Fifty-first Legislature                                            Transportation

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2372




(Reference to House engrossed bill)


Page 1, line 32, strike "between licensed motor vehicle dealers"

Line 33, after "dealer" insert "only if the wholesale motor vehicle dealer does not have valid dealer license plates issued pursuant to section 28-4533, subsection B, paragraph 3"

Page 6, between lines 26 and 27, insert:

"Sec. 8.  Section 28-4409, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-4409.  Evidence of ownership requirement; exception

A.  Except as provided in section 28‑4410:

1.  Each dealer in motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers, including manufacturers who sell to other than dealers, having possession of a motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer shall have at the same time either:

(a)  Possession of a duly and regularly assigned certificate of title to the vehicle.

(b)  Reasonable indicia of ownership or right of possession as provided in section 28‑4410.

2.  A dealer or manufacturer shall not offer for sale or sell a motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer until the dealer or manufacturer has obtained a certificate of title to the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer, except that a certificate of title is not required for a new motor vehicle sold by manufacturers to dealers.

B.  A wholesale motor vehicle auction dealer is exempt from the requirement of having to possess a duly and regularly assigned certificate of title and from other requirements relating to the reassignment of title documents and disclosures to buyers.  A wholesale motor vehicle auction dealer may buy or sell a motor vehicle at wholesale in the wholesale motor vehicle auction dealer's own name if the wholesale motor vehicle auction dealer complies with the provisions of this title relating to certificates of title, reassignments of title documents and disclosures to buyers.

C.  A wholesale motor vehicle dealer must title in the name of the wholesale motor vehicle dealer any vehicle that the wholesale motor vehicle dealer acquires before the wholesale motor vehicle dealer transfers the vehicle to another licensed motor vehicle dealer.END_STATUTE"

Renumber to conform

Page 7, line 26, strike ",  or" insert ","

Line 27, strike "or a wholesale motor vehicle dealer" insert "or a wholesale motor vehicle dealer"

Page 10, between lines 3 and 4, insert:

"3.  For wholesale motor vehicle dealers, not more than two dealer license plates plus one additional license plate for every fifty vehicles that are sold based on reported sales in the previous license year.  All of the following requirements apply to dealer license plates issued pursuant to this paragraph:

(a)  Before the wholesale motor vehicle dealer's license continuation date, the wholesale motor vehicle dealer must submit evidence satisfactory to the department that the wholesale motor vehicle dealer has sold at least ten vehicles in the previous license year.

(b)  If the wholesale motor vehicle dealer does not submit the evidence prescribed in subdivision (a) of this paragraph, the department shall cancel the dealer license plates issued to the wholesale motor vehicle dealer.

(c)  The department shall not issue more than ten dealer license plates to a wholesale motor vehicle dealer pursuant to this paragraph."

Amend title to conform







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