REFERENCE TITLE: mechanics' liens; owner‑occupant dwellings





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fiftieth Legislature

Second Regular Session




HB 2805


Introduced by

Representatives Pierce, Stevens: Gowan, Montenegro, Olson





amending section 33‑1002, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to mechanics' liens.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 33-1002, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1002.  Inapplicability of certain liens to owner‑occupied dwelling; waiver void; definitions

B.  A.  No lien provided for in this article shall be allowed or recorded by the person claiming a lien against the dwelling of a person who became an owner‑occupant prior to the construction, alteration, repair or improvement, except by a person having executed in writing a contract directly with the owner‑occupant.

C.  B.  Any provision of an agreement made or entered into by an owner‑occupant which waives the provisions of this section is void.

A.  C.  In For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Dwelling" means real property upon which there has been constructed or is to be constructed any building, structure or improvement which is designed for either single one‑family or single two‑family residential purposes or activities related thereto, including an apartment in a horizontal property regime or other condominium.

2.  "Owner‑occupant" means a natural person who:

(a)  Prior to commencement of the construction, alteration, repair or improvement holds legal or equitable title to the dwelling by a deed or contract for the conveyance of real property recorded with the county recorder of the county in which the dwelling is located, and

(b)  Resides or intends to reside in the dwelling at least thirty days during the twelve‑month period immediately following completion of the construction, alteration, repair or improvement and does not intend to sell or lease the dwelling to others.  Residence in the dwelling or intent to reside in the dwelling may be evidenced by the following or other physical acts:

(i)  The placing of his or her personal belongings and furniture in the dwelling, and

(ii)  Occupancy either by the person or members of his or her family.  A single act shall not establish a person as an owner‑occupant if such person permits exclusive occupancy by other than members of his or her family for other than temporary purposes thereby negating his or her intent to reside in the dwelling primarily for use as his or her home. END_STATUTE