Fifty-first Legislature                                            Transportation

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2183






(Reference to House engrossed bill)



Page 1, strike lines 2 through 45

Strike page 2

Page 3, strike lines 1 through 20

Renumber to conform

Page 17, line 7, after the second comma, insert “for a class d or g license”

Page 26, line 21, strike “JULY” insert “june”

Page 27, line 19, after “requirements” insert “; applicability

Between lines 26 and 27, insert:

“d.  this section does not apply to any professional driver training school licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 23.”

Page 32, strike lines 30 through 44

Strike page 33

Page 34, strike lines 1 through 29, insert:

“Sec. 21.  Section 32-2351, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-2351.  Definitions

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

1.  "Agent" means any person who, for compensation, enrolls or attempts to enroll residents of this state in a professional driver training school through personal or telephone contact, advertisement, mail or any other type of publication.

2.  "Director" means the director of the department of transportation.

3.  "Instructor" means any person, whether acting for himself as an operator of a professional driver training school or for any such school for compensation, who teaches, conducts classes of, gives demonstrations to, or supervises the practice of persons learning to operate or drive motor vehicles or preparing to take an examination for a driver license or instruction permit, and any person who supervises the work of any other instructor.

4.  "Professional driver training school" or "school" means:

(a)  A business enterprise conducted by an individual, association, partnership, or corporation that educates and trains persons, either practically or theoretically, or both, to operate or drive commercial motor vehicles, that prepares applicants for an examination given by the state for a commercial driver license or instruction permit and that charges a consideration or tuition for these services.

(b)  A traffic survival school that offers training and educational sessions that are designed to improve the safety and habits of drivers and that are approved by the department to drivers who are required to attend and successfully complete those training and educational sessions pursuant to title 28.

Sec. 22.  Section 32-2353, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

END_STATUTE32-2353.  Exemptions; reporting requirement; immunity

A.  Except as provided in subsection B, This chapter does not apply to any person who gives driver training lessons without charge, to employers maintaining driver training schools without charge for their employees only or to schools or classes conducted by colleges, universities and high schools for regularly enrolled, full‑time students as a part of the normal program for such institutions.

B.  The director shall notify the superintendent of public instruction if the department suspends or revokes the driver license of a person who gives driver training lessons to high school students.

Renumber to conform

Page 35, strike line 25, insert:

(p) (q) Section 32-2371.”

Reletter to conform

Page 36, strike line 33, insert:

(o) (q) Section 32-2371.”

Reletter to conform

Page 37, line 22, strike “32-2371,” insert “32-2371,”

Page 38, line 16, strike “15-1851,”; strike “32-3021” insert “32-2351, 32-2353”

Amend title to conform






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