REFERENCE TITLE: athletic training board; omnibus





State of Arizona


Forty-ninth Legislature

Second Regular Session




SB 1326


Introduced by

Senator Verschoor





amending sections 32-4101, 32-4103, and 32-4151, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the board of athletic training. 





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 32-4101, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-4101.  Definitions

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. "Athletic illness" means an illness that arises from, or a manifestation of an illness that occurs as a result of, a person's participation in or preparation for games, sports, recreational activities or physical fitness activities.

1.  2.  "Athletic injury" means an injury sustained by a person in a competitive team or individual sport as a result of that person's participation in or preparation for the competitive team or individual sport games, sports, recreational activities or physical fitness activities, or any injury sustained by a person that is of the type that occurs during participation in or preparation for games, sports, recreational activities or physical fitness activities, regardless of the circumstances under which the injury was sustained.

2.  3.  "Athletic trainer" means a person who is licensed pursuant to this chapter.

3.  4.  "Athletic training"

(a)  Includes the following activities performed under the direction of a licensed physician:

(i)  Examining, evaluating and testing a person to determine the person's injury status and the person's progress in recovery from athletic injuries.

(a)  The prevention, recognition, examination, evaluation, rehabilitation and management of athletic injuries.

(b)  The prevention, evaluation, immediate care and monitoring of athletic illnesses for which the athletic trainer has received appropriate training and education.

(c)  The referral of a person receiving athletic training services to appropriate health care professionals, as necessary.

(ii)  (d)  Using The use of heat, cold, water, light, sound, electricity, passive or active exercise, massage, or mechanical devices or any other therapeutic modality for which an athletic trainer has received appropriate training and education to prevent, treat, rehabilitate or recondition athletic injuries.

(iii)  Administering athletic training programs and facilities at the athletic training facility or at the site of athletic practice or competition.

(e)  The planning, administration, evaluation, and modification of methods for prevention and risk management of athletic injuries and athletic illnesses.

(iv)  (f)  Education and counseling related to all aspects of the practice of athletic training.

(g)  The use of topical pharmacological agents in conjunction with the administration of therapeutic modalities and pursuant to a prescription issued pursuant to the laws of this state and for which an athletic trainer has received appropriate education and training.

(b)  Does not include treating, assessing or evaluating a person who sustains an injury under any circumstance other than during participation in or preparation for competitive team or individual sports.  This subdivision does not prevent the athletic trainer of a professional sports organization or an accredited educational institution from treating at the organization's or institution's athletic facility any injury of the type that occurs in sports regardless of the circumstances under which the injury was sustained.

5.  "Athletic training student" means a student who is currently enrolled in an athletic training education program that is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the board.

4.  6.  "Board" means the board of athletic training.

5.  7.  "Direct supervision" means that the supervising athletic trainer is present in the facility or on the campus where student athletic trainers training students are performing services, is immediately available to assist the person being supervised in the services being performed and maintains continued involvement in appropriate aspects of the services being performed.

6.  8.  "Direction of a licensed physician" means direction as prescribed by the board by rule pursuant to section 32‑4103.

7.  9.  "Licensed physician" means a person who is licensed pursuant to chapter 13 or 17 of this title.

8.  10.  "Restricted license" means a license on which the board places restrictions or conditions, or both, as to the scope of practice, place of practice, supervision of practice, duration of license status or type or condition of a person to whom the licensee may provide services. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 32-4103, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-4103. Board; powers and duties; direction of athletic trainers; continuing education requirements; civil immunity

A.  The board shall:

1.  Evaluate the qualifications of applicants for licensure.

2.  Designate the national examination that it requires applicants to pass.

3.  Issue licenses to persons who meet the requirements of this chapter.

4.  Establish requirements pertaining to the ratio between supervising athletic trainers and student athletic trainers.

5.  Regulate the practice of athletic training by interpreting and enforcing this chapter.

6.  Establish requirements for assessing the continuing competence of licensees.

7.  Adopt and revise rules to enforce this chapter.

8.  Meet at least once each quarter in compliance with the open meeting requirements of title 38, chapter 3, article 3.1 and keep an official record of these meetings.

9.  At its first regular meeting after the start of each calendar year, elect officers from among its members and as necessary to accomplish board business.

10.  Provide for the timely orientation and training of new professional and public appointees to the board regarding board licensing and disciplinary procedures, this chapter, board rules and board procedures.

11.  Maintain a current list of all licensees.  This list shall include the licensee’s name, current business and residential addresses, telephone numbers and license number.

12.  Enter into contracts for services necessary to enforce this chapter.

13.  Publish, at least annually, final disciplinary actions taken against a licensee.

14.  Publish, at least annually, board rulings, opinions and interpretations of statutes or rules.

15.  Not later than December 31 of each year, submit a written report of its actions and proceedings to the governor.

B.  The board shall adopt rules to prescribe the direction of athletic trainers by a licensed physicians physician, including physician recommendations, guidelines and instructions as to standard protocols to be followed in the general, day‑to‑day activities in which athletic trainers engage.  These rules shall require that postathletic injury or athletic illness treatment direction be provided by the person's treating physician or, if applicable, by the team physician for the institution or organization that employs the athletic trainer.  If appropriate, athletic trainers may also seek direction as to the treatment of an athletic injury or athletic illness from any health care provider who is involved in that person's treatment and who is not licensed pursuant to this chapter but who is licensed pursuant to this title.

C.  The board may adopt rules to prescribe continuing education requirements for licensure renewal, including a rule to allow the board to waive continuing education requirements for reasons of extreme hardship.

D.  A physician who provides direction to an athletic trainer that consists of recommendations, guidelines and instructions as to standard protocols to be followed in the general day-to-day activities in which athletic trainers engage is not subject to civil liability for providing that direction if the physician is not guilty of gross negligence or intentional misconduct in providing that direction.  END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 32-4151, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-4151.  Lawful practice

A.  An athletic trainer shall refer a person with an athletic injury or athletic illness to one or more appropriate health care practitioners if the athletic trainer has reasonable cause to believe symptoms or conditions are present that require services beyond the scope of practice of athletic training or if athletic training is contraindicated.

B.  An athletic trainer shall adhere to the recognized standards and ethics of the athletic training profession and as further established by rule.

C.  This chapter does not authorize an athletic trainer to practice any other profession regulated under this title and does not expand the scope of practice of any health care provider who is not licensed pursuant to this chapter but who is licensed pursuant to this title.

D.  This chapter does not authorize an athletic trainer to treat an athletic illness at any time other than during a person's participation in or preparation for games, sports, recreational activities or physical fitness activities. END_STATUTE