PREFILED    DEC 17 2009

REFERENCE TITLE: homeowners' associations; condominiums; meetings




State of Arizona


Forty-ninth Legislature

Second Regular Session




SB 1012


Introduced by

Senator Harper





amending sections 33-1243, 33-1248, 33-1256, 33-1804, 33-1807 and 33-1813, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to condominiums and planned communities.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 33-1243, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1243.  Board of directors and officers; conflict; powers; limitations; removal; annual audit; applicability

A.  Except as provided in the declaration, the bylaws, subsection B of this section or other provisions of this chapter, the board of directors may act in all instances on behalf of the association.

B.  The board of directors shall not act on behalf of the association to amend the declaration, terminate the condominium, elect members of the board of directors or determine the qualifications, powers and duties or terms of office of board of directors members.  The board of directors may fill vacancies in its membership for the unexpired portion of any term.

C.  If any contract, decision or other action for compensation taken by or on behalf of the board of directors would benefit any member of the board of directors or any person who is a parent, grandparent, spouse, child or sibling of a member of the board of directors or a parent or spouse of any of those persons, that member of the board of directors shall declare a conflict of interest for that issue.  The member shall declare the conflict in an open meeting of the board before the board discusses or takes action on that issue and that member may then vote on that issue.  Any contract entered into in violation of this subsection is void and unenforceable.

D.  Except as provided in the declaration, within thirty days after adoption of any proposed budget for the condominium, the board of directors shall provide a summary of the budget to all the unit owners.  Unless the board of directors is expressly authorized in the declaration to adopt and amend budgets from time to time, any budget or amendment shall be ratified by the unit owners in accordance with the procedures set forth in this subsection.  If ratification is required, the board of directors shall set a date for a meeting of the unit owners to consider ratification of the budget not fewer than fourteen nor more than thirty days after mailing of the summary.  Unless at that meeting a majority of all the unit owners or any larger vote specified in the declaration rejects the budget, the budget is ratified, whether or not a quorum is present.  If the proposed budget is rejected, the periodic budget last ratified by the unit owners shall be continued until such time as the unit owners ratify a subsequent budget proposed by the board of directors.

E.  The declaration may provide for a period of declarant control of the association, during which period a declarant or persons designated by the declarant may appoint and remove the officers and members of the board of directors.  Regardless of the period provided in the declaration, a period of declarant control terminates no later than the earlier of:

1.  Ninety days after conveyance of seventy‑five per cent of the units which that may be created to unit owners other than a declarant.

2.  Four years after all declarants have ceased to offer units for sale in the ordinary course of business.

F.  A declarant may voluntarily surrender the right to appoint and remove officers and members of the board of directors before termination of the period prescribed in subsection E of this section, but in that event the declarant may require, for the duration of the period of declarant control, that specified actions of the association or board of directors, as described in a recorded instrument executed by the declarant, be approved by the declarant before they become effective.

G.  Not later than the termination of any period of declarant control the unit owners shall elect a board of directors of at least three members, at least a majority of whom must be unit owners.  The board of directors shall elect the officers.  The board members and officers shall take office upon election.

H.  Notwithstanding any provision of the declaration or bylaws to the contrary, the unit owners, by a majority vote of members entitled to vote and voting on the matter at a meeting of the members called pursuant to this section at which a quorum is present, may remove any member of the board of directors with or without cause, other than a member appointed by the declarant.  For purposes of calling for removal of a member of the board of directors, other than a member appointed by the declarant, the following apply:

1.  In an association with one thousand or fewer members, on receipt of a petition that calls for removal of a member of the board of directors and that is signed by the number of persons who are entitled to cast at least twenty-five per cent of the votes in the association or one hundred votes in the association, whichever is less, the board shall call and provide written notice of a special meeting of the association as prescribed by section 33‑1248, subsection B.  A member who is delinquent in payment of monetary penalties shall not be barred from signing a petition that calls for removal of a board member.

