House Engrossed




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fiftieth Legislature

Second Regular Session










Amending section 44‑281, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to motor vehicle time sales.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 44-281, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE44-281.  Definitions

In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:

1.  "Administrator" means the superintendent of financial institutions.

2.  "Cash sale price" means the price stated in a retail installment contract for which the seller would have sold to the buyer, and the buyer would have bought from the seller, the motor vehicle which is the subject matter of the retail installment contract, if such sale had been a sale for cash instead of a retail installment transaction.  The cash sale price may include charges for accessories and their installation and for delivery, and servicing, repairing or improving the motor vehicle, and for charges for other costs that are necessary or incidental to the transaction and that the seller furnishes or agrees to pay on behalf of the buyer, including taxes, assessor's fees, license fees and fees for filing, recording or otherwise perfecting or releasing a reserved title or lien, and may include a reasonable charge for the seller's services.

3.  "Dealer" means any person who in any year sells on a noncash basis three or more motor vehicles at retail.

4.  "Finance charge" means the amount agreed upon between the buyer and the seller, as limited herein, which in determining the cost of the motor vehicle is added to the aggregate of the following:  The cash sale price and the amount, if any, included for insurance and other benefits where a separate cost is assigned thereto.

5.  "Holder" of a retail installment contract means the retail seller of the motor vehicle under or subject to the contract or, if the contract is purchased by a sales finance company or other assignee, the sales finance company or other assignee.

6.  "Motor vehicle" means any self‑propelled device in or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn on a public highway, except:

(a)  Devices that move upon or are guided by a track or travel through the air.

(b)  The following, if not designed primarily for highway transportation, but which may incidentally be operated on a public highway:

(i)  Tractors.

(ii)  Buses.

(iii)  Trucks.

(iv)  Power shovels.

(v)  Road machinery.

(vi)  Agricultural machinery.

7.  "Person" means an individual, partnership, association, trust, corporation, or other legal entity.

8.  "Retail buyer" or "buyer" means a person who buys a motor vehicle from a retail seller, not for the purpose of resale, and who executes a retail installment contract in connection therewith.

9.  "Retail installment contract" or "contract":

(a)  Means an agreement, entered into in this state, pursuant to which the title to or a lien upon the motor vehicle, which is the subject matter of a retail installment transaction, is retained or taken by a retail seller from a retail buyer as security for the buyer's obligation.

(b)  Includes:

(i)  A conditional sales contract and a contract for the bailment or leasing of a motor vehicle by which the bailee or lessee contracts to pay as compensation for its use a sum substantially equivalent to or in excess of its value and by which it is agreed that the bailee or lessee is bound to become, or has the option of becoming, the owner of the motor vehicle for no other or a nominal consideration upon full compliance with the provisions of the contract.

(ii)  A secondary motor vehicle finance transaction.

10.  "Retail installment transaction" means any transaction evidenced by a retail installment contract entered into between a retail buyer and a retail seller wherein the retail buyer buys a motor vehicle from the retail seller at a cost payable in one or more deferred installments.  The cash sale price of the motor vehicle, the amount included for insurance if a separate charge is made and the finance charge shall together constitute the cost of the motor vehicle.

11.  "Retail seller" or "seller" means a person who sells a motor vehicle to a retail buyer for purposes other than resale under or subject to a retail installment contract.  For the purposes of paragraph 13 of this section "seller" means a person who sells and retains the use of the motor vehicle.

12.  "Sales finance company":

(a)  Means a person engaged, in whole or in part, in the business of purchasing retail installment contracts from one or more retail sellers.  

(b)  Includes a person engaged, in whole or in part, in the business of creating or holding retail installment contracts that exceed a total aggregate outstanding indebtedness of twenty‑five fifty thousand dollars.

(c)  Does not include the pledgee of an aggregate number of retail installment contracts to secure a bona fide loan thereon.

13.  "Secondary motor vehicle finance transaction":

(a)  Means any contract that includes provisions for either:

(i)  Obtaining a security interest in or lien on a motor vehicle other than in connection with the sale of that motor vehicle.

(ii)  The sale or conditional sale of a motor vehicle and the seller's right to retain use of the motor vehicle after the sale or conditional sale.

(b)  Includes any conditional sales contract or contract for the bailment or leasing of a motor vehicle in which the bailee or lessee agrees to pay for use of the motor vehicle and the bailee or lessee is required to become or has the option of becoming the owner of the vehicle for any or no compensation.

(c)  Does not include any commercial transaction as defined in section 44‑291. END_STATUTE