Senate Engrossed House Bill




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fiftieth Legislature

First Regular Session











amending sections 15-301, 15-302 and 15-341, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending section 15‑393, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 285, section 1 and chapter 306, section 3; repealing section 15-393, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 318, section 5; amending sections 15-424, 15-425 and 15‑843, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to elected school officials.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 15-301, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-301.  Office of county school superintendent; qualifications; travel expenses

A.  A person is eligible for election as county school superintendent if the person holds a basic or standard certificate to teach in the schools of this state is a qualified elector who resides in the county and is at least twenty-five years of age.

B.  In addition to the salary allowed by law, the county school superintendent is eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses.

C.  The office of county school superintendent is designated as a local education agency for the purpose of serving as an education service agency that is eligible to receive and spend local, state and federal monies to provide programs and services to school districts and charter schools within that county.

D.  The office of county school superintendent shall be under the jurisdiction of the elected county school superintendent. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 15-302, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-302.  Powers and duties

A.  The county school superintendent shall:

1.  Distribute all laws, reports, circulars, instructions and forms that he may receive for the use of school officers.

2.  Record all official acts.

3.  If this responsibility is delegated to the county school superintendent by a school district governing board, appoint governing board members of school districts to fill all vacancies, but the term of the appointment shall be until the next regular election for governing board members, at which time a successor shall be elected to serve the unexpired portion of the term.  Within thirty days after notification of a vacancy, the school district governing board may submit up to three names to the county school superintendent for consideration of an appointment to fill the vacancy.  The county school superintendent is not required to appoint a governing board member from the list of names submitted by the governing board.  The county school superintendent, if he deems it in the best interest of the community, may call a special election to fill the vacancies.  If an election is called, the newly elected member shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired portion of the term.

4.  Make reports, when directed by the superintendent of public instruction, showing matters relating to schools in his county as may be required on the forms furnished by the superintendent of public instruction.

5.  Have such powers and perform such duties as otherwise prescribed by law.

6.  On or before October 1 of each year, make a report to the superintendent of public instruction showing the amount of monies received from state school funds, special school district taxes and other sources, the total expenditures for school purposes and the balance on hand to the credit of each school district at the close of the school year.

7.  Contract with the board of supervisors for the board of supervisors to conduct all regular school district elections.

8.  Be responsible, in cooperation with the governing boards and the board of supervisors, for all special school district elections.

9.  Maintain teacher and administrator certification records of effective dates and expiration dates of teachers' and administrators' certificates in compliance with guidelines prescribed in the uniform system of financial records for those school districts for which the county school superintendent is the fiscal agent.  The county school superintendent shall not draw a warrant in payment of a teacher's, substitute teacher's or administrator's salary unless the teacher, substitute teacher or administrator is legally certified during the fiscal year in which the term for payment is demanded.

10.  Notify a school district three years before the expiration of a revenue control limit override that the school district's budget must be adjusted in the final two years of the override pursuant to section 15‑481, subsections P and Q, if the voters do not approve another override.

11.  In collaboration with the department of education and other state agencies, provide assistance to school districts and charter schools on the use of student data, staff development, curriculum alignment and technology to improve student performance.

12.  Assist schools in meeting yearly adequate progress goals as defined by criteria established by the state board of education and implemented by the department of education.

B.  At the request of school districts and charter schools, the county school superintendent may provide discretionary programs in addition to the programs prescribed in subsection A of this section.

C.  The county school superintendent may provide the services prescribed in subsections A and B of this section in the county or jointly with two or more counties pursuant to title 11, chapter 7, article 3.

D.  Each county school superintendent may establish an advisory committee to the office of the county school superintendent. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 15-341, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-341.  General powers and duties; immunity; delegation

A.  The governing board shall:

1.  Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures for the governance of the schools, not inconsistent with law or rules prescribed by the state board of education.

2.  Exclude from schools all books, publications, papers or audiovisual materials of a sectarian, partisan or denominational character.

3.  Manage and control the school property within its district.

4.  Acquire school furniture, apparatus, equipment, library books and supplies for the use of the schools.

5.  Prescribe the curricula and criteria for the promotion and graduation of pupils as provided in sections 15‑701 and 15‑701.01.

6.  Furnish, repair and insure, at full insurable value, the school property of the district.

7.  Construct school buildings on approval by a vote of the district electors.

8.  Make in the name of the district conveyances of property belonging to the district and sold by the board.

9.  Purchase school sites when authorized by a vote of the district at an election conducted as nearly as practicable in the same manner as the election provided in section 15‑481 and held on a date prescribed in section 15‑491, subsection E, but such authorization shall not necessarily specify the site to be purchased and such authorization shall not be necessary to exchange unimproved property as provided in section 15‑342, paragraph 23.

10.  Construct, improve and furnish buildings used for school purposes when such buildings or premises are leased from the national park service.

11.  Purchase school sites or construct, improve and furnish school buildings from the proceeds of the sale of school property only on approval by a vote of the district electors.

12.  Hold pupils to strict account for disorderly conduct on school property.

13.  Discipline students for disorderly conduct on the way to and from school.

14.  Except as provided in section 15‑1224, deposit all monies received by the district as gifts, grants and devises with the county treasurer who shall credit the deposits as designated in the uniform system of financial records.  If not inconsistent with the terms of the gifts, grants and devises given, any balance remaining after expenditures for the intended purpose of the monies have been made shall be used for reduction of school district taxes for the budget year, except that in the case of accommodation schools the county treasurer shall carry the balance forward for use by the county school superintendent for accommodation schools for the budget year.

15.  Provide that, if a parent or legal guardian chooses not to accept a decision of the teacher as provided in section 15‑521, paragraph 2, the parent or legal guardian may request in writing that the governing board review the teacher's decision.  Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to release school districts from any liability relating to a child's promotion or retention.

