Fifty-first Legislature                                                 Elections

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1326




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 1, between lines 1 and 2, insert:

"Section 1.  Section 16-168, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE16-168.  Precinct registers; date of preparation; contents; copies; reports; statewide database; violation; classification

A.  By the tenth day preceding the primary and general elections the county recorder shall prepare from the original registration forms or from electronic media at least four lists that are printed or typed on paper, or at least two electronic media poll lists, or any combination of both, of all qualified electors in each precinct in the county, and the lists shall be the official precinct registers.

B.  The official precinct registers for use at the polling place shall contain at least the names in full, party preference, date of registration and residence address of each qualified elector in the respective precincts. The names shall be in alphabetical order and, in a column to the left of the names, shall be numbered consecutively beginning with number 1 in each precinct register.

C.  For the purposes of transmitting voter registration information as prescribed by this subsection, electronic media shall be the principal media. A county or state chairman who is eligible to receive copies of precinct lists as prescribed by this subsection may request that the recorder provide a paper copy of the precinct lists.  In addition to preparing the official precinct lists, the county recorder shall provide a means for electronically reproducing the precinct lists.  Unless otherwise agreed, the county recorder shall deliver one electronic media copy of each precinct list in the county without charge and on the same day within eight days after the close of registration for the primary and general elections to the county chairman and one electronic media copy to the state chairman of each party that has at least four candidates other than presidential electors appearing on the ballot in that county at the current election.  The secretary of state shall establish a single format that prescribes the manner and template in which all county recorders provide this data to the secretary of state to ensure that the submissions are uniform from all counties in this state, that all submissions are identical in format, including the level of detail for voting history, and that information may readily be combined from two or more counties.  The electronic media copies of the precinct lists that are delivered to the party chairmen shall include for each elector the following information:

1.  Name in full and appropriate title.

2.  Party preference.

3.  Date of registration.

4.  Residence address.

5.  Mailing address, if different from residence address.

6.  Zip code.

7.  Telephone number if given.

8.  Birth year.

9.  Occupation if given.

10.  Voting history for all elections in the prior four years and any other information regarding registered voters that the county recorder or city or town clerk maintains electronically and that is public information.

11.  All data relating to permanent early voters and nonpermanent early voters, including ballot requests and ballot returns.

D.  The names on the precinct lists shall be in alphabetical order and the precinct lists in their entirety, unless otherwise agreed, shall be delivered to each county chairman and each state chairman within ten business days of the close of each date for counting registered voters prescribed by subsection G of this section other than the primary and general election registered voter counts in the same format and media as prescribed by subsection C of this section.  During the thirty-three days immediately preceding an election and on request from a county or state chairman, the county recorder shall provide at no cost a daily list of persons who have requested an early ballot and shall provide at no cost a weekly listing of persons who have returned their early ballots.  The recorder shall provide the daily and weekly information through the Friday preceding the election.  On request from a county chairman or state chairman, the county recorder of a county with a population of more than eight hundred thousand persons shall provide at no cost a daily listing of persons who have returned their early ballots.  The daily listing shall be provided Mondays through Fridays, beginning with the first Monday following the start of early voting and ending on the Monday before the election.

E.  Precinct registers and other lists and information derived from registration forms may be used only for purposes relating to a political or political party activity, a political campaign or an election, for revising election district boundaries or for any other purpose specifically authorized by law and may not be used for a commercial purpose as defined in section 39‑121.03.  The sale of registers, lists and information derived from registration forms to a candidate or a registered political committee for a use specifically authorized by this subsection does not constitute use for a commercial purpose.  The county recorder, on a request for an authorized use and within thirty days from receipt of the request, shall prepare additional copies of an official precinct list and furnish them to any person requesting them on payment of a fee equal to five cents for each name appearing on the register for a printed list and one cent for each name for an electronic data medium, plus the cost of the blank computer disk or computer software if furnished by the recorder, for each copy so furnished.

F.  Any person in possession of a precinct register or list, in whole or part, or any reproduction of a precinct register or list, shall not permit the register or list to be used, bought, sold or otherwise transferred for any purpose except for uses otherwise authorized by this section.  A person in possession of information derived from voter registration forms or precinct registers shall not distribute, post or otherwise provide access to any portion of that information through the internet except as authorized by subsection I of this section.  Nothing in this section shall preclude public inspection of voter registration records at the office of the county recorder for the purposes prescribed by this section, except that the month and day of birth date, the social security number or any portion thereof, the driver license number or nonoperating identification license number, the Indian census number, the father's name or mother's maiden name, the state or country of birth and the records containing a voter's signature shall not be accessible or reproduced by any person other than the voter, by an authorized government official in the scope of the official's duties, for any purpose by an entity designated by the secretary of state as a voter registration agency pursuant to the national voter registration act of 1993 (P.L. 103‑31; 107 Stat. 77), for signature verification on petitions and candidate filings, for election purposes and for news gathering purposes by a person engaged in newspaper, radio, television or reportorial work, or connected with or employed by a newspaper, radio or television station or pursuant to a court order.  A person who violates this subsection or subsection E of this section is guilty of a class 6 felony.

