REFERENCE TITLE: ballot measures; titles; descriptions; impartial




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-first Legislature

First Regular Session




HB 2366


Introduced by

Representatives Mendez: Alston, Gonzales, McCune Davis





amending sections 19-101, 19-102 and 19-125, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to initiative and referendum.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 19-101, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE19-101.  Referendum petition; circulators; violation; classification

A.  The following shall be the form for referring to the people by referendum petition a measure or item, section or part of a measure enacted by the legislature, or by the legislative body of an incorporated city, town or county, which shall include an impartial official title:

official title

(Insert official title)

Referendum Description

(Insert a description of no more than one hundred words of the principal provisions of the measure sought to be referred.)

Notice:  This is only a description of the measure sought to be referred prepared by the sponsor of the measure.  It may not include every provision contained in the measure.  Before signing, make sure the title and text of the measure are attached.  You have the right to read or examine the title and text before signing.

Petition for Referendum

To the secretary of state  (or to the corresponding officer for or on local, county, city or town measures):

We, the undersigned citizens and qualified electors of the state of Arizona, respectfully order that the senate (or house) bill No. ___ (or other local, county, city or town measure) entitled (title of act or ordinance, and if the petition is against less than the whole act or ordinance then set forth here the item, section, or part, of any measure on which the referendum is used), passed by the _________________ session of the legislature of the state of Arizona, at the general (or special, as the case may be) session of said legislature, (or by a county, city or town legislative body) shall be referred to a vote of the qualified electors of the state, (county, city or town) for their approval or rejection at the next regular general election (or county, city or town election) and each for himself says:

I have personally signed this petition with my first and last names.  I have not signed any other petition for the same measure.  I am a qualified elector of the state of Arizona, county of (or city or town and county of, as the case may be) _____________.


It is a class 1 misdemeanor for any person to knowingly sign an initiative or referendum petition with a name other than his own, except in a circumstance where he signs for a person, in the presence of and at the specific request of such person, who is incapable of signing his own name because of physical infirmity, or to knowingly sign his name more than once for the same measure, or to knowingly sign such petition when he is not a qualified elector."

Signature     Name      Actual          Arizona       City or       Date

           (first and    address      post office       town       signed

            last name   (street &       address       (if any)

             printed)   no. and if        & zip

                        no street         code                       





(Fifteen lines for signatures which shall be numbered)

The validity of signatures on this sheet must be sworn to by the circulator before a notary public on the form appearing on the back of the sheet.

                                          Number ________________

B.  Each petition sheet shall have printed in capital letters in no less than twelve point bold‑faced type in the upper right‑hand corner of the face of the petition sheet the  following:

"___________ paid circulator"            "______________ volunteer".

C.  A circulator of a referendum petition shall state whether he is a paid circulator or volunteer by checking the appropriate line on the petition form before circulating the petition for signatures.

D.  Signatures obtained on referendum petitions in violation of subsection C are void and shall not be counted in determining the legal sufficiency of the petition.  The presence of signatures that are invalidated under this subsection on a petition does not invalidate other signatures on the petition that were obtained as prescribed by this section.END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 19-102, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE19-102.  Initiative petition; circulators

A.  The form of petition for a law or amendment to the constitution of this state or county legislative measure, or city or town ordinance, or amendment to a city or town charter proposed by the initiative to be submitted directly to the electors, shall be substantially in the form prescribed in section 19‑101, including an impartial official title, except that the title and body of such petition shall read:

    Initiative description

(Insert a description of no more than one hundred words of the principal provisions of the proposed measure or constitutional amendment.)

Notice:  This is only a description of the proposed measure (or constitutional amendment) prepared by the sponsor of the measure.  It may not include every provision contained in the measure.  Before signing, make sure the title and text of the measure are attached.  You have the right to read or examine the title and text before signing.

Initiative Measure to be Submitted Directly to Electors

We, the undersigned, citizens and qualified electors of the state of Arizona, respectfully demand that the following proposed law (or amendment to the constitution, or other initiative measure), shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the state of Arizona (county, city or town of ____________) for their approval or rejection at the next regular general election (or county, city or town election) and each for himself says: (terminate form same as a referendum petition.)