2.  Notwithstanding section 33‑1248, subsection B, in an association with more than one thousand members, on receipt of a petition that calls for removal of a member of the board of directors and that is signed by the number of persons who are entitled to cast at least ten per cent of the votes in the association or one thousand votes in the association, whichever is less, the board shall call and provide written notice of a special meeting of the association.  The board shall provide written notice of a special meeting as prescribed by section 33-1248, subsection B.  A member who is delinquent in payment of monetary penalties shall not be barred from signing a petition that calls for removal of a board member.

3.  The special meeting shall be called, noticed and held within thirty days after receipt of the petition.

4.  For purposes of a special meeting called pursuant to this subsection, a quorum is present if the number of owners to whom at least twenty per cent of the votes or one thousand votes, whichever is less, are allocated is present at the meeting in person or as otherwise permitted by law.

5.  If a civil action is filed regarding the removal of a board member, the prevailing party in the civil action shall be awarded its reasonable attorney fees and costs.

6.  The board of directors shall retain all documents and other records relating to the proposed removal of the member of the board of directors for at least one year after the date of the special meeting and shall permit members to inspect those documents and records pursuant to section 33‑1258.

7.  A petition that calls for the removal of the same member of the board of directors shall not be submitted more than once during each term of office for that member.

I.  For an association in which board members are elected from separately designated voting districts, a member of the board of directors, other than a member appointed by the declarant, may be removed only by a vote of the members from that voting district, and only the members from that voting district are eligible to vote on the matter or be counted for purposes of determining a quorum.

J.  Unless any provision in the condominium documents requires an annual audit by a certified public accountant, the board of directors shall provide for an annual financial audit, review or compilation of the association.  The audit, review or compilation shall be completed no later than one hundred eighty days after the end of the association's fiscal year and shall be made available upon request to the unit owners within thirty days after its completion.

K.  This section does not apply to timeshare plans or associations, or the period of declarant control under timeshare instruments, that are subject to chapter 20 of this title. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 33-1248, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1248.  Open meetings; exceptions

A.  Notwithstanding any provision in the declaration, bylaws or other documents to the contrary, all meetings of the association and board of directors are open to all members of the association or any person designated by a member in writing as the member's representative and all members or designated representatives so desiring shall be permitted to attend and speak at an appropriate time during the deliberations and proceedings.  The board may place reasonable time restrictions on those persons speaking during the meeting but shall permit a member or a member's designated representative to speak once after the BOARD has discussed a specific agenda item but before the board takes formal action on an that item under discussion in addition to any other opportunities to speak.  The board shall provide for a reasonable number of persons to speak on each side of an issue.  Any portion of a meeting may be closed only if that portion of the meeting is limited to consideration of one or more of the following:

1.  Legal advice from an attorney for the board or the association.  On final resolution of any matter for which the board received legal advice or that concerned pending or contemplated litigation, the board may disclose information about that matter in an open meeting except for matters that are required to remain confidential by the terms of a settlement agreement or judgment.

2.  Pending or contemplated litigation.

3.  Personal, health or financial information about an individual member of the association, an individual employee of the association or an individual employee of a contractor for the association, including records of the association directly related to the personal, health or financial information about an individual member of the association, an individual employee of the association or an individual employee of a contractor for the association.

4.  Matters relating to the job performance of, compensation of, health records of or specific complaints against an individual employee of the association or an individual employee of a contractor of the association who works under the direction of the association.

5.  Discussion of a unit owner's appeal of any violation cited or penalty imposed by the association except on request of the affected unit owner.

B.  Notwithstanding any provision in the condominium documents, all meetings of the association and the board shall be held in this state.  A meeting of the association shall be held at least once each year.  Special meetings of the association may be called by the president, by a majority of the board of directors or by unit owners having at least twenty‑five per cent, or any lower percentage specified in the bylaws, of the votes in the association.  Unless otherwise provided in the articles or the bylaws of the association, not fewer than ten nor more than fifty days in advance of any meeting of the unit owners, the secretary shall cause notice to be hand delivered or sent prepaid by United States mail to the mailing address of each unit or to any other mailing address designated in writing by the unit owner.  The notice of any meeting of the unit owners shall state the time and place of the meeting.  The notice of any special meeting of the unit owners shall also state the purpose for which the meeting is called, including the general nature of any proposed amendment to the declaration or bylaws, any changes in assessments that require approval of the unit owners and any proposal to remove a director or officer.  The failure of any unit owner to receive actual notice of a meeting of the unit owners does not affect the validity of any action taken at that meeting.

