Conference Engrossed





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fiftieth Legislature

First Regular Session










amending sections 11‑269.06 and 11‑409, Arizona Revised Statutes; repealing section 11‑472, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending sections 11‑586, 12‑283, 14‑5601 and 22‑131, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending Laws 2001, chapter 303, section 2, as amended by Laws 2006, chapter 206, section 2; relating to county officers.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 11-269.06, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE11-269.06.  County assessor's property information storage and retrieval conversion and maintenance fund; purpose; special recording surcharge; definition

A.  Beginning from and after December 31, 2001, a county assessor's property information storage and retrieval conversion and maintenance fund may be established in each county having a population of five less than seven hundred fifty thousand persons or less, consisting of monies received pursuant to subsection C.

B.  The board of supervisors shall administer the fund and, in cooperation with the county assessor, spend the monies in the fund in order to defray the cost of converting the county assessor's property information storage and retrieval system to micrographics or computer automation.  Monies in the fund may only be used for purchasing hardware and software, including a graphical information system, and training employees to operate the system. Monies in the fund shall not be used for expenses other than for the acquisition of the county assessor's automation system.  If the expenditures are determined by the auditor general to be improper and inconsistent with this section, the county general fund shall reimburse the county assessor's property information storage and retrieval conversion and maintenance fund for all improper and inconsistent expenditures.

C.  In addition to any other fee charged pursuant to this article, the board of supervisors may assess a special recording surcharge of not more than four dollars for each instrument, paper or notice filed with the county recorder, unless the document is exempt from recording fees or surcharges by law.  Arizona health care cost containment system administration documents shall not be subject to this surcharge.  The county recorder shall collect all monies for the county assessor's property information storage and retrieval conversion and maintenance fund.  All monies received pursuant to this subsection shall be transmitted to the county treasurer and deposited in the county assessor's property information storage and retrieval conversion and maintenance fund.

D.  Implementation of the fees described in subsection C shall require the approval of the board of supervisors.  Any resolution of the board of supervisors implementing such fees shall contain the following:

1.  A determination of the total amount of monies and schedule of the time required to implement the systems provided for in subsection B.

2.  An estimate of the annual fees to be collected pursuant to subsection C.

3.  An automatic repeal of the authority to impose and collect the fees established by subsection C when monies actually collected equal the total amount of monies determined by paragraph 1 of this subsection or the original time schedule is completed.

E.  The county recorder shall annually submit to the board of supervisors the amount of projected revenues to be raised for the county assessor's property information storage and retrieval conversion and maintenance fund pursuant to this section.  If projected revenues of the fund are deemed insufficient to pay for conversion costs, fund monies may accumulate until sufficient monies are available in the fund.

F.  For the purposes of this section, "training" means the cost of seminars or classes that are directly related to the purpose of the fund. Training does not include costs related to travel or employee salaries. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 11-409, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE11-409.  Deputies and employees; appointment

The county officers enumerated in section 11-401 may, by and with the consent of, and at salaries fixed by the board, may appoint deputies, stenographers, clerks and assistants necessary to conduct the affairs of their respective offices.  The appointments shall be in writing, and filed in the office of the county recorder. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Repeal

Section 11-472, Arizona Revised Statutes, is repealed.

Sec. 4.  Section 11-586, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE11-586.  Provision for deputies, assistants and employees

A.  The public defender may, with the consent and at salaries fixed by the board of supervisors, appoint those full-time and part-time deputies, and hire stenographers and assistants necessary to conduct the affairs of their respective offices.  The appointments shall be in writing, and filed in the office of the county recorder.

