PREFILED    DEC 28 2010

REFERENCE TITLE: technical correction; state school fund




State of Arizona


Fiftieth Legislature

First Regular Session




SCR 1001


Introduced by

Senator Pearce R





proposing an amendment to the constitution of arizona; amending article XI, section 8, Constitution of arizona; relating to education.





Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Arizona, the House of Representatives concurring:

1.  Article XI, section 8, Constitution of Arizona, is proposed to be amended as follows if approved by the voters and on proclamation of the Governor:

START_STATUTE8.  Permanent state school fund; source; apportionment of state funds

Section 8.  A.  A permanent state school fund for the use of the common and high schools shall be derived from the sale of public school lands or other public lands specified in the enabling act approved June 20, 1910, from all estates or distributive shares of estates that may escheat to the state from all unclaimed shares and dividends of any corporation incorporated under the laws of Arizona and from all gifts, devises or bequests made to the state for general educational purposes.

B.  The rental derived from school lands, with such other funds as may be provided by law, shall be apportioned only for common and high school education in Arizona and in such manner as may be prescribed by law.


2.  The Secretary of State shall submit this proposition to the voters at the next general election as provided by article XXI, Constitution of Arizona.