16.  Provide for adequate supervision over pupils in instructional and noninstructional activities by certificated or noncertificated personnel.

17.  Use school monies received from the state and county school apportionment exclusively for payment of salaries of teachers and other employees and contingent expenses of the district.

18.  Make an annual report to the county school superintendent on or before October 1 in the manner and form and on the blanks prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction or county school superintendent.  The board shall also make reports directly to the county school superintendent or the superintendent of public instruction whenever required.

19.  Deposit all monies received by school districts other than student activities monies or monies from auxiliary operations as provided in sections 15‑1125 and 15‑1126 with the county treasurer to the credit of the school district except as provided in paragraph 20 of this subsection and sections 15‑1223 and 15‑1224, and the board shall expend the monies as provided by law for other school funds.

20.  Establish bank accounts in which the board during a month may deposit miscellaneous monies received directly by the district.  The board shall remit monies deposited in the bank accounts at least monthly to the county treasurer for deposit as provided in paragraph 19 of this subsection and in accordance with the uniform system of financial records.

21.  Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures for disciplinary action against a teacher who engages in conduct that is a violation of the policies of the governing board but that is not cause for dismissal of the teacher or for revocation of the certificate of the teacher.  Disciplinary action may include suspension without pay for a period of time not to exceed ten school days.  Disciplinary action shall not include suspension with pay or suspension without pay for a period of time longer than ten school days. The procedures shall include notice, hearing and appeal provisions for violations that are cause for disciplinary action.  The governing board may designate a person or persons to act on behalf of the board on these matters.

22.  Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures for disciplinary action against an administrator who engages in conduct that is a violation of the policies of the governing board regarding duties of administrators but that is not cause for dismissal of the administrator or for revocation of the certificate of the administrator.  Disciplinary action may include suspension without pay for a period of time not to exceed ten school days.  Disciplinary action shall not include suspension with pay or suspension without pay for a period of time longer than ten school days.  The procedures shall include notice, hearing and appeal provisions for violations that are cause for disciplinary action.  The governing board may designate a person or persons to act on behalf of the board on these matters.  For violations that are cause for dismissal, the provisions of notice, hearing and appeal in chapter 5, article 3 of this title shall apply.  The filing of a timely request for a hearing suspends the imposition of a suspension without pay or a dismissal pending completion of the hearing.

23.  Notwithstanding sections 13‑3108 and 13‑3120, prescribe and enforce policies and procedures that prohibit a person from carrying or possessing a weapon on school grounds unless the person is a peace officer or has obtained specific authorization from the school administrator.

24.  Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures relating to the health and safety of all pupils participating in district sponsored practice sessions or games or other interscholastic athletic activities, including the provision of water.

25.  Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures regarding the smoking of tobacco within school buildings.  The policies and procedures shall be adopted in consultation with school district personnel and members of the community and shall state whether smoking is prohibited in school buildings. If smoking in school buildings is not prohibited, the policies and procedures shall clearly state the conditions and circumstances under which smoking is permitted, those areas in a school building that may be designated as smoking areas and those areas in a school building that may not be designated as smoking areas.

26.  Establish an assessment, data gathering and reporting system as prescribed in chapter 7, article 3 of this title.

27.  Provide special education programs and related services pursuant to section 15‑764, subsection A to all children with disabilities as defined in section 15‑761.

28.  Administer competency tests prescribed by the state board of education for the graduation of pupils from high school.

29.  Ensure that insurance coverage is secured for all construction projects for purposes of general liability, property damage and workers' compensation and secure performance and payment bonds for all construction projects.

30.  Keep on file the resumes of all current and former employees who provide instruction to pupils at a school.  Resumes shall include an individual's educational and teaching background and experience in a particular academic content subject area.  A school district shall inform parents and guardians of the availability of the resume information and shall make the resume information available for inspection on request of parents and guardians of pupils enrolled at a school.  Nothing in This paragraph shall not be construed to require any school to release personally identifiable information in relation to any teacher or employee, including the teacher's or employee's address, salary, social security number or telephone number.

31.  Report to local law enforcement agencies any suspected crime against a person or property that is a serious offense as defined in section 13-706 or that involves a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument or serious physical injury and any conduct that poses a threat of death or serious physical injury to employees, students or anyone on the property of the school.  This paragraph does not limit or preclude the reporting by a school district or an employee of a school district of suspected crimes other than those required to be reported by this paragraph.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "dangerous instrument", "deadly weapon" and "serious physical injury" have the same meanings prescribed in section 13‑105.

32.  In conjunction with local law enforcement agencies and local medical facilities, develop an emergency response plan for each school in the school district in accordance with minimum standards developed jointly by the department of education and the division of emergency management within the department of emergency and military affairs.

33.  Provide written notice to the parents or guardians of all students affected in the school district at least thirty days prior to a public meeting to discuss closing a school within the school district.  The notice shall include the reasons for the proposed closure and the time and place of the meeting.  The governing board shall fix a time for a public meeting on the proposed closure no less than thirty days before voting in a public meeting to close the school.  The school district governing board shall give notice of the time and place of the meeting.  At the time and place designated in the notice, the school district governing board shall hear reasons for or against closing the school.  The school district governing board is exempt from this paragraph if it is determined by the governing board that the school shall be closed because it poses a danger to the health or safety of the pupils or employees of the school.

