REFERENCE TITLE: state land department; procedural corrections





State of Arizona


Forty-ninth Legislature

Second Regular Session




SB 1200


Introduced by

Senator Nelson





Amending sections 37-215 and 37-247, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the state land department.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 37-215, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE37-215.  Notice and appeal from decision of commissioner or board of appeals

A.  An appeal from The state land commissioner shall mail a notice or order of a final decision of the state land commissioner relating to classification or appraisal of lands or improvements to the last known post office address of record.  An appeal of the final decision may be taken to the board of appeals by any person adversely affected by the decision. Appeals shall be taken by giving notice in writing to the commissioner within thirty days from the date notice of the decision is mailed to the last known post office address of the appellant by the commissioner after the appellant receives the notice or order.

B.  As a condition for filing an appeal of an order regarding an appraisal conducted under section 37‑285 or a reappraisal required by the terms of a lease, the appellant, with the notice of appeal, shall pay to the department all amounts of the billed rental during the pendency of the appeal.  The disputed amount shall be held by the state treasurer in an impound fund to be invested subject to the final disposition of the appeal, and the undisputed amount shall be credited to the appropriate trust.  If the appellant fails to pay any amount before the deadline for filing notice of the appeal and fails to provide proof of payment of the amount with the notice of appeal, any notice of appeal to the board of appeals or to superior court shall not be accepted for filing and the decision of the commissioner is final.  If billed rental becomes due during the pendency of an appeal and is not paid on or before the due date, the appeal shall be dismissed and the decision of the commissioner is final.  If the commissioner's decision is upheld on final disposition of the appeal, the monies in the impound fund, with interest, shall be paid to the appropriate trust.  If the commissioner's decision is not upheld on final disposition of the appeal, the monies in the impound fund, with interest, shall be credited first to the accrued rent determined to be due and the remainder shall be paid to the appellant.

C.  The board of appeals, within one hundred twenty days from the date of the notice of appeal, shall conduct a hearing in the county in which the major portion of the land involved in the appeal is located, unless otherwise stipulated by the parties to the appeal.  The board shall render its decision upon the hearing within sixty days from the date of the hearing unless the parties to the appeal otherwise stipulate.  The board shall make its findings and decision in writing and shall furnish a copy to all parties to the appeal.  A majority of a quorum of the board may render the decision.

D.  All records of the board of appeals shall be kept in the offices of the state land department.  The department shall provide clerical assistants to the board as necessary to perform its duties.

E.  Except as provided in section 41‑1092.08, subsection H, the commissioner or any person adversely affected by a final decision of the board of appeals may seek judicial review pursuant to title 12, chapter 7, article 6.

F.  Any person adversely affected by a final decision of the commissioner not relating to the classification or appraisal of lands or improvements is entitled to a hearing pursuant to title 41, chapter 6, article 10.

G.  If no appeal is taken, the decision of the commissioner or the board of appeals, as the case may be, is final and conclusive. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 37-247, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE37-247.  Purchaser's default; forfeiture and cancellation of certificate of purchase; extension of time for payments

A.  When a purchaser defaults in a payment of principal or interest, as provided in the certificate of purchase, or fails to comply with a condition, covenant or requirement thereof, the certificate shall be declared subject to forfeiture.  Within sixty days after default or failure the department shall give notice of the default or failure by certified mail to the purchaser's last known address of record in the department.

B.  If the payment is not made, or the condition, covenant or requirement is not complied with, within sixty days from the date of notice, the certificate of purchase and all rights of the purchaser to the land and improvements thereon may be canceled.  In the event of cancellation, the commissioner shall make a formal order canceling the certificate of purchase and a copy of the order shall be mailed to the last known post‑office address of the holder of the certificate of purchase.  If no appeal is made filed within thirty days from the date a copy of the order is mailed to after the holder of the certificate of purchase receives the order, the order shall become final and the certificate of purchase shall be canceled on the records of the department, and the improvements and all payments made on the purchase price deposited in the respective permanent fund under article 13 of this chapter shall be deemed rental for the land.

C.  On the purchaser's written request, the commissioner may extend the time for payment of the amount delinquent for a period of not more than five years on terms that the commissioner considers to be appropriate as follows:

1.  The commissioner may grant an extension in response to a request made within sixty days before the due date of the payment.  An extension under this paragraph begins on the date the payment was due and continues for the period stated in a written notice to the purchaser.

2.  The commissioner may grant an extension in response to a request made within sixty days after the date of the default or failure notice provided in subsection A.  An extension under this paragraph begins on the date of the notice and continues for the period stated in a written notice to the purchaser.

3.  If the department does not act on a request for extension within thirty days after receiving the request, the request is considered to be denied.  If the purchaser fails during the period of the extension to complete all delinquent payments, including principal and interest, the certificate of purchase is subject to default and cancellation pursuant to subsections A and B, except that if the last day of the last period of extension expires on the last day of the five‑year period and all delinquent payments have not been paid by the last day of the five‑year period, the certificate of purchase shall automatically be canceled on the last day of the five‑year period and noted on the records of the department.

D.  If a payment of principal or interest is made after the due date, payments shall be made according to the extension granted by the commissioner under subsection C.  If no extension was granted, delinquent interest shall be added at a rate set by the state treasurer. END_STATUTE