Fifty-first Legislature                                                      Fann

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2185




(Reference to printed bill)


I move the following SUBSTITUTE amendment to the COMMERCE Committee Amendment to

HOUSE BILL 2185 (Reference to printed bill)



Page 3, line 20, after "business" insert "or who is designated by the owner"

Page 4, line 6, strike "27 28" insert 27

Page 5, strike lines 44 and 45

Renumber to conform

Page 7, strike lines 27 through 29

Renumber to conform

Page 9, line 24, after "any" strike remainder of line; strike lines 25 and 26, insert "information regarding the alarm subscribers of the alarm business without a court order, except that if law enforcement is requested to respond, the name, address and contact information of the subscribers may be required."

Line 39, after "title" insert "and has submitted a full set of fingerprints to the registrar of contractors pursuant to section 32‑1122"

Line 42, after "32-122.06" insert "or the alarm agent has submitted a full set of fingerprints to the registrar of contractors pursuant to section 32‑1122 and either is a licensed contractor pursuant to chapter 10 of this title or is employed by a licensed contractor pursuant to chapter 10 of this title"

Page 10, line 37, strike "each" insert "the"

Line 45, strike "The applicant"

Page 11, strike lines 1 and 2

Line 24, strike "shall" insert "may"

Line 26, after the period strike remainder of line; strike line 27

Page 12, line 3, after "certificate" insert "or renewal certificate"

Line 22, strike "employed by an alarm business" insert "placed in an alarm agent position"

Amend title to conform



Karen Fann





11:30 AM

C: mu




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Printed On: March 12, 2013 02:34 PM