34.  Incorporate instruction on Native American history into appropriate existing curricula.

35.  Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures allowing pupils who have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis by a health care provider licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 13, 14, 17 or 25 or by a registered nurse practitioner licensed and certified pursuant to title 32, chapter 15 to carry and self-administer emergency medications, including auto‑injectable epinephrine, while at school and at school sponsored activities.  The pupil's name on the prescription label on the medication container or on the medication device and annual written documentation from the pupil's parent or guardian to the school that authorizes possession and self-administration is sufficient proof that the pupil is entitled to the possession and self‑administration of the medication.  The policies shall require a pupil who uses auto-injectable epinephrine while at school and at school sponsored activities to notify the nurse or the designated school staff person of the use of the medication as soon as practicable.  A school district and its employees are immune from civil liability with respect to all decisions made and actions taken that are based on good faith implementation of the requirements of this paragraph, except in cases of wanton or wilful neglect.

36.  Allow the possession and self-administration of prescription medication for breathing disorders in handheld inhaler devices by pupils who have been prescribed that medication by a health care professional licensed pursuant to title 32.  The pupil's name on the prescription label on the medication container or on the handheld inhaler device and annual written documentation from the pupil's parent or guardian to the school that authorizes possession and self-administration shall be sufficient proof that the pupil is entitled to the possession and self‑administration of the medication.  A school district and its employees are immune from civil liability with respect to all decisions made and actions taken that are based on a good faith implementation of the requirements of this paragraph.

37.  Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures to prohibit pupils from harassing, intimidating and bullying other pupils on school grounds, on school property, on school buses, at school bus stops and at school sponsored events and activities that include the following components:

(a)  A procedure for pupils to confidentially report to school officials incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying.

(b)  A procedure for parents and guardians of pupils to submit written reports to school officials of suspected incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying.

(c)  A requirement that school district employees report suspected incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying to the appropriate school official.

(d)  A formal process for the documentation of reported incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying and for the confidentiality, maintenance and disposition of this documentation.  If a school maintains documentation of reported incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying, the school shall not use that documentation to impose disciplinary action unless the appropriate school official has investigated and determined that the reported incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying occurred.

(e)  A formal process for the investigation by the appropriate school officials of suspected incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying.

(f)  Disciplinary procedures for pupils who have admitted or been found to have committed incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying.

(g)  A procedure that sets forth consequences for submitting false reports of incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying.

38.  Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures regarding changing or adopting attendance boundaries that include the following components:

(a)  A procedure for holding public meetings to discuss attendance boundary changes or adoptions that allows public comments.

(b)  A procedure to notify the parents or guardians of the students affected.

(c)  A procedure to notify the residents of the households affected by the attendance boundary changes.

(d)  A process for placing public meeting notices and proposed maps on the school district's website for public review, if the school district maintains a website.

(e)  A formal process for presenting the attendance boundaries of the affected area in public meetings that allows public comments.

(f)  A formal process for notifying the residents and parents or guardians of the affected area as to the decision of the governing board on the school district's website, if the school district maintains a website.

(g)  A formal process for updating attendance boundaries on the school district's website within ninety days of an adopted boundary change.  The school district shall send a direct link to the school district's attendance boundaries website to the department of real estate.

(h)  If the land that a school was built on was donated within the past five years, a formal process to notify the entity that donated the land affected by the decision of the governing board.

39.  If the state board of education determines that the school district has committed an overexpenditure as defined in section 15-107, provide a copy of the fiscal management report submitted pursuant to section 15-107, subsection H on its website and make copies available to the public on request.  The school district shall comply with a request within five business days after receipt.

40.  Ensure that the contract for the superintendent is structured in a manner where at least twenty per cent of the total annual compensation and benefits included for the superintendent in the contract is classified as performance pay.  Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to require school districts to increase total compensation for superintendents.  Unless the school district governing board votes to implement an alternative procedure at a public meeting called for this purpose, the performance pay portion of the superintendent's total annual compensation shall be determined as follows:

(a)  Twenty‑five per cent of the performance pay shall be determined based on the percentage of academic gain determined by the department of education of pupils who are enrolled in the school district compared to the academic gain achieved by the highest ranking of the fifty largest school districts in this state.  For the purposes of this subdivision, the department of education shall determine academic gain by the academic growth achieved by each pupil who has been enrolled at the same school in a school district for at least five consecutive months measured against that pupil's academic results in the 2008‑2009 school year.  For the purposes of this subdivision, of the fifty largest school districts in this state, the school district with pupils who demonstrate the highest statewide percentage of overall academic gain measured against academic results for the 2008‑2009 school year shall be assigned a score of 100 and the school district with pupils who demonstrate the lowest statewide percentage of overall academic gain measured against academic results for the 2008‑2009 school year shall be assigned a score of 0.

(b)  Twenty‑five per cent of the performance pay shall be determined by the percentage of parents of pupils who are enrolled at the school district who assign a letter grade of "A" to the school on a survey of parental satisfaction with the school district.  The parental satisfaction survey shall be administered and scored by an independent entity that is selected by the governing board and that demonstrates sufficient expertise and experience to accurately measure the results of the survey.  The parental satisfaction survey shall use standard random sampling procedures and provide anonymity and confidentiality to each parent who participates in the survey.  The letter grade scale used on the parental satisfaction survey shall direct parents to assign one of the following letter grades:

(i)  A letter grade of "A" if the school district is excellent.

(ii)  A letter grade of "B" if the school district is above average.

(iii)  A letter grade of "C" if the school district is average.

(iv)  A letter grade of "D" if the school district is below average.

(v)  A letter grade of "F" if the school district is a failure.

(c)  Twenty‑five per cent of the performance pay shall be determined by the percentage of teachers who are employed at the school district and who assign a letter grade of "A" to the school on a survey of teacher satisfaction with the school.  The teacher satisfaction survey shall be administered and scored by an independent entity that is selected by the governing board and that demonstrates sufficient expertise and experience to accurately measure the results of the survey.  The teacher satisfaction survey shall use standard random sampling procedures and provide anonymity and confidentiality to each teacher who participates in the survey.  The letter grade scale used on the teacher satisfaction survey shall direct teachers to assign one of the following letter grades:

(i)  A letter grade of "A" if the school district is excellent.

