House Engrossed




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fiftieth Legislature

Second Regular Session












amending section 28‑7671, Arizona Revised Statutes; repealing section 28‑7672, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending section 28‑7676, Arizona Revised Statutes; repealing Laws 1999, chapter 262, section 10, as amended by Laws 2005, chapter 150, section 2; relating to the highway expansion and extension loan program.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 28-7671, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-7671.  Definitions

In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:

1.  "Advisory committee" means the highway expansion and extension loan program advisory committee established by section 28‑7672.

2.  1.  "Eligible highway project" means a highway project that is both:

(a)  On the federal aid system, national highway system or state route or state highway system.

(b)  Included in either:

(i)  The department's state highway construction plan.

(ii)  The transportation improvement plan of a regional association of governments.

3.  2.  "Eligible transit capital project" means land, buildings or motor vehicles or a combination of land, buildings and motor vehicles that is included in the transportation improvement plan of a regional association of governments and that is part of the federal transit administration's rural public transportation program for entities that are eligible pursuant to section 28‑7676 and that have populations of less than fifty thousand persons.

4.  3.  "Federal SIB act" means section 350 of the national highway system designation act of 1995 (P.L. 104‑59; 109 Stat. 618), any regulations adopted pursuant to that section and any other provisions of federal law providing for state infrastructure banks, infrastructure credit programs and other grant programs for highway purposes and any regulations adopted pursuant to those laws.

5.  4.  "Fund" means the highway expansion and extension loan program fund established by section 28‑7674.

6.  5.  "Indian tribe" means any Indian tribe, band, group or community that is recognized by the United States secretary of the interior and that exercises governmental authority within the limits of any Indian reservation under the jurisdiction of the United States government, notwithstanding the issuance of any patent and including rights‑of‑way running through the reservation.

7.  6.  "Loan repayment agreement" means one or more loan agreements, instruments or other agreements providing for repayment of a loan or other financial assistance and entered into by this state or its agencies, including the department, or a political subdivision or Indian tribe.

8.  7.  "Political subdivision" means a county, city, town or special taxing district authorized by law to construct an eligible project.

9.  8.  "SIB cooperative agreement" means a cooperative agreement or agreements entered into by the Arizona department of transportation with the United States department of transportation pursuant to this article and the federal SIB act.END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Repeal

Section 28-7672, Arizona Revised Statutes, is repealed.

Sec. 3.  Section 28-7676, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-7676.  Eligible project loans and other financial assistance

A.  A political subdivision or this state or its agencies, including the department, may apply to the transportation board for any loan or other financial assistance from the fund to support an eligible project.

B.  An Indian tribe may apply to the board for any loan or other financial assistance from the fund to support an eligible project that the board determines provides substantial public benefits.

C.  Through December 31, 2004, of the total amount of monies and other assets in the fund, the board shall provide loans and other financial assistance for use as follows:

1.  Fifty per cent in counties with a population of one million two hundred thousand or more persons according to the most recent United States decennial census.

2.  Twenty‑five per cent in counties with a population of five hundred thousand or more but less than one million two hundred thousand persons according to the most recent United States decennial census.

3.  Twenty‑five per cent in counties with a population of less than five hundred thousand persons according to the most recent United States decennial census.

D.  The percentages prescribed in subsection C of this section apply over the prescribed time period and are not yearly allocations but do not apply to loans made by the board before August 6, 1999.

E.  In compliance with any applicable federal requirements, the board shall:

1.  Approve, disapprove or modify the a simplified application form and guidelines developed by the advisory committee.

2.  Prescribe a simplified procedure to apply for and approve financial assistance.

3.  Consider at least the following in selecting which eligible projects shall receive financial assistance:

(a)  Economic benefits.

(b)  Mobility.

(c)  Air quality.

(d)  Safety.

(e)  How quickly the applicant proposes to repay the loan.

(f)  The ability of the applicant to repay a loan according to the terms and conditions established by this section.

(g)  The availability of assistance for projects located in smaller cities and towns and rural areas.

