Senate Engrossed




State of Arizona


Fiftieth Legislature

Second Regular Session










amending sections 16-311, 16‑312, 16‑341 and 16-351, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to nominating procedures.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 16-311, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE16-311.  Nomination papers; filing; definitions

A.  Any person desiring to become a candidate at a primary election for a political party and to have the person's name printed on the official ballot shall be a qualified elector of such party and, not less than ninety nor more than one hundred twenty days before the primary election, shall sign and cause to be filed a nomination paper giving the person's actual residence address or description of place of residence and post office address, naming the party of which the person desires to become a candidate, stating the office and district or precinct, if any, for which the person offers the person's candidacy, stating the exact manner in which the person desires to have the person's name printed on the official ballot pursuant to subsection G of this section, and giving the date of the primary election and, if nominated, the date of the general election at which the person desires to become a candidate.  A candidate for public office shall be a qualified elector at the time of filing and shall reside in the county, district or precinct which that the person proposes to represent.

B.  Any person desiring to become a candidate at any nonpartisan election and to have the person's name printed on the official ballot shall be at the time of filing a qualified elector of such county, city, town or district and, not less than ninety nor more than one hundred twenty days before the election, shall sign and cause to be filed a nomination paper giving the person's actual residence address or description of place of residence and post office address, stating the office and county, city, town or district and ward or precinct, if any, for which the person offers the person's candidacy, stating the exact manner in which the person desires to have the person's name printed on the official ballot pursuant to subsection G of this section and giving the date of the election.  A candidate for office shall reside at the time of filing in the county, city, town, district, ward or precinct which that the person proposes to represent.

C.  Notwithstanding subsection B to the contrary of this section, any city or town may adopt by ordinance for its elections the time frame provided in subsection A of this section for filing nomination petitions.  Such ordinance shall be adopted not less than one hundred twenty days before the first election to which it applies.

D.  All persons desiring to become a candidate shall file with the nomination paper provided for in subsection A of this section an affidavit, which shall be printed in a form prescribed by the secretary of state.  The affidavit shall include facts sufficient to show that, other than the residency requirement provided in subsection A of this section and the satisfaction of any monetary penalties, fines or JUDGMENTS as prescribed in subsection I of this section, the candidate will be qualified at the time of election to hold the office the person seeks, and that for any monetary penalties, fines or JUDGMENTS as prescribed in subsection I of this section, the candidate has made complete payment before the time of filing.

E.  The nomination paper of a candidate for the office of United States senator or representative in Congress, for the office of presidential elector or for a state office, including a member of the legislature, or for any other office for which the electors of the entire state or a subdivision of the state greater than a county are entitled to vote, shall be filed with the secretary of state no later than 5:00 p.m. on the last date for filing.

F.  The nomination paper of a candidate for superior court judge or for a county, district and precinct office for which the electors of a county or a subdivision of a county other than an incorporated city or town are entitled to vote shall be filed with the county elections officer no later than 5:00 p.m. on the last date for filing as prescribed by subsection A of this section.  The nomination paper of a candidate for a city or town office shall be filed with the city or town clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on the last date for filing.  The nomination paper of a candidate for school district office shall be filed with the county school superintendent no later than 5:00 p.m. on the last date for filing.

G.  The nomination paper shall include the exact manner in which the candidate desires to have the person's name printed on the official ballot and shall be limited to the candidate's surname and given name or names, an abbreviated version of such names or appropriate initials such as "Bob" for "Robert", "Jim" for "James", "Wm." for "William" or "S." for "Samuel". Nicknames are permissible, but in no event shall nicknames, abbreviated versions or initials of given names suggest reference to professional, fraternal, religious or military titles.  No other descriptive name or names shall be printed on the official ballot, except as provided in this section. Candidates' abbreviated names or nicknames may be printed within quotation marks.  The candidate's surname shall be printed first, followed by the given name or names.

H.  A person who does not file a timely nomination paper that complies with this section is not eligible to have the person's name printed on the official ballot for that office.  The filing officer shall not accept the nomination paper of a candidate for state or local office unless the person provides or has provided all of the following:

1.  The nomination petition required by this title.

2.  A political committee statement of organization or the five hundred dollar threshold exemption statement for that office.