C.  Unless otherwise provided in the articles or bylaws of the association Notwithstanding any provision in the declaration, bylaws or other condominium documents, for meetings of the board of directors that are held after the termination of declarant control of the association, notice to unit owners of meetings of the board of directors shall be given at least forty‑eight hours in advance of the meeting by newsletter, conspicuous posting or any other reasonable means as determined by the board of directors.  An affidavit of notice by an officer of the association is prima facie evidence that notice was given as prescribed by this section.  Notice to unit owners of meetings of the board of directors is not required if emergency circumstances require action by the board before notice can be given.  Any notice of a board meeting shall state the time and place of the meeting.  The failure of any unit owner to receive actual notice of a meeting of the board of directors does not affect the validity of any action taken at that meeting.

D.  Notwithstanding any provision in the declaration, bylaws or other condominium documents, for meetings of the board of directors that are held after the termination of declarant control of the association, all of the following apply:

1.  The agenda shall be available to all unit owners attending any meeting of the board of directors.

2.  The board of directors may adjourn into a closed session on a vote of the board of directors and after announcing the reason for the closed session at an open session of a meeting of the board.  A closed session of the board of directors may be held without first meeting in an open session if notice is given as prescribed by this section.  The board of directors shall disclose at an open meeting a decision to become a party to a lawsuit. This subsection does not apply to an action filed pursuant to title 12, chapter 8, article 14.

3.  An emergency meeting of the board of directors may be called to discuss business or take action that cannot be delayed until the next regularly scheduled board meeting.  The minutes of the emergency meeting shall state the reason necessitating the emergency meeting.  The minutes of the emergency meeting shall be read and approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board of directors.

4.  Pursuant to section 10-3821, the board of directors may take action without a meeting.  If the board takes action without a meeting, a statement shall be prepared stating that an action has been taken without a meeting, the reason for taking the action and the action taken.  This statement shall be read into the minutes of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board of directors.  The procedure for taking action without a meeting shall be used only when emergency circumstances warrant a meeting and there is not sufficient time to notice a meeting, or when a quorum of the board is impossible to obtain and necessary business must be undertaken.  This procedure shall not be used to take the place of conducting business at a regularly scheduled board meeting.

5.  Meetings of the association or the board of directors, other than closed sessions, may be recorded by means of a video camera or tape recorder or any other means of audio reproduction only if the participants are notified and there is no active interference with the conduct of the meeting.

6.  Other than actions allowed by paragraph 4 of this subsection, a quorum of the board of directors shall not meet, conduct business or make any decisions by means of electronic mail communications.

7.  A quorum of the board of directors may meet by means of a telephone conference if a speakerphone is available in the meeting room that allows board members and unit owners to hear all parties who are speaking during the meeting.

8.  Any quorum of the board that meets informally to discuss association business, including workshops, shall comply with the open meeting and notice provisions of this section without regard to whether the board votes or takes any action on any matter at that informal meeting.

D.  E.  This section does not apply to timeshare plans or associations that are subject to chapter 20 of this title. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 33-1256, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1256.  Lien for assessments; priority; mechanics' and materialmen's liens; applicability