B.  Each petition sheet shall have printed in capital letters in no less than twelve point bold‑faced type in the upper right‑hand corner of the face of the petition sheet the following:

"___________ paid circulator"        " ______________ volunteer".

C.  A circulator of an initiative petition shall state whether he is a paid circulator or volunteer by checking the appropriate line on the petition form before circulating the petition for signatures.

D.  Signatures obtained on initiative petitions in violation of subsection C of this section are void and shall not be counted in determining the legal sufficiency of the petition.  The presence of signatures that are invalidated under this subsection on a petition does not invalidate other signatures on the petition that were obtained as prescribed by this section.END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 19-125, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE19-125.  Form of ballot

A.  The secretary of state, at the time he transmits to the clerks of the boards of supervisors a certified copy of the name of each candidate for public office, shall transmit to each clerk a certified copy of the official title, the descriptive title and the number of each measure and proposed amendment to the constitution to be voted on at the ensuing regular general election.

B.  Proposed constitutional amendments shall be numbered consecutively beginning with the number one hundred, proposed initiative measures shall be numbered consecutively beginning with the number two hundred, measures submitted under the referendum shall be numbered consecutively beginning with the number three hundred, and county and local issues shall be numbered consecutively beginning with the number four hundred.  Numbering shall be consecutive based on the order in which the initiative or referendum petitions are filed with the secretary of state.  Individual numbering shall continue from the last number used in the previous election and shall not be repeated until all one hundred numbers in that series have been used.  Proposed constitutional amendments shall be placed by themselves at the head of the ballot column, followed by initiated and referred measures in that order.  The number assigned to the measure by the secretary of state constitutes the official title of the measure and shall be used for identification of the measure by the state and the county in all subsequent official election materials, including the publicity pamphlet.

C.  The officer in charge of elections shall print the official title and the descriptive title of each measure on the official ballot in the order presented to him by the secretary of state unless otherwise provided by law. The number of the measure shall be in reverse type and at least twelve point type.  A proposed constitutional amendment shall be designated "proposed amendment to the constitution by the legislature", or "proposed amendment to the constitution by the initiative", as the case may be.  A measure referred by the legislature shall be designated "referred to the people by the legislature", a measure referred by petition shall be designated "referendum ordered by petition of the people" and a measure proposed by initiative petition shall be designated "proposed by initiative petition".

D.  There shall be printed on the official ballot immediately below the number of the measure and the official title of each measure an impartial descriptive title containing an impartial summary of the principal provisions of the measure, not to exceed fifty words, which shall be prepared by the secretary of state and approved by the attorney general and that includes the following or the ballot shall comply with subsection E of this section:

A "yes" vote shall have the effect of ______________________.

A "no" vote shall have the effect of _______________________.

The blank spaces shall be filled with a brief phrase, approved by the attorney general, stating in an impartial manner the essential change in the existing law should the measure receive a majority of votes cast in that particular manner.  In the case of a referendum, a "yes" vote shall have the effect of approving the legislative enactment that is being referred.  The "yes" and "no" language shall be posted on the secretary of state's website after being approved by the attorney general and before the date on which the official ballots and the publicity pamphlet are sent to be printed.  Below the statement of effect of a "yes" vote and effect of a "no" vote there shall be printed the corresponding words "yes" and "no" and a place for the voter to put a mark as defined in section 16‑400 indicating his preference.

E.  Instead of printing the official and descriptive titles or the full text of each measure or question on the official ballot, the officer in charge of elections may print phrases on the official ballot that contain all of the following:

1.  The number of the measure in reverse type and at least twelve point type.

2.  The designation of the measure as prescribed by subsection C of this section or as a question, proposition or charter amendment, followed by the words "relating to..." and inserting the subject.

3.  Either the statement prescribed by subsection D of this section that describes the effects of a "yes" vote and a "no" vote or, for other measures, the text of the question or proposition.

4.  The words "yes" and "no" or "for" and "against", as may be appropriate and a place for the voter to put a mark.

F.  For any ballot printed pursuant to subsection E of this section, the instructions on the official ballot shall direct the voter to the full text of the official and descriptive titles and the questions and propositions as printed on the sample ballot and posted in the polling place.END_STATUTE