Fifty-first Legislature                                                    Forese

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2268




(Reference to printed bill)



Page 2, after line 36, insert:

"Sec. 2.  Section 44-1642.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE44-1642.01.  Prohibited scrap metal transactions; exceptions; violation; classification

A.  A scrap metal dealer shall not knowingly purchase the following types of scrap metal:

1.  Metal manhole covers that are used to cover street or alley service personnel access entrances to municipal sewers and storm drains.

2.  Brass or bronze valves or fittings that are commonly used on structures for access to water for the purpose of extinguishing fires.

3.  Brass or bronze commercial potable water backflow preventer valves that are valves commonly used to prevent backflow of potable water into municipal domestic water service systems from commercial structures.

4.  Water meters that are used for measurement of the use and consumption of domestic water.

5.  Aluminum trench shoring that is commonly used for shoring below ground trenches and excavations for the construction of buildings and structures.

6.  Aluminum loading ramps that are manufactured and used for loading motor vehicles for hauling the motor vehicles.

7.  Aluminum or stainless steel beer or malt beverage kegs that are commonly used by brewers or producers for the sale and transportation of beer or malt beverages.

8.  Catalytic converters.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "catalytic converters" means motor vehicle exhaust system parts that are used for controlling the exhaust emissions from motor vehicles and that contain a catalyst metal.

9.  Metal municipal storm grates that are used to allow for water drainage from municipal streets or alleys.

B.  This section does not apply to or prohibit the purchase or possession of the types of items listed in subsection A of this section and that are acquired in transactions with industrial accounts, with other scrap metal dealers or after the scrap metal is authorized for release by a peace officer of that jurisdiction.

C.  A person who violates this section is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 44-1648, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE44-1648.  Preemption; power of local authorities; city, town or county licensing system

A.  The state legislature determines that the registration of scrap metal dealers is a matter of statewide concern.  The power to register scrap metal dealers is preempted by this state.

B.  This article does not affect a city, town city's, town's or county's power to enforce laws relating to business licensing.  This article does not apply to a city's, town's or county's system for licensing a scrap metal dealer if the licensing system includes background checks or identification and fingerprinting of the owners of the scrap metal dealer.

C.  A scrap metal dealer's license that is current and in good standing with a city's, town's or county's licensing system before September 13, 2013 is in compliance with that licensing system and the city, town or county may not require the scrap metal dealer to reapply for licensure in order to be in compliance with the city's, town's or county's licensure system unless there is an event or circumstance that requires an amendment or filing pursuant to the city's, town's or county's licensing system's requirements."END_STATUTE

Amend title to conform


Thomas Forese




04:04 PM

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