(ii)  A letter grade of "B" if the school district is above average.

(iii)  A letter grade of "C" if the school district is average.

(iv)  A letter grade of "D" if the school district is below average.

(v)  A letter grade of "F" if the school district is a failure.

(d)  Twenty‑five per cent of the performance pay shall be determined by other criteria selected by the governing board.

41.  Unless this responsibility is delegated to the county school superintendent by the school district governing board by a formal resolution adopted at a meeting of the board that is open to the public and that is subject to title 38, chapter 3, article 3.1, appoint governing board members of school districts to fill all vacancies, but the term of the appointment shall be until the next regular election for governing board members, at which time a successor shall be elected to serve the unexpired portion of the term.  The governing board shall consider and make all appointments at a meeting of the board that is open to the public and that is subject to title 38, chapter 3, article 3.1.  If it is deemed to be in the best interest of the community, the school district governing board may call a special election to fill the vacancies.  A school district governing board may not delegate the responsibility to call a special election pursuant to this paragraph to the county school superintendent.  If an election is called, the newly elected member shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired portion of the term.

B.  Notwithstanding subsection A, paragraphs 7, 9 and 11 of this section, the county school superintendent may construct, improve and furnish school buildings or purchase or sell school sites in the conduct of an accommodation school.

C.  If any school district acquires real or personal property, whether by purchase, exchange, condemnation, gift or otherwise, the governing board shall pay to the county treasurer any taxes on the property that were unpaid as of the date of acquisition, including penalties and interest.  The lien for unpaid delinquent taxes, penalties and interest on property acquired by a school district:

1.  Is not abated, extinguished, discharged or merged in the title to the property.

2.  Is enforceable in the same manner as other delinquent tax liens.

D.  The governing board may not locate a school on property that is less than one‑fourth mile from agricultural land regulated pursuant to section 3‑365, except that the owner of the agricultural land may agree to comply with the buffer zone requirements of section 3‑365.  If the owner agrees in writing to comply with the buffer zone requirements and records the agreement in the office of the county recorder as a restrictive covenant running with the title to the land, the school district may locate a school within the affected buffer zone.  The agreement may include any stipulations regarding the school, including conditions for future expansion of the school and changes in the operational status of the school that will result in a breach of the agreement.

E.  A school district, its governing board members, its school council members and its employees are immune from civil liability for the consequences of adoption and implementation of policies and procedures pursuant to subsection A of this section and section 15‑342.  This waiver does not apply if the school district, its governing board members, its school council members or its employees are guilty of gross negligence or intentional misconduct.

F.  A governing board may delegate in writing to a superintendent, principal or head teacher the authority to prescribe procedures that are consistent with the governing board's policies.

G.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, a school district governing board shall not take any action that would result in a reduction of pupil square footage unless the governing board notifies the school facilities board established by section 15‑2001 of the proposed action and receives written approval from the school facilities board to take the action.  A reduction includes an increase in administrative space that results in a reduction of pupil square footage or sale of school sites or buildings, or both.  A reduction includes a reconfiguration of grades that results in a reduction of pupil square footage of any grade level.  This subsection does not apply to temporary reconfiguration of grades to accommodate new school construction if the temporary reconfiguration does not exceed one year.  The sale of equipment that results in a reduction that falls below the equipment requirements prescribed in section 15‑2011, subsection B is subject to commensurate withholding of school district capital outlay revenue limit monies pursuant to the direction of the school facilities board.  Except as provided in section 15‑342, paragraph 10, proceeds from the sale of school sites, buildings or other equipment shall be deposited in the school plant fund as provided in section 15‑1102.

H.  Subsections C through G of this section apply to a county board of supervisors and a county school superintendent when operating and administering an accommodation school. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4.  Section 15‑393, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 285, section 1 and chapter 306, section 3, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-393.  Joint technical education district governing board; report; definition

A.  The management and control of the joint district are vested in the joint technical education district governing board, including the content and quality of the courses offered by the district, the quality of teachers who provide instruction on behalf of the district, the salaries of teachers who provide instruction on behalf of the district and the reimbursement of other entities for the facilities used by the district.  Unless the governing boards of the school districts participating in the formation of the joint district vote to implement an alternative election system as provided in subsection B of this section, the joint board shall consist of five members elected from five single member districts formed within the joint district.  The single member district election system shall be submitted as part of the plan for the joint district pursuant to section 15‑392 and shall be established in the plan as follows:

1.  The governing boards of the school districts participating in the formation of the joint district shall define the boundaries of the single member districts so that the single member districts are as nearly equal in population as is practicable, except that if the joint district lies in part in each of two or more counties, at least one single member district may be entirely within each of the counties comprising the joint district if this district design is consistent with the obligation to equalize the population among single member districts.

2.  The boundaries of each single member district shall follow election precinct boundary lines, as far as practicable, in order to avoid further segmentation of the precincts.

3.  A person who is a registered voter of this state and who is a resident of the single member district is eligible for election to the office of joint board member from the single member district.  The terms of office of the members of the joint board shall be as prescribed in section 15‑427, subsection B.  An employee of a joint technical education district or the spouse of an employee shall not hold membership on a governing board of a joint technical education district by which the employee is employed.  A member of one school district governing board or joint technical education district governing board is ineligible to be a candidate for nomination or election to or serve simultaneously as a member of any other governing board, except that a member of a governing board may be a candidate for nomination or election for any other governing board if the member is serving in the last year of a term of office.  A member of a governing board shall resign the member's seat on the governing board before becoming a candidate for nomination or election to the governing board of any other school district or joint technical education district, unless the member of the governing board is serving in the last year of a term of office.

