House Engrossed




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fiftieth Legislature

Second Regular Session










Amending section 36-884, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to child care programs.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 36-884, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE36-884.  Exemptions

This article does not apply to the care given to children by or in:

1.  The homes of parents or blood relatives.

2.  A religious institution conducting a nursery in conjunction with its religious services or conducting parent‑supervised occasional drop‑in care.

3.  A unit of the public school system, including specialized professional services provided by school districts for the sole purpose of meeting mandated requirements to address the physical and mental impairments prescribed in section 15‑771.  If a public school provides child care other than during the school's regular hours or for children who are not regularly enrolled in kindergarten programs or grades one through twelve, that portion of the school that provides child care is subject to standards of care prescribed pursuant to section 36‑883.04.

4.  A regularly organized private school engaged in an educational program which that may be attended in substitution for public school pursuant to section 15‑802.  If the school provides child care beyond regular public school hours or for children who are not regularly enrolled in kindergarten programs or grades one through twelve, that portion of the school providing such care shall be considered a child care facility and is subject to the provisions of this article.

5.  Any facility that provides training only in specific subjects, including dancing, drama, music, self‑defense or religion and tutoring provided by public schools solely to improve school performance.

6.  Any facility that provides only recreational or instructional activities to school age children who may enter into and depart from the facility at their own volition.  The facility may require the children to document their entrance into and departure from the facility. and This documentation does not affect the exemption under this paragraph.  The facility shall post a notice stating it is not a licensed child care facility under section 36-882.

7.  Any of the Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind.

8.  A facility that operates a day camp that provides recreational programs to children if the day camp:

(a)  Is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting organization for day camps as approved by the department.

(b)  Operates for less than twenty-four hours a day and less than ten weeks each calendar year.

(c)  Posts a notice at the facility and on its website that it is not licensed under the laws of this state as a child care facility.

(d)  Provides programs only to children who are at least five years of age.  

(e)  Requires fingerprint cards of all personnel pursuant to section 36-883.02. END_STATUTE