REFERENCE TITLE: supporting Wisconsin governor; legislature





State of Arizona


Fiftieth Legislature

First Regular Session




SCR 1059


Introduced by

Senators Melvin, Driggs, Gould, Gray, Griffin, Klein, McComish, Murphy, Pearce R, Pierce S, Shooter, Smith; Representatives Adams, Ash, Burges, Fann, Fillmore, Forese, Gowan, Gray R, Harper, Jones, Kavanagh, Lesko, Mesnard, Montenegro, Proud, Reeve, Seel, Smith D, Stevens, Tobin, Ugenti, Vogt, Weiers J, Williams, Yee: Senators Allen, Antenori, Barto, Biggs, Bundgaard, Crandall, Nelson, Reagan, Yarbrough; Representatives Barton, Brophy McGee, Carter, Court, Crandell, Dial, Farnsworth, Goodale, Judd, McLain, Olson, Pratt, Robson, Urie (with permission of Committee on Rules)



A concurrent RESOLUTION


supporting the governor and the legislature of wisconsin in their efforts to implement fiscally responsible legislation.





Whereas, Arizona faces challenges in balancing its state budget; and

Whereas, one of the considerations in meeting this challenge is instituting reforms to the benefit programs for public workers; and

Whereas, the State of Wisconsin is also dealing with similar financial challenges; and

Whereas, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has proposed a commonsense plan to increase public employees' pension contribution to 5.8%; and

Whereas, a vital part of the democratic process is participating in open, civil debate; and

Whereas, the members of a legislative body should take part in that process and not make themselves unavailable by intentionally leaving the state to avoid legislative debate; and

Whereas, collective bargaining should not be used to force extravagant pension and health benefits that cripple state budgets.


Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Arizona, the House of Representatives concurring:

That the Members of the Legislature express support for the Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, and for the members of the Wisconsin State Legislature who are willing to propose and consider tough but practical legislation that addresses the state's financial challenges.