G.  The county recorder shall count the registered voters by political party by precinct, legislative district and congressional district as follows:

1.  In even numbered years, the county recorder shall count all persons who are registered to vote as of:

(a)  January 1.

(b)  March 1.

(c)  The last day on which a person may register to be eligible to vote in the next primary election.

(d)  The last day on which a person may register to be eligible to vote in the next general election.

(e)  The last day on which a person may register to be eligible to vote in the next presidential preference election.

2.  In odd numbered years, the county recorder shall count all persons who are registered to vote as of:

(a)  January 1.

(b)  April 1.

(c)  July 1.

(d)  October 1.

H.  The county recorder shall report the totals to the secretary of state as soon as is practicable following each of the dates prescribed in subsection G of this section.  The report shall include completed registration forms returned in accordance with section 16‑134, subsection B. The county recorder shall also provide the report in a uniform electronic computer media format that shall be agreed on between the secretary of state and all county recorders.  The secretary of state shall then prepare a summary report for the state and shall maintain that report as a permanent record.

I.  The county recorder and the secretary of state shall protect access to voter registration information in an auditable format and method specified in the secretary of state's electronic voting system instructions and procedures manual that is adopted pursuant to section 16‑452.

J.  The secretary of state shall develop and administer a statewide database of voter registration information that contains the name and registration information of every registered voter in this state.  The statewide database is a matter of statewide concern and is not subject to modification or further regulation by a political subdivision.  The database shall include an identifier that is unique for each individual voter.  The database shall provide for access by voter registration and public accountability commission officials and shall allow expedited entry of voter registration information after it is received by county recorders.  As a part of the statewide voter registration database, county recorders shall provide for the electronic transmittal of that information to the secretary of state on a real time basis.  The secretary of state shall provide for maintenance of the database, including provisions regarding removal of ineligible voters that are consistent with the national voter registration act of 1993 (P.L. 103‑31; 107 Stat. 77; 42 United States Code section 394) and the help America vote act of 2002 (P.L. 107‑252; 116 Stat. 1666; 42 United States Code sections 15301 through 15545), provisions regarding removal of duplicate registrations and provisions to ensure that eligible voters are not removed in error.  For the purpose of maintaining compliance with the help America vote act of 2002, each county voter registration system is subject to approval by the secretary of state for compatibility with the statewide voter registration database system.

K.  Except as provided in subsection L of this section, for requests for the use of registration forms and access to information as provided in subsections E and F of this section, the county recorder shall receive and respond to requests regarding federal, state and county elections.

L.  Beginning January 1, 2008, recognized political parties shall request precinct lists and access to information as provided in subsections E and F of this section during the time periods prescribed in subsection C or D of this section and the county recorder shall receive and respond to those requests.  If the county recorder does not provide the requested materials within the applicable time prescribed for the county recorder pursuant to subsection C or D of this section, a recognized political party may request that the secretary of state provide precinct lists and access to information as provided in subsections E and F of this section for federal, state and county elections.  The secretary of state shall not provide access to precinct lists and information for recognized political parties unless the county recorder has failed or refused to provide the lists and materials as prescribed by this section.  The secretary of state may charge the county recorder a fee determined by rule for each name or record produced.

M.  For municipal registration information in those municipalities in which the county administers the municipal elections, county and state party chairmen shall request and obtain voter registration information and precinct lists from the city or town clerk during the time periods prescribed in subsection C or D of this section.  If the city or town clerk does not provide that information within the same time prescribed for county recorders pursuant to subsection C or D of this section, the county or state party chairman may request and obtain the information from the county recorder.  The county recorder shall provide the municipal voter registration and precinct lists within the time prescribed in subsection C or D of this section.

N.  The county recorders and the secretary of state shall not prohibit any person or entity prescribed in subsection C of this section from distributing a precinct list to any person or entity that is deemed to be using the precinct list in a lawful manner as prescribed in subsections E and F of this section. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 16-924, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE16-924.  Civil penalties; public accountability commission; county, city or town attorney

A.  Unless another penalty is specifically prescribed in this title, if the filing officer for campaign finance reports designated pursuant to section 16‑916, subsection A has reasonable cause to believe that a person is violating any provision of this title, except for violations of chapter 6, article 2, the secretary of state shall notify the attorney general for a violation regarding a statewide office or the legislature, the county officer in charge of elections shall notify the county attorney for that county for a violation regarding a county office or the city or town clerk shall notify the city or town attorney for a violation regarding a city or town office. The attorney general public accountability commission pursuant to section 16‑957, the county attorney or the city or town attorney, as appropriate, may serve on the person an order requiring compliance with that provision.  The order shall state with reasonable particularity the nature of the violation and shall require compliance within twenty days from the date of issuance of the order.  The alleged violator has twenty days from the date of issuance of the order to request a hearing pursuant to title 41, chapter 6.

