House Engrossed





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fiftieth Legislature

Second Regular Session










relating to state highways.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Temporary directional signage on state highways for nonprofit museums; delayed repeal

A.  The director of the department of transportation may approve, install and maintain interim or temporary directional signage on a state highway for a nonprofit museum if the museum satisfies all of the following:

1.  Files an application with the department of transportation for a permit for installation of the directional signage.

2.  Is qualified under section 501(c)(3) of the United States internal revenue code for federal income tax purposes.

3.  Certifies to the director that the museum has at least one hundred thousand visitors annually.

4.  Is located on a road on which vehicles exit the state highway or that crosses the state highway.

B.  An applicant for a permit pursuant to this section must agree that the directional signage installed pursuant to this section is temporary and that the department may remove the signage at any time without consultation of the permittee.  The granting of the permit pursuant to this section shall not be construed to allow the directional signage to continue after the urban logo sign program is established by the department of transportation.

C.  No state monies shall be spent for installation, upkeep or maintenance of directional signage installed pursuant to this section.

D.  This section is repealed from and after September 30, 2014.