Bill Number: H.B. 2109

                                                                                                             Melvin Floor Amendment

                                                                                         Reference to: House engrossed bill

                                                                                   Amendment drafted by: Lauren Erdelyi





Clarifies license fees for annual renewal of contractor licenses and makes technical changes.

Fifty-first Legislature                                                    Melvin

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2109






(Reference to House engrossed bill)



Page 1, after line 19, insert:

“Sec 2.  Section 32-1126, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

32‑112632-1126.  Fees

A.  The license fees prescribed by this chapter shall be as follows:

1.  Application and license fees for an original biennial license:

(a)  For general residential contracting and subclassifications of general residential contracting, not more than five hundred dollars.

(b)  For general commercial contracting and subclassifications of general commercial contracting, not more than  one thousand five hundred dollars.

(c)  For general dual licensed contracting, not more than two thousand dollars.

(d)  For specialty residential contracting, not more than three hundred fifty  dollars.

(e)  For specialty commercial contracting, not more than one thousand dollars.

(f)  For specialty dual licensed contracting, not more than one thousand three hundred fifty dollars.

2.  Biennial license renewal fee:

(a)  For general residential contracting and subclassifications of general residential contracting, not more than three hundred twenty dollars.

(b)  For general commercial contracting and subclassifications of general commercial contracting, not more than one thousand dollars.

(c)  For general dual licensed contracting, not more than one thousand three hundred twenty dollars.

(d)  For specialty residential contracting, not more than two hundred seventy dollars.

(e)  For specialty commercial contracting, not more than nine hundred dollars.

(f)  For specialty dual licensed contracting, not more than one thousand one hundred seventy dollars.

b.  the fee for an annual license renewal granted pursuant to section 32-1123.01 shall be one-half of the biennial license renewal fee.

B. c.  The registrar may establish reasonable fees for services performed by the registrar relating to reexaminations, processing of applications for change, changes of qualifying party and approval of name changes on licenses.

C. d.  The penalty for failure to apply for renewal of a license within the time prescribed by this chapter shall be fifty dollars.

D. e.  The registrar may establish a separate fee for examination.

E. f.  The registrar may contract with private testing services to establish and administer such examinations and may authorize the payment of the examination fee to the private testing service.” 32‑1126

Amend title to conform






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