3.  The financial disclosure statement as prescribed for candidates for that office.

4.  The affidavit of qualification and eligibility as prescribed in subsection D of this section.

I.  The filing officer shall not accept the nomination paper of a candidate for state or local office if the person is liable for an aggregation of one thousand dollars or more in fines, penalties, late fees or administrative or civil judgments, including any interest or costs, in any combination, that have not been fully satisfied at the time of the attempted filing of the nomination paper and the liability arose from failure to comply with or enforcement of chapter 6 of this title.

I.  J.  For the purposes of this title:

1.  "Election district" means the state, any county, city, town, precinct or other political subdivision or a special district which that is not a political subdivision, which that is authorized by statute to conduct an election and which that is authorized or required to conduct its election in accordance with this title.

2.  "Nomination paper" means the form filed with the appropriate office by a person wishing to declare the person's intent to become a candidate for a particular political office. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 16-312, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE16-312.  Filing of nomination papers for write‑in candidates

A.  Any person desiring to become a write‑in candidate for an elective office in any election shall file a nomination paper, signed by the candidate, giving the person's actual residence address or description of place of residence and post office address, age, length of residence in the state and date of birth.

B.  A write‑in candidate shall file the nomination paper not later than 5:00 p.m. on the fortieth day before the election, except that:

1.  A candidate running as a write‑in candidate as provided in section 16‑343, subsection D shall file the nomination paper not later than 5:00 p.m. on the fifth day before the election.

2.  A candidate running as a write-in candidate for an election that may be canceled pursuant to section 48‑1082, 16‑410 shall file the nomination paper not later than 5:00 p.m. on the seventy-sixth day before the election.

C.  The write‑in filing procedure shall be in the same manner as prescribed in section 16‑311.  Any person who does not file a timely nomination paper shall not be counted in the tally of ballots.  The filing officer shall not accept the nomination paper of a candidate for state or local office unless the candidate provides or has provided both of the following:

1.  A political committee statement of organization or the five hundred dollar threshold exemption statement for that office.

2.  The financial disclosure statement as prescribed for candidates for that office.

D.  The filing officer shall not accept the nomination paper of a write-in candidate for state or local office if the person is liable for an aggregation of one thousand dollars or more in fines, penalties, late fees or administrative or civil judgments, including any interest or costs, in any combination, that have not been fully satisfied at the time of the attempted filing of the nomination paper and the liability arose from failure to comply with or enforcement of chapter 6 of this title.

D.  E.  The secretary of state shall notify the various boards of supervisors as to write‑in candidates filing with the secretary of state's office.  The county school superintendent shall notify the appropriate board of supervisors as to write‑in candidates filing with the superintendent's office.  The board of supervisors shall notify the appropriate election board inspector of all candidates who have properly filed such statements.  In the case of a city or town election, the city or town clerk shall notify the appropriate election board inspector of candidates properly filed.  No other write‑ins shall be counted.  The election board inspector shall post the notice of official write‑in candidates in a conspicuous location within the polling place.

E.  F.  Except as provided in section 16‑343, subsection E, a candidate may not file pursuant to this section if any of the following applies:

1.  For a candidate in the general election, the candidate ran in the immediately preceding primary election and failed to be nominated to the office sought in the current election.

2.  For a candidate in the general election, the candidate filed a nomination petition for the immediately preceding primary election for the office sought and failed to provide a sufficient number of valid petition signatures as prescribed by section 16‑322.

3.  For a candidate in the primary election, the candidate filed a nomination petition for the current primary election for the office sought and failed to provide a sufficient number of valid petition signatures as prescribed by section 16‑322.

4.  For a candidate in the general election, the candidate filed a nomination petition for nomination other than by primary for the office sought and failed to provide a sufficient number of valid petition signatures as prescribed by section 16‑341.

