First Regular Session S.B. 1483
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 8, between lines 22 and 23, insert:
"Cross‑border prosecution 1,200,000"
Line 29, strike "$59,588,500" insert "$60,788,500"
Line 39, strike "3,450,300" insert "4,650,300"
Page 10, lines 4 and 7, strike "$1,611,100" insert "$1,720,100"
Page 11, after line 37, insert:
"The $400,400 appropriated from the public access fund for the corporation filings, same day service line item shall revert to the public access fund at the end of the fiscal year 2013‑2014 if the commission has not established a same day service pursuant to section 10‑122, Arizona Revised Statutes."
Page 19, line 36, strike “$121,396,600” insert “$126,396,600”
Page 47, line 15, strike “$10,304,400” insert “$10,450,500”
Page 60, between lines 27 and 28, insert:
"Sec. 116. State forester; appropriation; study; fiscal year 2013-2014
A. The sum of $100,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2013‑2014 to the state forester to provide a grant for a study that examines the resource management plans of counties selected by the Arizona natural resources review council. The study shall determine whether the resource management plans include specific desired outcomes of the county regarding the management of animal species deemed threatened or endangered by a federal agency, travel management rules and regulations of a federal agency and forest health, including desired tree densities and management strategies to reduce the risk of wildfire using private industry.
B. The scope of the study may be adjusted according to available resources and the study's projected cost. Among eligible counties, a multicounty collaboration may apply for a grant to perform the study. Applications for grant monies must include a detailed scope of work and have identified qualified vendors to perform the study. The Arizona natural resources review council shall approve the grant recipient."
Renumber to conform
Page 61, line 3, strike “$800,000” insert “$1,100,000”
Page 63, strike line 5
Page 69, strike lines 8, 9 and 10
Page 70, between lines 41 and 42, insert:
"F. In addition to the transfers made in subsection A of this section, the department of administration may charge the Arizona state retirement system and the Arizona department of agriculture for their proportionate shares of the cost of statewide information technology and automation projects, including the replacement of the state's financial and accounting system, known as the Arizona financial information system. The amounts charged to the Arizona state retirement system and the Arizona department of agriculture are estimated to be $151,000 and $21,500, respectively. Monies received pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited into the automation projects fund established by section 41-714, Arizona Revised Statutes."
Amend title to conform
12:50 pm