B.  Deputies shall hold office at the pleasure of the officer appointing them and the board of supervisors.

C.  Wherever possible, part-time deputies shall be appointed at minimal salaries to supplement the regular staff of the office of the public defender.  When these deputies are appointed, the public defender shall make every effort, which does not interfere with the faithful performance of his duties, to acquaint them fully with all phases of the activities of his office. END_STATUTE

Sec. 5.  Section 12-283, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE12-283.  Powers and duties

A.  The clerk, in addition to the other duties prescribed by law or rule of court, shall:

1.  Attend each session of the court held in the county.

2.  Keep a list of fees charged in actions.

3.  Keep books of record required by law or rule of court.

B.  The clerk may provide a consumer reporting agency as defined in section 44‑1691 with a copy of:

1.  A court order obligating a person to pay child support or spousal maintenance.

2.  An order for assignment under section 25‑323 or 25‑504.

C.  A clerk who provides the information in subsection B of this section to a consumer reporting agency shall also provide the information to the child support enforcement administration in the department of economic security.

D.  The clerk, in accordance with procedures established by the board of supervisors, may appoint deputies, clerks and assistants necessary to conduct the affairs of the office of the clerk.  The appointments shall be in writing and shall be filed in the office of the county recorder.  The clerk shall be the appointing authority and shall administer and supervise all employees of the clerk's office.

E.  The clerk shall submit an annual budget request, which shall be coordinated with the presiding judge, to the county board of supervisors.  The clerk shall be responsible for the funds appropriated by the board to the clerk.

F.  The clerk shall maintain and provide access to court records in accordance with applicable law or rule of court.  The clerk shall keep a docket in the form and style as prescribed by the supreme court.

G.  The clerk is responsible for the operations of the clerk's office.

H.  The clerk may provide programs to assist in the enforcement of child support, spousal maintenance and parenting time and in the establishment and modification of child support.

I.  From and after December 31, 2007, a clerk in a county with a population of two million persons or more shall compile and publish electronically all superior court criminal case minute entries, except as otherwise prohibited by law.  At a minimum, the information shall be arranged or searchable by the case name, the case number and the name of the judge or commissioner.

J.  Beginning on January 1, 2010, the clerk in a county with a population of less than two million persons shall compile and publish electronically all superior court criminal case minute entries, except as otherwise prohibited by law.  At a minimum, the information shall be arranged or searchable by the case name, the case number and the name of the judge or commissioner. END_STATUTE

Sec. 6.  Section 14-5601, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE14-5601.  Establishment of office of public fiduciary; appointments; costs

A.  Each county board of supervisors, by resolution or ordinance, shall establish the office of and appoint a public fiduciary.  The supreme court shall certify each public fiduciary pursuant to section 14‑5651.

B.  The public fiduciary, with the consent of and at salaries fixed by the board of supervisors, may appoint assistants, deputies, stenographers, clerks and other employees as necessary to conduct the affairs of the office. The appointments shall be in writing and filed in the office of the county recorder.  Assistants and deputies hold office at the pleasure of the public fiduciary and the board of supervisors.

C.  Costs incurred in conducting the office of public fiduciary shall be a charge against the county. END_STATUTE

Sec. 7.  Section 22-131, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE22-131.  Constables; powers and duties

A.  Constables shall attend the courts of justices of the peace within their precincts when required, and within their counties execute, serve and return all processes and notices directed or delivered to them by a justice of the peace of the county or by competent authority.  In addition to any other provision of law these duties may be enforced by the presiding judge of the superior court in the county, including the use of the power of contempt.

B.  Constables shall attend the training prescribed in section 22‑137.

C.  Constables, with the consent of and at salaries fixed by the board of supervisors, may appoint deputies who are certified pursuant to section 41‑1822, subsection A, paragraph 3, stenographers, clerks and assistants necessary to conduct the affairs of their offices.  The appointments shall be in writing and filed in the office of the county recorder.

D.  The provisions of law relating to sheriffs, as far as applicable, shall govern the powers, duties and liabilities of constables.

E.  A constable who is duly elected or who is appointed by the board of supervisors has the authority of a peace officer only in the performance of the constable's official duties.

F.  A constable may execute, serve and return processes and notices as prescribed in subsection A of this section within any precinct in another county if that precinct adjoins the precinct in which the constable was elected or appointed. END_STATUTE

Sec. 8.  Laws 2001, chapter 303, section 2, as amended by Laws 2006, chapter 206, section 2, is amended to read:

Sec. 2.  Delayed repeal

Section 11-269.06, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act is repealed from and after December 31, 2011 2013.