Fifty-first Legislature                                                  TRANS

First Regular Session                                                H.B. 2184






(Reference to printed bill)


Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert:

"Section 1.  Section 28-5432, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-5432.  Gross weight fees; application; exceptions

A.  This article applies to all of the following:

1.  A trailer or semitrailer with a gross weight of ten thousand pounds or less and that is used in the furtherance of a commercial enterprise.

2.  A motor vehicle or vehicle combination if the motor vehicle or vehicle combination is designed, used or maintained primarily for the transportation of passengers for compensation or for the transportation of property.

3.  A hearse, an ambulance or any other vehicle that is used by a mortician in the conduct of the mortician's business.

4.  A commercial motor vehicle as defined in section 28‑5201.

B.  This article does not apply to:

1.  A vehicle commonly referred to as a station wagon or to a vehicle commonly known as and referred to by the manufacturer's rating as a three‑quarter ton or less pickup truck or three‑quarter ton or less van unless such a vehicle is maintained and operated more than one thousand hours in a vehicle registration year for the transportation of passengers or property in the furtherance of a commercial enterprise.  An applicant requesting title or registration of a motor vehicle in the name of a commercial enterprise shall pay the fees imposed by this article unless the applicant certifies on the application that the vehicle will not be maintained and operated in the furtherance of a commercial enterprise.

2.  A trailer or semitrailer with a declared gross weight of ten thousand pounds or less, if the trailer or semitrailer is not used in the furtherance of a commercial enterprise and the applicant certifies on the application that the vehicle will not be maintained and operated in the furtherance of a commercial enterprise.

3.  A single vehicle or a combination of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of ten thousand one or more pounds but less than twenty-six thousand one or more pounds and that is operated by an owner, operator or employee of a farm or ranch and that is used on an incidental basis for the purposes of transporting agricultural COMMODITIES, livestock or machinery or supplies within one hundred fifty miles of the farm or ranch. 

C.  The following motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers are exempt from the gross weight fee prescribed in section 28‑5433:

1.  A motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer that is owned and operated by a religious institution and that is used exclusively for the transportation of property produced and distributed for charitable purposes without compensation.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "religious institution" means a recognized organization that has an established place of meeting for religious worship and that holds regular meetings for that purpose at least once each week in at least five cities or towns in this state.

2.  A motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer that is owned and operated by a nonprofit school that is recognized as being tax exempt by the federal or state government if the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer is used exclusively for any of the following:

(a)  The transportation of pupils in connection with the school curriculum.

(b)  The training of pupils.

(c)  The transportation of property for charitable purposes without compensation.

3.  A motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer that is owned by a nonprofit organization in this state that presents to the department a form approved by the director of the division of emergency management pursuant to section 26‑318.

4.  A vehicle that is owned and operated only for government purposes by a foreign government, a consul or any other official representative of a foreign government, by the United States, by a state or political subdivision of a state or by an Indian tribal government.

5.  A motor vehicle that is privately owned and operated exclusively as a school bus pursuant to a contract with a school district.  If a privately owned and operated school bus is temporarily operated for purposes other than those prescribed in the definition of school bus in section 28‑101, the registering officer shall assess and collect a monthly gross weight fee equal to one‑tenth of the annual gross weight fee prescribed by section 28‑5433 for each calendar month that the motor vehicle is so operated in this state.  The registering officer shall not apportion the gross weight fee for a fraction of a calendar month." END_STATUTE

Amend title to conform



                                                KAREN FANN





3:20 PM