F.  G.  A person who files a nomination paper pursuant to this section for the office of president of the United States shall designate in writing to the secretary of state at the time of filing the name of the candidate's vice‑presidential running mate, the names of presidential electors who will represent that candidate and a statement signed by the vice‑presidential running mate and designated presidential electors that indicates their consent to be designated.  A nomination paper for each presidential elector designated shall be filed with the candidate's nomination paper.  The number of presidential electors shall equal the number of United States senators and representatives in Congress from this state. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 16-341, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE16-341.  Nomination petition; method and time of filing; form; qualifications and number of petitioners required

A.  Any qualified elector who is not a registered member of a political party that is recognized pursuant to this title may be nominated as a candidate for public office otherwise than by primary election or by party committee pursuant to this section.

B.  This article shall not be used to place on the general election ballot the name of a political party that fails to meet the qualifications specified in section 16‑802 or 16‑804, or the name of any candidate representing such party or the name of a candidate who has filed a nomination petition in the immediately preceding primary election and has failed to qualify as the result of an insufficient number of valid signatures.

C.  A nomination petition stating the name of the office to be filled, the name and residence of the candidate and other information required by this section shall be filed with the same officer with whom primary nomination papers and petitions are required to be filed as prescribed in section 16‑311.  Except for candidates for the office of presidential elector filed pursuant to this section, the petition shall be filed at the same time as primary nomination papers and petitions are required to be filed as prescribed by section 16‑311.  The petition shall be signed only by voters who have not signed the nomination petitions of a candidate for the office to be voted for at that primary election.

D.  The nomination petition shall be in substantially the following form:

The undersigned, qualified electors of __________ county, state of Arizona, do hereby nominate __________, who resides at __________ in the county of __________, as a candidate for the office of __________ at the general (or special, as the case may be) election to be held on the __________ day of __________,  _____.

I hereby declare that I have not signed the nomination petitions of any candidate for the office to be voted for at this primary election, and I do hereby select the following designation under which name the said candidate shall be placed on the official ballot (here insert such designation not exceeding three words in length as the signers may select).

E.  The nomination petition shall conform as nearly as possible to the provisions relating to nomination petitions of candidates to be voted for at primary elections and shall be signed by at least the number of persons who are registered to vote determined by calculating three per cent of the persons who are registered to vote of the state, county, subdivision or district for which the candidate is nominated who are not members of a political party that is qualified to be represented by an official party ballot at the next ensuing primary election and accorded representation on the general election ballot.

F.  The percentage of persons who are registered to vote necessary to sign the nomination petition shall be determined by the total number of registered voters from other than political parties that are qualified to be represented by an official party ballot at the next ensuing primary election and accorded representation on the general election ballot in the state, county, subdivision or district on March 1 of the year in which the general election is held.  Notwithstanding the method prescribed by subsection E of this section and this subsection for calculating the minimum number of signatures necessary, any person who is registered to vote in the state, county, subdivision or district for which the candidate is nominated is eligible to sign the nomination petition without regard to the signer's party affiliation.

G.  A nomination petition for any candidate may be circulated by a person who is not a resident of this state but who is otherwise eligible to register to vote in this state if that person registers as a circulator with the secretary of state before circulating petitions.  The nomination petition for the office of presidential elector shall include a group of names of candidates equal to the number of United States senators and representatives in Congress from this state instead of separate nomination petitions for each candidate for the office of presidential elector.  A valid signature on a petition containing a group of presidential electors candidates is counted as a signature for the nomination of each of the candidates.  The presidential candidate whom the candidates for presidential elector will represent shall designate in writing to the secretary of state the names of the candidates who will represent the presidential candidate before any signatures for the candidate can be accepted for filing.  A nomination petition for the office of presidential elector shall be filed not less than sixty nor more than ninety days before the general election.  The petition shall be signed only by qualified electors who have not signed the nomination petitions of a candidate for the office of presidential elector to be voted for at that election.

H.  The secretary of state shall require in the instructions and procedures manual issued pursuant to section 16‑452 that persons who circulate nomination petitions pursuant to this section and who are not residents of this state but who are otherwise eligible to register to vote in this state shall register as circulators with the office of the secretary of state before circulating petitions.  The secretary of state shall provide for a method of receiving service of process for those petition circulators who are registered.

