REFERENCE TITLE: school district overexpenditures; state board





State of Arizona


Fiftieth Legislature

First Regular Session




SB 1257


Introduced by

Senator Crandall





amending Section 15-915, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 318, section 18; relating to school finance.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 15-915, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 318, section 18, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-915.  Correction of state aid or budget limit errors; definition

A.  If the superintendent of public instruction determines that the calculation of state aid for a school district or charter school or the calculation of the school district's or charter school's budget limits within the previous year did not conform with statutory requirements, the superintendent shall require correction of the errors as follows:

1.  Corrections may be made in the current year or in the budget year, except that in case of hardship to the school district, the superintendent may approve corrections partly in one year and partly in the year after that year.  If a school district or charter school exceeds the school district or charter school's calculation of state aid or budget limit by at least twenty‑five per cent for the current fiscal year, the state board of education, on the recommendation by the superintendent of public instruction, may authorize a payment extension of up to five years.

2.  Errors in the calculation of state aid shall be corrected by increasing or decreasing the state aid to the school district or charter school in the year or years in which the correction is made.

3.  Errors in the calculation of the school district's or charter school's budget limits shall be corrected at a public hearing by requiring the governing board to reduce or by allowing it to increase its budget by the amount of the correction to be made that year.  Overbudgeting errors corrected as provided in this paragraph are exempt from section 15‑905, subsections L and M.  Not later than three days after the hearing and correction, the budget as revised shall be submitted electronically to the superintendent of public instruction.  Nothing in This paragraph shall not be construed to require a decrease in state aid not otherwise required by paragraph 2 of this subsection.

B.  Subject to the review by the joint legislative budget committee, the superintendent of public instruction shall adjust state aid for a school district in the current year if the governing board of a school district requests the recalculation of state aid for a prior year due to a change in assessed valuation that occurred as the result of a judgment in accordance with section 42‑16213.

C.  Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, a school district or charter school may not make upward revisions to its average daily membership counts for a particular school year after June 30 of the subsequent school year.

D.  For the purposes of this section, "state aid":

1.  For school districts means state aid as determined in section 15‑971 and additional state aid as determined in section 15‑972.

2.  For charter schools means state aid as determined in section 15‑185. END_STATUTE