Fifty-first Legislature                                                     Boyer

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2508




(Reference to printed bill)



Page 2, strike line 19, insert "requirements of this article."

Line 36, after "20‑295" insert "and has not been convicted of a misdemeanor involving fraud or dishonesty"

Strike line 37

Renumber to conform

Line 39, after "services" strike remainder of line; strike line 40; line 41, strike "examination"

Page 3, line 9, after "20‑295" insert "and has not been convicted of a misdemeanor involving fraud or dishonesty"

Strike line 10

Renumber to conform

Lines 22 and 23, strike "or to a third–party vendor for the purpose of obtaining a state and federal criminal records check"

Line 30, after "2." insert "Recommend, endorse or"

Line 31, strike "advice" insert "an opinion"

Strike lines 33 and 34

Renumber to conform

Page 4, line 10, after "20‑295" insert "and has not been convicted of a misdemeanor involving fraud or dishonesty"

Strike line 11

Renumber to conform

Lines 22 and 23, strike "or a third-party vendor for the purpose of obtaining a state and federal criminal records check"

Page 4, Line 30, after "2." insert "Recommend, endorse or"

Line 31, strike "advice" insert "an opinion"

Strike lines 33 and 34

Renumber to conform

Page 5, line 6, strike "sections" insert "section"; strike "and 20‑284"

Line 8, after "20‑302" strike the comma insert "and"; strike "20‑489 and 20‑490,"

Page 7, between lines 36 and 37, insert:

"Sec. 6.  Criminal history records check; attestation

A navigator or a certified application counselor, as defined in section 20‑336, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act, who was required to undergo a criminal history records check as a condition of employment as a navigator or a certified application counselor on or after August 1, 2010 and before the effective date of this act is not required to complete a criminal history records check pursuant to title 20, chapter 2, article 3.4, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act, if the navigator or certified application counselor and the person's employer attest that the person passed the criminal history records check."

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform



Paul Boyer





10:54 AM

C: mjh