REFERENCE TITLE: resolution; George Rockwell




State of Arizona


Fiftieth Legislature

Second Regular Session




SR 1004


Introduced by

Senators Allen, Aboud, Crandall: Barto, Biggs, Burges, Cajero Bedford, Driggs, Gould, Gray, Griffin, Klein, Lewis, McComish, Melvin, Murphy, Nelson, Reagan, Shooter, Smith





honoring george "rocky" rockwell for fifty years of exceptional teaching service.





Whereas, George "Rocky" Rockwell is retiring as a teacher at Winslow High School after fifty years of outstanding service; and

Whereas, after graduating from Phoenix Union High School in 1954, Mr. Rockwell attended Arizona State College in Flagstaff where he received his B.S. degree in education in 1959 and his Master's degree in vocational education in 1962.  That year, he began his employment with Winslow High School as a metal shop instructor, a position he has held for a remarkable five decades; and

Whereas, throughout his career as an educator, Mr. Rockwell strived to make a positive difference in the lives of his students over the past five decades. In and out of the classroom, he instilled in his students practical knowledge and life lessons, and his tremendous efforts have enriched the lives of countless people in the Winslow community; and

Whereas, in recognition of his exceptional record of service, Winslow Unified School District renamed the high school's industrial arts building as the George "Rocky" Rockwell Industrial Arts Building; and

Whereas, Mr. Rockwell's unwavering commitment to excellence and his dedication to the thousands of young people who have entered his classroom over the years have earned him the respect and admiration of all who have had the privilege of knowing him.


Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Arizona:

That the Members of the Senate congratulate George "Rocky" Rockwell on the occasion of his retirement from Winslow High School and extend well‑deserved recognition for his fifty years of service to education.