contingent annuitant is eligible for family health and accident insurance coverage, the contingent annuitant is entitled to receive a premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection B or C of this section times the reduction factor applied to the retired member's premium benefit payment times the joint and survivor option reduction factor elected by the retired member at the time of retirement pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 1.

(b)  The retired member was receiving a reduced premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection A or C of this section and the contingent annuitant is eligible for single health and accident insurance coverage, the contingent annuitant is entitled to receive a premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection A or C of this section times the reduction factor applied to the retired member's premium benefit payment times the joint and survivor option reduction factor elected by the retired member at the time of retirement pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 1.

(c)  The retired member was receiving a reduced premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection B or C of this section and the contingent annuitant is not eligible for family health and accident insurance coverage, the contingent annuitant is entitled to receive a premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection A or C of this section times the reduction factor applied to the retired member's premium benefit payment times the joint and survivor option reduction factor elected by the retired member at the time of retirement pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 1.

I.  H.  A member who elects to receive a retirement benefit pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 2 may elect at the time of retirement an optional form of health and accident insurance premium benefit payment pursuant to this subsection as follows:

1.  The optional premium benefit payment shall be an amount prescribed by subsection A, B or C of this section that is actuarially reduced with payments for five, ten or fifteen years that are not dependent on the continued lifetime of the retired member but whose payments continue for the retired member's lifetime beyond the five, ten or fifteen year period.  The election in a manner prescribed by the board shall name the contingent annuitant and may be revoked at any time before the retiring member's effective date of retirement.  At any time after benefits have commenced, the member may name a different contingent annuitant or rescind the election by written notice to the board.  If the retired member rescinds the election, the retired member shall thereafter receive the premium benefit payment that the retired member would otherwise be entitled to receive if the retired member had not elected the optional premium benefit payment, including all postretirement increases or decreases in amounts prescribed by subsection A, B or C of this section that are authorized by law after the member's date of retirement.  The increased benefit payment shall continue during the remainder of the retired member's lifetime.  The decision to rescind shall be irrevocable.

2.  If, at the time of the retired member's death:

(a)  The retired member was receiving a reduced premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection B or C of this section and the contingent annuitant is eligible for family health and accident insurance coverage, the contingent annuitant is entitled to receive a premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection B or C of this section times the period certain and life option reduction factor elected by the retired member at the time of retirement pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 2.

(b)  The retired member was receiving a reduced premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection A or C of this section and the contingent annuitant is eligible for single health and accident insurance coverage, the contingent annuitant is entitled to receive a premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection A or C of this section times the period certain and life option reduction factor elected by the retired member at the time of retirement pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 2.

(c)  The retired member was receiving a reduced premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection B or C of this section and the contingent annuitant is not eligible for family health and accident insurance coverage, the contingent annuitant is entitled to receive a premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection A or C of this section times the period certain and life option reduction factor elected by the retired member at the time of retirement pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 2.

J.  I.  If, at the time of retirement, a retiring member does not elect to receive a reduced premium benefit payment pursuant to subsection G or h of this section, the retired member's contingent annuitant is not eligible at any time for the optional premium benefit payment.

K.  J.  A contingent annuitant is not eligible for any premium benefit payment if the contingent annuitant was not enrolled in an eligible health and accident insurance plan at the time of the retired member's death or if the contingent annuitant is not the dependent beneficiary or insured surviving dependent as provided in section 38‑782.

L.  k.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Account" means the separate account established pursuant to subsection E of this section.

2.  "Credited service" includes prior service.

3.  "Prior service" means service for this state or a political subdivision of this state before membership in the defined contribution program administered by ASRS.END_STATUTE

Sec. 7.  Section 38-797.03, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-797.03.  ASRS board; personnel; duties; hearing or review; executive session

A.  The board shall administer the LTD program.  ASRS officers, contractors and personnel shall perform the duties prescribed by this article.

B.  The board may determine the rights, benefits or obligations of any person under this article and afford any person dissatisfied with a determination of their rights, benefits or obligations under this article with a hearing on the determination.  Notwithstanding section 38‑431.03, the board shall hold a hearing or review of an administrative law judge's written decision in an executive session if the aggrieved person makes such a request.  If the board holds a hearing or review in executive session pursuant to this subsection, the board shall use the procedures for an executive session as provided in section 38-431.03.  minutes of and discussions held at an executive session are confidential except from the aggrieved person for the PURPOSES of an appeal of the board's decision to the SUPERIOR court on the matter that is determined by the board.  The aggrieved person must request an executive session hearing at least forty-eight hours before the hearing.

B.  C.  The board may enter into a contract with an insurance company or another entity to administer all or part of the LTD program and to determine eligibility for benefits under the LTD program.

C.  D.  The board shall pay from the LTD trust fund the amounts necessary to pay benefits under and costs of administering the LTD program. END_STATUTE

Sec. 8.  Appropriation; Arizona state retirement system; exemption

A.  The sum of $1,341,722 is appropriated from the Arizona state retirement system administration account fund in fiscal year 2010-2011 to the Arizona state retirement system for the administrative implementation of this act.

B.  The appropriation made in subsection A of this section is exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations.

Sec. 9.  Insurance subsidy payments received through retired employer

A retired, contingent annuitant or disabled member of the Arizona state retirement system who is receiving the payments allowed by section 38‑783, Arizona Revised Statutes, through the retired or disabled member's employer on the effective date of this act may continue to receive such a payment as long as the retired member's employer assumes the administrative functions associated with the payment.