Fifty-first Legislature                                                         

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1397






(Reference to CEM amendment)



Page 1, line 15, after “INCLUDING” insert “a”; strike “LOCATIONS” insert “LOCATION”; strike “are” insert “is”

Page 2, between lines 11 and 12, insert:

Line 15, after “wine” insert “and”

Page 4, line 7, strike “authorization” insert “authorizations”

Line 11, strike “the period” insert “’license’”

Line 12, strike “upon” insert “on”

Strike line 21, insert:

Line 31, after “license” insert “only”; after “on” insert “the”

Between lines 23 and 24, insert:

Line 44, strike “license”

Between lines 28 and 29, insert:

Page 28, line 4, strike “, paragraph 9”

Page 5, line 9, strike “250” insert “two hundred fifty”

Line 13, strike “SUBSECTIONS” insert “subsection”

Line 18, strike “SUBSECTIONS” insert “, subsection”

Line 32, after the comma insert “a”; after “or” insert “a”

Page 6, line 8, strike “it” insert “the wholesaler”

Between lines 13 and 14, insert:

Line 45, strike “was” insert “is”

Line 15, strike “OF AMERICA”

Line 17, strike “was” insert “is”

Line 31, after the first quotation marks insert a comma

Page 7, lines 1 and 2, strike “after ‘container’ insert” insert “after ‘container’ insert”

After line 30, insert:

Page 64, strike lines 36 through 40

Page 8, line 1, strike “32” insert “42”

Amend title to conform






2:42 PM

S: MJ/rbc