Fifty-first Legislature                                                Goodale

First Regular Session                                                H.B. 2500





I move the following SUBSTITUTE amendment to the EDUCATION Committee amendment to HOUSE BILL 2500 (Reference to printed bill)


Page 2, line 32, strike "demonstrate" insert "maintain"; after "performance" insert "as defined by the governing board pursuant to section 15‑538, subsection c"

Line 39, strike "five" insert "ten"

Page 3, line 5, strike "G" insert "F"

Strike lines 6 through 11, insert:

"D.  A certificated teacher who is currently a continuing teacher as defined in section 15-538.01 but who has been designated after an evaluation conducted according to the requirements pursuant to section 15-537 in the lowest performance classification for the current school year shall become a probationary teacher as defined in section 15-536 for the subsequent school year and shall remain a probationary teacher until that teacher's performance classification is designated in either of the two highest performance classifications."

Page 4, line 3, strike "incentive" insert "improvement"

Line 14, after "classifications" insert "unless the teacher is in the first or second year of employment with the school district or has been reassigned to teach a new subject or grade level for the preceding or current school year"

Line 36, strike "annual"

Page 5, line 26, strike "made available" insert "provided in electronic format"; strike "in"

Line 27, strike "an electronic format,"; strike "made available" insert "provided"

Page 6, line 35, strike "sixty calendar" insert "forty-five instructional"

Line 39, strike "demonstrate" insert "maintain"

Line 40, after "performance" insert "as defined by the governing board pursuant to section 15-538, subsection C.  A notice of the governing board’s intention to dismiss or not to reemploy for inadequacy of classroom performance shall not be issued until the district has completed an observation at the conclusion of a performance improvement plan issued pursuant to subsection B"

Page 7, line 3, after "any" insert "valid"

Line 26, strike "Subject to sections 15‑539, 15‑540, 15‑541, 15‑544 and"

Line 27, strike "15‑546,"

Page 8, strike lines 5 through 10, insert:

"C.  A certificated teacher who is currently a continuing teacher as defined in this section but who has been designated after an evaluation conducted according to the requirements pursuant to section 15‑537 in the lowest performance classification for the current school year shall become a probationary teacher as defined in section 15-536 for the subsequent school year and shall remain a probationary teacher until that teacher's performance classification is designated in either of the two highest performance classifications."

Line 14, after "In" strike remainder of line; strike line 15, insert "the lowest performance classification for the previous school year or who has not regained continuing status after being designated as a probationary teacher pursuant to subsection C of this section."

Page 9, line 29, after the period strike remainder of line; strike lines 30 through 36, insert "If the governing board of a school district has received approval to budget for a career ladder program, the governing board may define inadequacy of classroom performance by establishing a single level of performance that is required of all teachers or by establishing more than one required level of performance.  If more than one level is established, the same level of performance for minimum adequacy shall be required of all teachers who have completed the same number of years of teaching in the district."

Amend title to conform


                                                         DORIS GOODALE



2:32 PM