4.  Nominating petitions shall be signed by the number of qualified electors of the single member district as provided in section 16‑322.

B.  The governing boards of the school districts participating in the formation of the joint district may vote to implement any other alternative election system for the election of joint district board members.  If an alternative election system is selected, it shall be submitted as part of the plan for the joint district pursuant to section 15‑392, and the implementation of the system shall be as approved by the United States justice department.  If an alternative election system is implemented, a member of a joint technical education district governing board shall not serve simultaneously as a member of any other governing board.  In a county of more than five hundred thousand persons, an employee of a member district or a joint technical education district or the spouse of that employee shall not hold membership on that joint technical education district's governing board. 

C.  The joint technical education district shall be subject to the following provisions of this title:

1.  Chapter 1, articles 1 through 6.

2.  Sections 15‑208, 15‑210, 15‑213 and 15‑234.

3.  Articles 2, 3 and 5 of this chapter.

4.  Section 15‑361.

5.  Chapter 4, articles 1, 2 and 5.

6.  Chapter 5, articles 1, 2 and 3.

7.  Sections 15‑701.01, 15‑722, 15‑723, 15‑724, 15‑727, 15‑728, 15‑729 and 15‑730.

8.  Chapter 7, article 5.

9.  Chapter 8, articles 1, 3 and 4.

10.  Sections 15‑828 and 15‑829.

11.  Chapter 9, article 1, article 6, except for section 15‑995, and article 7.

12.  Sections 15‑941, 15‑943.01, 15‑948, 15‑952, 15‑953 and 15‑973.

13.  Sections 15‑1101 and 15‑1104.

14.  Chapter 10, articles 2, 3, 4 and 8.

D.  Notwithstanding subsection C of this section, the following apply to a joint technical education district:

1.  A joint district may issue bonds for the purposes specified in section 15‑1021 and in chapter 4, article 5 of this title to an amount in the aggregate, including the existing indebtedness, not exceeding one per cent of the taxable property used for secondary tax purposes, as determined pursuant to title 42, chapter 15, article 1, within the joint technical education district as ascertained by the last property tax assessment previous to issuing the bonds.

2.  The number of governing board members for a joint district shall be as prescribed in subsection A of this section.

3.  If a career and technical education and vocational education course or program provided pursuant to this article is provided in a facility owned or operated by a school district in which a pupil is enrolled, including satellite courses, the sum of the daily attendance, as provided in section 15‑901, subsection A, paragraph 5, for that pupil in both the school district and joint technical education district shall not exceed 1.25 and the sum of the fractional student enrollment, as provided in section 15‑901, subsection A, paragraph 1, subdivision (a), shall not exceed 1.25 for the courses taken in the school district and the facility, including satellite courses.  The school district and the joint district shall determine the apportionment of the daily attendance and fractional student enrollment for that pupil between the school district and the joint district.  Pupils in an approved joint technical education district satellite program may generate an average daily attendance for attendance hours during any hour of the day, during any day of the week and at any time beginning July 1 through June 30 of each fiscal year.

4.  The student count for the first year of operation of a joint technical education district as provided in this article shall be determined as follows:

(a)  Determine the estimated student count for joint district classes that will operate in the first year of operation.  This estimate shall be based on actual registration of pupils as of March 30 scheduled to attend classes that will be operated by the joint district.  The student count for the district of residence of the pupils registered at the joint district shall be adjusted.  The adjustment shall cause the district of residence to reduce the student count for the pupil to reflect the courses to be taken at the joint district.  The district of residence shall review and approve the adjustment of its own student count as provided in this subdivision before the pupils from the school district can be added to the student count of the joint district.

(b)  The student count for the new joint district shall be the student count as determined in subdivision (a) of this paragraph.

(c)  After the first one hundred days or two hundred days in session, as applicable, for the first year of operation, the joint district shall revise the student count to the actual student count for students attending classes in the joint district.  A joint district shall revise its student count, the base support level as provided in section 15‑943.02, the revenue control limit as provided in section 15‑944.01, the capital outlay revenue limit and the soft capital allocation as provided in section 15‑962.01 prior to May 15.  A joint district that overestimated its student count shall revise its budget prior to May 15.  A joint district that underestimated its student count may revise its budget prior to May 15.

(d)  After the first one hundred days or two hundred days in session, as applicable, for the first year of operation, the district of residence shall adjust its student count by reducing it to reflect the courses actually taken at the joint district.  The district of residence shall revise its student count, the base support level as provided in section 15‑943, the revenue control limit as provided in section 15‑944, the capital outlay revenue limit as provided in section 15‑961 and the soft capital allocation as provided in section 15‑962 prior to May 15.  A district that underestimated the student count for students attending the joint district shall revise its budget prior to May 15.  A district that overestimated the student count for students attending the joint district may revise its budget prior to May 15.

(e)  A joint district for the first year of operation shall not be eligible for adjustment pursuant to section 15-948.

(f)  The procedures for implementing this paragraph shall be as prescribed in the uniform system of financial records.

(g)  Pupils in an approved joint technical education district centralized program may generate an average daily attendance of 1.0 for attendance hours during any hour of the day, during any day of the week and at any time between July 1 and June 30 of each fiscal year.

For the purposes of this paragraph, "district of residence" means the district that included the pupil in its average daily membership for the year before the first year of operation of the joint district and that would have included the pupil in its student count for the purposes of computing its base support level for the fiscal year of the first year of operation of the joint district if the pupil had not enrolled in the joint district.

5.  A student includes any person enrolled in the joint district without regard to the person's age or high school graduation status, except that:

(a)  A student in a kindergarten program or in grades one through eight who enrolls in courses offered by the joint technical education district shall not be included in the joint district's average daily attendance or average daily membership.

