(Reference to printed resolution)
Strike everything after the resolving clause and insert:
"Whereas, forty years ago, on March 29, 1973, the last 2,500 American troops were withdrawn from South Vietnam, ending military involvement in what is now the longest war in our country's history; and
Whereas, due to the turbulent cultural climate of the era and unpopularity of the eleven-year conflict, many of the returning veterans did not receive the respect and gratitude they richly deserved for serving their nation so ably and honorably; and
Whereas, 621 men and women from the great State of Arizona made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our country during the war; and
Whereas, in the spirit of pride and gratitude, it is time to honor the heroic accomplishments of the 58,195 service men and women whose names are listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall; and
Whereas, this state desires to pay solemn tribute to our Vietnam Veterans.
Line 1, strike "Senate" insert "House of Representatives"; strike "House of"
Line 2, strike "Representatives" insert "Senate"
Strike lines 3 through 25, insert:
"1. That the Members of the Legislature proclaim March 30 of each year as Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Day in Arizona and invite all citizens to gratefully acknowledge this special group of veterans, both in public ceremonies and in private thoughts and prayers.
2. That the Secretary of State of the State of Arizona transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Director of the Department of Veterans' Services."