Bill Number: S.B. 1174

                                                                                                     Yarbrough Floor Amendment

                                                            Reference to: the FINANCE committee amendment

                                                                                        Amendment drafted by: Leg Council






Requires the board to establish a separate account that consists of payments of subsidies for group health and accident coverage for retired members.  Prohibits the use or diversion of the corpus or income for any purpose unless liabilities under this section are satisfied.  Changes are needed to allow the subsidy to continue as a pre-tax benefit and to bring the plan into conformity with the Internal Revenue Code as a result of compliance review.


Fifty-first Legislature                                                 Yarbrough

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1174



(Reference to FIN amendment)


Page 1, before line 1, insert:

Page 9, lines 4 and 17, strike "fund" insert "separate account established pursuant to subsection G of this section"

Between lines 11 and 12, insert:

Between lines 13 and 14, insert:

"G.  The board shall establish a separate account that consists of the benefits provided in this section.  The board shall deposit the benefits provided by this section in the account.  The board shall not use or divert any part of the corpus or income of the account for any purpose other than the provision of benefits pursuant to this section unless the liabilities to provide the benefits pursuant to this section are satisfied.  If the liabilities to provide the benefits described in this section are satisfied, the board shall return any amount remaining in the account to the employer.

H.  Payment of the benefits provided by this section is subject to the following conditions:

1.  The payment of the benefits is subordinate to the payment of retirement benefits payable by the plan.

2.  The total of contributions for the benefits and actual contributions for life insurance protection, if any, shall not exceed twenty‑five per cent of the total actual employer and employee contributions to the plan, minus the contributions to fund past service credits, after the day the account is established.

3.  The contributions by the employer to the account shall be reasonable and ascertainable."

Amend title to conform






8:47 AM

C: mjh