I.  A person who files a nomination paper pursuant to this section for the office of president of the United States shall designate in writing to the secretary of state at the time of filing the name of the candidate's vice‑presidential running mate, the names of the presidential electors who will represent that candidate and a statement that is signed by the vice‑presidential running mate and the designated presidential electors and that indicates their consent to be designated.  A nomination paper for each presidential elector designated shall be filed with the candidate's nomination paper.  The number of presidential electors shall equal the number of United States senators and representatives in Congress from this state.

J.  A candidate who does not file a timely nomination petition that complies with this section is not eligible to have the candidate's name printed on the official ballot for that office.  The filing officer shall not accept the nomination paper of a candidate for state or local office unless the candidate provides or has provided all of the following:

1.  The nomination petition required by this title.

2.  A political committee statement of organization or the five hundred dollar threshold exemption statement for that office.

3.  The financial disclosure statement as prescribed for candidates for that office.

K.  The filing officer shall not accept the nomination paper of a candidate for state or local office if the person is liable for an aggregation of one thousand dollars or more in fines, penalties, late fees or administrative or civil judgments, including any interest or costs, in any combination, that have not been fully satisfied at the time of the attempted filing of the nomination paper and the liability arose from failure to comply with or enforcement of chapter 6 of this title. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4.  Section 16-351, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE16-351.  Limitations on appeals of validity of nomination petitions; disqualification of candidate

A.  Any elector filing any court action challenging the nomination of a candidate as provided for in this chapter shall do so no later than 5:00 p.m. of the tenth day, excluding Saturday, Sunday and other legal holidays, after the last day for filing nomination papers and petitions.  The elector shall specify in the action the petition number, line number and basis for the challenge for each signature being challenged. Failure to specify this information shall result in the dismissal of the court action.  Within ten days after the filing of the action, the superior court shall hear and render a decision on the matter.  Such decision shall be appealable only to the supreme court, and notice of appeal shall be filed within five days after the decision of the superior court in the action.  The supreme court shall hear and render a decision on the appeal promptly.

B.  Any elector may challenge a candidate for any reason relating to qualifications for the office sought as prescribed by law, including age, residency, or professional requirements or failure to fully pay fines, penalties or judgments as prescribed in sections 16‑311, 16‑312 and 16‑341, if applicable.

C.  In any action challenging a nomination petition, the following persons are indispensable parties to the action and shall be named and served as defendants:

1.  The candidate whose petition is the subject of the challenge.

2.  The officer with whom the petitions are required to be filed.

3.  The board of supervisors and the recorder of each county or the clerk of each city or town who is responsible for preparing the ballots that contain the challenged candidate's name.

D.  For the purposes of an action challenging nomination petitions, the board of supervisors and the recorder of each county or the clerk of each city or town responsible for preparing the ballots that contain the challenged candidate's name and each person filing a nomination petition under this chapter appoints the officer with whom the candidate files the nomination paper and petitions as the person's agent to receive service of process.  Process in an action challenging a nomination petition shall be served immediately after the action is filed and in no event more than twenty‑four hours after filing the action, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and other legal holidays.  Immediately on receipt of process served on the officer as agent for a person filing a nomination petition, the officer shall mail the process to the person and shall notify the person by telephone of the filing of the action.

E.  Notwithstanding the system used pursuant to section 16‑163, subsection D, the most current version of the general county register at the time of filing of a court action challenging a nomination petition shall constitute the official record to be used to determine on a prima facie basis by the challenger that the signer of a petition was not registered to vote at the residence address given, or at the address on the general county register if a mailing address was given, on the date of signing of the petition.  This subsection does not preclude the challenged candidate from introducing into evidence a certified copy of the registration form of any signer of a petition dated on or before the date of the signing of the petition if the registration form is in the possession of the county recorder but has not yet been filed in the general county register.

F.  In addition to the procedures set forth in this section, all petitions that have been submitted by a candidate who is found guilty of petition forgery shall be disqualified and that candidate shall not be eligible to seek election to a public office for a period of not less than five years. END_STATUTE

Sec. 5.  Emergency

This act is an emergency measure that is necessary to preserve the public peace, health or safety and is operative immediately as provided by law.