(b)  A student in a kindergarten program or in grades one through eight who is enrolled in vocational education courses shall not be funded in whole or in part with monies provided by a joint technical education district.

(c)  A student who is over twenty-two years of age shall not be included in the student count of the joint district for the purposes of chapter 9, articles 3, 4 and 5 of this title.

(d)  A student in grade nine who enrolls in a career exploration course shall not be included in the joint district's average daily attendance or average daily membership.

6.  A joint district may operate for more than one hundred seventy-five days per year, with expanded hours of service.

7.  A joint district may use the excess utility costs provisions of section 15-910 in the same manner as a school district for fiscal years 1999‑2000 and 2000-2001, except that the base year shall be the first full fiscal year of operations.

8.  A joint district may use the carryforward provisions of section 15‑943.01 retroactively to July 1, 1993.

9.  A school district that is part of a joint district shall use any monies received pursuant to this article to supplement and not supplant base year career and technical education and vocational education courses, and directly related equipment and facilities, except that a school district that is part of a joint technical education district and that has used monies received pursuant to this article to supplant career and technological technical education and vocational education courses that were offered before the first year that the school district participated in the joint district or the first year that the school district used monies received pursuant to this article or that used the monies for purposes other than for career and technological technical education and vocational education courses shall use one hundred per cent of the monies received pursuant to this article to supplement and not supplant base year career and technical education and vocational education courses.

10.  A joint technical education district shall use any monies received pursuant to this article to enhance and not supplant career and technical education and vocational education courses and directly related equipment and facilities.

11.  A joint technical education district or a school district that is part of a joint district shall only include pupils in grades nine through twelve in the calculation of average daily membership or average daily attendance if the pupils are enrolled in courses that are approved jointly by the governing board of the joint technical education district and each participating school district for satellite courses taught within the participating school district, or approved solely by the joint technical education district for centrally located courses.  Average daily membership and average daily attendance from courses that are not part of an approved program for career and technical education shall not be included in average daily membership and average daily attendance of a joint technical education district.  A student in grade nine who enrolls in a career exploration course shall not be included in the joint district's average daily attendance or average daily membership.

E.  The joint board shall appoint a superintendent as the executive officer of the joint district.

F.  Taxes may be levied for the support of the joint district as prescribed in chapter 9, article 6 of this title, except that a joint technical education district shall not levy a property tax pursuant to law that exceeds five cents per one hundred dollars assessed valuation except for bond monies pursuant to subsection D, paragraph 1 of this section.  Except for the taxes levied pursuant to section 15-994, such taxes shall be obtained from a levy of taxes on the taxable property used for secondary tax purposes.

G.  The schools in the joint district are available to all persons who reside in the joint district subject to the rules for admission prescribed by the joint board.

H.  The joint board may collect tuition for adult students and the attendance of pupils who are residents of school districts that are not participating in the joint district pursuant to arrangements made between the governing board of the district and the joint board.

I.  The joint board may accept gifts, grants, federal monies, tuition and other allocations of monies to erect, repair and equip buildings and for the cost of operation of the schools of the joint district.

J.  One member of the joint board shall be selected chairman.  The chairman shall be selected annually on a rotation basis from among the participating school districts.  The chairman of the joint board shall be a voting member.

K.  A joint board and a community college district may enter into agreements for the provision of administrative, operational and educational services and facilities.

L.  Any agreement between the governing board of a joint technical education district and another joint technical education district, a school district, a charter school or a community college district shall be in the form of an intergovernmental agreement or other written contract.  The auditor general shall modify the uniform system of financial records and budget forms in accordance with this subsection.  The intergovernmental agreement or other written contract shall completely and accurately specify each of the following:

1.  The financial provisions of the intergovernmental agreement or other written contract and the format for the billing of all services.

2.  The accountability provisions of the intergovernmental agreement or other written contract.

3.  The responsibilities of each joint technical education district, each school district, each charter school and each community college district that is a party to the intergovernmental agreement or other written contract.

4.  The type of instruction that will be provided under the intergovernmental agreement or other written contract, including individualized education programs pursuant to section 15-763.

5.  The quality of the instruction that will be provided under the intergovernmental agreement or other written contract.

6.  The transportation services that will be provided under the intergovernmental agreement or other written contract and the manner in which transportation costs will be paid.

7.  The amount that the joint technical education district will contribute to a course and the amount of support required by the school district or the community college.

8.  That the services provided by the joint technical education district, the school district, the charter school or the community college district be proportionally calculated in the cost of delivering the service.

9.  That the payment for services shall not exceed the cost of the services provided.

10.  That any initial intergovernmental agreement or other written contract and any addendums between the governing board of a joint technical education district and another joint technical education district, a school district, a charter school or a community college district be submitted by the joint technical education district to the joint legislative budget committee for review.

M.  On or before December 31 of each year, each joint technical education district shall submit a detailed report to the career and technical education division of the department of education.  The career and technical education division of the department of education shall collect, summarize and analyze the data submitted by the joint districts, shall submit an annual report that summarizes the data submitted by the joint districts to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate and the state board of education and shall submit a copy of this report to the secretary of state.  The data submitted by each joint technical education district shall include the following:

1.  The average daily membership of the joint district.

2.  The program listings and program descriptions of programs offered by the joint district, including the course sequences for each program.

3.  The costs associated with each program offered by the joint district.

4.  The completion rate for each program offered by the joint district. For the purposes of this paragraph, "completion rate" means the completion rate for students who are designated as concentrators in that program by the department of education under the career and technology approved plan.

5.  The graduation rate from the school district of residence of students who have completed a program in the joint district.

6.  A detailed description of the career opportunities available to students after completion of the program offered by the joint district.

