REFERENCE TITLE: Dan Schottel; death resolution





State of Arizona


Fiftieth Legislature

First Regular Session




SCR 1060


Introduced by

Senator Melvin



A concurrent RESOLUTION


on the death of the honorable dan h. schottel.





The Honorable Dan H. Schottel, former Arizona legislator, passed away at the age of seventy-five.

Born in St. Louis, Missouri on August 10, 1935, Dan Schottel served four years in the United States Air Force before moving to Tucson in 1957.  There, he owned and operated a trucking company and the Wooden Nickel Tavern and raised four children with his wife, Eileen.  He became active in Republican circles, serving with the Pima County Executive Republican Committee and the Pima County Republican Party.  He ran for the Arizona House of Representatives in 1992 and ably served his constituents as a legislator for District 12 from 1993 to 2000.

During his legislative tenure, Representative Schottel served on various House committees, including Appropriations, Government Reform and States Rights, Health, and Public Institutions and Universities.  He also served as chairman of the House Education Committee for several years and was one of three Arizona Commissioners to serve on the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education.  Committed to improving the quality of education in this state, he sponsored or supported various worthwhile legislative measures relating to charter schools, school funding reform, special-needs children and parental choice.

Dedicated to his family, Dan Schottel will be greatly missed by his wife of nearly fifty-five years, Eileen, his four children, his six grandchildren and his six great-grandchildren.


Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Arizona, the House of Representatives concurring:

That the Members of the Legislature express regret at the passing of the Honorable Dan H. Schottel and extend their deepest sympathies to his surviving family members.