Fifty-first Legislature                                                      

Second Regular Session                                                       



(Reference to Senate engrossed bill)


Page 2, line 6, strike "immediately" insert "at which the president of the United States is elected"

Line 11, after "election" insert "; terms"

Line 12, before "Notwithstanding" insert "A."

Line 13, strike "the results of the 2020 United States decennial census are released" insert "2018"

Line 19, after "election" insert "after the release of the population estimate"

Line 26, strike "where" insert "at which"

Line 28, after "supervisors" insert a period strike remainder of line; strike lines 29 through 31, insert:

"B.  The following apply to the election for the county board of supervisors prescribed in subsection A of this section:

1.  If the next general election immediately following the election at which the question is approved is held in 2016, the five persons elected to the county board of supervisors hold office for a term of four years to commence on January 1 immediately following their election.

2.  If the next general election immediately following the election at which the question is approved is held in 2018, the two additional persons elected to the county board of supervisors hold office for a term of two years to commence on January 1 immediately following their election.  The three members of the county board of supervisors who are already holding office shall continue to serve their four-year term of office without regard to whether they are residents of the newly redrawn supervisorial districts for the remainder of that four-year term.  Thereafter, the term of office for members of that county board of supervisors is four years as otherwise provided by law."

Amend title to conform

and, as so amended, it do pass

                                                MICHELLE UGENTI


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