7.  A detailed description of the career placement of students who have completed the program offered by the joint district.

8.  Any other data deemed necessary by the department of education to carry out its duties under this subsection.

N.  If the career and technical education division of the department of education determines that a course does not meet the criteria for approval as a joint technical education course, the governing board of the joint technical education district may appeal this decision to the state board of education acting as the state board of vocational education.

O.  Notwithstanding any other law, the average daily membership of a pupil who is enrolled in a course that meets for at least one hundred fifty minutes per class period at a centralized campus owned and operated by a joint technical education district shall be 0.75.  The sum of daily attendance, as provided in section 15-901, subsection A, paragraph 5 and the sum of the fractional student enrollment, as provided in section 15-901, subsection A, paragraph 1, subdivision (a), for that pupil in both the member school district and joint technical education district courses provided at a community college pursuant to subsection K of this section or at a facility owned and operated by a joint technical education district that is not located on a site of a member district shall not exceed 1.75.  The member school district and the joint district shall determine the apportionment of the daily attendance and student enrollment for that pupil between the member school district and the joint district, except the amount apportioned shall not exceed 1.0 for either entity.

P.  For the purposes of this section, "base year" means the complete school year in which voters of a school district elected to join a joint technical education district. END_STATUTE

Sec. 5.  Repeal

Section 15‑393, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 318, section 5, is repealed.

Sec. 6.  Section 15-424, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-424.  Election of governing board members; terms; statement of contributions and expenditures

A.  A regular election shall be held for each school district at the time and place, and in the manner, of general elections as provided in title 16.

B.  Except as provided in subsection C of this section and sections 15‑429 and 15‑430, the term of office for each member shall be four years from January 1 next following the member's election.

C.  At the first general election held for a newly formed district, three members shall be elected.  The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected to a four year term, and the candidates having the second and third highest number of votes shall be elected to two year terms. A district increasing its governing board to five members shall elect at the next general election members in the following manner:

1.  If one of the previous three offices is to be filled, the three candidates receiving the highest, the second highest and the third highest number of votes shall be elected to four year terms.

2.  If two of the previous three offices are to be filled, the candidates receiving the highest, the second highest and the third highest number of votes shall be elected to four year terms.  The candidate receiving the fourth highest number of votes shall be elected to a two year term. Thereafter all such offices shall have four year terms.

D.  If only one person files or no person files a nominating petition or nomination paper for a write-in candidate for an election to fill a district office, the board of supervisors no earlier than seventy‑five days before the election may cancel the election for the position and appoint the person who filed the nominating petition or nomination paper to fill the position.  If no person files a nominating petition or nomination paper for an election to fill a district office, the board of supervisors no earlier than seventy‑five days before the election may cancel the election for that office and that office is deemed vacant and shall be filled as provided in section 15‑302 15‑341.  A person who is appointed pursuant to this subsection is fully vested with the powers and duties of the office as if elected to that office.

E.  If two or more candidates receive an equal number of votes for the same office, and a higher number than any other candidate for that office, whether upon the tally by the school election board or canvass of returns by the board of supervisors, or upon recount by a court, the officer or board whose duty it is to declare the result shall determine by lot and in the presence of the candidates which candidate shall be declared elected.

F.  Position of the names of candidates for each office shall be rotated so that each candidate occupies each position on the ballot an equal number of times, insofar as is possible, for each ballot style.  For candidates seeking election to fill a vacancy on the governing board, the ballot shall be designated as provided in section 16‑502.

G.  This section does not require that a school election at which no member is to be elected be held on a general election day.

H.  All candidates for the office of school district governing board member shall file with the county school superintendent a statement of contributions and expenditures as provided in section 16‑913. END_STATUTE

Sec. 7.  Section 15-425, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-425.  Election to determine whether membership of governing board shall increase to five members; form of ballot; reconsideration procedure if negative vote; appointment or election of new members

A.  A qualified elector of a school district may submit to the county school superintendent a petition, signed by not less than ten per cent of the qualified school electors of the district, requesting the county school superintendent to call a special election to determine whether or not the number of members of the governing board for the school district should be increased to five.  Upon receipt of the petition, in proper form and with the necessary signatures, the county school superintendent shall thereafter call a special election not later than ninety days prior to the general election to determine the question of whether the membership of the governing board for the school district shall be increased to five.

B.  Public notices of a special election called to determine whether there shall be five governing board members shall be posted in not less than three public places in the district at least ten days prior to the election. The election shall be held as prescribed by the county school superintendent and electors shall possess the qualifications as prescribed for the election of governing board members.

C.  The ballots shall contain the words:  "Five governing board members, yes.  Five governing board members, no."

D.  If the majority of the electors voting on the question votes in the affirmative, the school district shall elect five governing board members, as provided in section 15‑424.  If the majority of the electors voting on the question of increasing the number of governing board members votes in the negative, the question shall not again be placed upon the ballot of an election in the district until the lapse of one year from the date of such election.

E.  Notwithstanding section 15‑424 and subsection D of this section, if the voters approve an increase in the size of the governing board at least one year before the next general election, the county school superintendent governing board may appoint the two new members or call a special election pursuant to section 15‑302 15‑341.

F.  The term of the two new members appointed by the county school superintendent or elected through a special election expires January 1 following the next general election.  At the first general election following the increase in the size of the governing board, the candidates elected and their terms shall be determined pursuant to section 15‑424, subsection C. END_STATUTE

Sec. 8.  Section 15-843, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-843.  Pupil disciplinary proceedings

A.  An action concerning discipline, suspension or expulsion of a pupil is not subject to title 38, chapter 3, article 3.1, except that the governing board of a school district shall post regular notice and shall take minutes of any hearing held by the governing board concerning the discipline, suspension or expulsion of a pupil.

