Fifty-first Legislature                                Government and Environment

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2543






(Reference to House engrossed bill)



Page 3, after line 13, insert:

“Sec. 3.   Study committee on provisional community college districts;                 reimbursement payments; distribution; delayed repeal

A.  The study committee on provisional community college districts is established consisting of the following members:

1.  Three members of the senate who are appointed by the president of the senate, no more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party. The president of the senate shall appoint one of these members to serve as cochairperson of the committee. One of these members shall reside in a county that has a provisional community college district. The member appointed from a county that has a provisional community college district shall reside in a different county than the member who resides in a county that has a provisional community college district appointed pursuant to paragraph 2 of this subsection.

2.  Three members of the house of representatives who are appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, no more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party. The speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint one of these members to serve as cochairperson of the committee. One of these members shall reside in a county that has a provisional community college district.

3.  One representative of a community college district in this state, who is appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.

4.  One representative of a provisional community college district in this state, who is appointed by the president of the senate.

5.  The superintendent of public instruction or the superintendent’s designee.

B.  The study committee shall research and report on the financing, distribution of monies and funding options regarding provisional community college districts.

C.  The provisional community college district study committee may:

1.  Request information, data and reports from any state agency or political subdivision of this state.

2.  The committee shall meet at places and times as the cochairpersons deem necessary or convenient and all meetings shall be open to the public.

D.  The committee shall submit a report regarding the committee's findings and recommendations on or before December 31, 2013 to the governor, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives and provide a copy of this report to the secretary of state.

E.  This section is repealed from and after September 30, 2014.”

Amend title to conform






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