A.  The association has a lien on a unit for any assessment levied against that unit from the time the assessment becomes due.  The association's lien for assessments, for charges for late payment of those assessments, for reasonable collection fees and for reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred with respect to those assessments may be foreclosed in the same manner as a mortgage on real estate but may be foreclosed only if the owner has been delinquent in the payment of monies secured by the lien, excluding reasonable collection fees, reasonable attorney fees and charges for late payment of and costs incurred with respect to those assessments, for a period of one year or in the amount of one thousand two hundred dollars or more, whichever occurs first. a court may limit the amount of attorney fees included in the association's lien.  Fees, charges, late charges, monetary penalties and interest charged pursuant to section 33‑1242, subsection A, paragraphs 10, 11 and 12, other than charges for late payment of assessments, are not enforceable as assessments under this section.  If an assessment is payable in installments, the full amount of the assessment is a lien from the time the first installment of the assessment becomes due.  The association has a lien for fees, charges, late charges, other than charges for late payment of assessments, monetary penalties or interest charged pursuant to section 33‑1242, subsection A, paragraphs 10, 11 and 12 after the entry of a judgment in a civil suit for those fees, charges, late charges, monetary penalties or interest from a court of competent jurisdiction and the recording of that judgment in the office of the county recorder as otherwise provided by law.  The association's lien for monies other than for assessments, for charges for late payment of those assessments, for reasonable collection fees and for reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred with respect to those assessments may not be foreclosed and is effective only on conveyance of any interest in the real property.

B.  A lien for assessments, for charges for late payment of those assessments, for reasonable collection fees and for reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred with respect to those assessments under this section is prior to all other liens, interests and encumbrances on a unit except:

1.  Liens and encumbrances recorded before the recordation of the declaration.

2.  A recorded first mortgage on the unit, a seller's interest in a first contract for sale pursuant to chapter 6, article 3 of this title on the unit recorded prior to the lien arising pursuant to subsection A of this section or a recorded first deed of trust on the unit.

3.  Liens for real estate taxes and other governmental assessments or charges against the unit.

C.  Subsection B of this section does not affect the priority of mechanics' or materialmen's liens or the priority of liens for other assessments made by the association.  The lien under this section is not subject to chapter 8 of this title.

D.  Unless the declaration otherwise provides, if two or more associations have liens for assessments created at any time on the same real estate, those liens have equal priority.

E.  Recording of the declaration constitutes record notice and perfection of the lien for assessments, for charges for late payment of those assessments, for reasonable collection fees and for reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred with respect to those assessments.  Further recordation of any claim of lien for assessments under this section is not required.

F.  A lien for unpaid assessments is extinguished unless proceedings to enforce the lien are instituted within three years after the full amount of the assessments becomes due.

G.  This section does not prohibit actions to recover sums for which subsection A of this section creates a lien or does not prohibit an association from taking a deed in lieu of foreclosure.

H.  A judgment or decree in any action brought under this section shall include costs and reasonable attorney fees for the prevailing party.

I.  The association on written request shall furnish to a lienholder, escrow agent, unit owner or person designated by a unit owner a statement setting forth the amount of unpaid assessments against the unit.  The statement shall be furnished within fifteen days after receipt of the request and the statement is binding on the association, the board of directors and every unit owner if the statement is requested by an escrow agency that is licensed pursuant to title 6, chapter 7.  Failure to provide the statement to the escrow agent within the time provided for in this subsection shall extinguish any lien for any unpaid assessment then due.

J.  The association shall record in the office of the county recorder in the county in which the condominium is located a notice stating the name of the association or designated agent or management company for the association, the address for the association and the telephone number of the association or its designated agent or management company.  The notice shall include the name of the condominium community, the date of the recording and the recorded instrument number or book and page for the main document that constitutes the declaration.  If an association's address, designated agent or management company changes, the association shall amend its notice or record a new notice within ninety days after the change.

K.  Notwithstanding any provision in the condominium documents or in any contract between the association and a management company, unless the member directs otherwise, all payments received on a member's account shall be applied first to any unpaid assessments, for unpaid charges for late payment of those assessments, for reasonable collection fees and for unpaid attorney fees and costs incurred with respect to those assessments, in that order, with any remaining amounts applied next to other unpaid fees, charges and monetary penalties or interest and late charges on any of those amounts.

