Fifty-first Legislature                                                   Stevens

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2483




(Reference to printed bill)



Page 275, line 2, after the period strike remainder of line, insert "Notwithstanding any other law,"

Line 5, after "medium" insert "having the largest circulation"

Line 6, after the period insert "Notices may be published on additional public mediums."

Line 8, after "medium" insert "having the largest circulation"

Line 9, after "county" insert "nearest to the vicinity of the affected area"

Line 11, after "medium" insert "having the largest circulation"

Line 12, after "county" insert "nearest to the vicinity of the affected area"; after the period insert "Notices may be published on additional public mediums."

Line 15, after "medium" insert "having the largest circulation"; after "thereof" insert "nearest to the vicinity of the affected area"

Line 18, after "medium" insert "having the largest circulation"

Line 19, after "located" insert "nearest to the vicinity of the affected area"; after the period insert "Notices may be published on additional public mediums."

Between lines 30 and 31, insert:

"Sec. 186.  Section 39-221, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE39-221.  Price for printing; size of type

A.  The maximum price which that shall be paid for public printing and advertising, and for publications required by law, shall be at a rate per column inch, per insertion, charged for legal advertising as shown by the local rate card of the newspaper in public medium on which publication is to be made.

B.  The rate charged for public printing and advertising, and for publications required by law, shall not exceed the rate charged on January 1, 2013.

B.  C.  Unless otherwise specifically provided by law, the type used for such publications and legal advertising shall not be larger than the regular body type of the newspaper in public medium on which it is published.END_STATUTE"

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform



David W. Stevens





2:54 PM

C: ns