B.  If a person fails to take corrective action within the time specified in the compliance order issued pursuant to subsection A of this section, the attorney general public accountability commission pursuant to section 16-957, the county attorney or the city or town attorney, as appropriate, shall issue an order assessing a civil penalty of not more than one thousand dollars.  The person alleged to have violated the compliance order has thirty days from the date of issuance of the order assessing the civil penalty to request a hearing pursuant to title 41, chapter 6.

C.  Any party aggrieved by an order or decision of the attorney general public accountability commission pursuant to section 16-957, the county attorney or the city or town attorney, as appropriate, may appeal to the superior court as provided in title 12, chapter 7, article 6.

D.  For the purposes of this section, failure to comply with a compliance order issued by the attorney general public accountability commission pursuant to section 16-957, the county attorney or the city or town attorney, as appropriate, as prescribed in subsection A or B of this section is deemed an intentional act." END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Page 1, line 7, after "A." insert "notwithstanding any other law,"

Lines 10 and 20, after "compliance" insert ", rulemaking, monitoring"

Between lines 20 and 21, insert:

"C.  In all areas of enforcement, records of the public accountability commission are exempt from title 39, chapter 1, article 2 and are not public records until the commission receives a recommendation regarding enforcement."

Page 3, line 22, strike "ten" insert "twenty"

Line 24, after "administration" strike remainder of line

Strike line 25, insert a period

Line 26, strike "ten" insert "twenty"

Page 5, line 22, after the period insert "for"; after "box" strike remainder of line

Line 23, strike "dollar reduction in the amount of tax, and" insert a comma

Line 26, after "the" strike remainder of line

Strike line 27, insert "same page as other tax check-offs and credits."

Line 45, after the period insert "The secretary of state shall administer the fund.  Monies in the fund are continuously appropriated and are exempt from the provisions of section 35-190 relating to LAPSING of appropriations."

Page 9, strike lines 23, 24 and 25

Renumber to conform

Page 10, line 3, strike "9." insert "B.  On receipt of a written complaint signed by a complainant alleging a violation of article 1 of this chapter, this article, title 19, title 38, chapter 3.1 or title 41, chapter 7, article 8.2 or on their own initiative, the commission may"

Reletter to conform

Page 10, between lines 11 and 12, insert:

"C.  The commission may cooperate with and assist county recorders and county officers in charge of elections in providing mailings and other voter education and informational material to voters."

Reletter to conform

Line 15, after the period insert "In furtherance of its enforcement duties pursuant to this section, the commission may hire a licensed investigator."

Line 16, after "of" insert "article 1 of this chapter,"

Line 17, after "article" insert ", title 19, title 38, chapter 3.1 and title 41, chapter 7, article 8.2"

Line 30, after "commission" insert "regarding this title and title 19"

Line 36, after the period insert "except for rules relating to the 2014 election,"

Line 38, after the period insert "This subsection does not apply to rules regarding title 38, chapter 3.1 or title 41, chapter 7, article 8.2."

Page 12, between lines 27 and 28, insert:

"Sec. 12.  Section 16-1021, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE16-1021.  Enforcement by public accountability commission and county, city or town attorney

In any election for state office, members of the legislature, justices of the supreme court, judges of the court of appeals or statewide initiative or referendum the attorney general public accountability commission may enforce the provisions of this title through civil and criminal actions.  In any election for state office, members of the legislature, justices of the supreme court, judges of the court of appeals or statewide initiative or referendum, the attorney general may enforce the PROVISIONS of this title through criminal actions.  In any election for county, city or town office, community college district governing board, judge or a county, city or town initiative or referendum, the appropriate county, city or town attorney may enforce the provisions of this title through civil and criminal actions.  In any special district election, the county attorney of any county in which the district or a portion of the district is located or the attorney general may enforce the laws governing such election. END_STATUTE

Sec. 13.  Section 19-122, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE19-122.  Refusal of secretary of state to file petition or transmit facsimiles of signature sheets or affidavits of circulators; writ of mandamus; venue

