PREFILED    JAN 07 2010

REFERENCE TITLE: restructuring; school report cards




State of Arizona


Forty-ninth Legislature

Second Regular Session




SB 1039


Introduced by

Senator Huppenthal





amending section 15‑746, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to school assessment and accountability.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 15-746, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-746.  School report cards

A.  Each school shall distribute an annual report card that contains at least the following information:

1.  A description of the school's regular, magnet and special instructional programs.

2.  A description of the current academic goals of the school.

3.  A summary of the results achieved by pupils enrolled at the school during the prior three school years as measured by the Arizona instrument to measure standards test and the nationally standardized norm‑referenced achievement test as designated by the state board and as reported in the annual report prescribed by section 15‑743, a summary of the pupil progress on an ongoing and annual basis, showing the trends in gain or loss in pupil achievement over time in reading, language arts and mathematics for all years in which pupils are enrolled in the school district for an entire school year and for which this information is available and a summary of the pupil progress for pupils not enrolled in a district for an entire school year.

4.  The school's current expenditures per pupil for classroom supplies, classroom instruction excluding classroom supplies, administration, support services‑students, and all other support services and operations.  The current expenditures per pupil by school shall include allocation of the district‑wide expenditures to each school, as provided by the district.  The report shall include a comparison of the school to the state amount for a similar type of district as calculated in section 15‑255.  The method of calculating these per pupil amounts and the allocation of expenditures shall be as prescribed in the uniform system of financial records.

5.  4.  The attendance rate of pupils enrolled at the school as reflected in the school's average daily membership as defined in section 15‑901.

6.  5.  The total number of incidents that occurred on the school grounds, at school bus stops, on school buses and at school sponsored events and that required the contact of a local, county, tribal, state or federal law enforcement officer pursuant to section 13‑3411, subsection F, section 13‑3620, section 15‑341, subsection A, paragraph  31 or section 15‑515.  The total number of incidents reported shall only include reports that law enforcement officers report to the school are supported by probable cause.  For the purposes of this paragraph, a certified peace officer who serves as a school resource officer is a law enforcement officer.  A school may provide clarifying information if the school has a school resource officer on campus.

7.  6.  The percentage of pupils who have either graduated to the next grade level or graduated from high school.

8.  A description of the social services available at the school site.

9.  7.  The school calendar, including the length of the school day and hours of operations.

10.  8.  The total number of pupils enrolled at the school during the previous school year.

11.  The transportation services available.

12.  Beginning in the 2000‑2001 school year and until July 1, 2006, the reading instruction programs used by the school for kindergarten programs and grades one, two and three, pursuant to section 15‑704.  The report card shall include a district comparison of test scores among the different programs of reading instruction and shall identify the program of reading instruction used in each classroom.

13.  A description of the responsibilities of parents of children enrolled at the school.

14.  A description of the responsibilities of the school to the parents of the children enrolled at the school, including dates the report cards are delivered to the home.

15.  A description of the composition and duties of the school council as prescribed in section 15‑351 if such a school council exists.

16.  For the most recent year available, the average current expenditure per pupil for administrative functions compared to the predicted average current expenditure per pupil for administrative functions according to an analysis of administrative cost data by the joint legislative budget committee staff.

17.  If the school provides instruction to pupils in kindergarten programs and grades one through three, the ratio of pupils to teachers in each classroom where instruction is provided in kindergarten programs and grades one through three.

18.  The average class size per grade level for all grade levels, kindergarten programs and grades one through eight.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "average class size" means the weighted average of each class.

B.  The department of education shall develop a standardized report card format that meets the requirements of subsection A of this section.  The department shall modify the standardized report card as necessary on an annual basis.  The department shall distribute to each school in this state a copy of the standardized report card that includes the required test scores for each school.  Additional copies of the standardized report card shall be available on request.

C.  After each school has completed the report card distributed to it by the department of education, the school, in addition to distributing the report card as prescribed in subsection A of this section, shall send a copy of the report card to the department.  The department shall prepare an annual report that contains the report card from each school in this state.

D.  The school shall distribute report cards to parents of pupils enrolled at the school, no later than the last day of school of each fiscal year, make the report cards available to parents electronically and shall present a summary of the contents of the report cards at an annual public meeting held at the school.  The school shall give notice at least two weeks before the public meeting that clearly states the purposes, time and place of the meeting. END_STATUTE