Bill Number: S.B. 1008

                                                                                                             Pierce Floor Amendment

                                                                                                              Reference to: printed bill

                                                                                        Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





The Pierce Floor Amendment makes the following changes:


·         Restores language requiring progress reports and economic analyses related to the construction or expansion of convention center development projects.


·         Repeals the requirement that state employees work regularly for at least 90 days before becoming eligible for state employee benefits.


·         Retains the Arizona Housing Commission.


·         Removes all changes to the Arizona Centennial Special Plate Fund related to completing and transporting the Barry M. Goldwater statue.


·         Permits the Arizona Commerce Authority to approve a loan of up to $2,000,000 from the Arizona Competes Fund for the purpose of attracting or retaining business in Navajo County in FY 14 and stipulates loan terms.


·         Exempts the Arizona Department of Administration from the rule making requirements for one year for the purpose of implementing state employee benefits.


Fifty-first Legislature                                                    Pierce

First Special Session                                                   S.B. 1008




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 2, strike lines 7 and 8

Renumber to conform

Page 7, between lines 8 and 9, insert:

"Sec. 4.  Section 26-158, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE26-158.  State active duty; employment benefits; travel allowances

A.  Notwithstanding section 38‑671, subsection A, Officers and enlisted personnel of the Arizona national guard while on state active duty exceeding thirty consecutive days by order of the governor or adjutant general shall be considered employees of this state and, subject to appropriation, are eligible for health and accident insurance benefits, including dependents, pursuant to section 38‑651.  On completing state active duty orders, a member of the Arizona national guard, including dependents, may not continue to receive benefits prescribed in this section.

B.  Members of the national guard traveling at any time under official orders on business of the state shall be reimbursed for the cost of travel, expenses for lodging and meals as provided for state employees.  The expense shall be paid from amounts appropriated for travel by the national guard." END_STATUTE

Page 8, between lines 36 and 37, insert:

"Sec. 6.  Section 38-671, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-671.  Employee benefits; exclusions; definitions

A.  Any employee hired on or after the effective date of this section is not eligible for state employee benefits until the employee has worked regularly for at least ninety days.

B.  A.  Notwithstanding any other law, any state employee initially hired on or after the effective date of this section July 20, 2011 is not eligible to become a member of any state retirement system before the twenty‑seventh week of employment.  The state employee shall become a member of the state retirement system on the twenty-seventh week of employment if membership criteria is are met under the state retirement system statutes.

C.  B.  Subsection A of this section does not apply to a person who is already a member of the state retirement system.

D.  C.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "State employee" means a person who is employed by an agency, department, board or commission of this state, a university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents, the judicial branch and whose salary is paid through the department of administration, the Arizona corporation commission or the legislature.

2.  "State employee benefits" means any coverage provided pursuant to article 4 of this chapter.

3.  2.  "State retirement system" means the Arizona state retirement system established by chapter 5, article 2 of this title and the long-term disability program established by chapter 5, article 2.1 of this title.END_STATUTE"

Renumber to conform

Page 9, strike lines 16 through 44

Strike pages 10 and 11

Page 12, strike lines 1 through 22

Renumber to conform

Strike lines 35 through 45

Page 13, strike lines 1 through 22

After line 40, insert:

"Sec. 12.  Arizona commerce authority; loan; terms

Notwithstanding section 41‑1545.02, Arizona Revised Statutes, the Arizona commerce authority may approve, no later than June 30, 2014, a loan of up to two million dollars from the Arizona competes fund established by section 41‑1545.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, for the purpose of attracting or retaining business in a county with a population of more than one hundred thousand persons and less than one hundred twenty thousand persons according to the 2010 United States decennial census.  The loan shall be secured through a lien or other security interest held by the state with a value of at least one hundred per cent of the principal loan amount.  The interest rate of the loan shall not exceed the annual rate set forth in section 44‑1201, subsection B, Arizona Revised Statutes.  The term of the loan shall not exceed seven years.

Sec. 13.  Department of administration; rule making exemption

The department of administration is exempt from the rule making requirements of title 41, chapter 6, Arizona Revised Statutes, for one year after the effective date of this act, for the purposes of implementing section 38‑671, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by this act."

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform







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