L.  This section does not apply to timeshare plans or associations that are subject to chapter 20 of this title. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4.  Section 33-1804, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1804.  Open meetings; exceptions

A.  Notwithstanding any provision in the declaration, bylaws or other documents to the contrary, all meetings of the association and board of directors are open to all members of the association or any person designated by a member in writing as the member's representative and all members or designated representatives so desiring shall be permitted to attend and speak at an appropriate time during the deliberations and proceedings.  The board may place reasonable time restrictions on those persons speaking during the meeting but shall permit a member or member's designated representative to speak once after the board has discussed a specific agenda item but before the board takes formal action on an that item under discussion in addition to any other opportunities to speak.  The board shall provide for a reasonable number of persons to speak on each side of an issue.  Any portion of a meeting may be closed only if that closed portion of the meeting is limited to consideration of one or more of the following:

1.  Legal advice from an attorney for the board or the association.  On final resolution of any matter for which the board received legal advice or that concerned pending or contemplated litigation, the board may disclose information about that matter in an open meeting except for matters that are required to remain confidential by the terms of a settlement agreement or judgment.

2.  Pending or contemplated litigation.

3.  Personal, health or financial information about an individual member of the association, an individual employee of the association or an individual employee of a contractor for the association, including records of the association directly related to the personal, health or financial information about an individual member of the association, an individual employee of the association or an individual employee of a contractor for the association.

4.  Matters relating to the job performance of, compensation of, health records of or specific complaints against an individual employee of the association or an individual employee of a contractor of the association who works under the direction of the association.

5.  Discussion of a member's appeal of any violation cited or penalty imposed by the association except on request of the affected unit owner.

B.  Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, all meetings of the association and the board shall be held in this state.  A meeting of the association shall be held at least once each year.  Special meetings of the association may be called by the president, by a majority of the board of directors or by members having at least twenty‑five per cent, or any lower percentage specified in the bylaws, of the votes in the association.  Unless otherwise provided in the articles or bylaws of the association, not fewer than ten nor more than fifty days in advance of any meeting of the members the secretary shall cause notice to be hand‑delivered or sent prepaid by United States mail to the mailing address for each lot, parcel or unit owner or to any other mailing address designated in writing by a member.  The notice shall state the time and place of the meeting.  A notice of any special meeting of the members shall also state the purpose for which the meeting is called, including the general nature of any proposed amendment to the declaration or bylaws, changes in assessments that require approval of the members and any proposal to remove a director or an officer. The failure of any member to receive actual notice of a meeting of the members does not affect the validity of any action taken at that meeting.

C.  Unless otherwise provided in the articles or bylaws of the association Notwithstanding any provision in the declaration, bylaws or other community documents, for meetings of the board of directors that are held after the termination of declarant control of the association, notice to members of meetings of the board of directors shall be given at least forty‑eight hours in advance of the meeting by newsletter, conspicuous posting or any other reasonable means as determined by the board of directors.  An affidavit of notice by an officer of the corporation is prima facie evidence that notice was given as prescribed by this section.  Notice to members of meetings of the board of directors is not required if emergency circumstances require action by the board before notice can be given.  Any notice of a board meeting shall state the time and place of the meeting.  The failure of any member to receive actual notice of a meeting of the board of directors does not affect the validity of any action taken at that meeting.

D.  Notwithstanding any provision in the declaration, bylaws or other community documents, for meetings of the board of directors that are held after the termination of declarant control of the association, all of the following apply:

1.  The agenda shall be available to all members attending any meeting of the board of directors.

2.  The board of directors may adjourn into a closed session on a vote of the board of directors and after announcing the reason for the closed session at an open session of a meeting of the board.  A closed session of the board of directors may be held without first meeting in an open session if notice is given as prescribed by this section.  The board of directors shall disclose at an open meeting a decision to become a party to a lawsuit. This subsection does not apply to an action filed pursuant to title 12, chapter 8, article 14.

3.  An emergency meeting of the board of directors may be called to discuss business or take action that cannot be delayed until the next regularly scheduled board meeting.  The minutes of the emergency meeting shall state the reason necessitating the emergency meeting.  The minutes of the emergency meeting shall be read and approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board of directors.

4.  Pursuant to section 10-3821, the board of directors may take action without a meeting.  If the board takes action without a meeting, a statement shall be prepared stating that an action has been taken without a meeting, the reason for taking the action and the action taken.  This statement shall be read into the minutes of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board of directors.  The procedure for taking action without a meeting shall be used only when emergency circumstances warrant a meeting and there is not sufficient time to notice a meeting, or when a quorum of the board is impossible to obtain and necessary business must be undertaken.  This procedure shall not be used to take the place of conducting business at a regularly scheduled board meeting.

