Senate Engrossed





State of Arizona


Fiftieth Legislature

Second Regular Session








A concurrent RESOLUTION


supporting an increase in United states customs and border protection personnel in the tucson sector along the border between the united states and mexico.





Whereas, the United States Customs and Border Protection service (CBP) of the United States Department of Homeland Security is vested with a priority mission of enforcing immigration and drug laws and the responsibility for securing and facilitating trade; and

Whereas, the CBP includes both Border Patrol and Customs Field Office personnel; and

Whereas, the need to increase CBP personnel in the Tucson sector along the border between the United States and Mexico is critical to increasing border security as well as economic stability in our border communities; and

Whereas, the need to increase the number of Customs Field Office personnel who work at the port of entry in Nogales, Douglas and Yuma, Arizona is a vital component of the economic stability in our border communities and will increase border security between the United States and Mexico; and

Whereas, an integrated approach to securing the border and increasing economic stability along the border and in our border communities is important to residents living along the border and in our border communities; and

Whereas, increasing the number of Customs Field Office personnel at the port of entry in Nogales, Douglas and Yuma, Arizona will allow increased commercial traffic and will result in increased economic growth and stability for Arizona; and

Whereas, all of the benefits of increased economic stability in Arizona can be realized if the port of entry's workload capacity is increased and less congestion and delay result; and

Whereas, increasing the number of Customs Field Office personnel at the port of entry in Nogales, Douglas and Yuma, Arizona should be part of the infrastructure improvements that are occurring at the port of entry.


Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Arizona, the House of Representatives concurring:

A.  That, in order to secure the border between the United States and Mexico, to enhance the security of people and their property in the currently unsecure regions of the border and to increase economic growth and stability for the residents of Arizona, the Legislature:

1.  Supports the increase of Border Patrol personnel as called for in the Restore Our Border (ROB) Security Plan in the Tucson sector along the border between the United States and Mexico.

2.  Supports the increase of Customs Field Office personnel at the ports of entry in Nogales, Douglas and Yuma, Arizona.

B. That the Secretary of State of the State of Arizona transmit a copy of this resolution to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and each Member of Congress from the State of Arizona.