4.  Give a preference of up to twenty per cent to eligible projects that include local, federal or private financial participation in accelerating the project.  This preference shall be commensurate with the level of local, federal or private financial participation.  The greater the percentage of local, federal or private financial participation is to the total cost of the project, the greater the preference that shall be given to the project.

F.  The board may take any of the actions prescribed in subsection E of this section by resolution.

G.  The board may impose conditions the board deems necessary to ensure that financial assistance under this article is used according to law and to comply with the applicable requirements of the federal SIB act and SIB cooperative agreements.

H.  A loan under this section shall:

1.  Bear interest at or below the market interest rate or rates, as determined by the board, to make the project that is the subject of the loan feasible.  The interest rate for any loan shall be uniform with interest rates for comparable loans.

2.  If the source of the loan is monies designated pursuant to a SIB cooperative agreement, be repaid not longer than ten years after the date the highway project is open to traffic.

3.  If the source of the loan is monies other than those monies designated pursuant to a SIB cooperative agreement, be repaid not longer than five years after the date the highway project is open to traffic.

4.  Be conditioned on the identification of a revenue source for repaying the loan.

5.  Not be made for the nonfederal share of any project that has received a grant under title 23, United States Code.

6.  If made to an Indian tribe, be conditioned on the establishment of a dedicated source under the control of a tribally chartered corporation or another tribal entity that is subject to suit by the attorney general to enforce the loan repayment agreement or be secured by assets that, in the event of default of the loan repayment agreement, are subject to execution by the attorney general without the waiver of any claim of sovereign immunity by the tribe.

I.  The approval of a loan is conditioned on a written commitment by the political subdivision, the Indian tribe or this state or its agencies to complete all applicable reviews and approvals and to secure all required permits in a timely manner.

J.  On the request of the board, the attorney general shall take whatever actions are necessary to enforce a loan repayment agreement and achieve repayment of loans provided by the board pursuant to this article.

K.  The state treasurer, to the extent not otherwise expressly prohibited by law, may withhold from a defaulting city, town or county the next succeeding distribution of monies pursuant to chapter 18, article 2 of this title and section 42‑6107 otherwise distributable to it, to the extent necessary to meet the certified amount of the deficiency, and shall deposit in the appropriate subaccount in the fund the amount so withheld, except that the state treasurer shall not withhold from the distribution any amount that is necessary, as certified in writing by the defaulting city, town or county to the state treasurer and the director, to make any required deposits then due for payment of principal and interest on bonds issued by a city or town pursuant to title 48, chapter 4, article 5 or by a county pursuant to title 11, chapter 2, article 12.  Amounts so certified shall be distributed to the city, town or county.  The withholding and deposit in the appropriate subaccount in the fund by the state treasurer shall continue until the director certifies to the state treasurer that the default has been cured.

L.  The recipient of any loan retains sole responsibility to ensure that any related eligible project is in compliance with any applicable federal, state or local environmental or other laws, rules or regulations. The board does not assume any responsibility for compliance by the awarding of financial assistance or other actions under this article.  The awarding of financial assistance or any other actions by the board under this article do not constitute actions that subject the board to compliance with state or local environmental or other laws.

M.  This article does not authorize a political subdivision to issue any bonds or incur any debt except in compliance with applicable law.

N.  In order to repay any loan or other financial assistance from the fund, this state or its agencies, including the department, and a political subdivision may enter into a loan repayment agreement with the board.

O.  A loan repayment agreement may be payable by a political subdivision, this state or its agencies or an Indian tribe from any revenues otherwise authorized by law to be used or pledged for street and highway purposes and may be secured by any other revenues authorized by law to be pledged to repay long‑term obligations.  Notwithstanding chapters 17 and 18 of this title, a loan repayment agreement may be payable from monies in a regional area road fund construction account and from revenues distributed pursuant to section 28‑6538, subsection B.

P.  Payments made pursuant to a loan repayment agreement are not subject to section 42‑17106.

Q.  This section is exempt from title 41, chapter 6.END_STATUTE

Sec. 4.  Repeal

Laws 1999, chapter 262, section 10, as amended by Laws 2005, chapter 150, section 2, is repealed.