A.  If the secretary of state refuses to accept and file a petition for the initiative or referendum, or proposal for a constitutional amendment that has been presented within the time prescribed, or if the secretary of state refuses to transmit the facsimiles of a signature sheet or sheets or affidavits of circulators to the county recorders for certification under section 19‑121.01, the secretary of state shall provide the person who submitted the petition, proposal, signature sheet or affidavit with a written statement of the reason for the refusal.  Within five calendar days after the refusal any citizen may apply to the superior court for a writ of mandamus to compel the secretary of state to file the petition or proposal or transmit the facsimiles, or the citizen may file a complaint with the county attorney or attorney general public accountability commission.  The county attorney or attorney general public accountability commission may apply, within five calendar days after the complaint is made, to the superior court for a writ of mandamus to compel the secretary of state to file the petition or proposal or transmit the facsimiles.  The action shall be advanced on the calendar and heard and decided by the court as soon as possible.  Either party may appeal to the supreme court within five calendar days after judgment.  If the court finds that the petition is legally sufficient, the secretary of state shall then file it, with a certified copy of the judgment attached as of the date on which it was originally offered for filing in the secretary of state's office.

B.  The most current version of the general county register statewide voter registration database at the time of filing a court action challenging an initiative or referendum petition shall constitute the official record to be used to determine on a prima facie basis by the challenger that the signer of a petition was not registered to vote at the address given on the date of signing the petition.  If the address of the signer given on the date of signing the petition is different from that on the most current version of the general county register, the county recorder shall examine the version of the general county register that was current on the date the signer signed the petition to determine the validity of the signature and to determine whether the person was eligible to sign the petition at the time of signing.  This subsection does not preclude introducing into evidence a certified copy of the affidavit of registration of any signer dated prior to the signing of the petition if the affidavit is in the possession of the county recorder but has not yet been filed in the general county register.

C.  Notwithstanding section 19‑121.04, if any petition filed is not legally sufficient, the court, in an action brought by any citizen, may enjoin the secretary of state or other officers from certifying or printing on the official ballot for the ensuing election the amendment or measure proposed or referred.  The action shall be advanced on the calendar and heard and decided by the court as soon as possible.  Either party may appeal to the supreme court within five days after judgment.

D.  The superior court in Maricopa county shall have jurisdiction of actions relating to measures and amendments to be submitted to the electors of the state at large.  With respect to actions relating to local and special measures, the superior court in the county, or in one of the counties, in which the measures are to be voted on shall have jurisdiction.END_STATUTE

Sec. 14.  Section 38-544, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-544.  Violation; classification

A.  Any public officer, local public officer or candidate who knowingly fails to file a financial disclosure statement required pursuant to section 38‑542, 38‑543 or 38‑545, who knowingly files an incomplete financial disclosure statement or who knowingly files a false financial disclosure statement is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor.

B.  Any public officer, local public officer or candidate who violates this chapter is subject to a civil penalty of fifty dollars for each day of noncompliance but not more than five hundred dollars that may be imposed as prescribed in section 16‑924 rules adopted by the public accountability commission pursuant to section 16-955."END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Page 13, line 6, strike "For administrative purposes only,"

Line 10, after the period insert "The incorporation of the commission into the department of state shall not affect the authority of the commission with respect to the clean elections fund, or the duties of the commission, its employment decisions and other administrative, education and enforcement authority."

Between lines 10 and 11, insert:

"Sec. 17.  Section 41-1237.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-1237.01.  Compliance orders; injunctive relief; civil penalties

A.  If the secretary of state public accountability commission has reasonable cause to believe that a person is violating any provision of this article, the secretary of state shall notify the attorney general and the attorney general public accountability commission may serve on the person an order requiring compliance with that provision.  The order shall state with reasonable particularity the nature of the violation and shall require compliance within twenty days from the date of issuance of the order. The alleged violator has twenty days from the date of issuance of the order to request a hearing pursuant to chapter 6, article 10 of this title.

B.  If a person does not request a hearing and fails to take corrective action within the time specified in the compliance order issued pursuant to subsection A of this section or if, after the hearing, the person fails to take corrective action in compliance with an order issued after the hearing within the time specified in the order, the attorney general public accountability commission shall issue an order assessing a civil penalty of not more than one thousand dollars.  The person alleged to have violated the compliance order has thirty days from the date of issuance of the order assessing the civil penalty to request a hearing pursuant to chapter 6, article 10 of this title.

C.  Except as provided in section 41‑1092.08, subsection H, any party aggrieved by a final order or decision of the attorney general public accountability commission may appeal to the superior court pursuant to title 12, chapter 7, article 6."END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Page 13, line 18, strike "public accountability commission,"

Line 19, after "any" insert "criminal"

Between lines 37 and 38, insert:

"3.  Refer to the public accountability commission for investigation any civil matter that the secretary of state has reason to believe CONSTITUTES a violation of any of the provisions of this article."

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform







03:44 PM