REFERENCE TITLE: regional transportation authority; voting





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fiftieth Legislature

First Regular Session




HB 2131


Introduced by

Representative Patterson





amending section 48‑5303, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the regional transportation authority.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 48-5303, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE48-5303.  Board of directors; executive director

A.  The government of the authority is vested in a board of directors composed of the members of the regional council of governments with one vote each when determining transportation policy as the regional transportation authority.

B.  The members of the board shall:

1.  Appoint a chairman from among the members at the first official meeting of the board.

2.  By rule determine its officers, terms and procedures of appointment.

C.  The voting members of the authority are entitled to one vote for each member unless a voting member requests a weighted vote.  If a weighted vote is requested, the following apply:

1.  Each member of the board is entitled to a percentage vote based on the proportion of the population the member represents to the total population represented by all members of the board, except as provided in paragraph 4 of this subsection.

2.  If a municipality is a member of the board, its proportion of the population shall be calculated on the basis of the population in the incorporated area of the municipality.

3.  If the county is a member of the board, its proportion of the population shall be calculated on the basis of the population in the unincorporated area of the county.

4.  The weighted vote of any single member shall not exceed forty per cent of the total weighted vote.  If any member's proportion of the population as calculated in this subsection entitles it to a weighted vote in excess of forty per cent, the limitation on its percentage does not affect the calculation of the weighted vote of each other member.

D.  For the purpose of preliminary approval of a regional transportation plan, the voting provisions of subsection C apply, except that if a weighted vote is requested, in addition to the provisions provided in subsection C relating to a weighted vote, a minimum of one-third of the voting members is also required for preliminary approval of the plan. END_STATUTE