(Reference to House engrossed bill)
Page 1, line 4, after “abandonment” insert “; exception”
Line 5, before the first “A” insert “a.”
Line 8, after “NECESSARY” insert a period and strike remainder of line
Strike line 9, insert:
“b. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MAY ABANDON FEDERAL PATENT EASEMENTS BY RESOLUTION IN THE SAME MANNER AS A BOARD DISPOSES OF ROADWAYS PURSUANT TO TITLE 28, CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 8. at least sixty days before the resolution becomes effective, the board of supervisors shall give written notice by certified mail to the owners of the land abutting the EASEMENT to be abandoned. the board of supervisors shall not resolve to abandon aN EASEMENT unless a majority of the owners of the land abutting the EASEMENT approves the action.
C. this section does not apply to the abandonment of a ROADWAY that was granted under revised statute 2477 (43 United States Code section 932) that was enacted by the United States Congress in 1866.”
Amend title to conform