5.  Meetings of the association or the board of directors, other than closed sessions, may be recorded by means of a video camera or tape recorder or any other means of audio reproduction only if the participants are notified and there is no active interference with the conduct of the meeting.

6.  Other than actions allowed by paragraph 4 of this subsection, a quorum of the board of directors shall not meet, conduct business or make any decisions by means of electronic mail communications.

7.  A quorum of the board of directors may meet by means of a telephone conference if a speakerphone is available in the meeting room that allows board members and members of the association to hear all parties who are speaking during the meeting.

8.  Any quorum of the board that meets informally to discuss association business, including workshops, shall comply with the open meeting and notice provisions of this section without regard to whether the board votes or takes any action on any matter at that informal meeting.END_STATUTE

Sec. 5.  Section 33-1807, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1807.  Lien for assessments; priority; mechanics' and materialmen's liens

A.  The association has a lien on a unit for any assessment levied against that unit from the time the assessment becomes due.  The association's lien for assessments, for charges for late payment of those assessments, for reasonable collection fees and for reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred with respect to those assessments may be foreclosed in the same manner as a mortgage on real estate but may be foreclosed only if the owner has been delinquent in the payment of monies secured by the lien, excluding reasonable collection fees, reasonable attorney fees and charges for late payment of and costs incurred with respect to those assessments, for a period of one year or in the amount of one thousand two hundred dollars or more, whichever occurs first. a court may limit the amount of attorney fees included in the association's lien.  Fees, charges, late charges, monetary penalties and interest charged pursuant to section 33‑1803, other than charges for late payment of assessments are not enforceable as assessments under this section.  If an assessment is payable in installments, the full amount of the assessment is a lien from the time the first installment of the assessment becomes due.  The association has a lien for fees, charges, late charges, other than charges for late payment of assessments, monetary penalties or interest charged pursuant to section 33‑1803 after the entry of a judgment in a civil suit for those fees, charges, late charges, monetary penalties or interest from a court of competent jurisdiction and the recording of that judgment in the office of the county recorder as otherwise provided by law.  The association's lien for monies other than for assessments, for charges for late payment of those assessments, for reasonable collection fees and for reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred with respect to those assessments may not be foreclosed and is effective only on conveyance of any interest in the real property.

B.  A lien for assessments, for charges for late payment of those assessments, for reasonable collection fees and for reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred with respect to those assessments under this section is prior to all other liens, interests and encumbrances on a unit except:

1.  Liens and encumbrances recorded before the recordation of the declaration.

2.  A recorded first mortgage on the unit, a seller's interest in a first contract for sale pursuant to chapter 6, article 3 of this title on the unit recorded prior to the lien arising pursuant to subsection A of this section or a recorded first deed of trust on the unit.

3.  Liens for real estate taxes and other governmental assessments or charges against the unit.

C.  Subsection B of this section does not affect the priority of mechanics' or materialmen's liens or the priority of liens for other assessments made by the association.  The lien under this section is not subject to chapter 8 of this title.

D.  Unless the declaration otherwise provides, if two or more associations have liens for assessments created at any time on the same real estate those liens have equal priority.

E.  Recording of the declaration constitutes record notice and perfection of the lien for assessments, for charges for late payment of assessments, for reasonable collection fees and for reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred with respect to those assessments.  Further recordation of any claim of lien for assessments under this section is not required.

F.  A lien for an unpaid assessment is extinguished unless proceedings to enforce the lien are instituted within three years after the full amount of the assessment becomes due.

G.  This section does not prohibit:

1.  Actions to recover amounts for which subsection A of this section creates a lien.

2.  An association from taking a deed in lieu of foreclosure.

H.  A judgment or decree in any action brought under this section shall include costs and reasonable attorney fees for the prevailing party.