B.  The governing board of any school district, in consultation with the teachers and parents of the school district, shall prescribe rules for the discipline, suspension and expulsion of pupils. The rules shall be consistent with the constitutional rights of pupils and shall include at least the following:

1.  Penalties for excessive pupil absenteeism pursuant to section 15‑803, including failure in a subject, failure to pass a grade, suspension or expulsion.

2.  Procedures for the use of corporal punishment if allowed by the governing board.

3.  Procedures for the reasonable use of physical force by certificated or classified personnel in self‑defense, defense of others and defense of property.

4.  Procedures for dealing with pupils who have committed or who are believed to have committed a crime.

5.  A notice and hearing procedure for cases concerning the suspension of a pupil for more than ten days.

6.  Procedures and conditions for readmission of a pupil who has been expelled or suspended for more than ten days.

7.  Procedures for appeal to the governing board of the suspension of a pupil for more than ten days, if the decision to suspend the pupil was not made by the governing board.

8.  Procedures for appeal of the recommendation of the hearing officer or officers designated by the board as provided in subsection F of this section at the time the board considers the recommendation.

9.  Procedures for the principal of the school to notify the superintendent of the school district and the county school superintendent if a suspension or expulsion involves a dangerous drug as defined in section 13‑3401.  The procedures shall require that if there are separate incidents involving the greater of one-half of one percent of the total school population or three separate incidents that result in suspension or expulsion involving the same dangerous drug at the same school during the same school year, the superintendent of the school district shall both:

(a)  Provide written or electronic notification to the parents of pupils enrolled at the school that the presence of this particular drug has been reported at the school.  The notice shall include information about this particular drug, a list of symptoms associated with the use of or addiction to this particular drug and information about rehabilitation services.  The notice shall also be posted on the school's website.    

(b)  Conduct a community forum on the campus of the school to discuss the presence of this particular drug at the school and the problems associated with this particular drug.

C.  Penalties adopted pursuant to subsection B, paragraph 1 of this section for excessive absenteeism shall not be applied to pupils who have completed the course requirements and whose absence from school is due solely to illness, disease or accident as certified by a person who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 7, 13, 15 or 17.

D.  The governing board shall:

1.  Support and assist teachers in the implementation and enforcement of the rules prescribed pursuant to subsection B of this section.

2.  Develop procedures allowing teachers and principals to recommend the suspension or expulsion of pupils.

3.  Develop procedures allowing teachers and principals to temporarily remove disruptive pupils from a class.

4.  Delegate to the principal the authority to remove a disruptive pupil from the classroom.

E.  If a pupil withdraws from school after receiving notice of possible action concerning discipline, expulsion or suspension, the governing board may continue with the action after the withdrawal and may record the results of such action in the pupil's permanent file.

F.  In all action concerning the expulsion of a pupil, the governing board of a school district shall:

1.  Be notified of the intended action.

2.  Either:

(a)  Decide, in executive session, whether to hold a hearing or to designate one or more hearing officers to hold a hearing to hear the evidence, prepare a record and bring a recommendation to the board for action and whether the hearing shall be held in executive session.

(b)  Provide by policy or vote at its annual organizational meeting that all hearings concerning the expulsion of a pupil conducted pursuant to this section will be conducted before a hearing officer selected from a list of hearing officers approved by the governing board.

3.  Give written notice, at least five working days before the hearing by the governing board or the hearing officer or officers designated by the governing board, to all pupils subject to expulsion and their parents or guardians of the date, time and place of the hearing.  If the governing board decides that the hearing is to be held in executive session, the written notice shall include a statement of the right of the parents or guardians or an emancipated pupil who is subject to expulsion to object to the governing board's decision to have the hearing held in executive session. Objections shall be made in writing to the governing board.

G.  If a parent or guardian or an emancipated pupil who is subject to expulsion disagrees that the hearing should be held in executive session, it shall be held in an open meeting unless:

1.  If only one pupil is subject to expulsion and disagreement exists between that pupil's parents or guardians, the governing board, after consultations with the pupil's parents or guardians or the emancipated pupil, shall decide in executive session whether the hearing will be in executive session.

2.  If more than one pupil is subject to expulsion and disagreement exists between the parents or guardians of different pupils, separate hearings shall be held subject to this section.

H.  This section does not prevent the pupil who is subject to expulsion or suspension, and the pupil's parents or guardians and legal counsel, from attending any executive session pertaining to the proposed disciplinary action, from having access to the minutes and testimony of the executive session or from recording the session at the parent's or guardian's expense.

I.  In schools employing a superintendent or a principal, the authority to suspend a pupil from school is vested in the superintendent, principal or other school officials granted this power by the governing board of the school district.

J.  In schools that do not have a superintendent or principal, a teacher may suspend a pupil from school.

K.  In all cases of suspension, it shall be for good cause and shall be reported within five days to the governing board by the superintendent or the person imposing the suspension.

L.  Rules pertaining to the discipline, suspension and expulsion of pupils shall not be based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry.  If the department of education, the auditor general or the attorney general determines that a school district is substantially and deliberately not in compliance with this subsection and if the school district has failed to correct the deficiency within ninety days after receiving notice from the department of education, the superintendent of public instruction may withhold the monies the school district would otherwise be entitled to receive from the date of the determination of noncompliance until the department of education determines that the school district is in compliance with this subsection.

M.  The principal of each school shall ensure that a copy of all rules pertaining to discipline, suspension and expulsion of pupils is distributed to the parents of each pupil at the time the pupil is enrolled in school.

N.  The principal of each school shall ensure that all rules pertaining to the discipline, suspension and expulsion of pupils are communicated to students at the beginning of each school year, and to transfer students at the time of their enrollment in the school. END_STATUTE