House Engrossed





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fiftieth Legislature

Second Regular Session










supporting the nation of israel.





Whereas, Israel and the United States share the same values of freedom, democracy, economic opportunity and respect for human dignity; and

Whereas, the Jewish people have maintained a continual presence in their homeland for thousands of years; and

Whereas, Israel has sought peaceful resolutions to conflicts so that all of its citizens may live, work, play and go to school in peace and without fear; and

Whereas, Israel has a right to secure and defensible borders, and has a right to be free from rocket attacks on its schools and homes that have averaged one rocket every seven hours over the past five years; and

Whereas, Israel and the United States have a shared interest in seeing an end to global terrorism since many of the same forces that threaten Israel also threaten the United States, especially the threat of Iran in producing nuclear weapons.  When we strengthen Israel's security, we are strengthening America's security as well; and

Whereas, Israel cooperates with the United States on intelligence sharing and technological development and as a high-level strategic partner in the Middle East, which fosters a special relationship that serves as the basis for long-term peace and stability in the region; and

Whereas, Israel and Arizona are trade partners, a relationship we seek to enhance, sharing developments and cooperating in partnerships in education, technology, agriculture, medicine, solar energy, telecommunications, homeland security and numerous other fields.  We recognize Israel's contributions to the world, including the development of the cell phone, armor to protect American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and a new bandage that was used to help save the life of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords; and

Whereas, Israel is one of the first nations to quickly mobilize to provide global assistance in the wake of disasters, including humanitarian assistance provided to refugees of genocide in Rwanda and Sudan and the victims of the tsunami in Sri Lanka, the provision of doctors and medical supplies to earthquake victims in Haiti and aid to victims of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans; and

Whereas, Israel receives vital military and security assistance from the United States, much of which, in turn, is  spent here in Arizona with its defense contractors, which benefits our state's economy and which hopefully will soon include Israeli pilots training on the new Joint Strike Fighters at Luke Air Force base; and

Whereas, Israel is the only true ally of the United States in the Middle East.


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Arizona:

1.  That the Members of the House of Representatives wholeheartedly support the Israeli government's call for peace and direct talks to lead us to that peace.

2.  That the Members of the House of Representatives stand in support of Israel as a beacon of democracy, reject any attempts to "delegitimize" the Nation of Israel and proclaim that all countries should recognize Israel's right to exist and its right to defend itself and its people.