I.  On written request, the association shall furnish to a lienholder, escrow agent, unit owner or person designated by a unit owner a statement setting forth the amount of any unpaid assessment against the unit.  The association shall furnish the statement within fifteen days after receipt of the request, and the statement is binding on the association, the board of directors and every unit owner if the statement is requested by an escrow agency that is licensed pursuant to title 6, chapter 7.  Failure to provide the statement to the escrow agent within the time provided for in this subsection shall extinguish any lien for any unpaid assessment then due.

J.  The association shall record in the office of the county recorder in the county in which the planned community is located a notice stating the name of the association or designated agent or management company for the association, the address for the association and the telephone number of the association or its designated agent or management company.  The notice shall include the name of the planned community, the date of the recording and the recorded instrument number or book and page for the main document that constitutes the declaration.  If an association's address, designated agent or management company changes, the association shall amend its notice or record a new notice within ninety days after the change.

K.  Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents or in any contract between the association and a management company, unless the member directs otherwise, all payments received on a member's account shall be applied first to any unpaid assessments, for unpaid charges for late payment of those assessments, for reasonable collection fees and for unpaid attorney fees and costs incurred with respect to those assessments, in that order, with any remaining amounts applied next to other unpaid fees, charges and monetary penalties or interest and late charges on any of those amounts. END_STATUTE

Sec. 6.  Section 33-1813, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1813.  Removal of board member; special meeting

A.  Notwithstanding any provision of the declaration or bylaws to the contrary, the members, by a majority vote of members entitled to vote and voting on the matter at a meeting of the members called pursuant to this section at which a quorum is present, may remove any member of the board of directors with or without cause, other than a member appointed by the declarant.  For purposes of calling for removal of a member of the board of directors, other than a member appointed by the declarant, the following apply:

1.  In an association with one thousand or fewer members, on receipt of a petition that calls for removal of a member of the board of directors and that is signed by the number of persons who are entitled to cast at least twenty-five per cent of the votes in the association or one hundred votes in the association, whichever is less, the board shall call and provide written notice of a special meeting of the association as prescribed by section 33‑1804, subsection B.  A member who is delinquent in payment of monetary penalties shall not be barred from signing a petition that calls for removal of a board member. 

2.  Notwithstanding section 33‑1804, subsection B, in an association with more than one thousand members, on receipt of a petition that calls for removal of a member of the board of directors and that is signed by the number of persons who are entitled to cast at least ten per cent of the votes in the association or one thousand votes in the association, whichever is less, the board shall call and provide written notice of a special meeting of the association.  The board shall provide written notice of a special meeting as prescribed by section 33‑1804, subsection B.  A member who is delinquent in payment of monetary penalties shall not be barred from signing a petition that calls for removal of a board member. 

3.  The special meeting shall be called, noticed and held within thirty days after receipt of the petition.

4.  For purposes of a special meeting called pursuant to this subsection, a quorum is present if the number of owners to whom at least twenty per cent of the votes or one thousand votes, whichever is less, are allocated is present at the meeting in person or as otherwise permitted by law.

5.  If a civil action is filed regarding the removal of a board member, the prevailing party in the civil action shall be awarded its reasonable attorney fees and costs.

6.  The board of directors shall retain all documents and other records relating to the proposed removal of the member of the board of directors for at least one year after the date of the special meeting and shall permit members to inspect those documents and records pursuant to section 33‑1805.

7.  A petition that calls for the removal of the same member of the board of directors shall not be submitted more than once during each term of office for that member.

B.  For an association in which board members are elected from separately designated voting districts, a member of the board of directors, other than a member appointed by the declarant, may be removed only by a vote of the members from that voting district, and only the members from that voting district are eligible to vote on the matter or be counted for purposes of determining a quorum. END_STATUTE

Sec. 7.  Declaration of policy; open meetings

It is the policy of this state as reflected in this act that all meetings of a condominium or planned community homeowners' association, whether meetings of the members or meetings of the board of directors of the association, be conducted openly and that notices and agendas be provided for those meetings that contain the information that is reasonably necessary to inform the members of the matters to be discussed or decided and to ensure that members have the ability to speak after discussion of agenda items, but before a vote of the board of directors is taken.  Toward this end, any person or entity that is charged with the interpretation of these provisions shall take into account this declaration of policy and shall construe any provision of this act in favor of open meetings.